View Full Version : Clowns !!!

Jun 16, 2007, 9:01 AM
Why are so many of us scared of clowns or think they are super creepy??

One reason is cause you don't know whos behind the makeup.... but suppose its just someone you know thats under it?? Would you still be scared/creeped out??

When I was 5, my Aunt thought it would be so much fun to dress as a clown when I came over.
Uh uh, WRONG!!! I clinged to mommy dis-believeing everyone she was my aunt. and I have a home video to proof this lol
Finally it wasn't funny anymore so my cousin took my hand and we followed her mom into the bathroom so I could watch my Aunt wash off that makeup.

My parents hired a clown for my 10th birthday party... this one was just creepy. I didn't find him funny at all lol Other kids laughed but me??? No!!!

Oh ya.... Stephen King's IT is a proof that clowns are EVIL!!!! lol

There was a quote from the movie at the end of "The Clown at Midnight" (Christopher Plummer's movie) which I can't remember now but it was a good one... something about seeing a clown somewhere then seeing it show up at your doorstep at midnight... would you still feel the same way??

:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

Jun 16, 2007, 11:27 AM
wy wud me b scareda guys??? :bigrin: They jus big loada softies! :tong:

Jun 16, 2007, 11:32 AM
Hey, Clowns are people too!!! :tong:

Jun 16, 2007, 11:39 AM
Mostly Ran..tee hee :bigrin:

Jun 16, 2007, 11:51 AM
My aunt has been a professional clown for over 25 years. There are rules of conduct, etc. that they must follow... from their make-up design & application and costume to behavior, etc. I've never been afraid of them. I've even helped my aunt at a few birthday parties. The kids loved us!

As with anything, 'fear of the unknown' coupled with 'a few rotten apples spoiling the bunch' (and the negative portrayal thereof in the media) has led to this unfavorable attitude towards clowns. When one watches them perform at a circus, such as Ringling Bros., everyone gets a laugh. Their skits are funny and their timing is impeccable -- like a good stand up comedian without the foul language. It should be, as they have to attend a very rigorous Clown College which strictly reinforces the lessons of proper clownship. My aunt was invited to attend Ringling Bros. Clown College on 2 occasions, which is considered a high honor -- as it's by invitation only and your clown persona has to meet strict standards. She had to decline for health reasons.

What's my point? Clowning is so much more than someone slapping on a little greasepaint and telling a few jokes. It is a performance art, like any other, where some are good at it and other aren't. Please don't let a few rotten apples or misinformation ruin what is meant to be good, clean, slapstick entertainment created for the purpose of making you laugh... not cry! If you are genuinely still afraid of them, my suggestion is to do a little research on what it takes to be a professional clown. Compare that to your negative experiences and see if that person was following the rules. Also consider that if you were a young kid, many kids (I had this problem, too.) are scared of unfamiliar faces. I used to cry when I saw jack-o-lanterns at Halloween or weird woodcarving faces at art/craft shows. I grew out of it when I got older.

Okay, I'm off the :soapbox: now. :bigrin:

Jun 16, 2007, 1:47 PM
i don't think a lot of people are afraid of clowns because they are unaware of the hard work it takes to be one. they are just creapy looking.

if i sit here and research what it takes to be a clown, i can show more appreciation for the person doing it. yes it does take a lot of time, work, and talent to be a great clown. but it won't change the fact that they still creap me out...and i would prefer to not be around them if i don't have to be...

Jun 16, 2007, 4:53 PM
Wasn't there a guy in the 80s/90s that was a serial killer who dressed as a clown??? I don't remember to much but I remember a clown was killing people!! Wasn't a movie since I saw it in Toronto Sun's newspaper.

Supposely he was dressed as a clown as a way to lure people.


Fire Lotus
Jun 16, 2007, 5:47 PM
Wasn't there a guy in the 80s/90s that was a serial killer who dressed as a clown??? I don't remember to much but I remember a clown was killing people!! Wasn't a movie since I saw it in Toronto Sun's newspaper.

Supposely he was dressed as a clown as a way to lure people.


That was John Wayne Gacy, in the late 70's. He was also executed. He indeed was a horrific serial killer. If my ickiness towards clowns didn't happen before then, that would have done it for me.

Jun 16, 2007, 5:53 PM
That was John Wayne Gacy, in the late 70's. He was also executed. He indeed was a horrific serial killer. If my ickiness towards clowns didn't happen before then, that would have done it for me.

Ya, that was awful.. :( Also proves my point that clowns may be people... but some sick cold hearted people use the clown thing to do bad things :(

That was a horrible thing John did. His nickname was "The Killer Clown"
Raped and murdered 33 males.... yikes :( (just looked him up now that I had a name! )


Jun 16, 2007, 6:39 PM
As part of my jacki-of-all-trades portfolio I studied psychology for a while. There is actually a theory about the fear of clowns that I think makes sense from an evolutionary standpoint.

We are a higher order of animal, but animal nonetheless. There for we still retain some animal instincts. part of that instinct is to identify potential predators and prey.

When we see people in clown makeup, the theory is that it triggers a deep predator/prey instinct because instinct tells us that they aren't a human being even though logic dictates otherwise.

Personally I think that same instinct is why Michael Jackson (possible pedophelia aside) creeps be out. To me he no longet looks completely human.
