View Full Version : St. Petersburg Florida Pride

Jun 11, 2007, 2:11 PM
St. Pete Pride Street Festival
Location: Central Avenue between 21st & 28th Streets
Date: 6-30-2007
Time: 11:0 a.m. - 4:0 p.m.

Hope to see some of you there! I'll be in my purple plaid sox, Irish hat and probably a Skinny Puppy shirt!

Jun 12, 2007, 3:37 PM
Nobody? Breakin' my balls here, people.

Jun 12, 2007, 11:39 PM
It should be fun, but we've been running ourselves ragged over the past few months. We are done traveling for a while.

But have fun there and make sure that you let us all know how it was.

Jun 13, 2007, 12:33 AM
We've got much the same problem. So much stuff going on and not enough time to do it all. We'll have to see what our schedule has in store for us

Jun 13, 2007, 10:30 AM
Why didn't I go? Work, and a car with iffy brakes, and saving for Vegas.

Trust me... you don't want my dad dropping me off at Pride. That would be (God forgive me) gay. :tongue:


Jun 13, 2007, 12:25 PM
We would attend, but, we are still getting acclimated to our move here, and finances will prohibit us from attending, unless things change in the next two weeks. :(

Jun 13, 2007, 3:16 PM
The protesters are already protesting in the news and on TV in St. Pete. Unlike the Tampa pride festival the St. Pete festival seems to draw lots of protesters and other unwanted segments of society that have nothing better to do. We may or may not go. It is only a few blocks away but may or may not be worth the effort. If we decide to go we will take the camera along and post some pics after the event.

Jun 13, 2007, 3:27 PM
The protesters are already protesting in the news and on TV in St. Pete. Unlike the Tampa pride festival the St. Pete festival seems to draw lots of protesters and other unwanted segments of society that have nothing better to do.
Let 'em come. I'll be waiting :bigrin:

Jun 13, 2007, 4:42 PM
Let 'em come. I'll be waiting :bigrin:
You Rock Azrael!

Jun 13, 2007, 6:16 PM
You Rock Azrael!
No arana, YOU ROCK!!!
:bowdown: :grouphug: :bigrin: :rotate:
Thanks though :cool:

Jun 14, 2007, 2:46 AM
Ha. I love you guys! And if Florida wasn't 2903842034 miles away, I'd be so there. :cool:

Jun 17, 2007, 1:03 PM
Seriously, I hope I'm not the only person going to this.

Hockey Girl
Jun 17, 2007, 2:05 PM
Nobody? Breakin' my balls here, people.


I read this in my best Cartman voice....dude, you crack me up!

I would so go to this with you if I was gunna be sweatin my butt off in FL for that weekend. Of course we would have to go to the Hurricain to get grouper sandwiches first...duh?!

:stanico: HG

Jun 17, 2007, 4:52 PM
Damn, Hockeygirl. I LOVE your style :cool:

Jun 22, 2007, 12:45 AM
9 days and counting! Who's comin' with me? It matters not. I got a camera phone :bigrin:
Nothing but love for those who cant make it. really.

Jun 22, 2007, 1:11 AM
9 days and counting! Who's comin' with me? It matters not. I got a camera phone :bigrin:
Nothing but love for those who cant make it. really.

take me with you babes!!!!! :tong: hahahaha! loves,


Jun 22, 2007, 2:04 AM
So far my Jeep is taking myself, my sister, and my Gay friend from the next town over. Two seats left! Bueller?
Do I have to make this any easier for you? :cutelaugh

Jun 22, 2007, 3:10 AM
I will finally after several years absence--be in the Southeaster US again--I will be back in Florida just before that date--but on that date--I will be celebrating my high school reunion in Savannah, GA---so I can't be there----

Have fun or at least be safe if there is going to be potential difficulties thanks to some protestors----