View Full Version : Kia Sportage Vs. Suicidal Deer

Jun 7, 2007, 3:55 PM
Here's my Mia after my collision with a deer. And the sweet man Alex who fixed her right up :)

Jun 7, 2007, 4:02 PM
Holy crap, darling, you weren't hardly bullshittin'. Just glad you're ok.
Best of luck!

Jun 7, 2007, 4:10 PM
I mowed 3-4 down at once a couple weeks ago in my old 86 GMC full size pickup. Took out the grille and put a hole in the radiator, but other than that, those deer got the worst of it!. $155 for a new radiator...

Jun 7, 2007, 4:16 PM
Yay! The pictures at last! I'm just so glad you came out of it unhurt GEL. That would have been the worst and made us all so sad.

Glad to hear you faired well also GalacticiaActual!

Kamakazi animals are so scary.

BTW GEL, where's that head shot of you? :tong:

Jun 7, 2007, 4:44 PM
Are you talking about the one that i took of myself trying to waste film ? lol
Yeah that one didnt make the grade lmao SOWWY :bigrin:

Jun 7, 2007, 5:30 PM
Are you talking about the one that i took of myself trying to waste film ? lol
Yeah that one didnt make the grade lmao SOWWY :bigrin:
Yep, that'd be the one lol....unless you do have one of you giving head :tong:

Jun 7, 2007, 5:37 PM
Yep, that'd be the one lol....unless you do have one of you giving head :tong:

LOL Arana...give her time...she and Alex are taking it slow! LOL!!

OMG GEL!!! You weren't kidding when you described your accident...but dayammmmm girl...it looks even worse than that!! Glad to hear you're OK!!

BTW..he's cute!


Jun 7, 2007, 6:25 PM
Hi GEL! Long time no chat. Sorry to see you and your car were so terribly assaulted by a deer!

Glad to hear you're O.K.!

Jun 7, 2007, 10:07 PM
Sorry to hear about that serious fender bender! But the guy who fixed your car is cute. In fact once I looked at his smile I was like, "what was this thread about?" Maybe I should drive my Chevy into something living and see what flavor mechanic I get.


Jun 7, 2007, 11:48 PM
Yeah deers can be awful. However this past week in my town someone ran their car into a Moose. Now backround Moose in my town is very unlikly b/c it is way to far south even in the north east. So just think of that damaged car after that impact.

Jun 8, 2007, 1:33 AM
It's all part of the animal conspiracy!!!

They're trying to get us all!!!

:eek: :cutelaugh