May 31, 2007, 9:22 PM
my darling significant other brought this to my attention the other day.

most adult sites are protected.

however, if you go to google and type

(your screenname) bisexual.


neat trick huh.

i'm sure some don't care, but what about those who do?



May 31, 2007, 9:26 PM
my darling significant other brought this to my attention the other day.

most adult sites are protected.

however, if you go to google and type

(your screenname) bisexual.


neat trick huh.

i'm sure some don't care, but what about those who do?



Ya, I knew that... however you do have to register in order to view someones profile... however, ANY THREAD you posted on in bisexuals is in plain view if you google that persons user name.


May 31, 2007, 9:28 PM
I just did a google search on myself and it popped up as well. I've deleted my pics and will be re-vamping my profile as well

May 31, 2007, 9:29 PM
Ya, I knew that... however you do have to register in order to view someones profile... however, ANY THREAD you posted on in bisexuals is in plain view if you google that persons user name.


i knew you'd know. :)

just strange that an adult site allows that.

it's the first that i know of, but i'm a young wee lad.

May 31, 2007, 9:42 PM
ya, especially since if your son/daughter or a young child that knows your user name can google you for fun and find your posts.

Kids these days know all about google! :)

Can you view someones profile??? I thought you had to actually register in order ot do that... but you CAN see what the person posted in threads (or threads they started)


May 31, 2007, 9:53 PM
People who are worried about that sort of thing normally have the common sense to use a different screen name on this sort of site than they do elsewhere.

If you're so upset about your account that you feel the need to threaten the site owner, just send Drew a PM and ask him to delete your account. One way or the other I'm sure he'd be glad to oblige.

May 31, 2007, 9:59 PM
lol.... when I joined this board.... after ONE AND A HALF hours of trying to pick a screenname cause every other one was TAKEN.... I was like "fine....." typed my usual screenname.... POOF! I have made an account. lol

I don't care.... if anyone questions me then so what...

May 31, 2007, 10:53 PM
cool trick, but scary.

who would know your user name anyway?

May 31, 2007, 11:14 PM
Didn't work when I tried it.
Wait, there it is, on page 4.

Jun 1, 2007, 12:03 AM
People who are worried about that sort of thing normally have the common sense to use a different screen name on this sort of site than they do elsewhere.

If you're so upset about your account that you feel the need to threaten the site owner, just send Drew a PM and ask him to delete your account. One way or the other I'm sure he'd be glad to oblige.

first off, it's not about common sense. it's about privacy. all other adult sites i've seen protect their paying or non-paying members.

secondly, it goes beyond just screen names. people post their real life situations...the net is big, but not THAT big. it's possible someone you know could come across your story or if a location is mentioned in the posts.

thirdly where EXACTLY did i THREATEN the site owner? in my profile? nice try, but it's not a threat.

lastly, i already submitted my request for account cancellation. thanks for playin' tho!

Jun 1, 2007, 2:00 AM
The trick is when creating your nickname for this site--don't use a nickname that friends, relatives, etc might no of--

You do have to Google the exact nickname for the search on it to come up---and the nickname I use--there are thousands of others using a version of it----

Jun 1, 2007, 2:46 AM
You do have to Google the exact nickname for the search on it to come up---and the nickname I use--there are thousands of others using a version of it----

exactly. not a big deal.

but people have access to the posts themselves.

it's not about the access to the nicknames but more about why anyone is allowed to stumble on these intimate convos on google in any way?

i've never seen any dating/adult site that does that.

not to take away from drew's effort. this site IS free and i'm sure many people have made friends on here and gotten good support.

overall kudos on the site.

i just don't see any benefit on having the posts plastered on google.

Jun 1, 2007, 3:46 AM
that is scary... its made me review my approach to being open... can anything be done about this? shouldn't there be a 'warning' about this at the top of forums? I have always posted here feeling I was doing it in confidence and privacy.

Jun 1, 2007, 3:55 AM
Yeah, it is somewhat scary - I first tired searching with altavista (the search engine I usually use) and not much seemed to come up. Then I tried google and there are several [about 32!!!] pages of results filled with my posts :eek: . This is pretty freaky as several of the posts are about personal stuff which I wouldn't want quite a few people to know [eg; info about my sexuality, sexual activities, personal life etc...].

I suppose 12voltman59 is sort of right about choosing a nickname and to be honest, the people I'm most worried about [in terms of them stumbling across one of my posts] don't even know I'm on this site.

Nevertheless, this site is a pretty cool place and I think protecting the threads from searches would be a good thing as it would make people more confident and more likely to speak their minds rather than censor what they're saying out of fear that someone they know could google them if they knew the online name.

Izzfan :flag3:

Johnny Reb
Jun 1, 2007, 9:09 AM
Can anyone else try for my name? I did it three times and did not come up with anything. Johnny Reb has been used in so many other contexts that other things come up, even dealing with bisexuality. None of them are my posts. I wonder if you have to be logged in, but I don't think that would change a search engine

Jun 1, 2007, 11:13 AM
Wish, I would havwn that long ago, something very interesting happened today for me to even respond to this, yes i was able to see all of my posts, all 7 of them, but through a post reply, I actually edited my account, that is scary, but a scarier thing is, that someone actually was able to obtain my ip address and you guessed it, got into my account, and know my'personal' stuff is all over the places, my pics, my gambling places,pics of friends that i had just stored in folders etc. actually i am logged in rght know to my account through that google search etc nd posting this, "happy birthday again ms arana", and Fran "have a good weekend with shiv", and all 6 of my other posts relevant or not. Guess I'll see who's chatting, through my access to aranas birthday post,. Oh yes, what started this that on the e-mail i received i recognised alot of you. Oh well, off to chat, no point and logging off, thanks google.

Jun 1, 2007, 11:58 AM
I was kinda pissed when I learned all my posts on THIS site could be seen if you googled me. There are some posts of time I dont want people other than the ones on here to see. (meaning friends/family that don't know Im on this site...)

I picked to use my name mostly cause all the other names I wanted were taken and after 1 and a half hours, I just gave up and used my own name.
Thinking my threads wouldn't show on search engines.

*whines* My thread on here about me being sexually fusterated just poped on google!!.... that was posted a long time ago but still, ahhhhhhhhhh *kicks a bucket of water*

It was a good idea I started using another nickname on a few other sides.... cause after learning that THIS website shows all my threads, Ive taken to using a nickname that no one but me knows.


Jun 1, 2007, 12:11 PM
first off, it's not about common sense. it's about privacy. all other adult sites i've seen protect their paying or non-paying members.

secondly, it goes beyond just screen names. people post their real life situations...the net is big, but not THAT big. it's possible someone you know could come across your story or if a location is mentioned in the posts.

thirdly where EXACTLY did i THREATEN the site owner? in my profile? nice try, but it's not a threat.

lastly, i already submitted my request for account cancellation. thanks for playin' tho!

It doesn't work that way, your acct doesn't get deleted, it just gets your profile/images removed and you become inactive..... there are sooooooooooo many members on this site who aren't even active and hadn't been for years.

I also think by leaving the site, your threads and those you replied to will remind on searches till the thread is actually removed by Drew OR the site shuts down so removing your acct doesn't remove the posts.

Jun 1, 2007, 1:13 PM
I don't think my posts here had anything to do with it, but I'm reasonably certain that the results of "googling" my name, which pulled up the non-profits I work for, my artwork, my photography, and the articles in the Washington Blade I was interviewed for (using my real name) where I talk about being Bisexual are the reason I went from being a "top candidate" for a few jobs to not being able to have my calls returned.

Bigoted jerks - lol. You can't live with them, and it's not legal to slap some sense into them either.

When it comes to the web, always remember the words of Obi-wan Kenobi... "we must be cautious".

Lisa (va)
Jun 1, 2007, 1:32 PM
I tried it, got only 1 reslut, way way down the list of possibilities. But I still look at it as a minor thing, I don't post anything I wouldn't tell anyone else if they asked: and plus I really doubt anyone who knows me would bother wating their time googling me, at least by my screen name.


hugs n kisses

Jun 1, 2007, 2:29 PM
There is a pretty easy solution to the problem if you have something to hide.
More sites than you can begin to believe can be accessed to show information about you. It is just a matter of the search string used.
Google and other search engines rank what they bring back in order of their priority. Back when we might have cared we used the initials of a semi conductor that happened to be the same as our initials. Doing a search brought back the info on the semi conductor, our info was at the end of a several hundred page long search. You can pay to get in the top of the listings, which effectively put us at the end. Therefore using a name that matches a major industry item puts you at the end of the line. The semi conductor we used had the ability to bi-pass so searches with bi in them brought back more semi conductor pages. If you do threesomes you would select something that might be three phase etc. etc.

Jun 1, 2007, 3:00 PM
I tried my name and there was another Mrs.F with a profile to a music site. I could read everything on her. Nothing came up on me. So then I entered Flounder's name and nothing came up but FISH, FISH AND HOW TO COOK FLOUNDER. So, nothing there on him either.

Jun 1, 2007, 3:09 PM
This is not a situation unique to this site, nor is this something new. Anything you've posted to any newsgroup or public bulliten board can be found IF someone knows the name you used when posting. (BTW. this is why some of us don't post face pics... but that's another over-mashed thread...)

Privacy in the internet age is a serious issue. PLEASE, people, approach the 'net with some common sense caution. For any site that you don't want your participation in to be public knowledge:

DON'T use a name that can be easily linked to/identified as you
DON'T use the same name you use at sites that can identify you
DON'T use the same password you use for everything else
DON'T post identifying information, or at least be more general/less specific about it (birthdate, city, employer, school, memberships, etc.) - especially when more categories are involved
NOTICE if there are identifying features in the background of photos
BE CAREFUL who you give your phone number to (block caller ID) -- the phone sex may have been fun, but are you sure they can be trusted not to call again at an "akward" time...?

We all know to lock our doors when we leave home, to not flash our money coming out of the bank, and not to speed on the parts of the highway the troopers hang out. We need to develop similar sense for our online lives.

(Not my Real Name!)

Jun 1, 2007, 9:05 PM
obviously there are going to be different degrees of access with different screennames but it's really about the posts themselves being available to ALL, not the screennames.

who cares if someone sees your screename on google...it's just what's attached to it.

and this thread is just a "heads up" thread not a "YOU'RE ALL DOOMED!!!!"

so, like the rest of the threads, take it or leave it.


Jun 1, 2007, 10:58 PM
Well e degree you are doomed, it seems because of the google availabitly to screen names , there is no privacy, however, good to report it seems it's only crossreferenced to threads, not IM's or e-mails, YET, oh well, the laughing question is, when they obtain your ip address and access your account, steal your info etc based upon a thread or response to one, ok, wonderful, until, it happens to you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They will laugh, the pervs,trolls and trouble makers, then where are you, friends, here, ha, they started the problem.

Jun 1, 2007, 11:28 PM
Actually, if you know someones first name and last name, you can look them up on ANY phone book site or yellowpages.

There you can easily get the persons phone number and home address.
Possibly work if they know where you work.

I think THATS more scaier than Google showing a screen name.


Jun 1, 2007, 11:46 PM
Well - I googled my name and for 16 1/2 pages as it primarily talked about how the dogwood tree/flower is bisexual and/or a-sexual. Then there was the reference of Bisexual.com and me about a post answered involving arana :eek: (wtf). I continued for another 10 pages about the dogwood tree/flower, articles related to the same. Ppfffttt. Whadda Fuck. I'm going to bed. :rolleyes:

Dogwood :doggie:

Jun 1, 2007, 11:52 PM
it would seem that my username is very popular... over 300,000 hits on the search results, so i think and hope i'm probably buried enough

flex on the other hand.... 3 hits.... all here

'course i'm not sure what the chances would be that someone would be looking for us.... i think i've managed to offend everyone sufficiently that they just don't want anything to do with us

Jun 2, 2007, 1:04 AM
Hmm,,,,,,i don't see any problem with being on google. I mean it's normal, and all those things that you people don't wanna be recognized as bisexuals or whatever is completely different thing.
I registered here as a Dagni (my middle name and everyone knows me as Dagni), and evryone knows who i am and that i'm on this site, and since i don't consider this site completely adult, i think it's normal, and honest at least, to type your name on any web search and there you go. Confirmed bisexual.

Jun 2, 2007, 7:09 AM
over here in the west dagni..... it's not that simple

it should be.... but the truth is North Americans are taught from birth on to be terrified of every little big bad boogy man that comes down the road, and heaven forbid anything should ever be done to cause things like hurt, offense, discrimination, and i'd pretty much say personal choice or anything like that....

in a nutshell as long as nobody does anything we're fine.... do something and the lawyers get another weekend of work for the lawsuit

Jun 2, 2007, 3:18 PM
over here in the west dagni..... it's not that simple

it should be.... but the truth is North Americans are taught from birth on to be terrified of every little big bad boogy man that comes down the road, and heaven forbid anything should ever be done to cause things like hurt, offense, discrimination, and i'd pretty much say personal choice or anything like that....

in a nutshell as long as nobody does anything we're fine.... do something and the lawyers get another weekend of work for the lawsuit

Solomon, i think i know whole North and South America and i know situation over there about bisexuality and everything else. But i think people, everywhere on this world should take responsibility about being bi and fight till death if it's necessary to get legal rights.

I faced with very strange situations all over the world, but i still think that is possible to get a legal right to nott hide this natural fact about bisexuality of anyone.

Jun 2, 2007, 4:21 PM
ya, especially since if your son/daughter or a young child that knows your user name can google you for fun and find your posts.

Kids these days know all about google! :)
It's a fascinating idea to think that a google search on your parents is not a lot different than raiding their drawers when they're foolish enough to leave you home alone with a VCR ;)

It might feel embarrassing but perhaps (within reason) it's a good thing .. ?????

Long Duck Dong
Jun 3, 2007, 5:14 AM
* rolls eyes *

the internet is anything but private and safe....... yet people expect it to be ???

the age old saying of * if you don't want people to know anything, don't tell them,* comes to mind....

why must drew protect us and what we post.... its not his job to protect us like some quardian angel.......its like asking him to wear protection while we screw around.....

its own right to post on the net, and knowing that the net is a open and public resource....its our responsibility over what WE post.....
even with a *closed * site.... we still leave a trail a mile wide on the net.....

Jun 3, 2007, 8:14 AM
Solomon, i think i know whole North and South America and i know situation over there about bisexuality and everything else. But i think people, everywhere on this world should take responsibility about being bi and fight till death if it's necessary to get legal rights.

I faced with very strange situations all over the world, but i still think that is possible to get a legal right to nott hide this natural fact about bisexuality of anyone.

i didn't mean to say that you don't know about North America.....

and i've got no desire to fight for anything.... especially something that can't be taken regardless of laws

Jun 3, 2007, 11:59 AM
i didn't mean to say that you don't know about North America.....

and i've got no desire to fight for anything.... especially something that can't be taken regardless of laws
Lucky then we dont havta rely on you for our rights and dignity Sol dear...

Jun 3, 2007, 12:04 PM
Geat, the first thing I get is "I hate bisexuals". The april fools day thread
I made. :tong:

Jun 3, 2007, 1:42 PM
If someone searches for me with the words "bisexual" or "polyamory", I'm at peace with whatever they find.

So far though, I haven't found links with a search term such as "kink" or "bdsm" for me, and I'd like to keep it that way.

Jun 3, 2007, 2:44 PM
Lucky then we dont havta rely on you for our rights and dignity Sol dear...

damn straight..... i've spent enough of my entire life fighting for 'rights' and 'dignity' and for what?

the only thing worth fighting for over here is money to buy the rights, and i think dignity's a concept that's gone out the window

Jun 3, 2007, 3:42 PM
damn straight..... i've spent enough of my entire life fighting for 'rights' and 'dignity' and for what?

the only thing worth fighting for over here is money to buy the rights, and i think dignity's a concept that's gone out the windowFor the right to be who you are Sol, the right to be bi, or gay, or transgendered, or white, or black, or asian, or a myriad of other things human beings are and have suffered oppression for over the millenia..... for what??? If people didnt fight for rights and dignity what a right ole mess we would be in hun..far, far worse than we are now....

People have died for the right to vote, the right to demonstrate, the right to oppose, the right to live without fear, the right to have rights, ..and you have the sauce to say for what????? They died for you Sol, and Flex, and me, and every other human being...they are still dying for us...and will do so again....

We have had arguments in various threads about rich and powerful people ruling the world....I think sweetie your parting comment just proves my point... the right to buy rights...aka privilege..power...maybe even dignity.. and maybe you dont have dignity Sol, but I am sure as hell I do...and I will fight to retain my right to it... (except of course when I voluntarily surrender it after a few over the limit!!!..a mere temporary blip.. soon rectified after a good nites kip...). The right to buy rights at the expense of the rest of us... my dignity, respect for other human beings, and respect for myself will not allow me to do that...

Jun 3, 2007, 7:31 PM
I guess we really shouldnt complain, it was a little odd that when i did it, i was the number one,
so then i typed in my name for other websites like myspace (corkynboo) and there was also stuff on there,
so it's not just this site, so why be so bothered about it,
atleast by doing this i reminded by a website that i havent visited in a least a year lol.
If you dont want people to ever be able to see what you're doing, the internet isnt really the best place to be on, and exploring.

Jun 4, 2007, 12:42 AM
For the right to be who you are Sol, the right to be bi, or gay, or transgendered, or white, or black, or asian, or a myriad of other things human beings are and have suffered oppression for over the millenia..... for what??? If people didnt fight for rights and dignity what a right ole mess we would be in hun..far, far worse than we are now....

People have died for the right to vote, the right to demonstrate, the right to oppose, the right to live without fear, the right to have rights, ..and you have the sauce to say for what????? They died for you Sol, and Flex, and me, and every other human being...they are still dying for us...and will do so again....

We have had arguments in various threads about rich and powerful people ruling the world....I think sweetie your parting comment just proves my point... the right to buy rights...aka privilege..power...maybe even dignity.. and maybe you dont have dignity Sol, but I am sure as hell I do...and I will fight to retain my right to it... (except of course when I voluntarily surrender it after a few over the limit!!!..a mere temporary blip.. soon rectified after a good nites kip...). The right to buy rights at the expense of the rest of us... my dignity, respect for other human beings, and respect for myself will not allow me to do that...

sorry if what i've posted yet again offends you... that's really not my intention

right now i'm reading Ecclesiastes..... and it seems to really be getting into my head, and it's a bit depressing so i'm sorry if that bleeds over into my posting

and you're taking what i've written just a tad out of context.... i was referring only to my personal battles

of course in order to qualify for court time in fighting for these rights that i'm supposed to have... lawyers cost money.... so yes money does buy rights to an extent

Jun 4, 2007, 4:01 AM
For the right to be who you are Sol, the right to be bi, or gay, or transgendered, or white, or black, or asian, or a myriad of other things human beings are and have suffered oppression for over the millenia..... for what??? If people didnt fight for rights and dignity what a right ole mess we would be in hun..far, far worse than we are now....

People have died for the right to vote, the right to demonstrate, the right to oppose, the right to live without fear, the right to have rights, ..and you have the sauce to say for what????? They died for you Sol, and Flex, and me, and every other human being...they are still dying for us...and will do so again....

We have had arguments in various threads about rich and powerful people ruling the world....I think sweetie your parting comment just proves my point... the right to buy rights...aka privilege..power...maybe even dignity.. and maybe you dont have dignity Sol, but I am sure as hell I do...and I will fight to retain my right to it... (except of course when I voluntarily surrender it after a few over the limit!!!..a mere temporary blip.. soon rectified after a good nites kip...). The right to buy rights at the expense of the rest of us... my dignity, respect for other human beings, and respect for myself will not allow me to do that...

oh btw fran, you're talking cobblers.... that kind of goes right against your hardline anti-war stance

and how gracious of you to offer no support whatsoever, to go on about how you think that they're supporting war and evil and all by being there, but you hope they fair well..... god that smacks of Marie Antionette with "let'em eat cake", and John Kerry's "go to Iraq if you don't want to study" remark

after all it was in fact troops that fought for those rights in the first place

Jun 4, 2007, 9:28 AM
Ya think so Sol??? Historically the military have been the tool of the ruling classes across the globe to help them protect ther power... far more than bein the tool of the masses to achieve their rites... C nuthin 2 contradict ne thin I sed... cos ther isnt ne thin..

Did say people had died, will die an r still dyin in defence of liberty.. its reality, for they will still die... don mean in wot I sed is that they pick up a bloody gun... remarkably large numbers died at hands of your precious military without a weapon in ther hands.... and remarkably large numbers always will so long as there is a powerful elite who wishes to retain power and privilege over the rest of us...

And I said I hope they or no 1 else dies or is harmed Sol...no1 else... I know as well as you that it is unrealistic when there is a war goin on.. ya shud read things properly fore ya open ya mouth an letya belly rumble... ther is no Marie Antionette bout me, and certainly not a John Kerry.. a wish that no human being is put in harms way, or is put in no position 2 harm another human bein, and that all who are involved in this mess come home safely and unscarred is genuine and I know all 2 impossible.. doesnt mean it isnt heart felt and its not for u 2 question that and treat it with the contempt and condescension which a dream of peace and harmony certainly does not deserve...

Jun 4, 2007, 9:51 AM
This is not the only adult site indexed on Google. You can see some others by going to base.google.com, clicking on "Personals", doing any search, and seeing which sits show up.

For a while I was freaked out by this, and didn't use a photo on sites indexed by Google. On further reflection, I decided that if someone already knew my handle (which I only use for dating sites), it wouldn't be that much harder for them to get a free account on a dating site than to look it up on Google.

Jun 4, 2007, 10:20 AM
and yet if i say i don't wanna fight, let alone die.... then there's something wrong with that?

Jun 4, 2007, 10:43 AM
and yet if i say i don't wanna fight, let alone die.... then there's something wrong with that? No 1 wants 2 die Sol... but nuthin more certain.. nuthin wrong wiv not wantin fite either..God knows I don wanna... otha ways of fitin otha than pickin up a gun..jeez..we been fitin for weeks in ere hav we not sweetie?? ....by usin words... fitin has many different meanins... an fitin for wot ya believe in by arguin and demonstratin for that wich ya believe is one...

Me wants a peaceful fun life like ne 1 else.. but wile world is crap place we shud all b tryin 2 make it lil less crap in our own way... don intend 2 die for me beliefs, but in end who can tell??? Can sit on me hands an neva offend a soul..jus let world go by an accept all the muck the world hasta offer... but if an wen shite hits the fan... won stop sum sod blowin me head off if it suits his pointa view... history is littered wiv the corpses of the innocent... ratha me life ended arguin for an believin in summat than jus merrily walkin innocently to me doom... keepin ya head down won necessarily save ya hun... don think ne less of ya Sol...jus think it a waste...

Jun 4, 2007, 2:12 PM
Found this the other day. Maybe it might help allay some of the concerns....


Might try it to delete or partially disolve some of the stuff of concern.


Jun 5, 2007, 11:18 AM
does this really surprise people?
The internet is NOT secure and anything on there is generally open to the public whether superficially "protected" or not. As a general rule, you should not post something here or anywhere if you don't want it out in the public domain...


Jun 7, 2007, 12:44 AM
my darling significant other brought this to my attention the other day.

most adult sites are protected.

however, if you go to google and type

(your screenname) bisexual.


neat trick huh.

i'm sure some don't care, but what about those who do?



I agree that it can be startling what you can google these days, it is perfectly normal. Did you also know that the federal government archives almost all websites? Try the wayback machine at http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.bisexual.com and you can see how bisexual.com (or any other site that is, or ever has been made) looked through the years. Check out bisexual.com from 1997!

It's kinda like the people that feel "secure" posting photos on dating sites that tell you that other members cannot copy photos--WRONG! There is absolutely NO technology available on the net that can prevent someone from copying your photos from a website. Yes, there are cute little scripts that prevent you from right-clicking on pictures. That same little script can be defeated with 1 simple line of code.

The rule and truth is that "Anything you post on the net is there forever, and can be seen by anyone."

:-) Lance

Jun 7, 2007, 1:48 PM
Here's a fun one for you. I am aquainted with a gal who does recruitment for a major US Corporation. When they get a new application for a position, the first thing they do is check out google, myspace, and the like. They turn down a lot of freaky people by doing so. On the flip side, harmless adult themes (such as this site) don't tend to attract their attention (according to her.) It's the good boy college grad resume with outstanding academic record and references to match, but has the myspace full of party pics and pot leaves that get the axe.

Jun 10, 2007, 11:36 AM
Great info all around. A friend at work told me about Photobucket and it works similar but with the pics on MYSpace unless you make your pics private. I found myself on the google search too. Still checking though.

Again thanks for the info

Skater Boy
Jun 10, 2007, 1:18 PM
Muahahahahaaaa!!!! This is what comes up for my user name:

he was a boy she was a girl
can i make it anymore obvious!

He was a punk, she did ballet
What more can I say?

He wanted her, she'd never tell
secretly she wanted him as well

But all of her friends, stuck up their nose
They had a problem with his baggy clothes...

He was a skater boy
She said "see ya later boy"
He wasn't good enough for her
She had a pretty face
But her head was up in space
She needed to come back down to earth

Five years from now, she sits at home
Feeding the baby, she's all alone

She turns on T.V., guess who she sees
Skater boy rocking up MTV

She calls up her friends, they already know
And they've all got tickets to see his show

she tags along, stands in the crowd
Looks up at the man that she turned down

He was a skater boy
She said "see ya later boy"
He wasn't good enough for her
Now he's a superstar
Slammin on his guitar
Does your pretty face see what he's worth?
He was a skater boy
She said "see ya later boy"
He wasn't good enough for her
Now he's a superstar
Slammin on his guitar
Did your pretty face see what he's worth?(hold out)

Sorry girl, but you missed out
Well tough luck that boy's mine now

We are more than just good friends
This is how the story ends

Too bad that you couldn't see
See the man that boy could be

There is more than meets the eye
I see the soul that is inside

He's just a boy and I'm just a girl
Can I make it anymore obvious?

We are in love, haven't you heard
How we rock each others world!

I'm with the skater boy
I said "see ya later boy"
I'll be backstage after the show
I'll be at a studio
Singing the song we wrote
About a girl he used to know.

I'm with the skater boy
I said "see ya later boy"
I'll be backstage after the show
I'll be at a studio
Singing the song we wrote
About the girl he used to know.

Well, Avril Lavigne is a HOTTIE... I've always had a thing for her, and that song is keeeewl.

If I add the word "Bi..." I get numerous links to adult websites. But, there's like, over a million results, so I'd say the chances of my posts coming up is next to nothing.

That said, I'm gonna think twice about what i post from now on.