View Full Version : Being deaf... in THIS town.... *shakes head*

Jun 16, 2007, 10:12 AM
I am really seriously thinking that everyone in this town hasn't got a CLUE what deaf and hearing impaired means.

I have 2 signs CLEARLY saying Im hearing impaired.. ones under the total screen and the others smaller but pinned to my apron. (Cashier at a grocery store)

I have noticed some people LOOK at the sign yet it doesn't mean anything cause they would attempt to talk to me when Im not paying attention (Im scanning an item or bagging something)

"I don't have my Safeway Card, my number is (speaks number VERY VERY fast)"

"Im sorry, can you repeat that?"

"(speaks fast)"

"Slower please." (a hint of annoyance cause I KNOW they saw that sign lol or pretend to ajust my hearing aid part of my cochlear implant)
Customer repeats but clearly annoyed for repeating... too bad!!! Hes lucky I asked him to repeat other wise I'll pretend to enter it.

Ahhhh then you are looking at something as you bag an item, happen to look up and a customer is looked VERY pissed off at you and your like "what?"
lol Seems customer was trying to ask something and I didn't hear. (gee, i wonder why.)

I had a couple customers who actually said "You're not deaf... deaf people DO NOT talk"

The friends I have seemly made at work aren't interested in doing anything outside work :( I have asked if they wante do hang out and they say no. *pouts*

Oh well... at work I just ignore customers that choose to be so damn rude... I don't have to listen to it and guess what? I DON'T!! :) lol
If they complain, they just get a "well, she IS deaf... no wonder she didn't hear you." hehe

and if "friends" I made at work want to hang out with me outside work THEY can ask.. Im done trying.

I was telling a friend of mine back home about that.... shes an old childhood friend..... and she was like "wow, tell me why you're over there again??" hehe
Good question hehe
She was telling me about our childhood town :) its grown and is nice. Still safe too. I like her now. She used to be a snot as a child but she's clearly grown up. Its funny cause she was my sisters best friend... now shes more interested talking to me lol

One reason I miss Ontario... at least peopel over there have a sense of what deaf/hearing impaired is. lol

Ahhh Im gonna make a big deal these coming months to move... Im done here... nothings gonna keep here here... not even 1 million dollars!!!
(Although having 1 million would be nice hehe but then, everyone would like 1 million but you know what? Money IS NOT the key to happiness.... you can have all the money, everything you need in the world and still not be happy.)

Ah time to shower and go to work..... out of a rage I may just stick my small pinned tag on my forehead and not care :) lol

On a slow day at work, I was messing with it and DID stick it on my forehead and the cashiers were laughing :) I left it there, a customer came, asked why I had it up there hehe
i only took it off and back on my apron cause one of the managers was watching me and I didn't know if I was gonna get in trouble :) (but no, he was just assumed, watching me as another cashier was telling him my threat I told her lol. "People IGNORE the signs.. they don't read it... Im seriously gonna stick it on my forehead... maybe then they'll read it" hehe)

Ah I can be silly, a prankster...... I may just do that today but it doesn;t work to well since the tape usually comes off lol and IM NOT pinning it in my head!! ouchy. Whats a good tape that sticks to your skin beside bandaids

AHHHHHHHHHHHH gotta run! lol


Jun 16, 2007, 1:55 PM
Oh well... at work I just ignore customers that choose to be so damn rude... I don't have to listen to it and guess what? I DON'T!! :)


i'm sorry but when i read that i just had to laugh haha. it's great that you can have such a good sense of humor about all these people and their bullcrap. i can't believe that so many people in one place could be so close minded and harsh? i don't know what it is like to be deaf, but i'm sure that it's not always the greatest thing in the world. especially if you happen to be a person who had hearing before and you know what you are missing. so to top it off, you have to deal with ignorance as well? total bull...

i hope that if you do move, that you will be a lot happier.

oh, and try duct tape :bigrin: i use duct tape for everything haha

Jun 16, 2007, 9:06 PM
I understand how you feel on some level. I have a very bad lisp and that causes me to repeat what I say numerous times just so people can understand what I am saying. I feel you pain, but remenber that you are who you are and you need to be a better person than everyone else.

Jun 16, 2007, 9:10 PM
Awwww Tasha you can make a smile out of anything! I had to giggle at your thread as u made light fun of your situatuation but remember this sweetie,

You may be deaf, BUT THEY ARE ALL DUMB!!!!!

Love ya hunni! Creach x x :female:

Jun 16, 2007, 10:29 PM
<shakes head and sighs> People are idiots, I'll tell ya what. It just doesn't seem to matter if there are signs or if you tell them, they're going to stick to their ignorant beliefs because, frankly, they're too lazy to to the research and find out for themselves that, DUH, deaf people DO talk.

Unfortunately, there are idiots wherever you go. There's no getting around it. I wish I could tell you that it'd be different someplace else, but, sadly stupid people breed. Then. like a virus, they spread.

LOL! Here's one for you. Last night I got a call from AT&T about our late phone bill (whoops!). The woman asked me if such-and-such was my home number. I said "Yep, that's the line you're talking to me on.".

Take a nice warm bath and drink some tea. It'll help :)

Either that, or there's always :banghead: