View Full Version : A question for everyone that is married or has a boyfriend and/or girlfrien.

Sep 28, 2005, 2:17 PM
Hi yall,Have another fun question. Iand Ladydelanie were talking yesterday and i was gonna tell her how i and my wife met. But i nevr got around to telling her. So she thought itd be a great post for the forum. Iam wondering how any of the married couplse,and/or boyfreind girlfriend couples met each other. Iam sure there will be lots of interesting answers. Just thought it was a fun question.My wife and i were introduced to each other by our mothers. We lived just down the road from each other. She had know idea i lived there,lol. Anyway her mother told her she has arranged a date for her,needless to say she was surprised. But thats how we first met. I took her to a chinese restaraunt,and to the movies. We had a blast. After the date i knew this was the woman i wanted to marry. So i got up the nerve and asked her on our second date. She was stunned to say the least.She said she felt the same,and said yes., So here we still together 26 years later,And i love her even more if that is possible. Anyway thats how we met.Now how did all of yu meet?? Thanks Tex.

Sep 28, 2005, 2:30 PM

I'm new on the forum.... A married 34-yr-old bi guy, been active in both scenes since the 1980s, out since the early 90s.

I met my wife in grad school, in 1999. I took her out dancing and we hit it off quickly. We got married two years later. I told her about my bisexuality in the early stages of dating, and she was fine with it. But she's straight. :rolleyes:

Sep 28, 2005, 3:43 PM
Well TX,

I swore I would NEVER go on a blind date EVER!....Well never say never!....lol....I was single for a year after dating a guy for quite a while.
I was really just not wanting to date, having had my heart broken.
I had two really great guy friends that I worked with, they were on a local mens soccer team and played raquetball with a "nice guy you should meet"
Of course my reply was NO!....Fast forward a few months....we started talking on the phone, just as friends. His divorce was not yet final and I was not in the dating married men thing!....I told him I would think about going out with him after the divorce was final. He had been seperated for 2 yrs and was going through a very messy divorce.
One night he called and said, "what are you doing tomorrow night" I told him nothing that I could think of. He then said he had a surprise for me. " A stack of white papers"......lol....." so can I take you to dinner to celebrate".
I said yes. Mind you I had not seen this man in person nor had he seen me.
We were strictly phone friends.......He brought me the papers with a bow around them, a bouquet of roses and a bottle of wine.
When I opened the door, he was a handsome sight! and he said to me.
"Well arent you just the little doll I imagined" Your friends were correct"
On the third date he told me he was going to marry me. I was like.....Hmmmmm ok.......in my mind, and thought he was a bit arrogant for his boldness.
Three months later he went TDY to Korea. I really missed him alot and one night when he called I asked him "on a scale of one to ten how much do you miss me"........he reply was "12"......lol.....well that was my new favorite number.
He lived 45 miles from me and one night he had to work late, called me and asked me to get online to look at something. When I went to the website it was The Paris Hotel in Las Vegas. I had never been there or anywhere else for that matter, having married young and raising 3 children. And being a single mom for 6 yrs.
I told me to look at this suite and asked if I liked it? Or course I did it was beautiful!.....Then he said....."I am taking you there. We are leaving on Dec 9th........getting married on Dec 12th at 12:12." All I could say was ok....
I told my family I THINK I am getting married!.....The next night he came over with the plane tickets, my engagement ring and flowers. Before he gave me those things he asked my children if he could marry their mother. They all said yes.....So I was married to him seven months after our first date.
On Dec. 12th at exactly 12:12 AM we ask I DO. At The Little White Chapel in Las Vegas in a gazebo outside with twinkling lights............In the past 5 yrs I have traveled all over the world with him and we have a beautiful very respectful marriage.......So NEVER SAY NEVER!.......It just might make all your dreams come true!......Ladyd....... :)

Sep 28, 2005, 4:15 PM
My husband and I met at our first job at an A&W Restaurant, we were 15. I had another boyfriend at the time. One day on our 15 minute break I kissed him and then thought I should probably dump the other guy. We've been together (on & off) since then, 8 years, married for 3. I still don't know what I saw in him then because he was so unattractive in his uniform and because he worked in the kitchen, he stunk pretty bad. Love is blind! :tongue:

Sep 28, 2005, 4:25 PM
i have to say, tex, this is another great thread you started, and lady_d, thats about the best engagement "story" i have ever heard (i used story for lack of a better word) not even hollywood could come up with such a warm and touching happening! (seriously)

gina and i just happened to kind of fall in love with each other,

her brother and i were friends from school, and gina was his oldest sister.
about a year after her mom died, i wasa going through a very messy break up with my G/F and one friday night i had heard her dad was in the hospital, and i went down to visit him, when i got there, my friend and gina were there, and another friend of ours, (now my 2 friends and my self made plans to go fishing the next weekend)and the other friend left, and gina's brother had to do something before he went home (work related, if i remember correctly) but i ended up taking gina home!
on the way home we chit chatted about what was going on in our lives, i told her about my ex G/F and another girl i was seeing (another head case)
and that i just wanted to find someone to settle down with (i was almost 26) well, no one expected this to happen, but her dad died that night, (the last time he saw me i was leaving with his oldest daughter (gina has 6 siblings younger than her) he died on the 19th of sept. and i would go visit gina in the morning, (i worked nights at the time) and over the next few weeks we just cried on each other shoulders, and shortly after that i was to be on vacation, plans my exG/F and i had made months prior, and now it was vacation time, and no where to go, or no one to spend it with, when gina found out about this, she told me dinner was at 5pm, and she expected me to be there or ELSE!
so afterthat i invited gina up to my parents camp (up north) and my parents were going to be there, and it was mostly an early fall hunting trip for the guys, but i figured gina needed to be out of the house and get her mind off her 3 youngest siblings, and have some fun for herself, (this was oct. 9th friday afternoon) it was a long ride up norht, and we lost track of time, and arrived late, but we settled into bed (seperate rooms) mom insisted( LOL) but nothing really happened except she could not get enough food into me, while out in the woods, i tld a guy from a neighboring camp what gina was like, and he told me "thats the one you keep" i thought nothing of this, for i still thought of me as her younger brothers friend!
when we got home sunday night, gina brought me out to the movies (we saw married in vegas) and after she asked me why i had asked her to go up north, but why had'nt even tried to kiss her? i replied with " because i did not think she thought of me" and thats all i could say, gina put a kiss on me that no one to this day has ever kissed me!

we were married a year and 2 months later! dec. 10 1993
thank you for taking the time to read this long chapter of my life
m.in.heels&hose :)

P.S., just in case anyone is wondering, NO i did not wear a wedding dress at our wedding, nor was i in heels either (small private traditional wedding) :bigrin:

Sep 28, 2005, 5:03 PM
What a fun question. My hubby and I have been married for 9 years. We met through mutual friends. He is four years younger than me and had just graduated from high school, when our friends tried to set us up I said NO WAY. He was just too young and I had a small daughter I was responsible for and didn't need anymore kids in my life. I said no every time I was asked until one night we ran into each other at a local bar. The attraction was almost overwhelming. I looked into his big blue eyes and fell in love. Almost immediately we were inseperable. two years later we were married and now we have added three more boys to the mix and couldn't be happier

Sep 28, 2005, 5:05 PM
Where I lived at the time they had phone dating services. I was underage by a few years to be allowed on it but was on it and heard Phils voice then we exchanged #'s and a few days after that he came to my town and we met and have been together ever since. I have been with Phil for 6 years now and married for 22 months (Nov. 15th will mark two years being married)

Amy :)

Sep 28, 2005, 6:25 PM
i have to say, tex, this is another great thread you started, and lady_d, thats about the best engagement "story" i have ever heard (i used story for lack of a better word) not even hollywood could come up with such a warm and touching happening! (seriously)

gina and i just happened to kind of fall in love with each other,

her brother and i were friends from school, and gina was his oldest sister.
about a year after her mom died, i wasa going through a very messy break up with my G/F and one friday night i had heard her dad was in the hospital, and i went down to visit him, when i got there, my friend and gina were there, and another friend of ours, (now my 2 friends and my self made plans to go fishing the next weekend)and the other friend left, and gina's brother had to do something before he went home (work related, if i remember correctly) but i ended up taking gina home!
on the way home we chit chatted about what was going on in our lives, i told her about my ex G/F and another girl i was seeing (another head case)
and that i just wanted to find someone to settle down with (i was almost 26) well, no one expected this to happen, but her dad died that night, (the last time he saw me i was leaving with his oldest daughter (gina has 6 siblings younger than her) he died on the 19th of sept. and i would go visit gina in the morning, (i worked nights at the time) and over the next few weeks we just cried on each other shoulders, and shortly after that i was to be on vacation, plans my exG/F and i had made months prior, and now it was vacation time, and no where to go, or no one to spend it with, when gina found out about this, she told me dinner was at 5pm, and she expected me to be there or ELSE!
so afterthat i invited gina up to my parents camp (up north) and my parents were going to be there, and it was mostly an early fall hunting trip for the guys, but i figured gina needed to be out of the house and get her mind off her 3 youngest siblings, and have some fun for herself, (this was oct. 9th friday afternoon) it was a long ride up norht, and we lost track of time, and arrived late, but we settled into bed (seperate rooms) mom insisted( LOL) but nothing really happened except she could not get enough food into me, while out in the woods, i tld a guy from a neighboring camp what gina was like, and he told me "thats the one you keep" i thought nothing of this, for i still thought of me as her younger brothers friend!
when we got home sunday night, gina brought me out to the movies (we saw married in vegas) and after she asked me why i had asked her to go up north, but why had'nt even tried to kiss her? i replied with " because i did not think she thought of me" and thats all i could say, gina put a kiss on me that no one to this day has ever kissed me!

we were married a year and 2 months later! dec. 10 1993
thank you for taking the time to read this long chapter of my life
m.in.heels&hose :)

P.S., just in case anyone is wondering, NO i did not wear a wedding dress at our wedding, nor was i in heels either (small private traditional wedding) :bigrin:

very well put honey i couldnt have explained it any better than you have...and just to let you know i love you more and more ever day that goes bye :love1: gina

Lisa (va)
Sep 28, 2005, 6:36 PM
Cute thread Tex. I first met my husband Jeff while i was at work. His pop was a patient there, and Jeff would come and visit his pop every evening to see how he was doing and lift his spirits. I found Jeff to be a very warm and compassionate man, and the thought of going out with him outside my job was looming in the back of my mind. I was in the mist of breaking up with my then girl friend and preparing to move to my own apartment, but as nice as Jeff seemed to me I had doubts he had much interest. But talking to his pop it seemed that he did like me, at least somewhat. Anyway as his pop got better and time was running short i decided I would ask him if he didn't ask me. Two days before his pop was scheduled to leave he finally asked me if he could treat me to dinner and perhaps a movie for taking care of his pop. Of course i said yes, but I know his pop had a forcing hand in it somehow. We never made it to the movies that first night, the theater was full so we ended up going dancing, luckily the outfit that took me a week to pick out was nice for either. Jeff has since finally gotten over our age difference, and when i did finally come clean to let him know I was infact bi he shocked me by letting me know he had already knew (rumors at work).
Now we are married and I am loving every minute of it !!!!


hugs n kisses

Sep 29, 2005, 4:59 AM
Gina: aaahhhhhhhhh!!! That is so lovely - has made my day!!
Lots of love to the both of you,

Rupe, UK.

Sep 29, 2005, 5:06 AM
To begin with, i was 16 when I met my husband. I was dating someone else at the time and on this particular night, we were making plans with another couple to get together for the evening. Next thing I knew, my boyfriend called me and informed met that "mr. x" was home from college for the weekend and coincidentally...his parents just happened to be out of town. My boyfriend made it clear that he wasn't particularly fond of "mr.x" , but he was looking forward to some time alone and the thought of using the home of "mr. x" far surpassed his dislike for this individual. The only catch..."mr.x" needed a date and could I get one for him? That left me in a very uncomfortable dilemma...what friend would I betray by setting them up with this unsavory character and would they forgive me afterwards? Lucky for me, my best friend agreed to go out with him and the night was set.

My friend came to my house and we waited for our dates to arrive. We would also be riding with the other couple. Six people in one car might be out of the question with today's more compact cars, but it was still possible back in 1974. Turns out that "mr. X" would be doing the driving and he was bringing his mother's Pontiac Catalina...a land yacht by any description. They arrived and my friend and I went to the car. She got in the front seat with her date and I found myself cramped in the back seat with my boyfriend and the other couple. First thing "mr. x" did was suggest that I get up front with him so that I would be more comfortable. That went over like a lead balloon!! Needless to say, the feeling between my boyfriend and "mr. x" seemed to be mutual and "mr.x" had a grand and glorious time flirting with me the entire evening!

My boyfriend dumped me shortly afterwards and I was devastated by the break up (said he was confused and needed time to think..turns out he was gay!....what am I...some sort of magnet for men who like men???) Anyway, "mr. x" returned to our hometown three weeks later and once again, he needed a date. He called my friend who turned out to be busy babysitting this particular night but she mentioned to him that I was no longer with the boyfriend and, low and behold, he called me and asked me out. I accepted but was hesitant because I had heard from the now former boyfriend that he was "fast" and as a very naieve and proper girl, I was a bit worried about how I would handle dating someone like that.

To make a long story short, "mr. x" turned out to be a very wonderful and kind person and I discovered that the reason my ex hated him was that he had stolen his previous girlfriend from him. We dated for six years and in the winter of my senior year of college, he asked me to marry him. Of course, this is the now famous night that I learned he was bisexual, but we perservered and have been married for 25 years. And all I can say now is that I am so very grateful that my ex dumped me when he did.



Sep 29, 2005, 10:00 PM
We met in Iceland, Kim was 18 I was 19. Both of us in the navy, she from smalltown ,Iowa and I from Cinti,Ohio. This was in 1974. We have been together ever since. Living together for 4 1/2 yrs then tying the knot. Officially married for 27 yrs and we still have that special thing for one another. Best friends ,openminded, and likeminded. It is true "variety is the spice of life"

Sep 30, 2005, 9:31 AM
Flounder and I met between my junior and senior yrs. of high school. He's 4 yrs. older than me. I was at a friends house (male) with a another friend (female) and we were just hanging out and talking. The phone rang and it was Mark. Mike told him to come on over. I had never met Mark before but knew his mom (she was a teacher). We basically hit it off right away. I fell totally inlove that night and I'm pretty sure he did too. We went a double date after that and then were together daily from then on. To make a long story short. We dated for 5 yrs. knowing we would eventually get married. Mark had gone to college but hated it and quit, so by now he was returning to school. I wanted him to graduate and have a good job before we married. So once he had a good job I ASKED him to marry me. I had gone and looked at rings and called him one day and said "I found it, I want to get married, what do you think"? We were then engaged. We married in 1995. October 21st will be 10 yrs. for us. He didn't tell me he was bi until a few weeks ago. I never had a clue. I don't think he ever would have told me he was. I found out by accident. I've always known he is a VERY open minded person. Nothing fazes him and he accepts everything. I, on the other hand am more conservative and think things should only be a certain way.....the way I was always taught things should be. "normal". I"m learning that there really isn't a "normal" anymore. The Bi thing really threw me for a loop and it's been a struggle I"m still dealing with. But, I love him and I can't change him and we will just see where life takes us. We want to grow old together and enjoy our grandkids. I've learned so much and I think I"ve really grown emotionally and mentally. This is a wonderful site. It's really helping me to understand!
Leslie :)

Sep 30, 2005, 9:48 PM
I am a newbie here and this seemed to be the best post for me to break into the group!

I literally picked my husband up off a street corner!

I was dating a guy that lived around the corner, we got into an arguement, I left and after making my second turn, I saw this guy sitting on the wall, eating HoHo's and sippin milk.

He was cute, I was mad, so I rolled my window down and gave a hardy "wooo hoooo" to him. He yelled back... I thought, WTF, so I pulled over, we talked all night long.

He swept me off my feet and we were MARRIED 3 weeks later!! We have been married for 11 years now! :bigrin: :flag3:

Oct 1, 2005, 12:09 AM
This is a fun thread...

We met with the nudges of mutual co-workers: I was recently divorced and focusing on me, my interest and my career, so dating was not on my agenda. One night after work I was actually dragged down the block by one friend to the local pub...after about 20 minutes the rest of the gang showed up. Our friend gave up his seat next to me to my 'blind-date' and the two match makers told us that we needed to get better acquainted since we both lived in the same town...after spending a few days talkng with each other we felt like we were old friends.

*So the match makers plan was not all bad :)

We have always been able to be honest, share everything and communicate well. After three years of being best friends, we happily married and are still living life. He is a great person in my life and he knows and accepts my bi-ness...we love each other just the way we are.

Best regards to all

Oct 1, 2005, 12:31 AM
I am a newbie here and this seemed to be the best post for me to break into the group!

I literally picked my husband up off a street corner!

I was dating a guy that lived around the corner, we got into an arguement, I left and after making my second turn, I saw this guy sitting on the wall, eating HoHo's and sippin milk.

He was cute, I was mad, so I rolled my window down and gave a hardy "wooo hoooo" to him. He yelled back... I thought, WTF, so I pulled over, we talked all night long.

He swept me off my feet and we were MARRIED 3 weeks later!! We have been married for 11 years now! :bigrin: :flag3:

Chahta, I just wanted to say I enjoyed this. It's nice that there really can be love at first sight and happily eleven and counting after.......(ho ho's...I love it!!! Who couldn't love a man that likes ho ho's and milk?)

Arana :tong:

sexy couple
Oct 1, 2005, 1:36 AM
:love1: We met while working on movies: We were both creating miniature special effects for the film industry, working in model shops... We were freinds for several years and worked on a lot of feature films together (X Files Movie, Blade, Star Trek Insurrection, The Aviator, just to name a few!) When we finally went on our first 'date', he never left!! So I figured, what the hell, I'll marry him! We've been married 3 years and it just keeps getting BETTER and BETTER! :love:

Oct 1, 2005, 1:13 PM
Hi yall,just want to thank everyone that has replyed. The answers have all been great. These have been some of the most entertaing stories ive read and/or heard. And ladydelanie you should sumbit that to hollywood,would make a great love story. Anyway just wanted to say thanks to yall.. Have a good one,Tex...