View Full Version : I'm I bisexual?

Jun 16, 2007, 3:30 PM

I like guys but recently i developed feelings for my friend and i kissed her and had sex with her in my sleep... I'm I bisexual?

Jun 16, 2007, 3:33 PM
Very well could be. What do YOU think. It is not about what others perceive you as but how you look at your self.

:2cents: Tink

Skater Boy
Jun 16, 2007, 3:48 PM
lol, are threads like these common on this forum? 'Cause I think I've heard this before...

Either you have real feelings for your friend, or not. Thats the first thing to find out, and ONLY YOU can decide that.

Jun 16, 2007, 3:54 PM
Yeah bisexual.com is is a lot like the movie "Being John Malkovich" lol.

Jun 16, 2007, 4:49 PM
Yeah bisexual.com is is a lot like the movie "Being John Malkovich" lol.

just wondering, what do you mean you kissed her and had sex with her in sleep?

Was it a dream that you had? Or were you sleeping in the same bed and then you were kissing/touching/grinding against her then?

Jun 16, 2007, 5:08 PM

just wondering, what do you mean you kissed her and had sex with her in sleep?

Was it a dream that you had? Or were you sleeping in the same bed and then you were kissing/touching/grinding against her then?

in my sleep

Skater Boy
Jun 16, 2007, 5:31 PM
Ah, boy. :banghead:

Er... if you HAVENT been physical with her yet, why not try fantasizing about her when you're NOT asleep, and see if you like it? If you do, you MAY be Bisexual.

And if you HAVE been physical with her, did you enjoy it? If you did, again, you MAY be Bisexual.

The thing about dreams is that SOMETIMES they are trying to tell us something about our unconscious minds, and other times they are simply dreams...

I had a dream once that I went to buy a huge top-hat from some mysterious guy at a railway station, and that I was so pleased with it that I wore it home. To my disappointment, I could find no mention of "top-hats" in Jung's book on Symbols. And rest assured, I have no desire to purchase a top-hat in real life. So make what you will of that.

Alternatively, you could just get your friend drunk, then jump her. If its fun, well... you might learn something about yourself...

Jun 16, 2007, 6:01 PM
"Alternatively, you could just get your friend drunk, then jump her. If its fun, well... you might learn something about yourself.."

Then while you're in prison after being convicted of rape, you might really have an opportunity to figure out if you're bisexual! :)

Just FYI folks, having sex with drunk people is considered rape in the great state of California, and I'm guessing other places too...

Jun 16, 2007, 6:16 PM
"Alternatively, you could just get your friend drunk, then jump her. If its fun, well... you might learn something about yourself.."

Then while you're in prison after being convicted of rape, you might really have an opportunity to figure out if you're bisexual! :)

Just FYI folks, having sex with drunk people is considered rape in the great state of California, and I'm guessing other places too...

I agree getting someone drunk or giving them other drugs just to have sex with them is a bad thing, and it would be considered date rape in my state.

I've had drunk sex with people, and I don't like it. Granted it was only on two ocassions with the same guy but we were both drunk (OK, the 2nd time we were buzzed but I did have a huge tolerance then and two drinks was nothing to me back then when I was drinking daily during that period of my life. No I wasn't an alcoholic then and I don't drink as much as I used to.); but not so drunk that we had no idea what/who we were doing, neither one of us was out of control, and it was clear that we both consented to having sex with each other, and nobody was forced into doing anything that they didn't want to do sexually or in general.

We had talked a lot and we both made it clear that if either one of us was doing something that the other person didn't want at all or didn't like the other person doing, we'd say something about it and it would stop immediatley. But that is a rule I have with everyone I have had sex/relationships with.

Skater Boy
Jun 16, 2007, 6:28 PM
LOL, yes... I WASN'T serious about getting your friend drunk and jumping her, Akitt. lest you decide to try it, or anyone else decides to point out how unwise that would be.

Jun 16, 2007, 6:55 PM
While I feel strongly that only you really know the answer to the question of your sexuality, here's a link to a quiz that really helped me out a little over 2 years ago when i was trying to figure out what all this was about.


Again, don't let the test define you, but use the results as a gauge. Above all...be honest with yourself. There are a whole lot more of us out there than you might think.

Jun 16, 2007, 7:10 PM
I would go with the fantasy idea, if you get the sort of phisical reaction you get from your usual fantasys I would say you are bi, if you can get turned on thinking about sex with a woman I think you are straight
Have fun :bigrin:

Skater Boy
Jun 16, 2007, 7:50 PM
While I feel strongly that only you really know the answer to the question of your sexuality, here's a link to a quiz that really helped me out a little over 2 years ago when i was trying to figure out what all this was about.


Again, don't let the test define you, but use the results as a gauge. Above all...be honest with yourself. There are a whole lot more of us out there than you might think.

Hmm, I got a 2.4, meaning I'm somewhere between Bisexual and Heterosexual... although in reality, I'd say I was right in the middle.

Jun 16, 2007, 9:32 PM
Hmm, I got a 2.4, meaning I'm somewhere between Bisexual and Heterosexual... although in reality, I'd say I was right in the middle.

I've taken it and I got this:

You are bisexual with homosexual/gay tendencies.

Then I took it again last night since the link is on another site I post at, and I got it perfectly equal bisexual at 4.4

But that's how I am.

I go through periods where I'm either equal (I start craving male/male/female 3 ways).

Or I'm so into men that I get turned off by women and find the idea of sex with a woman to be downright boring. If I got hard and fucked a woman's vagina during this time period, I'd probably just go limp and this is assuming that I'd even get hard at all. While I'm not even that into fucking women's vaginas when I do have sex with them as I'm more into giving SM/bondage, oral sex and masturbating and I'd fist a woman. I don't even try to seek out sex or relationships all the time with women at all really. Also during the periods when I'm totally turned off by women like this I've had them throw themselves at me asking for sex and all I want is sex/intimacy with a man. During this period I don't want sex with women at all, and I find the idea of sex with women, or seeing them naked to be disgusting.

Sometimes this period of time where I'm not into women at all lasts as long as half a year or more and sometimes it's only 3-4 months and then I go back to being equal like I described above.