View Full Version : Apt Browsing... Tips please??

Jun 19, 2007, 12:27 AM
Most of you know Im moving back to Ont :)

I was looking at MLS listings and wondered if anyone had good tips when it comes to buying an apt??

This will be my first apt... right now I currently live in a townhouse alone. But my ex did all the "hard work" lol

Personally I like townhouses better than apt mostly due to the deaf thing.

Apts you'll need to use a intercom speaker, I can't use those and how would I know if its the intercom or a noise coming from the TV??

Townhouses I could hear the doorbell and go to the door/peek out window.

Any Advice would be great thanks :)


Jun 19, 2007, 7:58 AM
No tips reely...jus look wer ya wanna move 2...look at a few pads c how they suit ya needs an snap up the 1 ya falls in luff wiv... How me found this place..an afta me moved out...found it again afta me seperated..an aint movin out a second time until me in a box...

Cuppla tips ya havta bear in mind.. wots the neighbours like, an is the landlord (if yas rentin) a bastard or not.

Jun 19, 2007, 8:42 AM
OKay Tasha, Here's FW's secret guidy not so secret anymore!

All apartments run your credit score. This is to make sure u can make
payments on time ect. I advse gettin a credit check first to see if you
have to have a cosigner on the rent contract.

When you do get all this squared away, make a list of locaions you want
to live at Buy a journal and keep track of what kind of rent is going for what price, this can possibly save u some big headaches down the road. Because you may be able to bargain with potential apartments.

All apartments do interview the renter. This to make sure that they are not
renting to a big risk apartment leaser. This is your chance to make sure u
dont have a shadey apt manager that will jip you out of a deal.

When you do keep track of apartment prices, you can actually find the average rent for your area, this is a really neat trick. Add up all the apartments and divide by the number and you will get ur average rent rate.

When you do sign the contract, inspect your apartment!! I cannot stress this enough. There's usually a form that will let u select whats broken, scratched, or dinged. Make sure u do a double walk through or they will charge u for
something u didnt break.

Anywho that about wraps it up. GL!

the mage
Jun 19, 2007, 8:45 AM
Totally depends on where you're moving into.
I've lived in 35 different places so I have exp. I've moved over 100 other people too.

MOST important above all else is BUGS :eek:

Look under kitchen sink, behind stove, in bathroom cabinets, all over for signs of roaches or ants or any others.
If you're moving to within 100 miles of Toronto expect to pay $ 800 or more for a nice rental. I know rental places in Manitoage going for $350 for a house too though.