View Full Version : what people assume about you online?

Jun 3, 2007, 2:03 AM
Anyone here have things that people assume about them online?

For example I'm into BDSM and I have it in my profile on various dating sites that while I'm into it I'm NOT into the Mistress/slave, Master/slave, or Sir/boy total power exchange type of BDSM.

I write in my profile that I'm a switch (likes to sub and dom depending on the activity and person I'm with) who leans towards the dominant side but how I'm more into bondage and discipline. I also write that while I'm into these things I'm also perfectly fine with not doing them and having strictly vanilla sex (sex that doesn't involve BDSM at all).

I get dudes thinking that I'm a hardcore Master or Sir when it comes to BDSM and they get mad when they find out I'm not, or I tell them that I'm not. I tell them that it's all in my profile that they obviously didn't read.

Heh, I just got this email the other day from someone online. No I'm not going to email him but if he wants to chat with me I gladly will.

Hi Sir! I'd like to keep in touch on Yahoo! Would you add me to your Friends list so we can stay connected? Do you enjoy long, relaxing foot massages Sir? I'd love to hear what you enjoy from a boy's company SIR? Please email me at the address listed below... bye Sir, david

Jun 3, 2007, 2:13 AM
I am older than Sol....and tend to get quite a few males thinking that I am into submissive men, or boytoys. I haven't said anything even remotely indicating that in my profile....but have had a few people assume that, just cuz of the age difference.

Oh well....lol! :tong:

Jun 3, 2007, 2:40 AM
I noticed that a lot of people are very careful to not in any way align themselves with queer culture. Why is this? I mean, I know a lot of them tell us we're confused, but I'd still sooner align with queer culture than straight circles.
A lot of people assume because I'm a bi male I have a girlfriend I'm keeping in the dark. Some people I talk to are like, you actually want a boyfriend? I'm like, umm , yeahhh. Maybe it's just me, but I don't feel like I have to prove I'm a fucking man to anyone. So many people paint themselves as 'straight acting' or whatever. I mean, I can appreciate not identifying with campy gay guys but it's the fucking Twenty First Century, screw the traditional definitions of masculinity! Reverse the roles, embrace the fear! Afraid ya might enjoy it?

Jun 3, 2007, 3:28 AM
The one thing people assume most about me is that I'm really outgoing and chatty which is completely the opposite of what I really am.

Jun 3, 2007, 3:32 AM
The one thing people assume most about me is that I'm really outgoing and chatty which is completely the opposite of what I really am.

So you're actually....yttahc dna gniogtuo? :bigrin: :tong:

Jun 3, 2007, 3:34 AM
So you're actually....yttahc dna gniogtuo? :bigrin: :tong:
Yes, and yhs too.

Jun 3, 2007, 6:38 AM
that's a good question, i actually don't know what people assume about me

Jun 3, 2007, 9:17 AM
On here, at least, people think that I'm a closeted bi.

I've considered it, I've tried cranking myself to the MMF movies, and if I did get aroused, it was from the woman. I'm here because of my wife. I'm here because there are some ppl who are really great people, and I'm open-minded.

I've said all these things and more, and it's assumed that I'm still closeted.


I guess the truth is that you get idiots and jackasses in all persuasions.

Jun 3, 2007, 9:44 AM
Diamond Dog,

Truthfully, I don't know what people assume about me. I haven't noticed that they make any assumptions about me. One reason might be that I am not as well versed in the categories that you describe (master/sub/dom/switch/etc) so I don't use those labels, and therefore people have nothing to stereotype me by. Maybe one way you can avoid assumptions is to describe what you do or what interests in you in plain, layman's terms that anyone can understand with common sense. I have to admit, that when I read your profile and you said you leaned toward the dominant side, I assumed you were a Master type. It would certainly be fair of anyone to draw that inference. Maybe you can phrase it differently.

J :2cents:

the mage
Jun 3, 2007, 10:34 AM
All of us assume and presume just about every thing about each other online.
It is one reason flaming attacks happen with misunderstood inference constant.
The art of eye to eye meaning and body language is lost to the relationship, so it is all built in our own heads, on our own software.

Its one reason my profile does not have a dick pic. I'm not looking for a dick head so I'm not showing one.;)

Jun 3, 2007, 3:10 PM
:bipride: My problem is guys assume I pvt them.Most here who know me know I only pvt women and if I'm in the mood. Which for a while I'd have to admit that I don't and haven't gotten into that pvt mode. Sorry to those women. As for the others who assume, I would like to politely ask that you would take a minute and read my profile so you know exactly who your talking with and what it is I am looking for. Thanks for the post! :)

Jun 3, 2007, 3:44 PM
Probably that I am a loud mouthed self opinionated little tart... whereas really I am an angel :bigrin:

Jun 3, 2007, 6:47 PM
what do people assume about me? probably a lot....or nothing

Jun 3, 2007, 7:22 PM
what do people assume about me? probably a lot....or nothingSure u wanna know yummie?? tee hee :tong:

Jun 3, 2007, 7:25 PM
Yes, and yhs too.
me shy...an yhs..an an angel an a legna.... an luffly.....not 2 mention ylfflul

:bigrin: as well as :bigrin:

tee hee...eeh eet

xxx... xxx

Jun 3, 2007, 7:28 PM
me shy...an yhs..an an angel an a legna.... an luffly.....not 2 mention ylfflul

:bigrin: as well as :bigrin:

tee hee...eeh eet

xxx... xxx
an cant spell ylfful rite..tee hee

Jun 3, 2007, 7:29 PM
Sure u wanna know yummie?? tee hee :tong:
not necessarily....

Jun 3, 2007, 7:36 PM
not necessarily....

Jun 3, 2007, 7:49 PM
I've had someone ask me what my nickname referred to once. I think they thought that the "herb" actually referred to pot :eek:

Other than that, I've no idea what people assume about me.

Jun 3, 2007, 7:55 PM
I've had someone ask me what my nickname referred to once. I think they thought that the "herb" actually referred to pot :eek:

Other than that, I've no idea what people assume about me.
it dusnt .. :tong: damn..tee hee

Jun 3, 2007, 8:54 PM
Hi Y'all,Well as Herbwoman said,I have no idea what people think of or assume about me,LOL. Cant be any worse than some thing's ive heard in my lifetime,LOL.. :bipride:

Jun 3, 2007, 10:26 PM
I do my level best not to assume anything about anyone. Because it will always lead back to the old addage, "makes an ASS outta U and ME"
With that being said, I really don't care what one might assume about me. And it doesn't really matter anyway. I like myself and if someone has a problem with me, that's their problem not mine. If I want to know something about someone, I will ask them and I would appreciate the same in return.

Jun 3, 2007, 10:42 PM
Our biggest problem is that we get guys that assume that since we are a couple, that we are looking for a guy for her when it is really a guy for him so that she can join in at her discretion.

Which is why we always say that the guy needs to be Bi. I guess they don't read that part.

Jun 3, 2007, 10:45 PM
People assume I like golf (or that I'm white, male or middle aged). I had no clue why till I found out about TaylorMade Golf company.



Apr 9, 2015, 4:36 PM
Bump ta dump!