View Full Version : "Lend me your ears"

Jun 10, 2007, 4:47 AM
The time has come to leave.

In two years I have read and learnt a great deal via this site.

Nonetheless, in order to continue, I must go, else "custom will stale my infinite variety" (with apologies to the Bard).

Fear not, I have not gone the way of Rupertbare - I'm still Bisexual in thought as well as deed :bigrin: :tong:

In the last six weeks, the actions of others have made me realise that I would be trapped here, knowing neither peace nor rest. That negates everything I believe in. I dont want to "talk and talk until my head explodes", so let my last post be my swansong

Expect me when you see me ...


Jun 10, 2007, 8:30 AM
...thank you for your amazing input here over the past couple of years dear friend.

...i respect your decision to move on, though as one of my favourite allies here i will miss our banter and conversations though the forums.

...huge hugs eh

...love Julie :bipride: x x x