View Full Version : Female Ejaculation

Jun 18, 2007, 9:23 PM
I'm wondering how common a phenomenon it is.

It first started with me in my early 20's and the first time it happened both my first husband and I thought I'd lost bladder control. So I suppresed it as much as i possibly could until my late 20's. I lost control and did it again on a boyfriend's face. He didn't like it very much :(

After that episode I did research which told me that the fluid was supposed to have a vanilla/sweet aroma which made me more determined than ever to suppress it.

Then, today I found a couple places that say it can be salty.

So I'm wondering what other people's experiences have been.

I don't want to sounds like I'm bragging or whinning but it still amazes me that I'm multi-orgasmic, I "squirt" and yet I can't find a woman who wants to date me <sigh>.

Jun 18, 2007, 9:42 PM
wow, wow, wow. i could really get into that. i would let you squirt all over me and especially in my mouth. that stuff tasts so sweet and delicious. nothing like i have erver tasted in my life. supposed to be good for you. i would do it until i am well of all my disabilities of health and take some to store somewhere. i have always wanted to find a woman that could do that. my first wife secreted heavily when we had sex so much so that we always had to use a towel to keep from soaking the mattress. i never asked her to try to squirt but i think now that she could have.

i would consider that a great sexual asset girl!!! just keep it up and someone will take advantage of that. i sure would. i am single also.

Jun 18, 2007, 9:43 PM
The "problem" with FE is that very few women learn about it, and even fewer let themselves relax enough to experience it. Add to that the stigma of urinating during sex, and you have quite the uphill battle.

The "experts" -- and I use that term loosely -- do not usually believe that such a thing happens, but there has been ancient Greek writings on the subject.

Much like semen, taste can vary. I have found one person tastes like buttery popcorn, and completely different from urine.

Good luck finding a woman who is enlightened enough to go for it, sad that it's rare, but I'm sure you'll find her.

Jun 18, 2007, 10:09 PM
I'm also a heavy ejaculator. In fact, we keep a plastic mattress cover under the mattress pad just for that reason.

My husband *LOVES* it. My first husband treated it like a distasteful mess and gave me a horrid complex about it for years. Oddly enough, I haven't found a woman who likes it yet. When I've gone down on my husband after ejaculating on him, it tastes delicious!

Forget what the "experts" may say. I know it's ejaculate - it has a totally different feel, scent, and taste than urine. Enjoy it...heck we *revel* in it! :tong:

Jun 18, 2007, 10:14 PM
I occasionally squirt, usually if I have something in me with simultaneous clitoral stimulation and I relax enough. I don't own a "rabbit-style" toy yet (probably will get one with my next pay day) , and I sense it'll happen more often if I do own one.

The first time it happened, I was ashamed, but my then boyfriend tasted it and said, "that ain't pee, hon, so you're fine"...and licked the rest of it off his hand. He said it tasted like saltwater, and not that bad at all.

After reading these posts, I guess I'm lucky. :)


Jun 18, 2007, 10:18 PM
Sometimes when I play with myself, I do feel like I have to pee but natually hold it back.

I often wonder if its REALLY gonna be pee or was ejaculation.... ya, I know you could test it by smell but theres one little problem.
I CAN'T SMELL!!!!!!!!! :( lol
After every orgasm (not all, just the GOOD ones) I have the need to go potty right after so I don't know.

For now Im just gonna be safe and treat it as urine... even tho it is clear but then, drinking a lot of tea and water can give you clear urine too.

One of these days when I have a gf, maybe we can experiment and let her decide. That is, if she wants to. :)


Jun 18, 2007, 10:34 PM
I think it's probably a lot more common than people realize. There's probably a lot of women that don't realize what they're doing, and could squirt if they wanted to, but don't realize that it's possible and are afraid the embarassment of peeing all over themselves.

Just a theory though.

Jun 18, 2007, 10:34 PM
We personally know two women who do it regularly and have come across a whole slew of others who do as well. The aroma/taste depends on the woman, but very few things coming out of the body actually 'smell like roses', lol. As long as the taste/smell isn't actively offense, your diet is working for you and you feel healthy - it's probably just fine.

We're sorry to hear about a partner not enjoying the phenomenon with you, but we both enjoy it and are working on getting the female half of the couple to do it, too. Supposedly, just about all women are capable of it as long as they're fully hydrated and willing to 'let go' in that final moment.

Tasha - As far as we've been informed by 'squirters', having the urge to pee during/immediately after orgasm is how a lot of women figure out that they just have to let go to make it happen. That having to pee sensation is the body's mild misinterpretation of the muscles/fluids involved trying to release. You've just got to find your comfort level to know it's not urine and be able to let go.

Jun 18, 2007, 11:31 PM
Consider squirting a blessing, Herbwoman! I think it's incredibly sexy, and like Maxtor, I'd welcome it during sex. All over me!

First time I ever saw such a thing was in a porno flick. I rewound and rewound, fascinated at the multiple orgasms and the squirting. Wore that part of the tape out:-)

I've seen enough to know that there's someone out there for you who'd find it an incredible turn on, so just keep being who you are and one of these days...

Jun 19, 2007, 2:42 AM
Lucky to be you. My exgirlfriend of many years would never admit to being a squirter. She would always hold it in. Only once was i able to experience the miricle of squirting. At first she thought that she had to go to the washroom and would always run away during sex to try and go to the washroom. By the time she sat down, she didn't have to go. We came to realize that she was a squirter and soon became uncomfortable enjoying sex in case she had her moment of zen. This uneasiness eventually caused riffs in the bedroom as she would cease and desist whenever the feeling came up ( which was often). As we are no longer dating i wish every girl would just lighten up and fire away. We dudes love it messy.

Jun 19, 2007, 3:03 AM
I am also a squitter. I love feeling the major release of orgasam that comes with it. The best way I have found to get to squirt is to rub your clit when you are coming up on a hard orgasam. The extra feelings it gives you is amazing. I have gotten so free about it now that I can do it with just regular sex and most guys I know love it. I am trying to get a woman to squirt in my mouth so I can see if I like it. My current girlfriend tastes so good when I give oral, that I cant wait to make her squirt.

Jun 19, 2007, 3:07 AM
Lucky to be you. My exgirlfriend of many years would never admit to being a squirter. She would always hold it in. Only once was i able to experience the miricle of squirting. At first she thought that she had to go to the washroom and would always run away during sex to try and go to the washroom. By the time she sat down, she didn't have to go. We came to realize that she was a squirter and soon became uncomfortable enjoying sex in case she had her moment of zen. This uneasiness eventually caused riffs in the bedroom as she would cease and desist whenever the feeling came up ( which was often). As we are no longer dating i wish every girl would just lighten up and fire away. We dudes love it messy.

Ya sounds like me.... I would be playing and have to go to the bathroom durning or right after... so I'll go to the bathroom, sit on the toliet... nothing happens lol Im like (to myself) "come on... pee!!" nope.
Hmph... now I wonder if I am kinda a squirter.

You know, the one and ONLY time I was very relaxed with my ex just after we got married..... I started to "leak" a bit and when he felt this he was soooo turned OFF by it... called me digusting and got up.
I was like "Its not pee!!!" he said "ya, it is.. GROSS"
Maybe thats where my "holding it" comes from.... these days Im trying to stop that habit cause its really NOT good to hold your bladder when it needs to release.


Jun 19, 2007, 4:41 AM
I'm not a "squirter" - but definitely a copious "dribbler" :female: :tong: :female:

Every now and then all the "zings" act in concert, I need to pee as i come and something dribbles and makes reasonably large wet-spots. :eek:

I'm sure it mostly comes from my urethra, but it ain't pee. Yes, it tastes quite ok.

Really only manage it be myself or with another gal - and they love it when it happnes. Which sadly is not all that often. :(

Jun 19, 2007, 7:32 AM
Never happened to me before... but I sometimes do get the having to pee feeling when I really dont have to. Maybe I can, who knows. lol.

Jun 19, 2007, 7:37 AM
Awesome experience... :tong:

Jun 19, 2007, 8:32 AM
I wish I could find a squirter!
Wet and wild baby.....

the mage
Jun 19, 2007, 8:55 AM
Women's bodies do the most wonderful things!
It annoys me to hear stories of women being made ashamed of things their bodies do solely because of the ignorance of men. Your period, pregnancy, and all that is foolishly ignored by men. A woman treated well can be pleasured greatly during her period with no intercourse needed.
My Lady is multiorgasmic which she did not know till she met me ;) and squirts a bit too. She was so embarrassed at first she cried. I cant tell you how many times iIve told her its my pleasure and honor to wash the sheets!!!

Jun 19, 2007, 9:38 AM
I am also a squitter. I love feeling the major release of orgasam that comes with it. The best way I have found to get to squirt is to rub your clit when you are coming up on a hard orgasam. The extra feelings it gives you is amazing. I have gotten so free about it now that I can do it with just regular sex and most guys I know love it. I am trying to get a woman to squirt in my mouth so I can see if I like it. My current girlfriend tastes so good when I give oral, that I cant wait to make her squirt.

I know that's a misspelling, but... that is actually the sound it made the first time it happened to me!


Jun 19, 2007, 11:34 AM
It is really depressing to me the way I've suppressed both my sexuality and the things my body can do for so very long.

It's the saltiness that's been making me hold back for so long even though, like Tasha's, it is clear fluid.

I'm 40 years old and look at what I've done to myself out of fear.

Sorry to whine. I just don't want to do this to myself anymore.

So I'm not.

Jun 19, 2007, 11:46 AM
It is really depressing to me the way I've suppressed both my sexuality and the things my body can do for so very long.

It's the saltiness that's been making me hold back for so long even though, like Tasha's, it is clear fluid.

I'm 40 years old and look at what I've done to myself out of fear.

Sorry to whine. I just don't want to do this to myself anymore.

So I'm not.

Its not always clear fluids.... sometimes a thick white silmy discharge follows.... even when I wasn't playing or having sex, I'll just be going pee and its there. ugh. Driving me crazy!!!


Jun 19, 2007, 11:50 AM
Its not always clear fluids.... sometimes a thick white silmy discharge follows.... even when I wasn't playing or having sex, I'll just be going pee and its there. ugh. Driving me crazy!!!


Depending on what part of your 28 day cycle you're on, secretions tend to get like that. Happens to me, too. I think it makes it easier for your body to conceive because the thicker fluids hold on to sperm better. Though I could be totally misremembering the reason.

Jun 19, 2007, 12:02 PM
Depending on what part of your 28 day cycle you're on, secretions tend to get like that. Happens to me, too. I think it makes it easier for your body to conceive because the thicker fluids hold on to sperm better. Though I could be totally misremembering the reason.

Its still annoying cause I have to wear panty liners ALL THE TIME cause of discharge which I feel embarrassed about sometimes :(

Jun 19, 2007, 1:40 PM
Its still annoying cause I have to wear panty liners ALL THE TIME cause of discharge which I feel embarrassed about sometimes :(

Have you seen a gynecologist about it? It might help to hear from another woman that everything is just fine. Just don't go to a male gyno.

Jun 19, 2007, 1:59 PM
Have you seen a gynecologist about it? It might help to hear from another woman that everything is just fine. Just don't go to a male gyno.

Female Gyno's and female doctors don;t exist in Penticton... they did but then they either moved or left the practise. Im gonna see one soon that lives elsewhere :(

Jun 20, 2007, 2:02 AM
The "problem" with FE is that very few women learn about it, and even fewer let themselves relax enough to experience it. Add to that the stigma of urinating during sex, and you have quite the uphill battle.

I really WANT to be a squirter. I only did it once in my life that i know of.

I know about FE. I'm sure i've been relaxed enough. And i don't have any problem with peeing in bed. So how do you do it? Is it just a genetic thing. Or do you do something specific to make it happen?

A is for flower
Jun 20, 2007, 2:24 AM
one time it happened to me, right after sex. I didn't feel it though, i came and my boyfriend was on top of me. when we were finished we looked at the bed and there was a big wet stain, i know it was me but it smelled like urine,. i've only done it once, but i would like to do it again...i don't think he liked it much though...i mean he did have to wash his sheets. hehe. :bigrin:

Ms. J.R.
Jun 20, 2007, 2:38 AM
I guess I am very lucky. The first lady I was with showed me how. Dang I miss her...lol. Anyways I have found that most men learn only of themselfs. So when faced with the new, they react to the "unknown" in a negative way.

Jun 20, 2007, 2:53 AM
Ok I really don't know why no one has posted this yet but hell since I'd consider
myself a pro on this I'll give you a tip from the wiki on it.

Also note that it does say that it's rarely accomplished by external stimulation
of the clitoris hahaha which in my case like I said I'm a pro it's bullshit I have
done this with every female that I've ever been with and that's counting quite
a few.


Yes ladies relax and let yourself go with it no it's not urine because the glands
tense up closing off your bladder making it almost virtually impossible to urinate
during this action.

Otherwise if you haven't felt like you can or have done this trust me almost
every partner will love it especially after you have them read the damn manual.

I hope you all enjoy and learn from this let google be your friend also keep
plenty of towels handy your gonna need em.

Jun 20, 2007, 6:28 AM
My wife is also a major ejaculator when she cums REALLY hard. It is a great turn on for me, since I seem to be the only one that can get her there. Only trouble is, who gets to sleep in the wet spot!! LOL :bibounce:

Jun 20, 2007, 12:52 PM
The Drink Of Sex,
I guess that I am fortunate that both my wives could ejaculate.
My second wife lived for it, She was also a Screamer and multi orgasmic.
One night the police knocked on our door, a neighbor was concerned, we laughed our asses off about that.
When she was on top the feeling of her hot juices flowing over me was enough to get me off.
She would nearly drown me in a 69 position.
I found that stimulating her G Spot was the "Key".
After I bought a vibrating wand success was sure. I could wear her out to the point that I torturing her with pleasure. :bigrin:
She could still ejaculate after she had turned 70.
I would suck on her urethra/ clit, stimulate her G spot with the wand, and drink until I was full. Pleasuring her and drinking her sex juices was all the sex I needed/wanted.
Like others we needed towels on the bed before and/or after sex.
Since our divorce we have remained friends with benifits. I have had two recent GF's, both were able to first time ejaculate, but it took a lot of convincing them that they were not going to Pee.
Truthfully I have and instable appetite for sex juices, male and female.
I have thought on this subject and came to the conclusion that if they were peeing, SO What, it is from pleasure... and I was the one doing it to them...
Good for me, or, Daddy is doing a Good Job!
Oh! From what I have read, Urine is clean as it comes out of a human...
And there is not a any part of the body I won't put my mouth on...
I wouldn't have sex with someone I felt that wouldn't do that with...