View Full Version : Visiting North Carolina

Jun 14, 2007, 2:00 PM
Hello to all you lovely people out there. As you may have read in my profile, I trave quite a bit. Well, I've been assigned to a customer for the entire week of the July 4th holiday. So it looks as if I will be marooned 1250 miles from home for the celebrations.
I would like to meet some people who I could possibly befreind and hang with over the holiday.
No pressure at all.
I just don't want to spend the 4th sitting in my hotel room, alone.

Thanks in advance
Dogwood :doggie:

Jun 14, 2007, 2:19 PM
Hello to all you lovely people out there. As you may have read in my profile, I trave quite a bit. Well, I've been assigned to a customer for the entire week of the July 4th holiday. So it looks as if I will be marooned 1250 miles from home for the celebrations.
I would like to meet some people who I could possibly befreind and hang with over the holiday.
No pressure at all.
I just don't want to spend the 4th sitting in my hotel room, alone.

Thanks in advance
Dogwood :doggie:
bidogwood@yahoo.comthen find a pub an get sozzed wer the peeps r..or don they open on 4th July?

Jun 14, 2007, 2:24 PM
then find a pub an get sozzed wer the peeps r..or don they open on 4th July?
They damn well better!!!!!

Jun 14, 2007, 2:25 PM
then find a pub an get sozzed wer the peeps r..or don they open on 4th July?

Nothin's open on the 4th babe, except maybe the movie theaters.

Jun 14, 2007, 2:34 PM
then find a pub an get sozzed wer the peeps r..or don they open on 4th July?

I could but I don't drink booze. And the prices they charge at the bars, for what I would spend on three O'Douls I could go to the store and but two six packs.
hmmmmmm..... that gives me a brain fart.

Jun 14, 2007, 2:38 PM
gettin sozzed is best as social event spent wiv peeps not sittin skulkin away in ya room bein bored 2 tears an gettin mizzy Doggie.... if ya don drink go out an hav fun ne ways babe.... :bigrin:

Jun 14, 2007, 2:40 PM
Nothin's open on the 4th babe, except maybe the movie theaters.
God wotta nitemare....fun day an sod all 2 do..no pubs no clubs..an they call it a hol???? :(

Jun 14, 2007, 5:31 PM
God wotta nitemare....fun day an sod all 2 do..no pubs no clubs..an they call it a hol???? :(

You're supposed to have bought your booze early and drink it with friends. In Florida, the grocery stores are open for limited hours and you can get alcohol there.


Jul 8, 2007, 12:12 PM
Well - as it turned out, I had to work on the 4th. That put a little extra gingle in my pocket.
Damn - I gotta find another job.