View Full Version : Fear of STDS,AIDS,ect..

Oct 2, 2005, 8:09 PM
This link sent in by JHONNYV hits me close to home.
Like him i am also afraid of all the nasty things that are out there waiting to infecect you.
afraid is a mild word im terrified .
Unlike JOHNNYV i did not stop having fun ,I just have safe sex..
To come home 1 night and infect my wife with something ,would kill me..

SO KIDS LETS PLAY SAFE!!!!!!!!!!!!! :rainbow:

Oct 2, 2005, 8:45 PM
That's very smart of you to worry and be safe Greg. A lot of people don't think about things like that until it's too late. I had a friend who's husband denied cheating on her constantly. Then she finally found out he really was cheating....not by catching him, but by catching what he had caught from one of his flings. That has got to be one of the worst forms of betrayl. Not only breaking a person's heart from mistrust, but to infect them with something that must remind them of it for the rest of their life.
I hope that everyone is thinking before they act and making sure they keep themselves and their partners safe before, during and after fun.

Hugs :tong:

Oct 2, 2005, 9:26 PM
I dont think I will ever get with another person seeing I am disease free and so is my husband and I am gunna keep it that way.

Amy ;) ;)

Oct 3, 2005, 1:19 AM

Thanks for replying to my post! I'm glad we share some of the same concerns. I am fairly active on a forum about sexually transmitted diseases, run by a leading expert at the University of Washington (I use the same screen name, JohnnyV, there.) I recommend checking in with it from time to time, if you want to get the latest information about safe sex and what poses current risks. Feel free to ask me if you ever have any questions about it. I've been volunteering as an STD outreach counselor through a local church (a liberal one) as well, so I've been reading up on a lot of it and feel well versed.

Yes please play safe! If it makes you feel any better, recent studies in the UK found that bisexual men tend to be much more careful about safe sex than strictly gay men. But don't let that lull you into complacency! And blessings to everyone.


Oct 3, 2005, 1:35 AM

I just wanted to add a little note, since I mentioned the STD forum and a church in the same paragraph... If anyone ever comes across an internet character named JohnnyV who is hard-core Christian, anti-abortion, and (from what I can tell) puritanical, THAT's NOT ME! There's a JohnnyV Christian Rock star. I do STD outreach so I can teach people how to have a hot sex life without fear, danger, or dread. Chances are nobody will be googling "JohnnyV" or anything, but I figured I'd mention it.


Oct 3, 2005, 8:53 AM
I dont think I will ever get with another person seeing I am disease free and so is my husband and I am gunna keep it that way.

Amy ;) ;)

I too imagined i must be disease free, having come from a monogamous marriage of 17 years and only practicing safe sex since then.....

then I read about the high incidence of hepatitis c being transmitted sexually (in the uk)..

testing was recomended for folk who have had tattoos, piercings or a blood transfusion..

as all three of these apply to me i will, of course, get tested..

it seems my complacency was misplaced :cool:


Oct 3, 2005, 9:42 PM

Thanks for replying to my post! I'm glad we share some of the same concerns. I am fairly active on a forum about sexually transmitted diseases, run by a leading expert at the University of Washington (I use the same screen name, JohnnyV, there.) I recommend checking in with it from time to time, if you want to get the latest information about safe sex and what poses current risks. Feel free to ask me if you ever have any questions about it. I've been volunteering as an STD outreach counselor through a local church (a liberal one) as well, so I've been reading up on a lot of it and feel well versed.

Do you have a link to the UofW site?
Or a web address?

Oct 3, 2005, 10:03 PM

Here's the URL:


Best wishes,

Oct 4, 2005, 1:01 PM
Nubiwoman - I'm not sure where you read your info regarding Hep C but the likelyhood (in the UK) of being infected with it by a blood transfusion is virtually nil. As for tatoos and piercings - just remember to use a Local Authority licensed one - preferably one that has been around for over ten years and one that uses gloves/new unopened disposable needles. Many will have certificates of "Good Practice" or Local Counicl/industry certificates on the wall - any doubts then ask the staff - still got doubts - go elsewhere. Hope that helps - but do get checked out at a STI clinic to make sure - if you EVER have a doubt about sexual health - whatever the cause of infection (body fluid spilage from a stranger, for instance, over a cut or whatever - don't all laugh it can and has happened - albeit a rare occurance) ALWAYS get it checked. Here in the UK it free and fully confidential - you can even use an assumed name. (I used to teach sex ed at an FE college - still try to keep up-to-date :) )

Oct 4, 2005, 6:24 PM
hey Rupe,

thanks for that...

i actually got my information from a news bullitin on the bbc news health website just a few days ago... which is why i took it with more than a pinch of salt, i guess!

all my tattoos and piercings have been done in health authority approved premises and the seven units of blood i received for a severed artery undoubtably saved my life.. even though they now prevent me from returning the favour to someone else (in the uk you cannot donate blood if you have received a transfusion during the past twenty years?!)

the article can be read in full on:-


i know my at risk status is probably low because of the cautions i have taken... i also know i cannot possibly assume i am 'disease free' until i have the relevent tests and the results confirm that..

cheers Rupe :cool:


Oct 5, 2005, 3:50 AM
Nubiwoman: thanks for the BBC link - rather a worry!!! Just goes to prove the old adage "Be Careful".

Love and Peace


Oct 5, 2005, 3:20 PM
I am stunned to find that many people believe that they are 100% free of any disease, when they have been fooling around with others (strangers and people they meet on the internet). They take the word of these strangers, with whom they have only met online and risk their health. Yet they seem to be sane, rational people in every other sense.

So I ask myself, if I were to want to have a sexual encounter with them, knowing that I am free of disease (due to a monogamous relationship for 12 years and no symptoms) would I want to take their word, because to do that is taking the word of their past partners as well - people who I have never met.

No wonder STD are spreading, even as we debate this! :(