View Full Version : Welcome Newbies

Oct 2, 2005, 7:43 PM
Lets welcome all the newbies to the site. Feel free to let us know more about you.


Oct 2, 2005, 10:53 PM
Okay, I guess I'm kind of a newbie... I've been keeping up on the message board for a while now.

My name is Alex, I'm a 28 year old bisexual male who lives in scenic Salt Lake City, Utah. I'm single, and I recently quit my retail job of seven years in order to go back to school.

I've only had two major "relationships" - the longest lasted about three weeks. Both have been with guys. I've labeled myself as gay for most of my adult life... but... there have been some unrequited crushes (and one in particular where she had a crush on me, which I was oblivious to, then I started to have a crush on her, unfortunatley she was ENGAGED at the time...) that have made me take a deep breath and question my sexuality. So to Biland via Gaysville.

Oct 2, 2005, 11:11 PM
Hey all,

It's good to see a post here for the newbies.. had I not seen the opportunity I would probably not have introduced myself on the forum so thanks SweetAmy :)

Well I'm almost 25 now and despite being aware of my open-mindedness towards both sexes for some time I have only chosen to pursue my fellow man just recently. Who knows if man holds the answer to my needs, but we'll see :)

I live In Southern Ireland and unfortunately its a small town so coming out isn't the healthiest option here.. My family & close friends know I'm the kind of person they'll never fully understand so by now they will of course accept me no matter what, but after that it's a man's town full of small minds so physical pain is inevitable :) I have been lucky enough to spend a few months in The Netherlands and Germany and I was able to be more expressive with my needs so all is not lost. There's a few cities in my surrounding counties so I look forward to meeting new people there :)

Until then.. Well that brings me to why I'm here :)

Hope to mix well with you all and hope my future posts can bring help, ideas and laughter..

Thanks again SweetAmy..


Oct 3, 2005, 1:12 AM
Sweet Amy,

Thank you for welcoming us, it was nice to be invited to introduce ourselves.

I'm 34 and married to a woman. I live in upstate New York. My sex life started out as gay when I was younger. Then I realized I was bi in my 20s. In my 30s I lost interest in men and began to feel straight, although being gay was such a big part of my identity I can't give it up.

I am going to be a father soon!


Oct 3, 2005, 8:01 AM
Hey no problem...your all welcome. Just want to make all the newbies feel safe and comfortable here.

Amy :flag3:

Oct 5, 2005, 3:22 AM
JohnnyV, when is it due??? ;) tell us tell us!

Well, I'm a 23 year old innocent gal now living in New York. Originally I'm from the other side of the world, would preffer - at the moment, at least - to tell only tidbits about myself, since unfortunately, due to environmental difficulties, I'm halfway "inside" the closet.
I don't hide my sexual prefferences, but I don't publish them either.

I also don't believe in labeling, hence don't usually reffer to myself as bisexual unless directly asked ;)

I think I always was bisexual, I just didn't know it existed - where I come from bisexuals are not very known. It's either STRAIGHT or GAY, and bisexuals are "in-the-closet-gays". Now, that I'm in the US, I'm trying to explore more of myself.

I'm a writer, mostly, and a programmer. Two opposite worlds that for me somehow collide and coexist :D

Nice to meet you all :)


Oct 5, 2005, 9:25 AM
Miss Moo,

The baby is due next spring, early May if all goes well. Thanks for asking! I'm a writer too with a lot of circumstances similar to yours. Feel free to keep in touch.


Oct 5, 2005, 4:11 PM
Wetandwild want's to thank everyone :bigrin: for the site where us bi people can be open about are sexaul desire.thanks again :bipride:

Oct 5, 2005, 11:12 PM
:rolleyes: :female: I am new to this. I am also new to chat rooms. don't quite know how to navigate.

Oct 5, 2005, 11:16 PM
:rolleyes: :female: I am new to this. I am also new to chat rooms. don't quite know how to navigate. You guys will have to bare with me. I don't have a clue what I am doing. So I will start by telling a little bit about myself. I am 27 yrs old. I am married (to a man). I have 6 four legged children. I know that seems like a lot but my slutty daughter just had kittens. So how is everyone doing out there?

Oct 5, 2005, 11:41 PM
I suppose I am a newbie, too. I've been married for 10 years (to a man) and we have 3 beautiful children (I am biased). Congratulations, JohnnyV, on your upcoming fatherhood. My husband knew before we got married that (in his words) "I dig chicks." Looking back I have always known I was bi, but I didn't always have a name for it. I know a lot of people don't like labels, but at least if there is a label, then you know you are not alone. I read many of the posts, but don't feel like I have much new to say, so don't usually add my :2cents: . I am very happy to have found a place with so many kind people going through the same things that I am.

Oct 6, 2005, 1:59 PM
Yes, welcome one and all. Speaking from experience, this is a great place to learn about yourself as well as about others. If you listen and share, you will begin to feel comfortable quickly. There are a lot of thoughtful, kind and very wise people here. Use us all to bounce things off of.

Oct 6, 2005, 11:55 PM
undefined :) Hi, iam a newbie and i thank you for having me. i am 23 yrs old and have been interested in females for as lon as i can remember, but am too shy to act upon it. so i thought i'd give this a try. hope it works. ty, from prittywun. :female:

Oct 7, 2005, 7:47 AM
I am a newbie to the forum but not to my bisexual side. I am very attacted to other feminine bi ladies :female: . I am happily married and he is very supportive of my sexual desires. I live in Florida and love the outdoor water activities beaches of course and all kinds of boating.

I am glad I found this forum. From what I have read it looks like a really nice friendly place of like minded people. Thanks for the welcome.

Oct 14, 2005, 11:10 PM
I am also a newbie to this site but I am not new to being bi. I am a divorced 46 year old bi male in the Fort Worth, Texas area. I would really like to meet a women that enjoyes watching two guy play. I have shaven all my pubes and I prefer trimed/shaven partners, I also enjoy a trimed bush also (I hate when pubes tickle my ears or the back of my neck).

Oct 14, 2005, 11:28 PM
Hi all!!! Thanks for the welcome. I'm a 44 year old BiM. Married for 21 years and have two teenage boys. I've always been attracted to both sexes but had my first male experience two years ago. It was nice to find a forum such as this. I always thought I was strange since most of the people I know only think along the lines of gay or straight. I've enjoyed reading many of the opinions expressed here.

Oct 15, 2005, 2:52 AM
Welcome to all the newbies. Please come and introduce yourselves in chat sometime when you feel comfortable enough. Everyone here is pretty friendly and more then helpful should you need it.

Arana :tong:

Oct 18, 2005, 2:26 PM
Hi thanks for the welcome I'm an 18year old single bi female I know a youngin but yeah I'm just really looking for others that are of the same sexual orintation as me I think this site is great and I'm glad I found it.

Oct 18, 2005, 2:37 PM
Hi. I've been browsing for a few days now and I figure it's time to introduce myself.

I'm a 24 year old woman in an open relationship with a great guy. We sometimes play together as well as apart. We're not really into polyamoury but who knows. It seems like we're constantly reevaluating what we think is a good idea. I guess that's part of the fun.

Oct 18, 2005, 3:23 PM
I've actually made my first post before this one where I introduced myself a bit, but I thought I'd explain a bit about myself here as well. I'm 19yr. female with a 23yr. boyfriend in a long-term relationship. When I think about it, I've been attracted to males and females for as long as I can remember being sexually attracted to anyone. Both my boyfriend and I are bi, but the only intimate relationship either of us has ever had has been with each other. So, while we are both attracted to members of both sexes, neither of us has ever acted on it. My main reason for joining this site is that, even though I've considered myself bi for a while now, this is the first time I've started to come to terms with it, the first time I've told someone (my boyfriend...though that was a while ago) that I'm bi and the first time that I don't care who knows. I know my friends wouldn't bat an eye, my parents would just shrug and screw everyone else. :D Lol, I feel good now. ^_^

~Last Laugh~

Oct 19, 2005, 9:28 AM
Well, I'm new here from not too much days ago, and I had good welcomings here, thanks to all people:)

Oct 19, 2005, 10:58 PM
hey im a newbie to both the sight and bisexuality. Im an 18 yr old guy and i guess ive always been curious. ive had many relations with girls but as of right now i have a bf. and just recently i had my first same sex expirience. let me just say its different but in a great way. im glad i found the sight and look foward to interacting with others.