View Full Version : Know any Google/Yahoo/MSN Groups for BiFolks

Jun 11, 2007, 4:25 PM
Hi Folks:

I wondered what groups people are aware of or participate in Google, Yahoo or MSN? I think MSN purged all Adult/Sex Groups a while back, but I don't know about Yahoo or Google. Of course nothing could be better than this website, but perhaps some variety once in a while would allow us to bring back what we learn from other groups and stimulate this site even more.


Jun 11, 2007, 6:46 PM
Yahoo has a group for Long Island. I think it is called libido (long island bisexual)
I found it when I typed long island bisexual into the search block.
Besides being a net group they also get together periodically for parties etc

Jun 11, 2007, 7:09 PM
Yahoo allows adult groups, but does not list them on the search directory, unless you are logged in and age-verified. So they can be hard to find!

The only thing I really found in Fairfield per se was this:

The Twilight Guard - A Leather/Bear/Fetish gay men's organization founded in 1995, based in both Fairfield (CT) and Westchester (NY) counties. The group aims to promote social, educational and service activities within the glbt community. Bar socials are held the first Saturday of every month at the Cedar Brook Cafe in Westport, CT. For more information, visit their website, send an e-mail, or write to Twilight Guard, PO Box 428, New Canaan, CT 06840

There's the Triangle Community Center, you could call and ask them:


You might just want to get on the gay.com "Connecticut, State Wide" chat room and ask around... http:///www.gay.com

There is a Connecticut Bisexual Women's Network, maybe you could email them and ask if they know about a bi-men-inclusive group in the area:


Or ask the Connecticut Lavender Greens:


Jun 11, 2007, 7:18 PM
We belong to a few Bi groups on Yahoo, but one thing that we find is that most groups want you to have a complete profile. Unfortunately most groups are also not really set up for it's members to hook up in real life.
We actually own a yahoo group for our area and we expect people to have a complete profile because we have the group set up for folks to meet in the real world and not just play e-mail tag. After all, why do all this contacting back and forth if you are not going to meet and develop something, right?

Jun 11, 2007, 7:47 PM
Yahoo went through and threatened to delete any adult groups that didn't have verified ages for all the members. They also expanded what they considered to be an "adult" group. But, they still allow adult groups, and I'm totally down with the idea of protecting children, you know?