View Full Version : Cyber champ? or, the triumph of focus

May 30, 2007, 6:14 PM
A site member (we’ll call him Dash) who never posts but is well known in the chat room has got me thinking about the power of knowing exactly what you want.

Dash is ostensibly bisexual, but his efforts in chat, from what I can see, are devoted exclusively to hooking up with women for cyber or phone – maybe in person, too, I don’t know. He doesn’t appear to welcome PMs from males. Maybe he really is bisexual; maybe he’s a straight guy who simply finds bi women more appealing, open and (frankly) available.

At any rate, Dash claims to have hooked up with hundreds of women on this site. I don’t know anyone who doubts the truth of his claim. I certainly don’t. He has brains and charm, and equally importantly, he has a Method. The Method – again, this is just according to what I can see or infer -- seems to break each transaction down into three brisk steps:

1. The Pounce, or greeting, launched like a torpedo on sighting an available female. (All females may be presumed available until known to be otherwise).

2. The Workup, or flirtation. This apparently begins in Main but is presumably switched into a PM with as little delay as possible.

3. The Close. In which (one can only suppose) arrangements are made.

If I have got any of this wrong, I welcome Dash’s correction. But the exact mechanism is less important than the manifest consistency and energy he brings to the whole enterprise. In a word, focus. Even his username (his real one, not ‘Dash’) suggests a classic object of female fantasy.

As a guy, I admit that my understanding of feminine psychology is necessarily limited. From my POV, I’m not sure what the appeal would be in serving as Dash’s 457th masturbatory aid. But clearly there’s an appeal, because the stream of conquests apparently never dries up. Like McDonald’s, Dash Inc. is a volume operation, which has to deliver the product to a certain standard in order to keep the customers coming, if not cumming. The result may or may not be filet mignon, but with “billions and billions served”, who am I to argue with success?

May 30, 2007, 9:15 PM
Well since "Dash" claims never to read threads I guess he won't be answering your questions anytime soon, but who's to say what he says is true? If you hooked up as much as "Dash" would you really need this site? He's his biggest fan and though he may appear smooth, when he lashes out at some poor soul, (as if there is some rule book hanging on the wall to read upon entry), or passes judgment, he shows the ugliness that is inside. To me that takes away any appeal he may have had. :2cents:

May 30, 2007, 9:29 PM
yeah there are a lot of guys in there who claim that they're "bi" but they only want to cyber with a woman or a male/female couple ONLY and how the woman HAS to be at the computer with the guy (somehow he'd be able to tell this lol) :rolleyes:

May 30, 2007, 9:50 PM
Sounds like the guy brags too much, which tells me that he's not really Bi and he's just hooking up with the occasional woman and hopes that if she's got a hubby, that the hubby is a cuckold.

We've seen tons of guys like this.

His true colors will show and all will come crashing down in time.

May 30, 2007, 10:07 PM
I have no idea who Dash is, but it sounds like we could all learn from him! Anyone who understands psychology and culture this well deserves some credit.


May 30, 2007, 10:25 PM
Success, Biwords??

I dunno....the first thing that comes to my mind with someone like that, is NO THANK YOU.

Some real or imagined long list of "conquests" when it comes to women is not my idea of success.....sounds more like someone who can't find ANY success if he has to keep "racking up conquests" and then brag about it to make himself feel important.

I have no idea who you're talking about (tho I have my suspicions) but it seems by what you have posted that the only ones impressed with this guy are SOME men, as apparently no women (of his supposed "hundreds") have stuck around in any kind of relationship with him.

I would hazzard a guess that your assumption of "appeal" is pure fantasy, or at very best superficial.

May 31, 2007, 1:07 AM
I put clowns like that in the same file as I put all the nine inch plus guys :rolleyes:

Cheers Chook :bigrin:

May 31, 2007, 3:33 AM
Success, Biwords??

I dunno....the first thing that comes to my mind with someone like that, is NO THANK YOU.

Some real or imagined long list of "conquests" when it comes to women is not my idea of success.....sounds more like someone who can't find ANY success if he has to keep "racking up conquests" and then brag about it to make himself feel important.

I have no idea who you're talking about (tho I have my suspicions) but it seems by what you have posted that the only ones impressed with this guy are SOME men, as apparently no women (of his supposed "hundreds") have stuck around in any kind of relationship with him.

I would hazzard a guess that your assumption of "appeal" is pure fantasy, or at very best superficial.

Well, I mean "success" in getting what he's after. It might not be what you or I would choose for a goal, but it's his goal and I've heard enough from others to suggest that he's probably achieving it. I believe he's married, so someone HAS stuck with him, and why not? I'm not judging him...just expressing a kind of ambivalent fascination. Your and other's postings above(particularly Arana's, since it's obvious she knows who 'Dash' is) do impress me as suggesting that his charisma is not universal in its effect. And for reasons that don't entirely bear looking into, I find that weirdly reassuring! Thanks.

May 31, 2007, 9:00 AM
i dunno.... kinda sounds like this guy's just looking to get something outta some people... and if that work's for him then that's great :cool:

i'm sticking with my preference for building lasting relationships where i get some things i want..... but i also gotta give alot too :cool:

i think it's kinda like breaking into people's houses.... the lure of illegal money is sooo tempting, if nothing else for the rebelliousness of it..... but also worthless in the end

May 31, 2007, 8:30 PM
one acronym, STD mania, no thanks, i dont really care if he is a guy, but
from what I see deffinitly not worth it. I probably dont know who he's been
with or what he has. Nothanks.

Jul 6, 2008, 8:53 PM
I'm bumping this up for posterity's sake. The OP isn't there, but the man he speaks of still is.


Jul 7, 2008, 12:21 AM
Well, I know it isnt me!!!!!!!!

I may be the " champ " but not of that.


Jul 7, 2008, 8:18 PM
lol Now you know Why I dont do PM's unless I know the person well. I get tired of all the Cyber crap and come on's. I'm in chat to chat with my friends and people that I know Well. I'm not there to 'hook up' or to get someone off that I dont know. If its someone that I do know well, then that type of conversation is alright, but cybering doesnt really do anything for me except sharpen my erotic writng skills..lmao.
Hugs Ya'll
Silly Cat
PS sounds like this guy is just a legend in his own mind..lol

Jul 7, 2008, 11:22 PM
I don't even know the guy. I've never seen him in the chat room either. Maybe he found a girlfriend here, who knows.

Jul 8, 2008, 7:57 AM
I wish someone would tell me who this guy is so I can avoid him...he sounds like someone I would fall for LOL

Jul 8, 2008, 10:17 AM
What I do take from the OP's main point is that the person he speaks of-I don't know who it could be and I don't care--I only am talking about some people we have like this in a general sense--they are like many males who swing--they say they are "bisexual"--but what that really means is thatwhat they want is for their wives and or girlfriends to be "bi" so they can have FMF 3ways or at least the fantasy of such---at the swingers clubs--as a rule--single females willing to "switch hit" are more than welcome--but single guys who do--it's "don't call us--we will call you*!"

*when hell freezes over

I guess it is one of those deals of "whatever floats your boat!"

Jul 8, 2008, 10:47 AM
first i say name him. second i say bullshit. third why discuss hookups like that unless you need some sort of validation? if you need that sort of support online it is unlikely that (needy) person will present as an attractive enough person to have people want to be intimate with him.

as to whether he is actually bi. who cares? we all value honesty and discretion, i suggest he lacks both.

Jul 28, 2008, 1:00 AM
I don't even know the guy. I've never seen him in the chat room either. Maybe he found a girlfriend here, who knows.

You've seen him, just never really thought about it.


Jul 28, 2008, 7:52 AM
I think it has more to do with acting and presentation.
I've always rolled my eyes when a guy would present his false self to a woman... and gasp with horror if she went for it! Perhaps it's a lot easier when you're off to the side watching someone than when that person engages you and you're concentrating more on the (manipulative) discussed subject than the sincerity of the actor.
Of course, I've found that actors are often actors because of hideous character flaws; character which nearly always includes extra doses of manipulation and selfishness.