View Full Version : Fem/Butch

Jun 19, 2007, 2:41 AM
What are people's feelings on somebodies mannerisms?
Do you prefer your women or men to be butch? Do you only go for fem girls/guys?
Does it make no difference or do you like it somewhere in between.
I tend to like my woman fem and my men butch but isn't that just oh so boring...I need to get a new outlook....


Jun 19, 2007, 3:05 AM
Well, I prefer feminine girls, and I've always been attracted to feminine boys too. Although, I've had a couple cases where I liked some boys that were pretty butch, but I generally stick to feminine.

Jun 19, 2007, 3:20 AM
I find it interesting---I have always tended to date women who are not "girly, girls"---by that they were not into lace, pink shit, wearing lots of jewelry--things like that--they were pretty laid back and such---not much makeup--they did not have to have perfect hair, skin, nails and all of that---but they were still plenty feminine enough

And for guys--I prefer the more masculine---not much into sissies or guys who wear women's clothing items---if I wanted a body that has feminine clothes on it---that body will be the body of a woman---

And hey--for both gals and guys--I am a nudist at heart--they sooner you are totally naked in my book---the better--sexy lingerie is fine--but hell--I wanna git nekkiddddd!!!!!! and I want you neekkidddd!!!!!

Jun 19, 2007, 4:19 AM
I like butch men and femme women.

For me I wouldn't get in a serious relationship with a guy that doesn't have some sort of facial hair or who doesn't keep it mostly all the time.

I'm not even sure if I could get it up for a guy that doesn't have any and if I did I'd be very surprised.

I have been on VERY rare ocassions attracted to guys who didn't have facial hair or who weren't my type, and while it was surprising I was more attracted to their personality, than their physical apperance. Also our emotions, friendship/relationship, and chemistry had something to do with it too.

Why should I change to suit others?

I'd rather just tell someone, and I do so often, "sorry but you're not my type" or "I'm afraid we're not compatible".

I say this rather than lead them on or to pretend that I am attracted to them when I'm not.

warm heart
Jun 19, 2007, 5:46 AM

I so go for butch gurls...... for some reason girlie girls ie yeah pink shit, shoes make up, feminine wiles so dont do it for me. it was a real revelation for me when I finally realised I am attracted to woman......but not all woman. I prefer my gurl with a bit of xtra weight and definately not femme. What totally gets me going in guys and gurls is an awesome smile....yup just melts me to the core..... there is something so genuine about a smile......Perhaps I like butch gurls cause generally they are quite emotionally strong ( I know an assumption on my part) but one thing I cant stand is any level of game playing....I like people to call it as it is....gurls and guys

My :2cents: worth
Love and Light
Warm :rolleyes:

Jun 19, 2007, 7:27 AM
I don't know, i think nature should speak for itselfs, that's why i love feminie girls, and i don't see anything attractive in butch fems.

As for males, well they really have to be essential, specialy if they have long hair, powerful and scary look.

Jun 19, 2007, 7:35 AM
Am femme meself an dus prefer femme girls..like them 2 look wot they r...tho sumtimes jus occasionally have been attracted 2 a butch girl as much by er personality as er looks an appearance....

Wen me had ne thin 2 do wiv guys, a guy had 2 look 2 b a guy, but neither b 2 macho or b 2 femme in mannerisms or nature... but neva face hair or 2 hairy a body..now thats a turn off... an conversely..don like shaved guys at all... jus makes me wanna laff me head off!!!

meteast chick
Jun 19, 2007, 9:06 AM
I don't much like the ultra femme girls. My fave is what one would call a hard femme or femme butch. I am attracted to what I am attracted to though, and it's never the same, but I find that I do have a 'type' that I'm attracted to. There was this woman a few weeks ago with shoulder length hair in a ponytail, a wife beater tank top, shorts and sneakers and I about drooled. Turns out she's a water meter reader. So yeah a kind of masculine type job but she definately wasn't a dyke. Scrumdiddlyumpcious!

For guys, I seem to like emo looking guys that do look a bit feminine in appearance. Always have and still do to a point. Never ever macho. Never hairy...ew.

There ya go.
luv and kisses,

Jun 19, 2007, 9:43 AM
I like Femme women. No ifs ands or Buts about it. She doesn't have to be ultra femme, but a woman for whom a skirt is not a foreign piece of clothing and makeup doesn't freak her out is my kind of lady.

Men - -it's a little complicated. As much as guys who like womens clothing are cool and all, I don't want to date one. It's not my thing and never will be.
But what gets me going is...guys with just a touch of the femme- a smooth body with little or no hair who is unafraid to wear nail polish (and let it chip away) or eye makeup. Beyond that, it's too much girl for this girl, but if a guy lets me put a little eye liner on, that just makes it so much hotter.


Jun 19, 2007, 11:46 AM
I am personally a bit on the psychologically androgynous side myself leaning a little towards butch. Odd thing is, for me "butch" is wearing pink camo capris and a tank top or not dressing frilly. So I prefer a somewhat more feminine lady. But not TOO femme. I like someone who enjoys being a girl but doesn't insist on wearing heels everywhere. I love a lady with a little extra padding :bigrin: Just someone who takes care of herself, shaves the armpits, etc.

I actually tend to like more feminine men too. I find the implied vulnerability an incredible turn-on.

Jun 19, 2007, 11:54 AM
I like either :)

I don't want a butch that always acts like a guy of course nor do I want a femme who HAS to wear makeup and heels all the time.

I want a girl that looks pretty inside and outside... she wears whats comfortable for her but isn't totally butch or totally femme.... kinda like me in between.

I call myself in between cause I like wearing nice clothes but I HATE makeup and shoes?? omg, you have to FORCE me in a shoe store lol (To me, my shoes are in great condition and fits well, don't see why I n eed to replace them) Makeup, I only wear mascara since my lashs are so blond.

I don't care for labels tho... I think its stupid since you're who you are... you dress the way you feel nice in.


Jun 19, 2007, 11:56 AM
I am personally a bit on the psychologically androgynous side myself leaning a little towards butch. Odd thing is, for me "butch" is wearing pink camo capris and a tank top or not dressing frilly. So I prefer a somewhat more feminine lady. But not TOO femme. I like someone who enjoys being a girl but doesn't insist on wearing heels everywhere. I love a lady with a little extra padding :bigrin: Just someone who takes care of herself, shaves the armpits, etc.

I actually tend to like more feminine men too. I find the implied vulnerability an incredible turn-on.

Im very skinny :( no extra padding..... does that mean you no longer love me?!?!

Skater Boy
Jun 19, 2007, 11:59 AM
It varies for me... I can really appreciate a femme girl, but I also like tomboys (as long as they are "Cute-Butch" and not "Body-Builder-Butch". Same with guys... if I'm feeling in a submissive mood, then a macho guy is cool, but if I'm feeling dominant, then something a little less masculine is preferable.

Depends how I feel on the spot. I guess I just can't make up my mind, lol...

Jun 19, 2007, 1:19 PM
Im very skinny :( no extra padding..... does that mean you no longer love me?!?!

Of COURSE I still love you, silly! From your pics it looks like you have the perfect amount of padding hon.

What I was referring to is those super thin women who look almost skeletal. I'd be afraid I'd break that kind of woman.

Jun 19, 2007, 1:26 PM
Of COURSE I still love you, silly! From your pics it looks like you have the perfect amount of padding hon.

What I was referring to is those super thin women who look almost skeletal. I'd be afraid I'd break that kind of woman.

lol nah you won't :)

Jun 19, 2007, 1:53 PM
The wife grew up as a Tomboy and tends to be more of a butch.

Jun 19, 2007, 1:56 PM
it varies with me as well. all women and men are beautiful to me but i find that i am more attracted to women that know what they want and go for it, whether butch or feminine. if i had to choose though, i would say that i like women in between, more in the tom-boy range like myself. they can be feminine when they feel like it but usually they are just one of the guys.

as for men, i think i am attracted to, what would you call it, a tom-girl or something? i don't like very masculine guys. i like a guy that can relate to a womans emotions, someone who listens and isn't afraid to "feel" right along with me. but i don't like too much of it...i still need a man ya know ;-)

as for my hubby, he's pretty much right along with me the way he feels about women. he told me when we first started dating that he wanted a "girlfriend not a boyfriend" which meant for me to tone down the tom-boy a little haha. and for guys, he definitely prefers them to be more on the feminine side, but he as long as he isn't overly masculine and has a good personality, he is open to anything.

Jun 19, 2007, 5:33 PM
I would rather go with fem for both of them I mean butch just sounds too big and sometimes fem is more normal than butch.

Jun 19, 2007, 9:07 PM
I'm just a lover of the genderqueer, I guess, because I like to mix things up- feminine guys and masculine girls just get me going. It's not so much that I'm immune to the charms of masculine men and feminine women, but I guess sometimes I feel that they are, indeed, just so boring. I can admire their beauty and sex appeal, but gosh, butch women just seem so rare, like a dime a dozen, that my head absolutely turns when I see one.

But overall, I think I'm more drawn to butchness- in both sexes- than I am to femininity. It just fits me better, I like the dynamic more, and I feel a more strong resonance with masculinity.

Hopeful Romantic
Jun 19, 2007, 11:02 PM
Here I go again, going against the perceived "norm"...

With men, I adore a man that has facial hair and isn't "smooth". Definately not looking for the body builder, uber built guy.. but do like a pair of strong arms, and some "fur" to run my fingers through.

Women... I don't want the traditional "hyper femme". Makeup and heels and all gussied up. I like someone that is comfortable with their feminine side, but can pull a pony tail through a baseball cap, wear her jeans and tee shirt, and just relax.

That's my :2cents: on that.

Jun 20, 2007, 1:33 AM
I prefer my women to be feminine, but a little tomboyish isn't too bad either. As far as my men, I can go either way with that, but the guy has to be smooth, like me.

Oh Yeah
Jun 20, 2007, 1:42 AM
For women I really don't care. So as long as I like their personality, their mannerisms don't affect me. As for men, well, I’d only go for feminine men.

Jun 20, 2007, 8:06 AM
i dont care for bearish men..

i like them rather slender for the most part..so i guess that would cater to being more effeminate... however i dont mind a bit of dominance from them either :tong:

as regards women...

just a personal opinion... and hopefully i wont get attacked with a drive by 'flaming' attempt...
i dont like butch women... it bothers me..if one doesnt like men, want a man, or give 2 hoots about a man, why go out of ones way to look like one?? and then use objects based on male gentalia...makes no sense to me...changing one's voice to 30 octaves (decibles??) below register an sh*t..i mean holy fkk dOOd--kinda defeats the purpose of "womynhood"

i like women... not male wannabes.. i like men, not paul bunyan... hope that helps

Jun 20, 2007, 10:54 AM
i dont care for bearish men..

i like them rather slender for the most part..so i guess that would cater to being more effeminate... however i dont mind a bit of dominance from them either :tong:

as regards women...

just a personal opinion... and hopefully i wont get attacked with a drive by 'flaming' attempt...
i dont like butch women... it bothers me..if one doesnt like men, want a man, or give 2 hoots about a man, why go out of ones way to look like one?? and then use objects based on male gentalia...makes no sense to me...changing one's voice to 30 octaves (decibles??) below register an sh*t..i mean holy fkk dOOd--kinda defeats the purpose of "womynhood"
i like women... not male wannabes.. i like men, not paul bunyan... hope that helps

I'll back you up on this.

I don't get it much either.


Jun 20, 2007, 11:14 AM
All this aside, I've always been really drawn to girls who are a bit Tomboyish.
Gimme a girl who likes to lay conduit or wrench on a car! I've known lots of girls who are still quite feminine but like to roll their sleeves up and get dirty!

Jun 20, 2007, 11:33 AM
All this aside, I've always been really drawn to girls Gimme a girl who likes to lay on a car! I've known lots of girls who are still quite feminine but like to get dirty!

Thats betta :bigrin: triff piiece of sense now Az. :tong:

Jun 20, 2007, 11:54 AM
I'm tomboyish and love gals who are the same. I'm not a "girly girl" but I'm less than a true soft butch (I think). I like gals who are definitely along the same lines... but then it really depends on the gal. I find confidence (but not snobbery) so sexy!

As for guys? I love my husband. He's all the man I need. :tongue:

Jun 20, 2007, 12:01 PM
I tend to like my woman to be like me outside people and not scared of doing things. Whether they are girlie or a tomboy doesn't really matter to me just as long as they are able to do the things that i liek and i like the things that she does and we get along. Because Sometimes you can get a girl that looks like a girlie girl and they love the mudd just like you do so I mean it's just how the person is. With the men my hubby is and outdoors person and he doesn't care what people think of him and i love him about that. because i use to care about what people think but then he showed me the way. If you care about what people think you will spend your whole life trying to please someone that isnt yourself. Which i think is a wonderful thing Because now i can be myself and if you dont' like it oh well. That is what i say now. lil bit

Jun 20, 2007, 12:07 PM
Thats betta :bigrin: triff piiece of sense now Az. :tong:
Frantabulous, love.

Jun 20, 2007, 12:31 PM
I really don't go for true girly girls who are afraid to get their hands dirty or their nails chipped, and I've never really been attracted to a butch but I do so admire women with strong personalities. I'm somewhere in the middle myself. I decorate cakes for fun, but can remodel a bathrooom in no time flat and could change my oil if I took a notion to do it. I guess you could say I like women like myself, those 'somewhere in between'. But I like my women to be women and a little extra padding to grab onto is soooo sexy! :tong:

Men, I like them to be masculine. I tend to like a little chest hair on them. Hubby has a goatee and sometimes sports a full beard which tickles nicely. I'm not into feminine men, though one of my best friends is one. Love him to death, but I wouldn't date him. He's more high maintance than any woman I know.

Jun 20, 2007, 12:50 PM
I like clean... but not obessed clean.

I want to be able to talk about gross/weird things that people may run away screaming lol so ya, the girl has to like gross/weird things too... she doesn't have to like it but maybe tease me about it maybe.

Not fussy with her hair or makeup... I LOVE the simple old fashioned look. No makeup at all or VERY LITTLE.... hair just hanging down or up in a ponytail.
Clothing that's comfortable.


Jun 20, 2007, 5:06 PM
All this aside, I've always been really drawn to girls who are a bit Tomboyish.
Gimme a girl who likes to lay conduit or wrench on a car! I've known lots of girls who are still quite feminine but like to roll their sleeves up and get dirty!

thats rather funny... notice what i said in an earlier forum...

Re: Are you out to your parents?



my mother told me when i was 12 that i was a "dyke" in her words cause i liked suit jackets ( blazers) and combat boots and steel toes and stuff...so i guess thats kinda a moot point

as regards my father, i would rather not ... even tho he knows i like factory work, mens clothes, tearing apart cars, and stuff like that...

.................................................. ....

thanks for the vote of confidence :cool: