View Full Version : Famous Bisexuals

Skater Boy
Jun 5, 2007, 3:56 PM
Ok, I've been asked by someone to name some famous BISEXUAL people. Trouble is, I could only think of one... Alexander The Great (military leader) was actually bisexual. It sounds weird, but same-sex relationships were not considered so taboo in his day, age and locality.

That was the only one I could name off the top of my head. I later came up with David Bowie... who is quite notrious for being a bit promiscuous in his younger days, but has now settled down with his wife, who is/was a model.

The conversation was really about "modelling", which means to use one person as an example to analyse, and learn from.

If anyone can add to this list please feel free to do so. It doesn't really matter if they're "In" or "Out", but preferably Out, otherwise they are not really dealing with the issues that I was trying to discuss with the person who initiated the conversation. And I was preferably after people of note (ie. people who are famous for a good reason).

Thanks dudes!

Jun 5, 2007, 4:03 PM
If you google "famous bisexuals" you'll get a TON of results. The Wikipedia entry is a good example of just one list.

If you don't want to bother with that, two I can think of right offhand are Angelina Jolie and Drew Barrymore.

Jun 5, 2007, 4:11 PM
Anne Heche?

Jun 5, 2007, 4:17 PM
His sexuality is quite debatable, but I always wondered about Walt Whitman.

mn freak
Jun 5, 2007, 4:18 PM
Actor John Barrowman. He was in the first season of the new Dr. Who & his character was bi aswell. Natalie Portman also "came out" in an interview in the last month.

Skater Boy
Jun 5, 2007, 4:34 PM
Thanks guys... this the sort of thing I was after! Although, I was more after MALE bisexuals because female bisexuality is perceived differently in society I think. But the John Barrowman one was good- I didn't know about him. They all do seem to be media figures, though... by that I mean (actors, musicians, etc). Let me know if you can come up with some that do "real" work, lol... I'll do that Google search too.

Ps: Yes, now I remember about Angelina Jolie...

Skater Boy
Jun 5, 2007, 4:48 PM


Some of these CANNOT be true?!

Ok, I didn't know about:

Sophie Anderton, Neneh Cherry, Katharine Hepburn, Lucy Liu, Marilyn Monroe, Billie Piper and Dusty Springfield.


Cary Grant???
Marlon Brando???
Pete Doherty and Kate Moss??? (well, Kate maybe, but Pete?!)

WOW... I am SERIOUSLY uneducated, or these people are just very discreet...

Jun 5, 2007, 5:13 PM
Dont forget Angelina Jolie !

Jun 5, 2007, 5:33 PM
A British person of note is Tom Robinson. He wrote and sang '2468 motorway' back in the 1970's and also ' glad to be gay' around that same time.

I went to hear him speak recently, along with my dear friend softfruit from here. Tom coined the term gay (for his above anthem) to be inclusive of all those of alternative sexuality... not just for same sex partnerships.

The love of Toms life is his wife, whom he lives monogamously with, alongside their two children. Tragically these life choices led to Tom being booed off stage at gay pride and vilified as someone who sold out ):

This was a very painful and turbulent time for Tom and his family. Tom has been embraced by the bisexual community, which he is deeply moved by though prefers to identify as gay in his own original definition of the term.

He works as a DJ on radio 6 and has his own website http://www.tomrobinson.com/ which gives loads of information well worth reading.

Hope this is helpful Skater Boy... hearing him speak then reading through his website really helped me make sense of my own understanding of my sexual leanings.

Julie :female:

ps....for the record, here are the lyrics for 'glad to be gay' :bigrin: i make no apology for reprinting them here in their entirety.

13) Glad To Be Gay

The British Police are the best in the world
I don't believe one of these stories I've heard
'Bout them raiding our pubs for no reason at all
Lining the customers up by the wall
Picking out people and knocking them down
Resisting arrest as they're kicked on the ground
Searching their houses and calling them queer
I don't believe that sort of thing happens here

Sing if you're glad to be gay
Sing if you're happy that way

Pictures of naked young women are fun
In Titbits and Playboy, page three of The Sun
There's no nudes in Gay News our last magazine
But they still find excuses to call it obscene
Read how disgusting we are in the press
The News of The World and the Sunday Express
Molesters of children, corruptors of youth
It's there in the paper, it must be the truth

Sing if you're glad to be gay
Sing if you're happy that way

Don't try to kid us that if you're discreet
You're perfectly safe as you walk down the street
You don't have to mince or make bitchy remarks
To get beaten unconscious and left in the dark
I had a friend who was gentle and short
Got lonely one evening and went for a walk
Queerbashers caught him and kicked in his teeth
He was only hospitalised for a week

Sing if you're glad to be gay
Sing if you're happy that way

So sit back and watch as they close all our clubs
Arrest us for meeting and raid all our pubs
Make sure your boyfriend's at least 21
So only your friends and your brothers get done
Lie to your workmates, lie to your folks
Put down the queens and tell anti-queer jokes
Gay Lib's ridiculous, join their laughter
'The buggers are legal now, what more are they after?'

Sing if you're glad to be gay
Sing if you're happy that way

Glad To Be Gay
(various alternative verses performed 1979-92)

The British Police are the best in the world
I don't believe one of these stories I've heard
About pretty policemen in leather and jeans
Showing their leg through a split in the seams
Leering at people and leading them on
Then running them in when they start to respond
The press all ignore it, they don't want to see
Except when the case is... a Tory MP

Pictures of naked young women are best
In the News of the Screws and the popular press
They plaster their pages with bingo and tits
Then add all the scandal and slander that fits
The women at Greenham they smeared and despised
They crucified Elton with gossip and lies
If it's paedophile teachers or lesbian nuns
If it's filth and it's fiction... it's there in the Sun

Have you heard the story about Peter Wells
Who one day was arrested and dragged to the cells
For being in love with a man of 18
The vicar found out they'd been having a scene
The magistrate sent him for trial by the Crown
He even appealed, but they still sent him down
He was only mistreated a couple of years
Cos even in prison they...
Look after the queers.

A sense of proportion is where we begin
We're fighting a virus, not punishing sin
The medical facts are ignored or forgot
By the bigots who think it's the Judgement of God
The medics are baffled and caught on the run
They tell us the nightmare has barely begun
While government funding is worse than a joke
Cos saving our lives doesn't... win any votes

Now enemies everywhere laugh at the sight
Of gay against lesbian, dyke against dyke
I don't give a toss about who's in the wrong
The ins and the outs - or the faults in this song
We're getting oppressed and arrested and banned
While we bicker politically where we should stand
Forget the aggression from everywhere else
We still do a wonderful job... oppressing ourselves

So sit back and watch as they seize all our books
And treat us like lepers and sinners and crooks
Just hope you don't get caught up in the raids
Or pick up a pig or a partner with AIDS
Lie to your workmates & lie to your folks
Put down the clones and tell lesbian jokes
Forget the aggression from everywhere else
While we still do a wonderful job
Oppressing ourselves... so try and (SING IF...etc)

With friends and supporters from over the land
We're gathered together and making a stand
To fight for the right for a home and a job
And to walk without fear of a kick in the gob
Slagged in the media, bashed by the bill
With cheap politicians all making a kill
We're lesbian women, we're men who are gay
We're here and we're human and... won't go away

(With grateful thanks to Eric Presland for his help and suggestions over the years in keeping the references current and up-to-date) space

top of page

Skater Boy
Jun 5, 2007, 5:55 PM
Thanks a lot, Julie- your help is much appreciated! I just had a look at his website, and I recognise one of the album covers... I think its the "Power In The Darkness" album... I considered buying it when I was still trying to figure things out, but for some reason never got around to it. I think I might "dip in" and see what he's saying. I'm glad you reminded me!

Oh yeah, and GEL: Who could forget Angelina Jolie?! ;)

Jun 5, 2007, 6:42 PM
...Glad to be of service SB, glad you found it so helpful :bigrin:

Jun 5, 2007, 9:50 PM
Two that come to mind that are popular with the younger generation are Billie Joe Armstrong, lead singer of Green Day, and then a friend told me that the lead singer of AFI is bi because "he gave some dude head in the back of a car" (his words), but I can't remember his name.

Hopeful Romantic
Jun 5, 2007, 10:01 PM
Kurt Cobain is also known to be bisexual!

Jun 5, 2007, 11:43 PM
:bipride: [QUOTE=julie]A British person of note is Tom Robinson. He wrote and sang '2468 motorway' back in the 1970's and also ' glad to be gay' around that same time.

Tom is a member here..

Jun 6, 2007, 12:13 AM
A British person of note is Tom Robinson. He wrote and sang '2468 motorway' back in the 1970's and also ' glad to be gay' around that same time.

Back in 1998 I attended my first bisexual conference and Tom was the first night's concert entertainment. I knew he had updated Glad To Be Gay in 1996 and 1997 and that the last verse reflected his family life. It was stirring to hear this verse he sang that night:

"For 21 years now I've fought for the right
For people to love just whoever they like
But the right-on and righteous are out for my blood
Now I live with my kid and a woman I love
Well if gay liberation means freedom for all
A label is no liberation at all
I'm here and I'm queer and I do what I do
And I'm not gonna wear... a straitjacket for you"

The above verse also appears on his album "Having It Both Ways" in spoken-word format as "The Last Word".

Jun 6, 2007, 1:18 AM
Thats an amazing link. Thanks for posting it. IN looking at that WIki article, was it me, or did the list seem short on males who have been identified or who chose to identify as being bi?

Jun 6, 2007, 2:09 AM
Ok, I've been asked by someone to name some famous BISEXUAL people.

Me, someday? ;)

I probably won't be out, though. Maybe someday.

Jun 6, 2007, 2:15 AM
Here's another list:

Jun 6, 2007, 2:55 AM
:bipride: [QUOTE=julie]A British person of note is Tom Robinson. He wrote and sang '2468 motorway' back in the 1970's and also ' glad to be gay' around that same time.

Tom is a member here..

Really?.. wow, i'd love to make contact with him... do you know his username, or does he prefer to maintain some anonymity?

Cheers for that BG.

=bearisbare]Back in 1998 I attended my first bisexual conference and Tom was the first night's concert entertainment. I knew he had updated Glad To Be Gay in 1996 and 1997 and that the last verse reflected his family life. It was stirring to hear this verse he sang that night:

"For 21 years now I've fought for the right
For people to love just whoever they like
But the right-on and righteous are out for my blood
Now I live with my kid and a woman I love
Well if gay liberation means freedom for all
A label is no liberation at all
I'm here and I'm queer and I do what I do
And I'm not gonna wear... a straitjacket for you"

The above verse also appears on his album "Having It Both Ways" in spoken-word format as "The Last Word".

and also many thanks to Bear is Bare for that final verse.... it reflects much of what he said when i heard him speak and certainly struck deep chords within me.

Jun 6, 2007, 3:29 AM
Dont forget Angelina Jolie !
Ugh I REALLY don't like having her as a bisexual spokesperson/role model.

Mainly since she's rather shallow and I know she does the stuff for charities and impoverished countries but it's all trite and for attention.

Some of us ARE into kink but we're not into bloodletting, incest fantasies/making them reality (she did rather passionately kiss her biological brother, yuck!), or knife play like she has talked about in interviews.

The whole "look at me I'm so eccentric" phase didn't last too long. ;)

I also find it funny that she hates the fact that her dad cheated but she goes after a married man. :rolleyes:

The UN and adoption thing is getting tiresome. Just adopt the kids if you're doing it to help, don't make a publicity stunt out of a child (like Joan and Christina Crawford).

I feel sorry for her, she has no clue who she is, so she keeps trying to turn herself into something else. Brad, loves to take women who don't exist and make them skinnier and tan and all fucked up in the head. Jen is lucky she got out alive. I feel sorry for those kids too.

I do wish I'd gotten the job of ghostwriting her book that she wrote about traveling. ;)

Skater Boy
Jun 6, 2007, 5:57 AM
Kurt Cobain is also known to be bisexual!

Can you proove this? I suspected he might have been, but I didn't really want the thread to degenerate into an "I reckon he's Bi" type of affair. But if you can provide a source that supports your claim, I'd be interested to see it.

And the person who said that most of the people on the list were WOMEN- you are right... there seems to be more women than men, and more people working in the media than elsewhere. Not sure what conclusions to draw from that...

Skater Boy
Jun 6, 2007, 6:28 AM
Can you proove this? I suspected he might have been, but I didn't really want the thread to degenerate into an "I reckon he's Bi" type of affair. But if you can provide a source that supports your claim, I'd be interested to see it.

Its just that I posess a copy of kurt Cobain's biography, and it makes a point of stating that whilst Kurt was "gay in spirit", he was definitely "heterosexual in body".

That said, I also have a copy of his suicide note, in which he expresses regret that he doesnt enjoy what he does in the same way as Freddie Mercury did.

And some of his lyrics: "underneath the bridge, and the tarp has sprung a leak", and "what else could I be... all apologies.."

I noticed he's on the second list (that Diamond Dog provided), but I'm just curious as to how factually based some of these lists are...

Jun 6, 2007, 6:56 AM
Like the rest of us I find it interesting who and which celebs are bisexual. But isnt is a little odd? Grasping round trying to find famous people who may be like us? Its as if we were struggling to look at the world and search round for confirmation that we arent really so different and try and gain acceptance because Angelina or whoever is one of us. Its not a game I care to play even though I do see and know the value of high profile bisexual people In the fight for acceptance, it somehow goes against the grain.

I'm not criticising people for playing the game, its probably as much my dislike of the cult of celebrity as much as anything, its simply something I personally am a little uncomfortable with.

Jun 6, 2007, 7:07 AM
Like the rest of us I find it interesting who and which celebs are bisexual. But isnt is a little odd? Grasping round trying to find famous people who may be like us? Its as if we were struggling to look at the world and search round for confirmation that we arent really so different and try and gain acceptance because Angelina or whoever is one of us. Its not a game I care to play even though I do see and know the value of high profile bisexual people In the fight for acceptance, it somehow goes against the grain.

I'm not criticising people for playing the game, its probably as much my dislike of the cult of celebrity as much as anything, its simply something I personally am a little uncomfortable with.

i don't like fame either... don't faint!

Jun 6, 2007, 7:15 AM
i don't like fame either... don't faint!
God Sol..peeps will talk..we agree...tee hee.

Jun 6, 2007, 7:57 AM
Like the rest of us I find it interesting who and which celebs are bisexual. But isnt is a little odd? Grasping round trying to find famous people who may be like us? Its as if we were struggling to look at the world and search round for confirmation that we arent really so different and try and gain acceptance because Angelina or whoever is one of us. Its not a game I care to play even though I do see and know the value of high profile bisexual people In the fight for acceptance, it somehow goes against the grain.

I'm not criticising people for playing the game, its probably as much my dislike of the cult of celebrity as much as anything, its simply something I personally am a little uncomfortable with.

i guess i see gay activists such as Tom Robinson in a very different light to Angelina et al....

Jun 6, 2007, 8:07 AM
God Sol..peeps will talk..we agree...tee hee.

we can still disagree on why fame sucks! :bigrin: :tong:

Jun 6, 2007, 12:47 PM
This has crossed my mind several times in recent years, and with it came the curiosity as to why no one ever discussed it. I mean, you hear about gays all the time. Someone compiled a huge list of notables that shocked me greatly, including people we are taught in school are as straight as an arrow, such as Eleanor Roosevelt!

Famous Bisexuals on Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Famous_bisexual_people)

Anyway, enjoy looking this list over and gasping....but also look it over and see the disparity of the sexes. Many more women than men....wonder why that is.

Fire Lotus
Jun 6, 2007, 2:13 PM
Its just that I posess a copy of kurt Cobain's biography, and it makes a point of stating that whilst Kurt was "gay in spirit", he was definitely "heterosexual in body".

That said, I also have a copy of his suicide note, in which he expresses regret that he doesnt enjoy what he does in the same way as Freddie Mercury did.

And some of his lyrics: "underneath the bridge, and the tarp has sprung a leak", and "what else could I be... all apologies.."

I noticed he's on the second list (that Diamond Dog provided), but I'm just curious as to how factually based some of these lists are...

A paragraph from the bio on Kurt Cobain from http://www.nndb.com/people/939/000025864/ reads:
Kurt Cobain was bisexual, though it is not clear that he ever consummated this part of his persona. As a teen he was arrested and fined $180 for spraypainting "Homosex Rules" on an outside wall. He received also a thirty-day suspended sentence (Come As You Are, pp. 39-40). Furthermore in the February 1991 issue of The Advocate, Kurt says, "If I wouldn't have found Courtney, I probably would have carried on with a bisexual lifestyle." At other times Cobain claimed to be heterosexual, but the Advocate interview is unambiguous.

That Advocate interview can be found here:

Skater Boy
Jun 6, 2007, 2:28 PM
A paragraph from the bio on Kurt Cobain from http://www.nndb.com/people/939/000025864/ reads:
Kurt Cobain was bisexual, though it is not clear that he ever consummated this part of his persona. As a teen he was arrested and fined $180 for spraypainting "Homosex Rules" on an outside wall. He received also a thirty-day suspended sentence (Come As You Are, pp. 39-40). Furthermore in the February 1991 issue of The Advocate, Kurt says, "If I wouldn't have found Courtney, I probably would have carried on with a bisexual lifestyle." At other times Cobain claimed to be heterosexual, but the Advocate interview is unambiguous.

That Advocate interview can be found here:

Hehe, thanks! I guess there is more than one biography on Kurt out there... mine is the one called "Heavier Than Heaven". And whilst it points out that Kurt was heterosexual, it does also mention that Kurt had some "dubious habits"... and one of which was kissing (with toungues) Krist (the bassist) on stage at gigs. However it says that Kurt did this sort of thing because he wanted to piss of the establishment and redneck population (in the area he originated from).

As for fame itself, it was a bit of a side issue, because I wanted to know about people who were famous "for a good reason" and "preferably not media figures" (eg. actors and musicians). Obviously many actors and musicians deserve their 15 minutes, but I was considering it from a "modelling" perspective, where you analyse what a successful person does, and try to use that to help yourself achieve something similar.

Jun 6, 2007, 2:52 PM
I don't know of any , i'm ignorant!

But i'd love it if Liv Tyler was! I'd be VERY happy to help her into the realms of bisexuality!

Tee hee x x x

Jun 6, 2007, 3:12 PM
the only famous people that i can think of at the moment that haven't been mentioned are megan mulally and drew barrymore.

Jun 6, 2007, 3:43 PM
My personal icon, Hadrian. :p

Yes, ANOTHER Roman Emperor, but when one of his works still endures as a USABLE building (the Parthenon in Rome), to me, you trancend time and become a figure for everyone to look at.

He was an effective ruler, a builder, and warrior.

And if that doesn't make you a little proud to be bisexual. . .what will?



But I guess Alex Krapnos from Franz Ferdinand will do in a pinch. :tong:

Skater Boy
Jun 6, 2007, 4:23 PM
Ah Hadrian too, eh? I wish the social climate today was as easy to succeed in for our kind as it was back then. But thanks, that was the sort of information I was after...

Jun 6, 2007, 5:48 PM
Editted cuz I didn't read the whole thread before replying to the proof about Kurt Cobain.

Duh :rolleyes: .

Jun 6, 2007, 7:03 PM
Kurt says, "If I wouldn't have found Courtney, I probably would have carried on with a bisexual lifestyle." I'm surprised she didn't drive him totally gay.

Hopeful Romantic
Jun 6, 2007, 7:18 PM
Can you proove this? I suspected he might have been, but I didn't really want the thread to degenerate into an "I reckon he's Bi" type of affair. But if you can provide a source that supports your claim, I'd be interested to see it.

And the person who said that most of the people on the list were WOMEN- you are right... there seems to be more women than men, and more people working in the media than elsewhere. Not sure what conclusions to draw from that...

He did and interview with the Advocate where he claims to be. Here is the link with the footnote explaining.


Isaac Steel
Jun 7, 2007, 12:35 AM
The list of famous Bisexuals is extenssive. I actually have a list from Biwriters that is so large I couldn't foward it. Off the top of my head here are some on the list:
Oscar Wilde
Spenser Tracy
Leonard Berstein
Marlon Brando
Dave Davies
Janis Joplin
Billie Holiday
Anais Nin

There many many many more. we should all feel proud!

Jun 7, 2007, 1:39 AM

The major problem with Wikipedia is that anyone can change it. So it may appear to be a great source of information, I would take what it has to say with a grain of salt. As you stated ealier, some of those names did not make sense. They may indeed be bisexual, but I would caution you to use more than one source to figure out if certain famous people are bisexual.

Jun 7, 2007, 1:51 PM
Two others not mentioned are James Dean and Malcolm X. James was known to frequent gay bars in Hollywood, and was apparently into some rough stuff. Malcolm X, believe it or not, was a bit of a hustler in his teens, allowing men to pay him to let them blow him, though he apparently never reciprocated it. This is easily googleable...


Skater Boy
Jun 7, 2007, 2:57 PM
LOOOOOOOOOOL!!! Malcolm X!!! Well, I really should've GUESSED that one! (all things considered)

But are you sure he just didn't need the money?! ;)

Jun 8, 2007, 6:35 PM
Wasn't just about money, Not according to this review of the issue:

Skater Boy
Jun 8, 2007, 6:42 PM
Wasn't just about money, Not according to this review of the issue:

Nah, I was joking about the money... sorry. But most of these Far-Right political activists are closet homos... I've heard similar theories about Hitler, whose marriage was apparently a cover for his "perverted" sexuality. It doesn't reflect too positively on the gay community though, but there ya go...

Jun 8, 2007, 11:50 PM
Thanks guys... this the sort of thing I was after! Although, I was more after MALE bisexuals because female bisexuality is perceived differently in society I think. But the John Barrowman one was good- I didn't know about him. They all do seem to be media figures, though... by that I mean (actors, musicians, etc). Let me know if you can come up with some that do "real" work, lol... I'll do that Google search too.

Ps: Yes, now I remember about Angelina Jolie...
i have to agree that for a woman to say she's bisexual the answer is cool or can i watch but for a man to do the same thing there is a diffrent reaction. i think we are in a society that needs to stop judgeing people and let them be who they are no matter if they agree or not :bipride:

Jun 9, 2007, 5:47 AM
I'm surprised no one mentioned Errol Flynn, a true Hollywood "Romantic Hero" type.

Skater Boy
Jun 9, 2007, 8:37 AM
i have to agree that for a woman to say she's bisexual the answer is cool or can i watch but for a man to do the same thing there is a diffrent reaction. i think we are in a society that needs to stop judgeing people and let them be who they are no matter if they agree or not :bipride:

Yes exactly... although I've heard that there are some straight women who would also be keen to watch male gay sex, so maybe the situation is similar. But I think most hetero men have a real problem with male homosexuality. Which makes it a refreshing change when you meet one that doesn't.... I just wish there were more of them.

Skater Boy
Jun 10, 2007, 10:46 AM
btw, does anyone know if PRINCE (the "Purple Rain" rockstar) is Bi? Judging by his appearance and some of his lyrics, I would guess that he is... although that isn't always a reliable way of telling. I've never heard it openly said, but I just always assumed that he was... maybe because of the "male AND female" symbol that he uses on album covers.

Jun 10, 2007, 11:48 AM
Given how hard it is in society to admit to being bisexual...

Are there famous people you suspect of being bi?

Just wondered...


Skater Boy
Jun 10, 2007, 12:11 PM
Given how hard it is in society to admit to being bisexual...

Are there famous people you suspect of being bi?

Just wondered...


Well, Prince for one. although from what I hear he seems to date pretty young ladies.

I was told by a student studying "Media & sexuality" that Hugh Grant and Kevin Spacey were Gay (not Bi). I've heard additional rumours since then to support the Kevin spacey theory. But Hugh Grant did get caught with a FEMALE prostitute a while back. It may have just been a publicity stunt, who knows... but if not, I would say that Hugh might be a good candidate for bisexuality.

Jun 10, 2007, 12:21 PM
Given how hard it is in society to admit to being bisexual...

Are there famous people you suspect of being bi?

Just wondered...


People I've heard rumors about:

Will Smith/Jada Pinkett Smith (and that they swing as well)

Janet Jackson

Leo DiCaprio

Elijah Wood

Rebecca Romajin (as far as I'm concerned I think she IS)

(to a lesser extent)

Orlando Bloom

Dean Cain


Jun 11, 2007, 12:50 AM
Hey Julie
Tom Robinson's name here is Tomrobinson.
That is his website.

Jun 11, 2007, 11:19 AM
Off-topic, but Prince is hung like a horse. We went to a how, and he was up on a speaker near us, dancing with a sptlight behind him. I could see the silhouette of his penis swinging in his pants, and I just have to say, oh my...

Skater Boy
Jun 11, 2007, 11:31 AM
Off-topic, but Prince is hung like a horse. We went to a how, and he was up on a speaker near us, dancing with a sptlight behind him. I could see the silhouette of his penis swinging in his pants, and I just have to say, oh my...

Mmm, ya... I have heard the same thing. But I still reckon he's Bi.

Jun 11, 2007, 8:05 PM
Here's just a few that come to mind.....
Hans Christian Anderson
Joan Crawford
Judy Garland
Geri Halliwell
Kathrine Hepburn
Janis Joplin
Danny Kaye
Lucy Lui
Anthony Perkins
Lisa Marie Pressley
Elanor Rooszevelt
Pete Townsend

Cheers Chook :bigrin:

Jun 12, 2007, 4:11 AM
So many have been covered and maybe these too

Judy Holliday
Marleine Deitrich
Greta Garbo
Louise Brooks
Edward II of England
James VI of Scotland and I of England
Roman Emperor Hadrian
Sophie Hawkins
Xaviera Hollander
Frida Kahlo
Michael Stipe
Lord Alfred Douglas
Oscar Wilde
Josephine Baker
Virgina Woolf
Vera Brittain

the sacred night
Jun 12, 2007, 3:16 PM
His sexuality is quite debatable, but I always wondered about Walt Whitman.

Walt Whitman was accused of being gay based on his writings, and he acted shocked, but never actually denied it. Or that's my understanding of it, anyway.

the sacred night
Jun 12, 2007, 3:19 PM
I don't know of any , i'm ignorant!

But i'd love it if Liv Tyler was! I'd be VERY happy to help her into the realms of bisexuality!

Tee hee x x x

We can show her the joy of threesomes together :bigrin:

Fire Lotus
Jun 12, 2007, 3:44 PM
btw, does anyone know if PRINCE (the "Purple Rain" rockstar) is Bi? Judging by his appearance and some of his lyrics, I would guess that he is... although that isn't always a reliable way of telling. I've never heard it openly said, but I just always assumed that he was... maybe because of the "male AND female" symbol that he uses on album covers.

Prince can be and has been very provocative but I doubt he is bisexual.

Jun 12, 2007, 5:57 PM

The major problem with Wikipedia is that anyone can change it. So it may appear to be a great source of information, I would take what it has to say with a grain of salt. As you stated ealier, some of those names did not make sense. They may indeed be bisexual, but I would caution you to use more than one source to figure out if certain famous people are bisexual.


As much as I loathe wikipedia at least this list of bisexual people has actual sources like biographies, personal interviews, and other well researched articles on these people.

Jun 12, 2007, 6:00 PM
Wikipedia is great for scientific, technical stuff. Stuff about actual people I'm in agreement to be a tad wary of. However wikipedia has a special place in my heart for helping me make sense of all the electrical and mechanical stuff I learned in school. It's far from perfect, but I still love it.

Jun 12, 2007, 8:44 PM
Bette Davis
Cary Grant
Rudy Valentino
Anais Nin
James Dean
Rod Stewart
Mick Jagger
David Robert Jones ( David Bowie)
Annie Lennox
Leonardo DiCaprio
and wonders if porn stars count...LMAO
Joan Crawford


Jun 12, 2007, 11:26 PM
Joan Crawford


I wonder who slept with her besides Marilyn Monroe? Or who'd want to? Or who did and lived to tell the tale! :tongue:



[addressing the men in the Pepsi boardroom]
Joan Crawford: Don't fuck with me fellas! This ain't my first time at the rodeo!

Skater Boy
Jun 13, 2007, 3:31 PM
Bette Davis
Cary Grant
Rudy Valentino
Anais Nin
James Dean
Rod Stewart
Mick Jagger
David Robert Jones ( David Bowie)
Annie Lennox
Leonardo DiCaprio
and wonders if porn stars count...LMAO
Joan Crawford


Yeah, I knew about Bowie... my "Motivation Guru" has met him (did some AIDS charity work with him) and he told me about it. although I'd read it in a magazine interview previously. Bowie was one of the few media figures I was actually interested in because he was completely honest about his sexuality, and didn't mind who knew about it (at least judging from what I'd heard and read). For my purposes, this sort of person was preferable to study than one who is secretive, or at least "economical with the truth".

Jun 13, 2007, 5:13 PM
Am i famous? ok i am........so i'm bisexual, and let someone put me in wikipedia.

Jun 13, 2007, 5:21 PM
Am i famous? ok i am........so i'm bisexual, and let someone put me in wikipedia.
Do you masturbate in front of a mirror?

Skater Boy
Jun 13, 2007, 5:49 PM
Am i famous? ok i am........so i'm bisexual, and let someone put me in wikipedia.

Speaking of which, there is a CRAZY Scandinavian Metal band called "Turbonegro", who are from Norway, I think. I have a couple of their albums. These guys like to experiment with make up, and are reportedly less than straight. The lead singer has Schizophrenia too apparently. Some killer songs, and they have a VERY extensive and devoted fan-base (including Josh Homme from QOTSA and that guy from Jackass):



You WON'T find them in WIKIPEDIA though!!!

Jun 15, 2007, 3:03 AM
Do you masturbate in front of a mirror?

LOL who doesn't? :)

Anyway who cares of Dagni is "famous" or even if she is only in her country, or even if she just thinks that she is, or wants to be? I don't care either way.

Jun 16, 2007, 3:15 PM
Brian Molko,lead singer of Placebo, my personal favourite famous bisexual...

Jun 16, 2007, 5:44 PM
The list of famous Bisexuals is extenssive. I actually have a list from Biwriters that is so large I couldn't foward it. Off the top of my head here are some on the list:
Oscar Wilde
Spenser Tracy
Leonard Berstein
Marlon Brando
Dave Davies
Janis Joplin
Billie Holiday
Anais Nin

There many many many more. we should all feel proud!

I question Oscar wilde......i personally believe he was hetero but changed to homosexual...does not prove he was bisexual though, as there is no proof that he was having any relations with females,either at the time he was seeing rent boys, or after his gaol sentence

Jun 19, 2007, 9:37 PM
How about Alan Cumming? Even though he leads a fairly private life and refuses to become the poster boy for bisexuality, he does identify as such. He was married to a woman in the past and just got a civil partnership with his new hubby, so I'd definitely count him among the list of talented and famous bisexuals!

Jun 20, 2007, 12:43 AM
The only one I can think of is Andy Dick.

Jun 20, 2007, 7:05 AM
Bret Easton Ellis

Not sure he's the sort of model you were looking for though.

Jun 20, 2007, 7:33 AM
LOL who doesn't? :)

Anyway who cares of Dagni is "famous" or even if she is only in her country, or even if she just thinks that she is, or wants to be? I don't care either way.
Me :tong:

Nov 11, 2009, 10:34 AM
Krista Allen ,Pink. Trish Stratus wwe Diva { allegedly} Idina Menzel

Nov 11, 2009, 8:13 PM
Gerard Butler is bi. And Keanu Reeves was reported to be in love with River Phoenix.

Nov 11, 2009, 9:38 PM
First, don't trust these lists. Most of it is speculation. I saw a list that said Freddy Mercury... I hate to break it to people, but Freddy Mercury was not into women.

If your really interested in a specific actor or artist that ask for someone to give a source, because alot of the names on these lists are bullshit.

By the way... Gerard Butler??? You got a source for that?


P.S. I've met Liv Tyler. Her family lived near my old apartment. She really is beautiful.

Nov 11, 2009, 9:39 PM
Hey-----I AM------Does that count??? :cool:

Actually, back in the days of James Dean. I saw a TV interview done by a celeberty reporter. And the reporter had asked him several questions about the rumors about him playing around with everybody in hollywood. And after being asked several questions about him having sex with guys & gals, he finaly told the reporter, " I just love sex, and to me, being strictly straight or queer kinda limits you, it's like going through life with one hand tied behind your back". I liked that statement!!!
Back then, that was a shocking statement, :eek: And was something that people didn't admit to!

Yep, that's what he said. My:2cents: your friend, :doggie:

Nov 12, 2009, 7:21 AM
Alexander the Great and Hephaestion


Nov 12, 2009, 8:49 AM
I recently read that Gina Gershawn (sp?) is NOT gay, or bi. I was a little disappointed after watching BOUND. She seemed so good at it. Miss Tilly was REALLY my focus in the movie....she's delicious!

Nov 12, 2009, 12:14 PM
It was announced recently that "Fergi" formerly of "The Black Eyed Peas" is bi. Anybody else heard this?

Nov 12, 2009, 1:10 PM
not gonna wear a straight jac oh hell yes! that is my life.

Nov 12, 2009, 1:50 PM
By the way... Gerard Butler??? You got a source for that?


Nov 12, 2009, 3:55 PM
Actor John Barrowman. He was in the first season of the new Dr. Who & his character was bi aswell. Natalie Portman also "came out" in an interview in the last month.

John Barrowman is actually gay, he just plays a bisexual character. Eddie Izzard is bisexual.

Nov 12, 2009, 10:42 PM
I don't think Eddie Izzard is bisexual . . . he has long said that he's a "straight transvestite" or a "male lesbian".

Fire Lotus
Nov 12, 2009, 10:48 PM
I don't think Eddie Izzard is bisexual . . . he has long said that he's a "straight transvestite" or a "male lesbian".

That would be correct. Eddie Izzard is straight.

Nov 13, 2009, 12:01 AM
Male lesbian? He's a heterosexual/straight cross dresser who only does drag for entertainment.

He often describes himself as a "male lesbian", mostly, I think, to stress the point that he's heterosexual (since a good deal of people can't get over the idea that crossdressing/drag = gay).

Although I was under the impression that he cross-dressed in private, not just for entertainment.

Nov 13, 2009, 1:26 AM
I'm not sure if this counts, but I've heard that William Shakespeare was bi, though NNDB says that it's a "matter of dispute":


Some people have suggested him being bi based on inferences from his writings, but it could just be speculation *shrug.*

grover beans
Nov 13, 2009, 8:04 AM
what about Rock Hudson? Did anyone mention him?

Nov 13, 2009, 9:50 AM
It was announced recently that "Fergi" formerly of "The Black Eyed Peas" is bi. Anybody else heard this?

Fergie is not ashamed to be bisexual (http://www.nydailynews.com/gossip/2009/11/12/2009-11-12_fergie_is_not_ashamed_to_admit_shes_bisexual_th e_problem_is_that_i_also_love_a_w.html)

Also Salvador Dali was bisexual. (http://www.nndb.com/people/869/000024797/)

Nov 13, 2009, 10:15 AM
That's a hoax.


Awww, man. You just killed my fantasy. Oh well, here's another one...

Billy Joe Armstrong, lead singer of Green Day.


Nov 13, 2009, 10:30 AM
Are there any specific sources for Leo Di Caprio?
I've always thought he's a tad too feminine to be totally straight, but I found no real confirmation of his bisexuality.
And Annie Lennox? (same impression, but on the reverse)
As for Freddie Mercury, I know that he loved at least a woman in his life. Then as he grew older he shifted more towards the gay side of the spectrum, but one thing is sure: the song "Love of my life" is dedicated to his ex long-term fiancée Mary Austin, who stood by him until the end of his life and also inherited part of his money and his house. In an interview he said "All my lovers asked me why they couldn't replace Mary [Austin], but it's simply impossible. The only friend I've got is Mary and I don't want anybody else. To me, she was my common-law wife. To me, it was a marriage. We believe in each other, that's enough for me."
If that's not love...

Nov 13, 2009, 2:10 PM
Gaius Julius Caesar

Before he got serious about the whole "take over Rome and rule the world" biz, he was mainly known for the number and extent of his debaucheries - with both sexes.

Actually, I heard one historian say that of all the early emperors, only Claudius was 100% straight.

Nov 14, 2009, 6:47 AM
Fergie came out last week.

I've never heard that Prince was bi, and I'm a fan. Prince ONLY likes women.

Is there any real proof Rod Stewart and Mick Jagger were bi? Thats been very mythical over the years.

Has anyone mentioned John Travolta? He got caught on camera a cuppla years ago, romanticly kissing a guy.

Nov 14, 2009, 9:32 AM
I know of one I have heard of not named here, but I better not say. He might chase me down with a 44 Mag, the most powerful handgun.

Nov 14, 2009, 9:40 PM
I know of one I have heard of not named here, but I better not say. He might chase me down with a 44 Mag, the most powerful handgun.

Can you give us a hint who he is?

Nov 14, 2009, 10:01 PM
I know of one I have heard of not named here, but I better not say. He might chase me down with a 44 Mag, the most powerful handgun.

?????? Dammmmmmm BiJoe 696 You wouldin't happen to be talkin about something that is dirty and harry, would you?????? :yikes2:
Where did you hear that? Any proof? A new one on me, but I guess that all the Hollywood types are, at least, BI if there not completely gay.

Me just wondering. Your friend, :doggie:

Dec 6, 2009, 7:42 PM


Some of these CANNOT be true?!

Ok, I didn't know about:

Sophie Anderton, Neneh Cherry, Katharine Hepburn, Lucy Liu, Marilyn Monroe, Billie Piper and Dusty Springfield.


Cary Grant???
Marlon Brando???
Pete Doherty and Kate Moss??? (well, Kate maybe, but Pete?!)

WOW... I am SERIOUSLY uneducated, or these people are just very discreet...

Billie Piper is Bi?! That is amazing, because I have a huge crush on her... I think she just had a baby, though. She'll probably stay in the straight world for a while... I thought John Barrowman was just gay?

Sydney Shaw
Dec 7, 2009, 1:41 AM
Vin Diesel.

He spends a lot of time here in Vancouver and I have two independent sources who say they saw him fondle and then hook up with a young guy at a party a while back.

Dec 8, 2009, 8:29 AM
Has anyone mentioned Jack Kerouac or William Burroughs? I know Burroughs identified as gay for most of his life but he did have several female lovers whom he described as signifigant.

Dec 8, 2009, 10:00 AM
Billie Piper is Bi?! That is amazing, because I have a huge crush on her... I think she just had a baby, though. She'll probably stay in the straight world for a while... I thought John Barrowman was just gay?

Never knew that billie piper is bisexual, and i always thought that her ex doctor who co-star John barrowman is gay not bi.

Dec 8, 2009, 9:06 PM
Never knew that billie piper is bisexual, and i always thought that her ex doctor who co-star John barrowman is gay not bi.

Yeah, I didn't know that about Billie Piper either, until someone said something about it here. I did look it up, and found articles about it....

Dec 10, 2009, 8:28 PM
Barbara Walters interviewed Lady Gaga for her 10 Most Fascinating People and ask a personal question about Gaga's bisexuality I personally thought she asked to much http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IljmjabjUP0&feature=related

Mar 27, 2012, 10:51 AM
Zacky Baker from Avenged Sevenfold is. I dont think it has been said in an interview but his facebook says he is interested in men and women.http://www.facebook.com/#!/ZVengenz1

Mar 27, 2012, 12:54 PM
Gaius Julius Caesar

And Yukio Mishima. Two of my favorite bisexuals.

And...Jean-Michel Basquiat. Now, that was a cutie! <3 ;) ;) :love:

Edit: My fave pornstars too, Nina Hartley and super hott Stoya! And my favorite feminist, Camille Paglia!

Mar 27, 2012, 2:59 PM
. . . and people wonder how rumors get started . .

By the way, John Barrowman is gay and always has been . . his character on Dr. Who and Torchwood was bi, but that's called "Acting" . . .

Mar 28, 2012, 12:46 AM
So far, I haven't seen Leonardo da Vinci on any of the lists posted here & I don't know if he's on any of the hyperlink lists posted. His homosexuality was brought to my attention during a recent episode of Brad Meltzer's , Decoded on the History Channel. According to the program, he was known to frequent male prostitutes. What that suggests about his sexual orientation, I'm not sure of.

Mar 28, 2012, 6:09 AM
One of my favorite authors, Alice Walker.


Apr 1, 2012, 3:28 AM
Shakespeare, Abe Lincoln, Pink,

Apr 1, 2012, 7:48 PM
i miss skater boy :(