View Full Version : The sex crimes in Canada

Jun 12, 2007, 1:20 AM
We Canadians as a nation really need to look at the castration/amputation. When I read about things like this....
click here (http://ca.news.yahoo.com/s/capress/crime_girl_torture)
....it rips me apart inside to think that little girl has to try and have a normal life some how.

Our government really needs to look at other options. This has gone on to long.

Jun 12, 2007, 1:32 AM
That article was heartbreaking.:disgust: That poor little girl, i hope someday she can forget most of what happened to her , i would say forget everything, but i'm sure that's impossible.
poor, poor, baby

Jun 12, 2007, 1:54 AM
Reading that tore me to fucking shreds :(
I lack the words to describe the horror.
Fuck :banghead:

Jun 12, 2007, 2:07 AM
But gosh, if we killed such people, wouldn't we Be Sinking To Their Level?

Jun 12, 2007, 2:09 AM
No, wait, I didn't get that quite right: wouldn't we Be Just As Bad As They Are? There, I think I've got the mantra right this time....

Jun 12, 2007, 2:29 AM
The worst thing about this is that he does not feel he did anything wrong. People like this need to be a "bitch" in jail.

Jun 12, 2007, 2:56 AM
Personally I think people like that who could do any such thing to a child should
just go get dead period.
How in the hell could anyone have sex with or torture a child is beyond my level
of thinking in any way I just can't see it as a parent myself I'd have to shoot
my own damn self in the head for such acts.

Azrael you hit the nail right on the head, FUCK.

Jun 12, 2007, 3:12 AM
The truly sad part is, this sort of thing happens much more frequently than we would all like to admit. Children, in many cases are raised by truly dis functional people who were raised that way themselves.

This is in NO way meant to justify the brutalization of children (for which these people need to go bye bye for a VERY long time). This is only to say that it happens more than we might believe. :(

Fortunately she's young enough that she might still be able to lead a fairly normal life.

I hope.

Jun 12, 2007, 6:04 PM
For the Americans reading this thread, you should know that in Canada we have a very bad record with letting these monsters out into public in some cases as little as 2 years.

Disgusting instances like this need to be dealt with in a more permanent nature within our government. At the very least, this little girl should know that the monster has gone away for good and will never hurt anyone again.

A minimum 50 years sentence with no chance for parole might work, but then who wants to pay for someone like that to stay alive for 50 years? Not me.

Azrael,......I completely agree.

Jun 12, 2007, 6:25 PM
I don't recall what the status is of Canada's mandatory supervision program, but it may well still exist. This is the program that enables criminals to be released into society after serving two-thirds of their sentences, even if they would fail to qualify for parole (parole being an entirely different mechanism). Yes, you read that right.

Most Canadians are familiar with the name of Clifford Olson, who raped and murdered some 20 children. Many don't realize, however, that these murders occurred AFTER Olson had been released from prison under the mandatory supervision program (that is, after serving two-thirds of his sentence for yet another crime).

This program is only one example of the Canadian justice system's failure, over the past 30 years, to protect citizens against proven criminals. The approach was explained by Solicitor General Jean-Pierre Goyer in a 1971 speech to the Commons, on the Liberal government's agenda: "We have decided to stress the rehabilitation of individuals, rather than the protection of society." They couldn't have been plainer about it.

Jun 12, 2007, 8:05 PM
Monsters like the mother and boyfriend should be made to pay for the crimes they have committed. It is sad to hear that Canada is not very rough on people who abuse children. Children should never be made to be dicipline in such a way I hope that they rot in jail and that the little girl grow up happy the rest of her life with no problems and only happiness.

Jun 12, 2007, 9:37 PM
Monsters like this should be put to death. They have absolutely no redeeming value to society at all. Anyone who would do this to a child is so fucked up in the head that they will never be "rehabilitated". Child sexual molesters have a recidivism rate of over 75% and the other 25% just learned how not to get caught. Let's just execute them and remove this plague from our society.