View Full Version : Hey youse guys--yeah--youse Sopranos fans--did "T" get whacked or what??

Jun 15, 2007, 8:07 PM
Well--we have all kinds of shit happening in the world that we could talk about, but almost a week has passed since the final episode of (snifff) The Sopranos on HBO--and people are still yacking and speculating about "what went down"--Did Tony get whacked or what?

If you have not heard by now--on last Sunday night's series finale of that much praised dramatic show---fictional New Jersey mob boss, Tony Soprano, after surviving a mob war with the New York boys, was sitting in a Jersey diner with his family--joined by his wife Carmela, his son AJ and daughter Meadow, who had one hell of a time parking her Lexus--- for a family meal---

There were all kinds of hints that something big was gonna happen in the joint--a shady looking guy in a "Member's Only" leather jacket, who had been sitting at the counter--got up and walked to the restroom---some black guys came in and a man who looked like a trucker sat down at another booth.

The scene of the counter guy going into the restroom to prepare for a possible "hit" references that great scene in Godfather One when Michael Corleone decides to revenge a rival mob's attempt on his father's life--meets with a crooked cop and another mob family boss--he goes into the men's room where a piece is waiting for him--he gets it-goes back to the table and blows away his enemies--

Back to the final Sopranos episode---in the final moments of the show---as Meadow enters the diner--the screen goes blank and this made many people think their cable or satelite had gone out--when the credits rolled and there was no music--there is always some cool song that ended the show---a different one each episode--you realized that was on purpose.

Many have speculated that Tony did get, in the parlance of the show--"whacked" since there had been a foreshadowing of such a thing in an episode earlier in the final season where Tony and Bobby Bacaleri speculate that "everything must go black when you get shot." The Bobby character met his end in the penultimate episode when he was the first victim of rival mob boss Phil Leotardo's edict to "decapitate" the Sopranos crew--Leotardo met that fate in the final show----

By going "black" in the final moments of the final show--it pissed many people off--but me--I loved the ending--it was a fitting ending in my book and people are free to fill in the blanks as to what happened as they see fit---

Many do believe that Tony did get knocked off---me--I want to believe that this was just a nice Sopranos get together as everyone goes off on new directions--Meadow gets married, finishes law school and goes on to defend her dad who was about to get indicted by the Feds; AJ finally gets his shit together and Carmela stands by Tony while the Feds prosecute him and she takes off in her home building and real estate ventures----

Tony beats the rap and Meadow goes on to take things over and become the first woman in America to lead the mob!!! They had an episode early on in the show where a woman leads things back in the old country....

As far as the ending goes--I thought it was a great way to end it---David Chase is a great writer and producer---and by ending the show in this way---it will be talked about and discussed for many years--I am glad that things were not wrapped up all nice and neat--life is not like that--

To end the show "black"---it fit in well with the whole mosaic that has been this show--I realized early on that the way Chase did The Sopranos--what we really saw each week were little snap shots of the "lives" of these people---and by ending it the way he did-it marked the end of us being able to be voyeurs in the lives of these people.

So--for youse guys who followed da show--what'da you think---did "T" get whacked or not??

Jun 16, 2007, 2:06 AM
I don't think so...too much potential for a feature length movie. One that wraps up old business and introduces new plot lines. Could be a series of movies, ala the Godfather, giving the opportunity to eliminate older main characters, and introduce new leaders. I, also, thought that Meadow could become disenchanted and become a prominent player in the Soprano family. And AJ could become a new "Guido" or "Christopher" character.

But, if things remain as they are, and there is no follow up, it was a great run. Thanks David Chase, HBO, and all the players for a great series! :rotate:

Jun 16, 2007, 2:26 AM
Sorry folks....I believe I said "Guido" instead of "Fredo" in an oblique reference to the Godfather saga. Certainly, there are purists out there who will call me on that, and all I can say is, My Bad! :eek:

Jun 16, 2007, 4:36 PM
I read a suggestion somewhere that it was *us*, the viewers, who got whacked. I kind of like that idea as a "good ending"!

Jun 16, 2007, 8:58 PM
I thought that the ending was a nice way to leave things open and people still interested in the future of each character. I would have like to see Tony get killed off but it is not my show to write. As a fan of the show I would like to see either another season or a movie, but the ending was very interesting and made people think and reflect. I hope that it can come back so that we can see the future of the Sopranos family. R.I.P Phil

Jun 17, 2007, 11:29 AM
It would have been fitting, I guess, to see Tony get whacked in front of his family, but, I have to say no. I was disappointed with the final episode, but, they did leave the door open for a movie, which would not surprise me.

Being a fan of the show since its inception, I did not always agree with the writing, and I really hate loose ends that never get tied up. the delay between seasons was a bit annoying also.

All in all, a great show, and I will be watching it for years to come, in DVD or in replays.