View Full Version : Gaydar... !!

Oct 5, 2005, 3:27 PM
Okay. Here's the deal. Gaydar is important. And I don't Have it.

If I see a cute girl, I have no clue if she's into it or not, and as a result end up not approaching any girl I am not sure about..
Also, straight girls sometime take it hard when someone thinks they're gay.. I dont know why, but they do sometimes.

It's horrible.. what do I do!? How do I check if a girl is even in the picture before trying to see if she's interrested, and without resulting in her being offended..?

please give me tips!! What do I do..

Oct 5, 2005, 3:34 PM

Get to know her as a person first. It's a win/win. She may or may not be gay, but if she is a great person, and not gay, then you have gained a friend. If you find she is not a person you'd want to spend time with then you haven't lost anything either. If she's great and you become friends, then you may at some point bring the relationship further, if you find out she is receptive or open. Go slow, what's the rush??


Oct 5, 2005, 6:48 PM
hi, with this topic i think just like someone else said get to know the person personally and u'll find out the likes and dislikes whether it is general or sexual preference. just engage in normal conversation eventually bringing it up while trying to remain subtle about ur feelings. yuo never know whats going to happen. it mght end up w/a positive outcome. good luck

Oct 5, 2005, 6:48 PM
My philosophy when I cant read the signs is "Basic Communication"

Ask and thou shall be given an answer. I know IMO nothing is worse than uncertainty so I just add a hint of humour to any awkward question or "fishing" line and It's pretty easy to pick up from there if the other person is game... or just perceives you as an over-friendly weirdo stranger :)

Like mike said though.. Go slow.. there's no rush

Good luck and have fun


Oct 5, 2005, 7:14 PM
A simple "hello" has done wonders for many people. That word has sent friends, lovers, boyfriends and girlfriends on a journey of a thousand steps. Who knows what will develope by using this approach...but I know saying "hello" is just a first step. I hope it works out for you. And like Mike9753 says, its a win/win scenario...Good luck... :) :paw: :paw: