View Full Version : Pharamacy Question....... serious :)

Jun 12, 2007, 3:05 AM
I don;t know if you guys work in a drug store or have done this before but if you have.. HELP ? :)

I was on Fosmax, something my doctor strictly ORDERED me to take.... even added the "Yes, I know you hate drugs but you have no choice.. you HAVE to take them!! I mean it." speech, followed by the dead serious glare. *long story on why and I know I should* (When you have Kallman's Syndrome, its very important... it effects your bones.)

Well, I hadn't taken them for almost a year.
WHY?? cause my ex (when we were still together) went to get a refill... but he was talked into getting a different brand I never heard of that cost less than fosmax but did the same thing.
I took it but it gave me horrible cramping, gas and so on..... fosmax didn;t give me side effects.
Well, he REFUSED to get me back on fosmax so purposly didn't take those different pills cause I didn't like it and it made me sick.

Cause of all the stress and stuff that went on durning the divorce, his leaving and all that, those pills pretty much got forgotten.

I found then recently.. I have 3 stacks in the cupboard, a preciption slip that I have more on file... but there is no way Im taking the crampy gas causing pills and I want to go back on Fosmax but HOW?? lol

I have never made a change before... do I just explain I was on it, ex changed it and now I want back on Fosmax ?? or do I have to see my doctor even tho my ex did it at the pharamacy??


Jun 12, 2007, 3:18 AM
Since the prescription is for the other stuff you'll have to call the doctor's office and explain the situation. They'll call in the prescription to your pharmacy and you'll be able to pick up the new script in a day or two.

A pharmacy will only give you what's on the slip of paper.

You probably won't have to go in, but you will at least need to make the call.

mn freak
Jun 12, 2007, 3:22 AM
If you are having such a horrible reaction to the generic version of the drug, tell your doctor. He can write you a new prescription stating you need the name brand only & not the generic. I know this because I worked in a pharmacy for over 3 1/2 years.


Jun 12, 2007, 6:35 AM
If you are having such a horrible reaction to the generic version of the drug, tell your doctor. He can write you a new prescription stating you need the name brand only & not the generic. I know this because I worked in a pharmacy for over 3 1/2 years.


Tasha - I don't know how the pharm laws are in Canada, but in the States, freak is correct. A phamacy can only dispence what the physician purscribes and only name brand unless the scrip notates "generic allowed".
I don't know if you will have to pay the doc a visit, but you really should call in to make sure.

Be good to yerself.

Dogwood :doggie:

Jun 12, 2007, 9:20 AM
when i was working in the pharmacy, the law was that if it was not specified by the doctor or yourself that you were to get name brand you automatically got generic.

the best thing to do is talk to your doctor.

Jun 12, 2007, 11:04 AM
ah, ok thanks you guys :)
I need to see a doctor anyway about getting another set of meds re-filled so I'll mention the Fosmax thing to him.

It was a girl at the Pharmacy that asked my ex if he would rather the other brand of Fosmax cause it was cheaper....
We actually got into an aurgment over that cause I wanted FOSMAX not some other brand even tho it worked like Fosmax.
He said I was being silly and that the other brand was cheaper.
You know, I don't CARE if its cheaper or not... to me its not the same drug. lol
I only take drugs that has what the doctor wanted me to take clearly on the label. :)

Oh well :) Thanks all :) I'll talk to my doctor soon


Jun 12, 2007, 11:06 AM
When we get RX's here we also get a big sheet discribing the medication along with all the possible side effects. The stuff you experienced was probably on that list. Definitely talk to your doctor and make sure that the name brand might not cause similar effects to you. I've had bad reactions to meds before and it can get expensive constantly changing till you find one that works. If they have samples he could try those on you first.

Jun 12, 2007, 12:42 PM
Hey gf, you prolly should go to the doc to get the new script, if its been that long he should prolly give you a checkup anyway :)