View Full Version : Thank You

Oct 4, 2005, 12:02 AM
thank you all very much for your information i feel it is very helpful. i do have a job now-definately never turned to prostitution :eek: i work at Rite Aide near my college part time, and go to school full time studying psychology at Shepherd University. It's nice :tong: I enjoy it.
I do think i might have abit of a problem drinking, and i have cut back, I never drink alone-ever. I only drink if there is a "party" and some one pressures me. i try to avoid parties at all costs because hangovers will effect my grade. Right now i am very focused on school. It is my life. I have met a different crowd of people and they are much better influences. I really appreciate all who respond, i really appreciate the help. Thank you.

I have had direction my life i was just wondering if i was considered "bisexual" "lesbian" or if i was just masking the fact that i am completely "straight" and trying to mask my sexual past with a new sexual identity. :confused: