View Full Version : Girlfriend wants to experiment...i think...advise

Jun 4, 2007, 1:22 PM
Ok so here is the deal, last night I was driving through the old neighborhood and my girlfriend was sitting shot gun. We passed a couple that are 100% lesbians, used to be my neighbors actually. She then asked me if I was ever with the lesbians...I said no they are lesbians, and she said well the one has kids so obviously she has seen both sides of the fence. I said no I was never with them.

So later that night her and I were in bed, she grabbed my hand and shoved it on her hot little box, which was already damn. and she asked me again was I ever with the lesbians I said no, she said to me are you sure I said yes she then said to me, well pretend you were, I said what I am not going to pretend I was (I thought this was a set up for sure), she said then just make it up and tell me about it...if you have read any of my post you would know I have a pretty good imagination.

So I precede to tell her a little story that I was making up as she used my dick to rub her soaking wet pussy. I was describing her kissing a girl, pushing this girl up against the wall and grabbing her tits squeezing them, listen to her moan and then going down on this girl. she was loving it, I said that my girlfriend pushed this girl down on the bed and started to eat her tight little pussy and I said to my gf show me how you would lick that pussy and she began to tongue fuck the shit out of my mouth and lips and chin, it was damn intense, then she had me sink inside of her when she came.
So after she had calmed down I started to ask her what she had pictured when I told her the story, like, what could was her hair, bond of course was her response, what did her panties look like and she told me and the more I asked her about the more turn on she got and then she told me she wanted me to go down on her so she could come again, I asked her if she was going to be picturing the girl from the story and with a devilish little smile she nodded.

So here is the question, her birthday is coming up and I am wondering if I should surprise her with a girl for a couple of hours of fun? She said that she might be will but she would need to have a few drinks. I said to her that I was all for her experimenting, I wanted to be there but I didn't have to be if that made her more comfortable, she said that SHE WOULDN'T DO IT WITHOUT ME....I really think she wants to try it but should I discus it more with her before I bring in a girl or just surprise her?

Jun 4, 2007, 4:39 PM

First I do agree, you do have a talent for writing and your impromptu visualization for your girlfriend. In my mind it seems as if she is testing the waters with you to see how you would react to the idea of being with other women. It seems from her reaction, that she would have not as much problem making love to another woman as she may have thought. I think that if you knew of a woman who would enjoy playing with her, and with you I presume, then why not indulge her. What a thoughtful lover you are. I know I would be so appreciative if my lover planned such a special night for me. Maybe my honey will see this post and remember my birthday is but ten days away...only I do not desire a woman...but another man giftwrapped with a bow would be wonderful.


the mage
Jun 4, 2007, 5:56 PM
I'd have to say no.....
no surprise that is....
Tell her in advance so she can tell you if it is something she wants.
Really wants...
Remember there is another human being there, not a toy.
The interpersonal dynamic right down to hair color of playmate, may be important.

Jun 4, 2007, 6:18 PM
So here is the question, her birthday is coming up and I am wondering if I should surprise her with a girl for a couple of hours of fun? She said that she might be will but she would need to have a few drinks. I said to her that I was all for her experimenting, I wanted to be there but I didn't have to be if that made her more comfortable, she said that SHE WOULDN'T DO IT WITHOUT ME....I really think she wants to try it but should I discus it more with her before I bring in a girl or just surprise her?

I agree with the poster above me, do NOT surprise her with another person... people do not always react rationally, and she *might* be testing you to see if the lesbian couple's child might have been yours.

Yes, I'm cynical about women, especially their ability to follow agendas, but be very careful about adding the element of another person into your relationship.

Jun 4, 2007, 7:00 PM
I've been in your girlfriend's shoes. While today I would be thrilled to have my hubby bring home someone yummy, that hasn't always been the case.

She sounds to me very much like I was when I was trying to figure things out. Keep open communication about it, but don't push her to hard or fast. She'll figure things out when she's ready, and then you can ask her what she wants. :female:

Jun 5, 2007, 7:50 AM
All good points, I m thinking that because the other night was the first time she had really talked about it. then yes I think I will wait for her to bring it up again, if she wants another mental picture of course I am going to humor her.
After the next time I will suggest cursing a rainbow club to see what she thinks and to watch all of the ladies hitting on her. She what transpires from that.

It is to bad I can't recreate the intensity and the passion she had when I was telling her what she was wanting to hear...amazing is all I can really say.

Jun 5, 2007, 11:51 AM
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday Dear Belle
Happy Birthday to you!!!!

I guess since you don't want a woman, I can't surprise you for your Birthday with me so I guess I will just send a card..



First I do agree, you do have a talent for writing and your impromptu visualization for your girlfriend. In my mind it seems as if she is testing the waters with you to see how you would react to the idea of being with other women. It seems from her reaction, that she would have not as much problem making love to another woman as she may have thought. I think that if you knew of a woman who would enjoy playing with her, and with you I presume, then why not indulge her. What a thoughtful lover you are. I know I would be so appreciative if my lover planned such a special night for me. Maybe my honey will see this post and remember my birthday is but ten days away...only I do not desire a woman...but another man giftwrapped with a bow would be wonderful.


Jun 5, 2007, 2:09 PM
I agree with some of the other posts. Talk to her first. Make sure it is what she wants. If you want to include the element of surprise leave out the exact timing. Your girlfriend sounds like she would be into another woman in the bed. Another inventive way to bring up the subject would be a lesbian video with a bottle of wine. See how she reacts to the sight of girls on girls. Then ask if she would like to experience that with another woman. :bibounce: :male: :male:

Jun 8, 2007, 8:58 AM
So i guess it is a good thing that i discussed it with the gf...turns out that she likes to hear me discribe a girl going down on her or her licking another little girl but she doesn't want to partake in a girl on girl situation. If she did experiment she said that it would be mostly for me and not for her and she would resent me for it.

Jun 8, 2007, 10:21 PM
That is good that you did not pressure her into it maybe after some more discussion her mind will change but allow her to choose what she wants to do. Make sure that you do not get to fast and a possible plan might be to allow her to watch you with another women if you are into that. She might like that but just make sure that you talk about it and find out if she is cool with that. Good luck.