View Full Version : which house would you choose?

Jun 7, 2007, 11:08 PM
So my h and I are moving...

We have looked at about a zillion places and have narrowed it down to two.

Which would you choose...

A GORGEOUS victorian apt with all hard wood floors that we adore in a not so great but not terrible neighborhood...

or a very pretty but not as big and not as cool apt in the next town in a very nice neighborhood?

I'm gonna flip a coin soon...but before i do...just wanted your thoughts.


Jun 7, 2007, 11:12 PM
well if you have children I would take the best school district but if I had the chance to get GORGEOUS victorian than I would love to move in there. Safety is important but you can only be so safe and not stressed out. The decision is up to you but that is just what I would pick.

Jun 7, 2007, 11:25 PM
While condition is a very important factor, location is usually the main item that motivates buyers. Every neighborhood has a life of its own and goes through cycles of land use change. If you plan on being there for a while choice the one that pleases your heart and it may be possible that the neighborhood is upgraded in the future. But is also may decline or see a change to other uses such as commercial. If you aren't going there but for a short period of time, choice the one with the better location and it should have better market appeal and appreciation/resale value.

Jun 7, 2007, 11:55 PM
Follow your heart...go with the Gorgeous Victorian Style Apt. :three: :male: :male:

Jun 8, 2007, 12:23 AM
I'd go with the Victorian apartment.

Jun 8, 2007, 1:48 AM
A GORGEOUS victorian apt with all hard wood floors that we adore in a not so great but not terrible neighborhood...

from the way you write it it's clear you like this one better, and you can always join the neighborhood improvement group when you get there and make it even better

meteast chick
Jun 8, 2007, 2:24 AM
You have several things you need to make a decision on before you flip that coin...

First, do you have kids? Lean towards the nicer neighborhood
Does resale have any affect on your decision? Lean towards the nicer neighborhood

And yet...it's obvious you want the GORGEOUS victorian, so you need to balance the negative and positive aspects. If the first 2 answers are no, the decision should be obvious.

Okay, just my :2cents:

Good luck,
luv and kisses,

Jun 8, 2007, 3:10 AM
From your post, seems like you've made up your mind already. You know the one.

Jun 8, 2007, 3:41 AM
It's not clear to me whether you're buying or renting -- if renting, of course, the investment issues don't exist. For my part, I'd go with the Victorian, it sounds like you'd derive a lot of enjoyment from it.

Jun 8, 2007, 5:44 AM
So my h and I are moving...

We have looked at about a zillion places and have narrowed it down to two.

Which would you choose...

A GORGEOUS victorian apt with all hard wood floors that we adore in a not so great but not terrible neighborhood...

or a very pretty but not as big and not as cool apt in the next town in a very nice neighborhood?

I'm gonna flip a coin soon...but before i do...just wanted your thoughts.


You can grow your heart to change the neighborhood, but can you grow the house that the neighborhood has changed?

Jun 8, 2007, 5:54 AM
Luff me lil flat... luv me neighbourhood...luv wer me lives...wy me wanna move???

Jun 8, 2007, 5:56 AM
Luff me lil flat... luv me neighbourhood...luv wer me lives...wy me wanna move???

that's a good question..... why would you? :tong: :bigrin:

Jun 8, 2007, 6:02 AM
that's a good question..... why would you? :tong: :bigrin:
Lukky for u me don... u wud neva b way from doin food an booze shoppin at tescos an flex an me wud b havin whale of time doin propa shoppin..an stuff.... :bigrin: :tong:

Jun 8, 2007, 6:43 AM
Lukky for u me don... u wud neva b way from doin food an booze shoppin at tescos an flex an me wud b havin whale of time doin propa shoppin..an stuff.... :bigrin: :tong:

LOL! the shopping i whole-heartedly encourage.... just also shop for some sweet stocks, and options too would ya?

and the booze shoppin? not a problem.... wine is proven to extend life and kill off the weak brain cells :bigrin:

Jun 8, 2007, 7:21 AM
Take a look in the furture, which home/neighborhood will give you the best return for your investment. In other words, which neighbor would it be easier to sell for a profit? Comparatively, how long has the homes been on the market, take a look online at crime stats in the neighborhood, which school district is the best, providing you have children. These are things we looked at when moving. That decision is hard, however if you move into the victorian and you will not receive a return on your investment, is it worth it?


Jun 8, 2007, 8:00 AM
Thanks for the responses...

We are renting, not buying. We don't have kids. I do like the other place as well and I like to walk. I'm concerned about walking in the neighborhood with the victorian. We are going to put in for both and see what happens! Thanks again for responding...


Jun 8, 2007, 9:34 AM
Thanks for the responses...

We are renting, not buying. We don't have kids. I do like the other place as well and I like to walk. I'm concerned about walking in the neighborhood with the victorian. We are going to put in for both and see what happens! Thanks again for responding...

Good Luck! Cover all bases prior to signing on the dotted line!