View Full Version : Incarceration and sexuality

Skater Boy
Jun 9, 2007, 6:13 PM
Apologies if this topic has been dealt with before, but the Paris Hilton thread just reminded me of something...

I have often wondered why ordinarily heterosexual people (men AND women) who get sent to prison/jail often decide to have same-sex relationships. I guess there is is an element of "lack of choice" because access to the opposite sex is strictly limited. So maybe their decision to have same-sex relations might be out of "desperation".

BUT, wouldn't that indicate that everyone (or at least MOST people) posess the "potential" within them to opt for a same-sex relationship under the right circumstances?

I'm also curious as to the psychology of the phenomenon... for example, is one prisoner's "bitch" just a SUBSTITUTE for the opposite sex, or is it something more than that? And what of the bitch? he/she has sometimes had a COMPLETE change of sexual role.

I saw a television program on this subject recently, and apparently some of these prisoners are DISTINCTLY heterosexual before they ENTER prison, but on LEAVING prison, many consider themselves to be closer to bisexual, and in some cases completely homosexual. So we're talking about a person who was BORN HETEROSEXUAL actually CHANGING their sexuality.

It raised some interesting issues for me, regarding the influence of "availability" on sexuality, and also, whether sexuality is pre-determined (for example, are we ALL "potentially bisexual" by default?).

I know that SOME psychologists consider ALL people POTENTIALLY bisexual, and that one's current sexual preference is apparently determined by socio-psychological factors... for example, your childhood and environment. But then perhaps there is a difference between people who are BORN bisexual or homosexual, and people who BECOME bisexual/homosexual over the course of time?

And if PRISON can alter one person's sexuality like this, are there any other things that can do so?

Hey... I'm talking shit again... but if anyone has an opinion on this one, it would be interesting to hear it!

Jun 9, 2007, 11:18 PM
I think that the biggest part to incarceration and sexuality is that as people are locked in jail they need to find some one who they can personally connect to becasue jail can be rough. However in jail you are confined to only the same sex relationships. Finding some who like that can help make the rough experince a little easier and go a little faster.

Skater Boy
Jun 10, 2007, 2:43 AM
I think that the biggest part to incarceration and sexuality is that as people are locked in jail they need to find some one who they can personally connect to becasue jail can be rough. However in jail you are confined to only the same sex relationships. Finding some who like that can help make the rough experince a little easier and go a little faster.

Thats true in some cases, although often the relationship between a convict and his/her bitch is NOT so compassionate, and is maybe closer to an ABUSIVE one. Although I may be wrong, and there could be whole set of emotional and security advantages that come with the relationship.

And it still doesn't quite explain why when finally RELEASED from prison, some of these men choose to maintain same-sex relationships even though they are back amongst the mixed population.

Jun 10, 2007, 10:19 AM
it's certainly a good perspective on the way our environment around us can change our perspective

Skater Boy
Jun 10, 2007, 2:29 PM
I just found this in another one of my old psychology books, which might shed some light on the subject:



Note these parts:

"There are roughly 4 ways in which homosexuality may develop. The individual may show signs of it from early childhood, by dressing frequently in his sister's clothes, for example...

...There are some men (and this applies correspondingly to women) who seem quite usual until they grow up, and then find, to their surprise and anxiety that men interest them more than women.

... A third kind of homosexual development occurs in prisons and other places where no women are available. As libido piles up, people get less and less particular about their sexual objects, and if the prefered one is not available, they will often take whatever they can get.

...There is a fourth way in which a girl or boy may develop overt homosexuality, and this is by seduction.

...Among homosexuals of both sexes, there are four types of lovers. there is the man who acts as a man, the man who acts as a woman, the woman who acts as a man and the woman who acts as a woman. There are also, ofcourse, mixed types and alternating types, men who act as men sometimes and women at other times with their male partners, and similarly among women. Thus there are male male homosexuals, and female male homosexuals; female females, and male females."

Interesting stuff, although I'd question the reliability of some of it. and OBVIOUSLY the laws regarding homosexuality have changed since the book was written.

Jun 10, 2007, 3:39 PM
Quaint... TF things have moved on since ya book wos written hun...

Skater Boy
Jun 10, 2007, 5:08 PM
Quaint... TF things have moved on since ya book wos written hun...

lol, yes... it is quite an old book!

Jun 11, 2007, 12:07 PM
I work at a state prison in Michigan. It is a secure level one and it houses mostly sex offenders. We have a huge problem with sexual violence at our facility, but most of it goes on behind our backs. There is alot of in house justice as we call it, and almost never know that a crime is being commited due to the fact that by the time an inmate gets to a level 1 it comes with more freedom.

We house many old timers. Im talking 15-25 years into their bit. They know the in's and out's of incareration and how to do time. Alot of them are married or get married while in prison " gotta get that money " which means they have women come up , swoon them during a visit , eat for free , and get money in their prisoner accounts. That same individual would also recieve a blow job in the bathroom stall or get a hand job later in the day by a Sissy ( someone who enters prison already homosexual ) who usually carries out these acts for something simple as a noodle ( ramen noodles ) or a bag of squares ( cigarettes ) . Basically , you addapt to your envirornment and do whatever need be to do time. The same inmates who talk shit about homosexuals usually are getting a piece on the side. I've interupted more men who claim to be homosexual haters getting blow jobs. Usually these men are preditors (Bull Queers ) and don't last long in our facility. There isn't such a thing as consenual sex in prison, we don't hand out condoms, its rape.

When it comes down to it, I dont think alot of the men in our facilty would have taken part in same sex relationships if they were still out in the world, unless of course they are sex offenders , they probably had already. But there are a fair amount of inmates not in for sex crimes that engage in these acts. They do what the have to do, basic humane needs take over. I had one guy tell me he didnt care who gave him a blow job, he didnt have to look down. Though he's disgusted by a man blowing him , he'll do it anyhow because he needs it. With that pretty shiney gold band on his wedding finger.

Skater Boy
Jun 11, 2007, 1:04 PM
Thats fascinating stuff GEL... its amazing what desperation can do to the libido. In the prorgam I saw, one guy was completely straight before being incarcerated and was then raped inside and forced to become a bitch. When he was released, he went on to have relations with the opposite sex again, and apparently lied about what happened in prison. But the guy who raped him claimed that he would "always be a bitch" if the right person came along.

Anyway, its all just a harsh reminder to try and avoid being incarcerated, if you can.