View Full Version : Question for Beer Experts :)

Jun 18, 2007, 4:33 PM
I was drinking Bud the other night and it made me sick, sometimes it doesn't.

Yet when I drink Conon (sp) I NEVER get sick from this beer.

I understand they are made differently and Bud is cheap. but why would Bud make me sick but othertimes not??

By sick I don't mean throwing up but "nonstop diahera" lol
All it takes is ONE BOTTLE.. I rarely drink more than 2 bottles of beer anyway.

(I perfer wine best but if your in a group and eveyrones having a beer, I'll have one just to join in.)

ALSO... what the hell is "Moosehead" beer? lol
My friend Heather was bragging about how good it was... while we are both in Canada.... I have NEVER heard of this beer or seen it. lol
I looked around here in BC and theres no such beer. (at least in the stores I looked in)

Thanks in advance Beer Experts.

Jun 18, 2007, 5:20 PM
Sounds like you're having an allergic reaction to one of the ingredients in Bud that is not in the other beer. Best to stay away from it. Maybe compare labels next time you buy and see what's different in Bud.

I think Moosehead is also here in the states, mainly up north in the middle of the country. But I'll defer to someone who actually drinks beer ;)

Jun 18, 2007, 5:57 PM
There might be a few reasons why from what is actully in the beer or how it's stored or even aged.

About the only differance is Bud is a Lager and Corona is a pilsner. It's how it's brewed but I dought that would be the reason for getting sick. I could believe it might be how it's aged. Budwiser used beachwood to enhance the taste.

Just as a side note Corona is a "low class" beer in Mexico, but they send it over the border and jack up the price. Why else would you put a lime wedge in the bottle,but to kill of the taste. ha-ha

Moosehead is about the same for a Canadian beer for the U.S. It's a lager from around Vancover I think.

That's my :2cents: worth.

Jun 18, 2007, 7:36 PM
Well, I am not an expert, but there could be an ingredient that does not sit well with your system.

I know that in our house chances are good that the beers could be questionable. We have lots of parties and well there are times when I leave the beers, a wide variety of them out in ice, and well most times never come to put them away. Then well, I throw them away...it is not even as if I could uncork them and use them fertilizer.

My current beer of choice is Blue Moon.

Jun 18, 2007, 7:47 PM
If you drink better brands of beer and not cheap US/Mexican imports like Budweiser and Corona you won't get as sick or get bad hangovers.

Try getting beer from local breweries near you in Canada.

It's a lot cheaper and it is supporting the local economy.

Jun 18, 2007, 9:10 PM
Budweiser I believe uses some preservatives. It isn't called the King of Hangovers for nothing.

Jun 18, 2007, 10:30 PM
Flounder--they put limes in pretty much everything in Mexico---and I do like Corona, along with the rest of the Mexican beers----

There are a whole host of reasons that Tasha could be getting "sick" from drinking Bud---maybe its her body's way of saying--"don't drink cheap assed beer!"

Like the tagline for Warsteiner---"Life is too short to drink cheap beer!"

Jun 18, 2007, 10:37 PM
Flounder--they put limes in pretty much everything in Mexico---and I do like Corona, along with the rest of the Mexican beers----

There are a whole host of reasons that Tasha could be getting "sick" from drinking Bud---maybe its her body's way of saying--"don't drink cheap assed beer!"

Like the tagline for Warsteiner---"Life is too short to drink cheap beer!"

Ya I wonder that too lol
I like Corona, I don't get sick from it. And I never use lime lol

Bud I think your right... my body doesn't like it and is making me "sick" (nonstop diahera) as a way to clean out what was put in.

Thanks Volt and others who replied :)

Jun 19, 2007, 1:41 AM
I had almost forgotten about Moosehead Beer-I used to drink it -it is OK but my favorite Canadian beer products are from Molson and LaBatt's---

But right now-my fave beer is Newcastle Ale that comes from Merry old England---even though it's a dark beer and therefore "supposed" to be a "winter beer" --it is still a fave even though it is a hot summer and yes--I am drinking lots of Corona Light right now--it does beat out Bud or Miller Light in my opinion--and I do use limes in it --just like I use them in the lighter Mexican beers like Pacifico Clairo, Tecate and others--not in Negro Modelo though----

I also like Birro Morretti Rosso from Italia----it is a nice light red ale---

As far as using limes in food--I go down about once a year to Cabos San Lucas Mexico at the very southern end of the Baja Peninsula---the cuisine there is very good--not your typical Mexican crap you get from most Mexican restaurants here in the states---they use lots of fresh fish and other seafood ---with many dishes they use limes and they give limes instead of lemons with glasses of water and beer and with most things--thanks to that---I now prefer using limes here in the states even though food servers sometimes grimace a bit when I ask for limes instead of lemons for my ice water----

I take fresh lime wedges, squeeze them in my water and add Stevia powder, a natural sweetner, to make an impromptu glass of limeaide---very refreshing on these hot days----its also supposed to be good for the heart and other vital organs--certainly better than artificially flavored lime products!!!!

Jun 19, 2007, 8:16 AM
Am not the biggest beer drinker, but outside of the UK beer tends 2 be the colour and flavour of wee.. an is so chilled cos no 1 reely can drink it othawise... not an expert but me dad brought me up on propa beer wich is live an unpasteurised from a cask stored in a cold cellar, not a keg an pasteurised, is cool (not warm like myth sez) an neva chilled an is poured without shuvvin tons of co2 in it 2 pour it an make it gassy wich bags ya out an can make ya sick..It has more flavour is more enjoyable an is less likely 2 make ya sick... it is brown clear, shud neva b cloudy an if it is send it back cos ya get the skitters... an it tastes orrible 2.

Hows that Tash?? It help?? tee hee

Jun 19, 2007, 11:18 AM
Well Darkeyes--everyone has different tastes in things--for me-now that it's summer and hot and dry--I love nothing better than a cold, cold beer--the colder the better---its best when you put out a tub of ice--fill it up with whatever beer and chill 'em off---

Yesterday I helped some neighbors move around 22 tons of limestone gravel for their parking area--

Man oh man--did those nice cold beers taste good after we got done doing that!!!

The temp was around 93 degrees faren--which is something like around 30 celsius as I figure it---

Jun 19, 2007, 11:39 AM
I know that in our house chances are good that the beers could be questionable. We have lots of parties and well there are times when I leave the beers, a wide variety of them out in ice, and well most times never come to put them away. Then well, I throw them away...it is not even as if I could uncork them and use them fertilizer.

All mega-brewd commercial beers are either pasteurized or (less commonly) "micro-filtered" to remove bacteria and yeasts. So, as long as the seal hasn't been compromised (in which case they would be flat), they will not spoil or "go bad." The "freshness dates" that Bud & Miller put on their (so-called) beers allegedly relate to "flavor", but really is marketing B.S. -- an attempt to mimic craft-brewed beers that really DO undergo subtle changes in taste over time because they contain active (live) yeast (even then, they don't "go bad").

My diagnosis is an allergic reaction to some preservative Bud puts in (another reason to drink craft-brewed or micro-brewed beers -- only natural ingredients and no preservatives).

Prescription -- don't drink Bud(!). There are plenty of alternatives. Many of which actually have flavor...!

Jun 19, 2007, 11:48 AM
All mega-brewd commercial beers are either pasteurized or (less commonly) "micro-filtered" to remove bacteria and yeasts. So, as long as the seal hasn't been compromised (in which case they would be flat), they will not spoil or "go bad." The "freshness dates" that Bud & Miller put on their (so-called) beers allegedly relate to "flavor", but really is marketing B.S. -- an attempt to mimic craft-brewed beers that really DO undergo subtle changes in taste over time because they contain active (live) yeast (even then, they don't "go bad").

My diagnosis is an allergic reaction to some preservative Bud puts in (another reason to drink craft-brewed or micro-brewed beers -- only natural ingredients and no preservatives).

Prescription -- don't drink Bud(!). There are plenty of alternatives. Many of which actually have flavor...!

Ya, Im going more towards allergy reaction to some preservative Bud has.

Thanks for the Precription Dr Hudson!! :)

Jun 19, 2007, 11:55 AM
There are two different types of beers, lagers and ales. The lager is made fermented in a cold setting and it is a bottom type of fermintation. 'to lager' means to store so when you have a lager it takes a long while to ferment.

An ale is a top fermenting yeast and it ferments at a warmer tempature and less time to complete. As for Budweiser it is an American pilsner as is Corona. most of the American beers are lagers and are of the pilsner style. I too have a problem with Budweiser if i drink more than a couple i get real bad headaches and the same problem you have Tasha. Budweiser also uses adjunts (another fermentable usually a cheaper product other than malted barley) and if i'm not mistaken rice is used in Bud and corn is used in Corona. What your problem may be is the yeast that they use. There are many different strains of yeast and each brewery usually has their own strain. Almost all beers use malted barley, hops and yeast and the occasional adjunct. The items that may make you and many other people have an adverse reaction to Bud I would guess could be the yeast, rice or beechwood, I would put my money on the yeast.

The beer geek is going back into his corner.

Jun 19, 2007, 2:47 PM
There are two different types of beers, lagers and ales. The lager is made fermented in a cold setting and it is a bottom type of fermintation. 'to lager' means to store so when you have a lager it takes a long while to ferment.

An ale is a top fermenting yeast and it ferments at a warmer tempature and less time to complete. As for Budweiser it is an American pilsner as is Corona. most of the American beers are lagers and are of the pilsner style. I too have a problem with Budweiser if i drink more than a couple i get real bad headaches and the same problem you have Tasha. Budweiser also uses adjunts (another fermentable usually a cheaper product other than malted barley) and if i'm not mistaken rice is used in Bud and corn is used in Corona. What your problem may be is the yeast that they use. There are many different strains of yeast and each brewery usually has their own strain. Almost all beers use malted barley, hops and yeast and the occasional adjunct. The items that may make you and many other people have an adverse reaction to Bud I would guess could be the yeast, rice or beechwood, I would put my money on the yeast.

The beer geek is going back into his corner.Actually u r wrong when describing the difference between ales and beer as it applies to the UK.. Ale and beer are not the same thing. Beer is hopped, Ale is not. Historically in the UK here Scots drank Ale and the Engish predominantly beer, because hops could not grow in Scotland. Lager is a relatively new introduction to the UK appearing from the continent in the late 19th century. Not so much Ale is brewed nowadays because of the easy availability of hops. Lager however much we like it or not, is a beer, as is Bitter and Mild. Lager in the UK is brewed slightly differently as it does not take so long ( so I am told) to come to maturity which seems to conflict with however it is brewed in the US (dont ask me how ask me dad its his field the boozy old sod). In Scotland traditionally Heavy and Light were ales as neither was traditionally hopped.

In Europe, and in particular Germany, Lager is in the main brewed in a traditional and time consuming manner and tastes wholly different from the lagers brewed in the UK. In Germany I believe it is actually protected by law and the traditonal method is the only one which may be used when brewing german beer.. in the UK brewers of lager have no such scruples an brew tasteless horrible weak stuff unfit for human consumption and it gives me horrible indigestion.

With the almost extinction of Real Beer (beer which is still live with the yeast and bacteria still working in the cask) about 50 years ago and the advent of the Campaign for Real Ale to save real beer, and provide choice for drinkers against the onslaught of gassy grotty watery chilled pasteurised stuff from the big brewers the difference between beer and ale has at least in the UK become a little smudged. But thankfully sayeth the dad, there are now hundreds of decent real beers to choose from all over the UK. A wee boost to an pat on the back to CAMRA (of which me dad is, an me x hubbie wos a member) for it was their activities which saved the UK from becoming nation of dishwater drinkers.

Now some beers (hopped) are called ales... and some ales (unhopped) are called beers which doesnt help, but now u know....

What I do know is that lager may officially be a beer..I on the other hand prefer to refer to it as undrinkable chilled pisswater. Certainly British brewed stuff though some in Europe I can just about drink. And with regard to Bud or Labatts and much of the imported American stuff calling it pisswater is just too good for it. Bud here is brewed I believe in the Czeck Republic and many of the american brews are brewed here on license. How much is the difference due to the water or brewing methods and how different it is from the stuff in the US I cannot say , but surely my American mates cant drink such dross???

Now it may be that in the US the word ale means something different to here I cannot say, and I give purely the definition as it applies here. Whatever, what u like enjoy and long may it be so. Now wer is me plonk???? :bigrin:

Jun 19, 2007, 3:03 PM
I know u asked for beer experts.. sorry to stick me ore in again but the history of Australian beer is interesting as prior 2 the second world war Australians drank beers very similar to the bitters and milds of England, and the hops used were imported from England. With the war effort in full swing hops became unavailable so the Australians had to find an alternative source..the result? Very quickly Australia more or less forgot about dark beers and began to brew and drink the stuff we all know and hate today..Fosters.. Castlemaine 4skin an so on..poor sods.... :tong:

Jun 19, 2007, 4:04 PM
[QUOTE=darkeyes]I know u asked for beer experts.. sorry to stick me ore in again but the history of Australian beer is interesting as prior 2 the second world war Australians drank beers very similar to the bitters and milds of England, and the hops used were imported from England. With the war effort in full swing hops became unavailable so the Australians had to find an alternative source..the result? Very quickly Australia more or less forgot about dark beers and began to brew and drink the stuff we all know and hate today..Fosters.. Castlemaine 4skin an so on..poor sods.... :tong:[/QUOTE

Whats this "poor Sods" bullshit...............we just perfected the crap you poms call beer and made it drinkable the first attempt was a thing called Fosters and it tasted like gins piss so we decided to palm it off to the rest of the world and made a shit load of money in the mean time and Castlemaine xxxx is a spin off Fosters and also is a crap beer.....We aint stupid in Australia why should we drink the crap when we can send it all around the world and make a tidy profit in the mean time...we keep the good stuff at home and enjoy it super cold because when you live in a country like Australia with its climate as it is WARM BEER just aint an option.

Cheers Chook :bigrin:

Jun 19, 2007, 4:21 PM
Marketing labels are one thing, but from a Zymurgist(one who studies brewing)'s point of view -- Both ales and beers are made with the same basic ingredients: water, malted barley, hops, and yeast. Other incredients may be used as well, but all use varieties of these basic ingredients. Ales are brewed with Ale (bottom-fermenting) yeasts, and beers are brewed with Beer (top-fermenting) yeasts. Historically, ales pre-date beer. The earliest "beer" (really probably an ale) was brewed in ancient Babylon. At some point in history (I'd have to look up exactly when) hops began being added as a preservative. India Pale Ales are more heavily hopped than other brews because the hops helped preserve the ale on the long trip to the colonies in India. Lagers are a relatively recent development, and are created by using a variety of yeast called (suprise) lager yeast. Lager yeasts brew more slowly than ale yeasts or other strains of beer yeasts, and prefer to brew at a somewhat lower temperature. There are some delicious lagers, the original Budwieser (Budvar, from Checkoslovakia) being one (and which bears no resemblance to the U.S. mega-brew).

There are light and dark varieties of both Ale and Beer (depends on how the barley malt is prepared) and both can have greater or lesser alcohol content (the strongest are often called "barley wines"). Other grains can be used to supplement the barley -- for instance rice (cheap, but generally lacking flavor, used in U.S. Budweiser), corn (also usually not good), or wheat (which is used in German and Belgian "Wheat Beers," and which can be quite delicious). As with varietal grapes, barley and hops can vary in flavor depending on the exact strain, where they're grown, the health of the crop, and how they're handled.

As in baking or winemaking, the quality of the results depends on the quality and mix of the ingredients, and the care taken by the baker/winemaker/brewer.


Jun 19, 2007, 4:35 PM
[QUOTE=darkeyes]I know u asked for beer experts.. sorry to stick me ore in again but the history of Australian beer is interesting as prior 2 the second world war Australians drank beers very similar to the bitters and milds of England, and the hops used were imported from England. With the war effort in full swing hops became unavailable so the Australians had to find an alternative source..the result? Very quickly Australia more or less forgot about dark beers and began to brew and drink the stuff we all know and hate today..Fosters.. Castlemaine 4skin an so on..poor sods.... :tong:[/QUOTE

Whats this "poor Sods" bullshit...............we just perfected the crap you poms call beer and made it drinkable the first attempt was a thing called Fosters and it tasted like gins piss so we decided to palm it off to the rest of the world and made a shit load of money in the mean time and Castlemaine xxxx is a spin off Fosters and also is a crap beer.....We aint stupid in Australia why should we drink the crap when we can send it all around the world and make a tidy profit in the mean time...we keep the good stuff at home and enjoy it super cold because when you live in a country like Australia with its climate as it is WARM BEER just aint an option.

Cheers Chook :bigrin:Lol Chook ya ole sod... will jus havta take ya word for it..Me mum has a cuzz in Adelaide who is a hardened (real) beer drinker an every time he gets in touch wiv home its a moan bout the yellow pisswater he hasta drink... now if u lot wish 2 think of yaselves as beer drinkers gud luk 2 yas... all me can say is a nation that elects an arsehole like Howard as its PM cudnt hold a piss up in a brewery ne way...

However havin sed that...as a wine drinker for preference, and Cognac wiv the occasional whisky... u drink woteva piss ya like... no skin off my nose... Jus don let me dad c ya shuvvin ice in ya whisky cos no matta how hot it is he will go spare an me luffs im 2 much for im 2 die early of palpitations caused by ur selfishness an lack of consideration for me!!! Besides..he me piggie bank wen me runs outa dosh so if ya must do it wer he cant c ya!!! An it wud sadden me mitily if me hadta pay visit to Oz wiv Cleave in me hand to getya back!!! :tong:

Jun 19, 2007, 6:44 PM
Lol Chook ya ole sod... will jus havta take ya word for it..Me mum has a cuzz in Adelaide who is a hardened (real) beer drinker an every time he gets in touch wiv home its a moan bout the yellow pisswater he hasta drink... now if u lot wish 2 think of yaselves as beer drinkers gud luk 2 yas... all me can say is a nation that elects an arsehole like Howard as its PM cudnt hold a piss up in a brewery ne way...

However havin sed that...as a wine drinker for preference, and Cognac wiv the occasional whisky... u drink woteva piss ya like... no skin off my nose... Jus don let me dad c ya shuvvin ice in ya whisky cos no matta how hot it is he will go spare an me luffs im 2 much for im 2 die early of palpitations caused by ur selfishness an lack of consideration for me!!! Besides..he me piggie bank wen me runs outa dosh so if ya must do it wer he cant c ya!!! An it wud sadden me mitily if me hadta pay visit to Oz wiv Cleave in me hand to getya back!!! :tong:

One thing we dont need is a wine drinker telling us her whinging cuzz is homesick for a decent beer and I'm sure Adelaide has an airport he can drag his arse to and go back to where ever he came from.....Now I dont drink whisky but if I did I'd put tons of ice in it and also I'd shove my dick into it if it took my fancy as well.....as for Howard...well shit happens.....and who is the selfish one not wanting her dad to cark it because he gives her money.....FRan Darling are you sure you havent had an extra swig of the sauce bottle today LOL :tong:

Cheers Chook :bigrin:

Jun 19, 2007, 7:06 PM
Well I am not buying the crap that all American beers are worthless-the big boys like Coors, Bud and Miller are huge factories turning out yet one more mass market consumer product and the same is true for the other big brewers across the globe thanks to "global trade" and such.

We do have many incredible small-batch, craft brewed beers here in America and for the most part--unless you come to America and the different regions where they are distributed--you will not have access to them--

As far as taste of what makes a beer--like a lot of things-its in the eye of the beholder and what styles and such one becomes accustomed to.

Here in the states, Barbecuing meats has become a very popular pastime and for some, not only an avocation, but a vocation.

We have a multitude of styles her for BBQ in terms of what meats to use, the types of sauces, methods of cooking and or smoking which depends largely on regions or even very particular towns or counties--and the debate rages on as to what is "real and proper" barbeque---one that like the beer one will never be settled and to me that is good.

I say--let's enjoy the different and varied sytles of things like beer, barbecue, wine, music or what have you--it is that diversity of styles and such that make life interesting--and like here in the states with BBQ as to which is best--the same goes with beer---it is a debate that cannot be "won" and should not be.

Yes--the big American beers, like most of the rest of the big time, mass produced beers of the world pretty much suck---but please--do not judge all of our beers lest you have actually had a chance to try our variety and even if you do and don't like them--I doubt it has anything to do with the quality of those small-batch, handcrafted beers--its a matter of your personal taste or for the fact that you are a partisan of your country's beers--as you should be.

I would put up our small brewery beers up with the best in the world--well I don't need to for the companies do that themselves in the form of world beer tasting competitions--competitions in which many American small batch brewers clean the clocks of many of the rest of the world's brewers by taking legions of Gold, Sliver and Bronze medals back home----

I often think of lines of Jimmy Buffett songs that relate to things in life--he has one song in which he sings---"don't try to describe the ocean if you've never seen it--you just may wind up being wrong---and I hope Anita Bryant never ever does one of my songs!!!"

So enough dissing ALL American beers guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And I will continue to enjoy tasting a variety of different beers from the US, Canada, Europe, Mexico, Latin America, the moon if they make it there--and hopefully enjoy them all--while I eat some Texas Brisket, some Carolina pulled pork with vinegar sauce and cole slaw, some KC or Memphis style ribs--all the while having a big smile on my face----put on some Cajun zydeco, some modern celtic music, some Tex Mex Ranchero music, some Cuban salsa or whatever and enjoy the diversity---

Vive la difference--- Joie de vie---Laissez faire bon temps roules--et toi!!!!

Jun 19, 2007, 9:25 PM
One thing we dont need is a wine drinker telling us her whinging cuzz is homesick for a decent beer and I'm sure Adelaide has an airport he can drag his arse to and go back to where ever he came from.....Now I dont drink whisky but if I did I'd put tons of ice in it and also I'd shove my dick into it if it took my fancy as well.....as for Howard...well shit happens.....and who is the selfish one not wanting her dad to cark it because he gives her money.....FRan Darling are you sure you havent had an extra swig of the sauce bottle today LOL :tong:

Cheers Chook :bigrin:
Now chook dear... no need 2 get narked jus cos a lil girl takin piss outa ya an jus cos me likes me plonk then don think me don kno decent beer wen me tastes it..cos me dus.... cant live wiv me dad for 18 years an not... an wiv whisky u do wotya like wiv it for me...can mix it wiv ya own wee if ya like..me not a purist... jus thinkin of pops poor old heart....an regard cuzz Thom well me thinks he is a wanker ne way... don expect much else outa a Man U man... besides he hates me cos he thinks me a spoiled brat an has had it 2 easy.... thinks me shudda had me arse leathered well wen me wos wee.... an don for gods sake even mention possibility of im cummin back ere..means me may havta talk 2 im...he 1 of these guys who makes me flesh creep...

Regardin me dad..yea me ponces dosh off im wen me skint.. wot else dads for but 2 luff ther baby an 2 make sure she happy??? But if e gave me not anotha penny me wud still adore the old fart an think none the less of im..he me dad... an at end of day aint that wot counts??? Cos however much dosh he has coffed up none of it is half as important as the other stuff he has given me all through me life... love in buckets full, support, encouragement and endless patience and more ......An yea mums cuzz is rite..am spoiled don deny it... thats wot makes me the fun luffin lil cow u know an luff 2 day!!!

An finally no hun..havent been dippin inta the plonk....hav however jus hada joint not long fore writin this.... hope it don show 2 much.lol now go play wiv ya spiders down the lavvy pan... luffya ya ole ratbag! :tong:

Jun 20, 2007, 1:30 AM
Just as a side note Corona is a "low class" beer in Mexico, but they send it over the border and jack up the price. Why else would you put a lime wedge in the bottle,but to kill of the taste. ha-ha

Coming from a mixed background that includes the "gods of Beer brewing" (German), all I can say is "What do Mexicans know about making good beer anyway?" :tongue:

Jun 20, 2007, 12:19 PM
Ya I wonder that too lol
I like Corona, I don't get sick from it. And I never use lime lol

Bud I think your right... my body doesn't like it and is making me "sick" (nonstop diahera) as a way to clean out what was put in.

Thanks Volt and others who replied :)

Regardless of the brew-ha-ha (pun intended) developing on this board, I'm bringing it back to the focus! Tasha, there could be a bunch of reasons why your body is rejecting 1 type of beer and accepting another... from ingredients, to preservatives, to fermentation style, etc. There are a number of factors that go into making beer. Just like no one makes chicken soup or chili the same, even if using the same recipe & ingredients!

My advise (I'm a person who likes to drink many different beers from all over: domestic & import; microbrewed & commercial -- and I love stouts & porters) is to find something that tastes good to you and doesn't make you ill. Who cares about brand, etc.? Drink what you like and enjoy yourself!

Cheers, darlin'!

Jun 20, 2007, 1:07 PM
Regardless of the brew-ha-ha (pun intended) developing on this board, I'm bringing it back to the focus! Tasha, there could be a bunch of reasons why your body is rejecting 1 type of beer and accepting another... from ingredients, to preservatives, to fermentation style, etc. There are a number of factors that go into making beer. Just like no one makes chicken soup or chili the same, even if using the same recipe & ingredients!

My advise (I'm a person who likes to drink many different beers from all over: domestic & import; microbrewed & commercial -- and I love stouts & porters) is to find something that tastes good to you and doesn't make you ill. Who cares about brand, etc.? Drink what you like and enjoy yourself!

Cheers, darlin'!

Will do :) Thanks.

I like wine better but ya, beer is always nice if the person your with isn't having wine (or the group isn't), you want to blend in so just have a beer or none at all lol I get shy in a group so I like to have a glass of wine or beer to open me up a little :)

Jun 20, 2007, 9:25 PM
Tashasw, if you like wine then i would stick with it. Just don't go to wine coolers please for the love of god.

i do want to put my feet to the fire and just say. I do live in an area and with with guys who call themselves true blue hispanics. One of the boys in the famil owns a liqure store. When we were talking about beer one day at work, I asked about corona. They laughed and said they would never drink the stuff. Most of the mexican joints around here ou can't get corona. They just won't serve it. just and 2 cents.

I will say budwieser is brewed different then the rest of the bush products. It is a true lager. I not a walking billboard for budweiser, but i really know that beer. I agree that local or micro brews are much better that the old macro brew anytime. just another 2 cents.

I just want to say is beer good and no beer bad.

Jun 20, 2007, 9:41 PM
Will do :) Thanks.

I like wine better but ya, beer is always nice if the person your with isn't having wine (or the group isn't), you want to blend in so just have a beer or none at all lol I get shy in a group so I like to have a glass of wine or beer to open me up a little :)

If wine's what you prefer, then drink it! So what if everyone else drinks beer -- who cares? Grapes or Grain... it's all alcohol! The only reason you may want to drink what others are is if the alcohol is purchased in quantity, such as a bottle of wine or a pitcher of beer (as long as it's not Bud -- lol). See, when I drink, I get what I enjoy, not necessarily what others are consuming. My co-workers like to go out on Fridays and drink lite beer (gag!) I'll have a pint of something better -- I also prefer draft over bottled. Only way I share their pitcher is if I don't have to pay for any of it! :bigrin:

Jun 21, 2007, 1:01 AM
Tasha--Flounder is right--do not do those "wine coolers" or things like Zima--they have different bases--but my God--they are so pumped full of sugar by the manufacturers----you would not want to know your blood sugar numbers after drinking them--might as well eat candy or drink a bunch of soda pop---

and "White Zinfandel" wines are not much better either-----

Jun 21, 2007, 1:07 AM
lol I have 3 wine coolers in my pantry from 2002, 2003 and 2005 !!! NEVER opened. 2 were given to my ex by his friends and one was given to my ex by my parents. lol

I never had the inetrest to try wine coolers as I perfer just Wine too much :)
I like most White whines and some reds (still playing taste testing)
White Chardonny is my fav!!!

Now I look at the 3 unopened bottles of wine coolers wondering what the hell do I do with them?? IM NEVER GONNA DRINK THEM. lol

toss ?? I don;'t know anyone that likes Wine Coolers.


Jun 21, 2007, 1:15 AM
Dump 'em Tash---dump 'em now!!!!!! eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!! (music from "Psycho" plays with slasing noises added and screams in background!!!)

Jun 21, 2007, 1:42 AM
Dump 'em Tash---dump 'em now!!!!!! eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!! (music from "Psycho" plays with slasing noises added and screams in background!!!)

LOL *starts to choke on tea she had been sipping when reading* omg. LOL

Jun 21, 2007, 9:56 AM
If the beer is yellow don't drink. Yellow means less hops and more water. And color has nothing to do with it being a light beer or not, Big myth. Guinness is actually a light beer. Check out the amount of calories, Calories is what classifies a light beer. More water means you will fill up on water and then have to pee more and that results in hangovers and feeling sick. Try Shiner Bock, if you can get it, its full tasting and you don't have to drink a lot and spend so much money. Be wary of wines that are rich in sweets as well, they can cause the same reaction.

Jun 21, 2007, 10:16 AM
I'll drink a lower end beer if I'm playing pool all night and that cuts into my beer fund. As a rule, though, Yuengling is as low as I go. I'm an ardent fan of Molson. Funny how cheap Canadian beer can be so much better than cheap American beer. I think the powers that be are trying to tell me something lol.

Jun 21, 2007, 1:20 PM
I prefer to make(brew) my own beer and wine.Sure ti takes alittle time and alotta love to do it,but the end product is very tasty and it a hell of lot cheaper to.But to answer Tasha DON"T rinkbud it will not only give yathe screaming squirts,as mentioned earlier the hangovers hurt.if you acn find a micro brewery drink their beer(S) to find the one with the taste and body you want.Just remeber beer is like sex ya have to play around till ya find what you like. :2cents:

Jun 21, 2007, 1:34 PM
Actually u r wrong when describing the difference between ales and beer as it applies to the UK.. Ale and beer are not the same thing. Beer is hopped, Ale is not. Historically in the UK here Scots drank Ale and the Engish predominantly beer, because hops could not grow in Scotland. Lager is a relatively new introduction to the UK appearing from the continent in the late 19th century. Not so much Ale is brewed nowadays because of the easy availability of hops. Lager however much we like it or not, is a beer, as is Bitter and Mild. Lager in the UK is brewed slightly differently as it does not take so long ( so I am told) to come to maturity which seems to conflict with however it is brewed in the US (dont ask me how ask me dad its his field the boozy old sod). In Scotland traditionally Heavy and Light were ales as neither was traditionally hopped.

In Europe, and in particular Germany, Lager is in the main brewed in a traditional and time consuming manner and tastes wholly different from the lagers brewed in the UK. In Germany I believe it is actually protected by law and the traditonal method is the only one which may be used when brewing german beer.. in the UK brewers of lager have no such scruples an brew tasteless horrible weak stuff unfit for human consumption and it gives me horrible indigestion.

With the almost extinction of Real Beer (beer which is still live with the yeast and bacteria still working in the cask) about 50 years ago and the advent of the Campaign for Real Ale to save real beer, and provide choice for drinkers against the onslaught of gassy grotty watery chilled pasteurised stuff from the big brewers the difference between beer and ale has at least in the UK become a little smudged. But thankfully sayeth the dad, there are now hundreds of decent real beers to choose from all over the UK. A wee boost to an pat on the back to CAMRA (of which me dad is, an me x hubbie wos a member) for it was their activities which saved the UK from becoming nation of dishwater drinkers.

Now some beers (hopped) are called ales... and some ales (unhopped) are called beers which doesnt help, but now u know....

What I do know is that lager may officially be a beer..I on the other hand prefer to refer to it as undrinkable chilled pisswater. Certainly British brewed stuff though some in Europe I can just about drink. And with regard to Bud or Labatts and much of the imported American stuff calling it pisswater is just too good for it. Bud here is brewed I believe in the Czeck Republic and many of the american brews are brewed here on license. How much is the difference due to the water or brewing methods and how different it is from the stuff in the US I cannot say , but surely my American mates cant drink such dross???

Now it may be that in the US the word ale means something different to here I cannot say, and I give purely the definition as it applies here. Whatever, what u like enjoy and long may it be so. Now wer is me plonk???? :bigrin:


Certainly not questioning you because you sound very knowledgeable. 2 things though....My recollection is that ALL beer and ale contains hops by definition. It's what makes beer and ale taste like beer and ale. Everything I have studied about beer and ale agrees with what uniquekink says about the bottom hops vs. top hops fermenting. The German Reinheitsgebot pure food law says beer must only contain water, yeast, hops and grain. I don't believe it addresses how the stuff must be made otherwise. I believe there was at one time an un-hopped beverage. Not sure if it was referred to as beer or ale but more than likely related to a "hard" cider.

Second - If what you say is true about ale being un-hopped then how do you explain India Pale Ale, a uniquely British ale which was over-hopped to help preserve it while being transported unrefrigerated to India way back when it was a colony?

In the summer I am a HUGE fan of Bell's Oberon - a unique midwest (US) wheat beer only available during the summer. I like Sam Adams too (their bottled beer does NOT come from Boston though) and I understand it's the only widely available US beer that meets the Reinheitsgebot

Jun 22, 2007, 3:18 AM
skiflydive---I am glad someone else knows that most of Sam Adam's products are not done in Beantown but in the "Queen City: Cincinnati, Ohio"

Cincy does not get credit for that---and that really rattles my cage!!!!

Cincinnati was once home to some pretty good local beers --there are those who are trying to revive the city's brewing heritage---hopefully it will happen-

"Vas you ever in Zinzinnati?"

See if anyone knows the origin of that line.....

Jun 22, 2007, 7:38 AM
[QUOTE=12voltman59]skiflydive---I am glad someone else knows that most of Sam Adam's products are not done in Beantown but in the "Queen City: Cincinnati, Ohio"

Cincy does not get credit for that---and that really rattles my cage!!!!

Cincinnati was once home to some pretty good local beers --there are those who are trying to revive the city's brewing heritage---hopefully it will happen-

Yup Cincy, Pittsburgh, Buffalo and a few other places but I don't remember them all. I think Iron Cities in Pittsburgh was the first contract bottler. I understand a lot of those old companies that had their own brand do a lot of contract brewing.

Jun 22, 2007, 11:49 PM
Tasha was it the beer or maybe something else you ate??
I have only met two beers I did not like.
Beers are like wine and have there place in what you are doing.
I prefer most beers warm 58 f/ 16 c.
It brings out the taste.
but on a hot day a cold beer is awsome.
If you ever get a chance try a beer called Steam Whistle so far my fav.
made in Canada.
:wiggle2: :wiggle2: opps one to many bruskies