View Full Version : Looking for real people

Jun 11, 2007, 5:53 PM
We have been on the site a few weeks and have found that there are no real people on here. All we have found is that the people that do send or answer an email are afraid to take that step to meet for real either if iys for a drink. We have wasted so much time emailing back and forth. So where are the people who want to meet and play with a sexy hot clean attractive fun couple? All the profiles in this site, I wonder how many are real?

Jun 11, 2007, 6:04 PM
all of us are real, some of us just here for friends and some here for online relationships and some here are willing to meet in person. we just like to get to know people real well b4 we decide if we want anything from them, be it a relationship online or in person or friends or whatever the case may be.

Mrs. Taz

Jun 11, 2007, 6:06 PM
Sorry you've been having lousy luck finding someone. I had damn near given up myself until, well that's another story. Suffice it to say I met an amazing woman who I'm totally smitten with. Even before that, though, I have and am continuing to make some fucking great friends here. Keep the faith!

Also, this is just a bit of constructive critique. You might think about expanding and elaborating your profile a bit. Nothing wrong as is, but if you share your interests, ideas or whatever, you might have an easier time finding someone with similar taste. Just my schilling's worth. Cheers!

Remember, generalizations are the refuge of the intellectually irresponsible. Happy hunting!

the mage
Jun 11, 2007, 6:30 PM
The World Wide part of the WWW tends to limit real time possibilities.
Keep looking.. I for one, am not a figment of my imagination...

Jun 11, 2007, 7:07 PM
Also, the biggest problems with this sort of thing is, in part, the www as well as the fact that there are so many sites out there for hooking up and none of them are really set up for local connections.
Even this site, which is pretty good, isn't really set up to hook people up who are local to each other.

There are also so many sites out there that folks are on, that it spreads out the community quite thin on each site for each area.

Then you add to that, the folks who have blank or near-blank profiles as well as the ones who talk a big game, but don't walk the talk and that thins things out even more.

It all does make it difficult and we feel your pain because we are going through it as well.

Jun 11, 2007, 7:16 PM
I'm real. I just don't play with men as I've got one of those already :bigrin:

I'm sorry you're having no luck here. Have you tried AdultFriendFinder.com?

Jun 11, 2007, 8:33 PM
The World Wide part of the WWW tends to limit real time possibilities.
Keep looking.. I for one, am not a figment of my imagination...

Gee, I dunno, Mage, you look too good to be true. And in Mississauga? Naw......can't be! :)

Jun 11, 2007, 10:40 PM
I'm here and I'm real.

Perhaps a bit too real for some if you've read my profile/ad, or some posts. ;)

Anyway I much highly prefer meeting people face to face than through a computer.

I have met and made some good friends online but not that many.

I have dated guys who I've met online which worked out well but we got to know each other for a long period of time before I dated these men or even met up with them.

I've also went on fast arranged blind dates with guys who were REALLY sketchy, contradictory, pushy, and disturbing so I basically just would meet them for coffee, not give out my home phone # or address, and talk a bit and then say no thanks and go home once the sketchiness, pushy attitude, and contradiction started.

Jun 11, 2007, 10:49 PM
Im real too.....

MY Problem is.... beside this site and OKCupid.... most other dating sites are scared to get to know a deaf gal :)
They are scared of honestly too....
Sadly, all they want is sex sex sex.... Im not interested... perfectly clear Im ONLY interested in RELATIONSHIP :) (sex is fun yes... but these people want one night stands... no thank you.)

THIS site, I have found tons of real people who are totally understanding and love me for my honestly :) Now, if some of the women here were NOT MARRIED... I would be after them *grins*

OKCupid I have 2 great strong going friendships going on that who knows, could turn into something more someday but for now, Im happy for the friendship :) Afterall, the best relationships are formed out of a good friendship.


Jun 11, 2007, 11:20 PM
all of us are real, some of us just here for friends and some here for online relationships and some here are willing to meet in person. we just like to get to know people real well b4 we decide if we want anything from them, be it a relationship online or in person or friends or whatever the case may be.

Mrs. Taz

I agree, thank you Mrs. Taz.

I've been called "fake" because I'm not into the hook-up thing. Some folks think if they spend 3 minutes chatting with me pleasantly on messenger and then ask "Wanna fuck?" that I should be leaping into my car and racing to meet them.

Many of us just aren't that way :)

Jun 11, 2007, 11:28 PM
We have been on the site a few weeks and have found that there are no real people on here. All we have found is that the people that do send or answer an email are afraid to take that step to meet for real either if iys for a drink. We have wasted so much time emailing back and forth. So where are the people who want to meet and play with a sexy hot clean attractive fun couple? All the profiles in this site, I wonder how many are real?

How soon after the first message are you asking to meet up?

Many people on this site are long-range types . . .thinking beyond a single hook up to creating intimate friendships.

When I first joined, I admit I was expecting a "craig's list" speed of hook up here- -fucking in 48 hours or less or your money back- - but, that's not the way many of the people here roll.(Believe me, I'm grateful for that)

Most of the people here are for real, and thats EXACTLY why they are taking their time to get to know you. So, if you want to meet someone here, it's best if you settle in, post a little on the boards, hang out in chat and expect to get to know someone before that "first drink". . .the pay off for your patience may be amazing!


Jun 12, 2007, 3:27 AM
This aint as such a datin site tho it dus happen... if all ya lookin for is a quick meet a shag an a cheerio then not reely sure this is werya wonna b.....

Jun 12, 2007, 5:14 AM
all of us are real, some of us just here for friends and some here for online relationships and some here are willing to meet in person. we just like to get to know people real well b4 we decide if we want anything from them, be it a relationship online or in person or friends or whatever the case may be.

Mrs. Taz

So true Mrs Taz, we feel the same way. I feel this site is more of a "social/info' site than a hookup site anyway, if you do find a person(s) to hook up with its just icing on the cake. There are a million of swinger sites out there for meeting others quickly. One quick note on the profile, you ask for clear pics yet have none of yourself up for viewing, this may turn some people off. Just my opinion of course i could be wrong :rolleyes:

Jun 12, 2007, 6:42 AM
The World Wide part of the WWW tends to limit real time possibilities.
Keep looking.. I for one, am not a figment of my imagination...

Double dittos mage. Nor I an imagination of my figment.


Jun 12, 2007, 12:45 PM
We have been on the site a few weeks and have found that there are no real people on here. All we have found is that the people that do send or answer an email are afraid to take that step to meet for real either if iys for a drink. We have wasted so much time emailing back and forth. So where are the people who want to meet and play with a sexy hot clean attractive fun couple? All the profiles in this site, I wonder how many are real?

We are real! And we met through this site and are extremely happy and very much in love. It CAN happen, just hang in there, took us a long time to find the right one!

Jun 12, 2007, 11:14 PM
Hi Everyone,

Thanks to all the replyed. We still have found it difficult to talk with anyone that is serious about meeting up. We are a very clean attractive sexy couple who is looking for that one special bi girl or gal to join us. We are not looking to jump into bed with who ever. We are very selective very picky. We found that the people we come in contact with are here to email back and forth, they say that they are ready to meet and play but never come though. We first email then exchange pictures then meet for a drink to see if the attraction and chemistry is there for all, just seems that all goes well until its time to arrange to play then they get cold feet,
Are we looking in all the wrong place. Why it is so hard to find a clean normal attractive playmate who is local and knows what they want aand not afraid to go after it. Thanks for listening. very_real 423

Jun 12, 2007, 11:15 PM
Very Happy for you the three of us Nice to hear!!

Jun 13, 2007, 12:43 AM
yes, this site is mostly for frienship, although I have seen a few people fall in love and enter into ltr's. if you're lookin for "real people'...well, I'm actually a figment of William Buroughs' imagination. I mostly come here to make friends. Its kind of difficult when you don't have a physical body.....

Jun 13, 2007, 9:56 AM
So true Mrs Taz, we feel the same way. I feel this site is more of a "social/info' site than a hookup site anyway, if you do find a person(s) to hook up with its just icing on the cake. There are a million of swinger sites out there for meeting others quickly. One quick note on the profile, you ask for clear pics yet have none of yourself up for viewing, this may turn some people off. Just my opinion of course i could be wrong :rolleyes:

:female: For me this site represents so much more than a place to "hook up". It's a source of comfort and a place to be open with others experiencing what we are experiencing. I am happy to say that we were lucky enough to make a friend who is in our area and have met. We really connected and had it not been for this site this would never have happened. This person has become a very dear friend very quickly and seems to be the right person to help us make sense of this situation as we learn more about it. I wish everyone well in their search for what they are looking for but don't criticize the people here...they are some of the most "REAL" people I've interacted with in my life. :2cents:

Jun 13, 2007, 10:07 AM
I'm pretty sure I'm real.
Atleast....I hope so....

Jun 13, 2007, 10:18 AM
I'm real, I'm mortal, but am I human?

Well i never saw this site just for dating, sex, whatever, cause personality and friendship is more important than sexual needs.
So i make distance from all those who wants just to have sex, and that's more healty approach, cause being bi is smth much deeper, it's part of character, not just sex.

Jun 13, 2007, 10:35 AM
I'm real, I'm mortal, but am I human?

I can forsee this thread taking on some nutty philisophical undertones.

Jun 13, 2007, 12:20 PM
Hi Everyone,

Thanks to all the replyed. We still have found it difficult to talk with anyone that is serious about meeting up. We are a very clean attractive sexy couple who is looking for that one special bi girl or gal to join us. We are not looking to jump into bed with who ever. We are very selective very picky. We found that the people we come in contact with are here to email back and forth, they say that they are ready to meet and play but never come though. We first email then exchange pictures then meet for a drink to see if the attraction and chemistry is there for all, just seems that all goes well until its time to arrange to play then they get cold feet,
Are we looking in all the wrong place. Why it is so hard to find a clean normal attractive playmate who is local and knows what they want aand not afraid to go after it. Thanks for listening. very_real 423
I'm sorry you're having a hard time finding people that will actually follow through. I hope that you will not give up hope and stick to it. Sometimes location and so forth are a problem. A great number of people that do find someone they really connect with, aren't even in the same areas, state and sometimes country.
This site has always had a more "family" atmosphere to it. Since having people from some of the more sexual sites directed here we do get our share of the more assertive types that only want sex and assume this site is a quick fix, but the genuine people are still out there. Just takes more weeding.
Best of luck to you!

Jun 13, 2007, 12:22 PM
I can forsee this thread taking on some nutty philisophical undertones.

Nej, that was just a joke from one song. But i think i'm real....and human.

Jun 13, 2007, 12:32 PM
We are for real, and we never really used this site for hookups, we just wanted to be on a site that shared a common bond, bisexuality.

We are on a few swinger sites, since we are swingers, but, do you know how hard it is to find another bisexual couple on a swing site? Very!

We like it here since we can chat with other bisexuals, who don't judge our way of life!

If we meet someone from here, all the more better, but, we let it happen, we don't really pursue it.

Jun 13, 2007, 12:47 PM
Hi Everyone,

Thanks to all the replyed. We still have found it difficult to talk with anyone that is serious about meeting up. We are a very clean attractive sexy couple who is looking for that one special bi girl or gal to join us. We are not looking to jump into bed with who ever. We are very selective very picky. We found that the people we come in contact with are here to email back and forth, they say that they are ready to meet and play but never come though. We first email then exchange pictures then meet for a drink to see if the attraction and chemistry is there for all, just seems that all goes well until its time to arrange to play then they get cold feet,
Are we looking in all the wrong place. Why it is so hard to find a clean normal attractive playmate who is local and knows what they want aand not afraid to go after it. Thanks for listening. very_real 423

it could be more than just cold feet. it could be that they are trying to become more of friends before jumping into something. i know quite a few people who have met people online to see if there is any chemistry and even though there was they cut it off because the other person was trying to get into the sack a little too quickly. after you go out for drinks do you start to pursue more? or do you make sure that there is more than just initial attraction and chemistry. because that might help out.

meteast chick
Jun 13, 2007, 1:04 PM
I was almost offended when I first read this, but then I read all the posts and said I must have taken it wrong. Maybe it's because we are all real. If by real you mean willing to go wherever whenever, then that is your defination but not the general consensus. This isn't a huge dating site. It's more of a place to call home. If you want sex, go to craigslist.

Okay so that's my :2cents:
luv and kisses,

Jun 13, 2007, 1:11 PM
If you want sex, go to craigslist.

Okay so that's my :2cents:
luv and kisses,

:bigrin: :bigrin: :bigrin:

Ain't that the truth!!!

Jun 13, 2007, 2:54 PM
I'm not real. I'm an incredible simulation.


Jun 13, 2007, 3:00 PM
"Today a young man on acid realized that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration. That we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively. There is no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we are the imagination of ourselves. Here's Tom with the weather."
Bill Hicks 1961-1994 Rest in Peace
Another Dead Hero.

Jun 13, 2007, 3:52 PM
I can forsee this thread taking on some nutty philisophical undertones.

taking, taking?

Enoll, sweetie, it done took the Kafkaesque ball and RAN!


Jan 3, 2008, 1:09 AM
I'm real, I'm mortal, but am I human?

Well i never saw this site just for dating, sex, whatever, cause personality and friendship is more important than sexual needs.
So i make distance from all those who wants just to have sex, and that's more healty approach, cause being bi is smth much deeper, it's part of character, not just sex.

So true so true. Hugs and kisses for you.

Jan 3, 2008, 6:31 AM
Being "real" is highly over-rated! :2cents:

By the way ;) I'm always available for a free consultation.


Jan 30, 2008, 2:28 AM
How soon after the first message are you asking to meet up?

Many people on this site are long-range types . . .thinking beyond a single hook up to creating intimate friendships.

When I first joined, I admit I was expecting a "craig's list" speed of hook up here- -fucking in 48 hours or less or your money back- - but, that's not the way many of the people here roll.(Believe me, I'm grateful for that)

Most of the people here are for real, and thats EXACTLY why they are taking their time to get to know you. So, if you want to meet someone here, it's best if you settle in, post a little on the boards, hang out in chat and expect to get to know someone before that "first drink". . .the pay off for your patience may be amazing!


Nice Taylor. Incredibly well spoken.

As for me, I can't be like everyone else, because I'm like, you know, special...or something. <cheesy grin>

So I'm not real. Well, at least in terms of reality, that is. I'm strickly out of phase. However, should you step into the same phase as me, well then I suppose I'd be real again. Wait a minute! MAYBE......I'm real and YOU are not real? No? Well then I guess we'll just have to hang out long enough for the phase variances between us to become minimal. Only then will we really appear real to one another.



<loses it completely>


Jan 30, 2008, 10:27 AM
FWIW, I don't think of this site as a "meet wagon." It's a forum in which those sharing a similar sexual heritage can chat about issues that affect us.

If by chance you hook up with someone through this site, that's OK. However, please don't think of bixsexual.com in such shallow terms.

Jan 30, 2008, 8:44 PM
hi i'm real and if were closer we'd hook up to play if you were interested, i have had a few interested but too far away, and so it goes, sometimes it just seems theres no one out there that is real but they are, you only been on here a few weeks u say, i been on here a littel longer and only hooked up twice from people on here, some are on here just to chat, some are curious about our life style, some are here to hook up , some looking for companionship, ect.... so what ever the reason it's all good. there are a lot of interesting articles people post and can be replied, some having problems with existing relationships and needing advice or help, so this site is a lot more then just to hook up although it does happen.

Eddie altamonte
Jan 30, 2008, 11:46 PM
We have been on the site a few weeks and have found that there are no real people on here. All we have found is that the people that do send or answer an email are afraid to take that step to meet for real either if iys for a drink. We have wasted so much time emailing back and forth. So where are the people who want to meet and play with a sexy hot clean attractive fun couple? All the profiles in this site, I wonder how many are real?


Jan 31, 2008, 2:14 AM
hey, anyone wanna talk to me? I have skype and video chat. Username is: dustinator001.

Jan 31, 2008, 2:19 AM
Being "real" is highly over-rated! :2cents:

By the way ;) I'm always available for a free consultation.


Sounds great. We need to talk.

Jan 31, 2008, 8:10 AM
Wow, this is an interesting thread.

I too have met with difficulty in finding a gentleman. As many others here suggest, the site really isn't a meat shop. That isn't what I'd want either.

I'd rather enjoy getting to know someone online, arranging a meeting later on. But, even that faces adversity. Everyone has their respective lives to live and considering that, aren't constantly available. That I can understand and respect.

And I respect the sense of family here. It's nice to be able to talk with folks without fear of judging. Though, I do find some who do judge. Those few who do, can ruin a generally pleasant visit quickly.

This isn't pessimistic, merely an observation of what's here. But, as said it is as a family. You have folks who seem to think it is their right, duty even, to cheer everyone up to their own standards of life. These people exist in families, too.

And they try cheering up folks who are happy. I am happy. I may be a bit frustrated, disappointed in not making viable contact with gentlemen through the site here, but I am happy. Building relationships takes time, as has already been said. That in mind I am still waiting and barely clinging to hope.

My life is not yours, and yours not mine. The effort is appreciated, but not needed. I am fine. But, I won't simply mill about in pity and wait here on the site for Mr. Right. Sorry, I've a life to live.

Besides, if I can not pity others, and I can not, then can you truly see pity being something I'd lavish on myself? You may or may not. Frankly, I do not care for your reply either way. I'll be living life as best I'm able once you figure it out.

Hope, it seems that's all any of us have ultimately. I hope you can find what you seek here. I'll not say you can not, nor say you may. It does take patience and understanding, though. Hopefully, I've given a bit of understanding to some, if the shoe fits and such, ymmv fwiw.

Well family, I need to scoot along. Doing some reflection on why there are no stories about romance between lawn ornaments and bathroom furniture. In all seriousness, I am doing some writing and research. Also loving a new author's work. That damn Carr, he's quite a good master of prose.

Run it slow.

Jan 31, 2008, 9:45 AM
Hold on, let me check

(((Pinches self)))

yes, I'm real!!

I think some people in this thread have confused shopping for meat with looking for a sex partner. Like any complex human interaction, you can't just walk up look over the packages and say "I want that one, how much?"
I guess some can operate that way, but not the majority of us. To meet someone here as well as every other site (look at how many "dating" sites there are to try and "match" individuals for their "compatibility") takes some interaction (commonly known as talking, chatting, emailing, etc). If anyone expects otherwise, I think they will be disappointed.


Jan 31, 2008, 11:18 AM
Hold on, let me check

(((Pinches self)))

yes, I'm real!!

I think some people in this thread have confused shopping for meat with looking for a sex partner. Like any complex human interaction, you can't just walk up look over the packages and say "I want that one, how much?"
I guess some can operate that way, but not the majority of us. To meet someone here as well as every other site (look at how many "dating" sites there are to try and "match" individuals for their "compatibility") takes some interaction (commonly known as talking, chatting, emailing, etc). If anyone expects otherwise, I think they will be disappointed.


I'm very real as well... But oh Bree, if only we could do that... Partner shopping like food shopping or clothes shopping....

Clothes i know what i like and wear them. Food the same, sometimes i eat junk sometimes i eat healthy....

But partner shopping.... Now thats soo hard...

Cough- Can i have a low fat, ready meal for one... With medium fries, a long chocolate milkshake, and no cheese...

Interpretation- Small - large man or woman, single, that is interesting passionate, caring and kind and funny.... but can tolerate my no cheese foods lol.


Jan 31, 2008, 11:26 AM
:tongue:[QUOTE=diB4u;92949]I'm very real as well... But oh Bree, if only we could do that... Partner shopping like food shopping or clothes shopping....

Clothes i know what i like and wear them. Food the same, sometimes i eat junk sometimes i eat healthy....

But partner shopping.... Now thats soo hard...

Cough- Can i have a low fat, ready meal for one... With medium fries, a long chocolate milkshake, and no cheese...

Interpretation- Small - large man or woman, single, that is interesting passionate, caring and kind and funny.... but can tolerate my no cheese food

I feel the same way Bree we all should get to know each other befor we pick we maybe seprised.

Jan 31, 2008, 1:53 PM
The thing is....

You know, I'm alone.

I'm having to learn ALL OVER how to care for myself, because for years I had a woman to shore me up where I had problem areas.

What's kind of fascinating, is that even though I am well beyond my adolescent years, I find that being reborn has caused some of those old issues to crop up.

For example. I'm not always too sharp when it comes to knowing how to feed myself. If I am feeling low, (which I have been for quite some time) I have a tendency towards doing things to make myself feel better which aren't always good for me. (like eating junk food or not getting enough rest because I simply MUST finish writing that piece before I lose it)

Then, because I care (probably too much) for the well being of others I spend a bit too much time helping others to find answers to their problems. It helps though to find perspective in other peoples struggles when the answers to my own problems elude me.

But the main point here is this: I am DYING to find a new love interest. Male or Female or both. But, I know that it is critical that I do not just rush in and walk out of the store with some kind of "junk food" which will give me a temporary rush, only to leave me feeling bad later. So I take my time.

I am trying to learn how to find the spirits who are most compatible with ME.
So yeah, while I can appreciate those who desire to throw caution to the wind and just take a flying leap into the sack with people.......for me it takes a bit more time. Because, during this portion of my life, where I am remaking myself, it is paramount that I learn how to love myself BY taking the time to find the RIGHT kinds of energy which will be GOOD FOR ME.

There is a post on AustinBinet in a similar perspective who is very frustrated because everyone won't just go get drunk and fuck. I suppose for very experienced people that this might be an option which is viable. But for me, I need someone who is going to feed my soul.......as well as my appetites.

So I'm slow.

and forever hoping.


Jan 31, 2008, 10:13 PM
I am very real and would enjoy meeting you. But, I am also too old and live too far away and have a satisfactory sex partner. Others on this website, have different reasons for not being adequate as sex partners for you (as evident in the other replies). Eventually, someone, who is just right for you, may contact you. However, I suggest that you utilize multiple sites to increase your chance of near-term success. Pay-for-playmate sites are the best for quick success because most everyone that is willing to pay is interested in quick returns on investment. Yes, you have to be careful when picking partners on these sites somewhat more than this site, (but not much more).


Jan 31, 2008, 11:18 PM
We have been on the site a few weeks and have found that there are no real people on here. All we have found is that the people that do send or answer an email are afraid to take that step to meet for real either if iys for a drink. We have wasted so much time emailing back and forth. So where are the people who want to meet and play with a sexy hot clean attractive fun couple? All the profiles in this site, I wonder how many are real?

I promise to you I'm real.:three:

Feb 1, 2008, 10:10 PM
im real and ready to meet

Feb 2, 2008, 4:33 PM
Hi All,

We're new here, and we are real people too! Thought this would be a good Thread to make our first post. We are a married couple in Alaska. In general I go along with those who think that sites like this are very good for getting to know a person on-line first. Since we are looking for more than a quick hook-up for sex, we find that a lot can be learned from corresponding via email. We have met several nice folks on another site - and we have also met several who "seemed nice" at first, but who after a bit of talk back and forth eventually showed a more accurate picture of themselves.

So, I suppose it's really just a matter of what exactly one is looking for - we are all different and seeking something different. Looking forward to getting to know some of you.

Feb 3, 2008, 11:03 AM
Very Real, I think many people here like to hide behind an electronic name and go to this site because they can be anonymous. There is probably also a fear to go and meet someone because then they are unmasked-and their true identity is revealed. I also think people are extremely afraid of diseases these days, and the site offers some sort of electronic buffer as they mull the decision to do or not to do. Just some thoughts.

Feb 9, 2008, 6:05 PM
FWIW, I don't think of this site as a "meet wagon." It's a forum in which those sharing a similar sexual heritage can chat about issues that affect us.

If by chance you hook up with someone through this site, that's OK. However, please don't think of bixsexual.com in such shallow terms.

How is this site NOT a hook up site or a sex site?

People write about sex and post personal ads and it's a more icky and impersonal yet cliquey/cultish place than Craigslist is.

This site is a hook up and sex site and that's what people are here for.

Analog Kid
Feb 10, 2008, 2:39 AM
I am looking for real people also. But looking at your post I think your definition and mine differ. Your statement "...who want to meet and play with a sexy hot clean attractive fun couple?" actually scares me. If fact my whole search for happiness for myself, that has led me to stop denying the bi in me, and to try find a 'real person or person' scares the hell out of me.

Maybe I'm just a prude, maybe I'm sexually repressed. But looking around the net for a couple or a man all I see is sex sex sex. Especially on the male side. " Hi, wanta see my dick?" Jesus Christ. What I've seen so far has made me fear that a what I seek doesnt exist.

To me sex without some sort of friendship/relationship is just masterbation. Or maybe prostitution of your soul. To me sex is sharing something of value beyond mere physical sensations. To lust for someones happiness, to desire that happiness and to receive that back. How do you get that from a stranger? What if their an idiot, a liar, a hypocrite, a pedophile, an abuser of animals, think Kenny G is real jazz, likes modern country music or that polyester is superior to cotton?

Maybe sex with a stranger or sex without trust makes some happy, but I can't see it. Can't understand it.

Maybe the Dave Matthews Band can discribe it better.

From the song Rapunzel

For you I would crawl
Through the darkest dungeon
Climb a castle wall
If you're my Rapunzel
You let your hair down
Right in through the window
Good, they locked the door
'Cause I do my best for you

I do the world of you
With all of my heart I do
There's blood through my veins for you
You alone have all of me
From you my strength is full
To you I will be true

Um, oh, it's just too good to be real
The smell of something cooking
You're my soul to steal
While on the food of love we're filling
What you've given me
For it there's no measure
Now you know my love
That I'll give my best for you

I think the world of you
With all of my heart I do
There's blood through my veins for you
You alone have all of me
From you my strength is full
To carry your burdens, too
I think the world of you

Hip lock up so tight
Good God, you drive me crazy
Crazy is alright
With you looking at me
You make me feel high
Every single thing you do to me
My God, I'm drunk
But I do my best for you, I do...

Feb 10, 2008, 2:57 AM
FWIW, I don't think of this site as a "meet wagon." It's a forum in which those sharing a similar sexual heritage can chat about issues that affect us.
That's the way I look at it. I'm aware of the personal ads but I don't plan to ever send someone a PM about meeting up.

Feb 10, 2008, 3:18 AM
I am looking for real people also. But looking at your post I think your definition and mine differ. Your statement "...who want to meet and play with a sexy hot clean attractive fun couple?" actually scares me. If fact my whole search for happiness for myself, that has led me to stop denying the bi in me, and to try find a 'real person or person' scares the hell out of me.

Maybe I'm just a prude, maybe I'm sexually repressed. But looking around the net for a couple or a man all I see is sex sex sex. Especially on the male side. " Hi, wanta see my dick?" Jesus Christ. What I've seen so far has made me fear that a what I seek doesnt exist.

To me sex without some sort of friendship/relationship is just masterbation. Or maybe prostitution of your soul. To me sex is sharing something of value beyond mere physical sensations. To lust for someones happiness, to desire that happiness and to receive that back. How do you get that from a stranger? What if their an idiot, a liar, a hypocrite, a pedophile, an abuser of animals, think Kenny G is real jazz, likes modern country music or that polyester is superior to cotton?

Maybe sex with a stranger or sex without trust makes some happy, but I can't see it. Can't understand it.

Maybe the Dave Matthews Band can discribe it better.

From the song Rapunzel

For you I would crawl
Through the darkest dungeon
Climb a castle wall
If you're my Rapunzel
You let your hair down
Right in through the window
Good, they locked the door
'Cause I do my best for you

I do the world of you
With all of my heart I do
There's blood through my veins for you
You alone have all of me
From you my strength is full
To you I will be true

Um, oh, it's just too good to be real
The smell of something cooking
You're my soul to steal
While on the food of love we're filling
What you've given me
For it there's no measure
Now you know my love
That I'll give my best for you

I think the world of you
With all of my heart I do
There's blood through my veins for you
You alone have all of me
From you my strength is full
To carry your burdens, too
I think the world of you

Hip lock up so tight
Good God, you drive me crazy
Crazy is alright
With you looking at me
You make me feel high
Every single thing you do to me
My God, I'm drunk
But I do my best for you, I do...

That song all about eating pussy and its just about sex.

U R a prude and sexually repressed if U don't want 2 try sex with a stranger AT LEAST 1 time 2 make sure U like it or not.

Feb 18, 2008, 11:10 AM
We are still looking for that elusive bisexual couple here in the Tampa Bay area. If you are that couple, please contact us here, or on Y! Messenger!

Look forward to hearing from you!