View Full Version : What with the "weird" people lately in chat????

May 30, 2007, 3:27 AM
:cool: i'm not understanding this... what is with people lately? is it that the young people are out of school now, graduating and need something to do, and dont know how to act online? is it bored humans at home with nothing to do but sit and cause chaos out of people who are minding their business?? is it people from one of the BIG three news stations doing a report on gay websites, or trying to catch people maurauding as sane persons but actually preying on the young??

i can understand this kind of activity in the winter time---thats when people are usually locked in their homes with nothing better to do than look at a wall, regret shoveling snow (depending on where you live) or what not...

but doggone it if in the past THREE days, i have seen SO MUCH GARBAGE...

---some person with the initials of O.G. discussing his need for "morning sausage and girl juice" like religion...

---some person with the initials of T.c.t. who insists on discussing his need for zoophilia;and other tales of disgust

---a "one eyed monster" name (see your mythology for that one), and some alleged 18 year old female name Also sprach zarathustra hot 34 or something playing like they are 11 or 13 years old, and saying things in chat that really dont jive well with the community...

---and the list is slowly growing...

it is a darn shame that we have to all vacate a main chat room and veritably "run for our lives" when certain people enter the chat rooms... i'm quite certain we are allegedly supposed to get along.. we hare a special bond, a kindred spirit, we are a community that is difficult to find on this expletive deleted interwebs ( a series of tubes ), and i've only been here for a short time and there are some truly awesome people on here... some that i would consider friend...

though patience, tolerance, and understanding is the ideal... and though we have an Ignore button equipped on all of our screens, this situation is getting a bit out of hand

i dont gripe unless i have to, but this has SO got to stop

May 30, 2007, 3:31 AM

May 30, 2007, 4:35 AM

and i apologize in advance to anyone that is offended that i even placed the initials of the persons in question on here...

they say "the names have been changed to protect the innocent"

there are none that i can see

and if i have my bi-sites correct, we lost our innocence a LONG time ago..
you dont have to agree, but to be fair, we dont have to like it either :P

Bless you Fer!

May 30, 2007, 5:20 AM
i know exactly what you mean, its not just this chat room either it seems to be in most chatrooms on the web, thers always some sicko/sado whatever you wanna call them trying to be funny or 'random' but its just immature, theres a time and place for these things lol. unfortunatly theres nothing really you can do because they seem to thive on back chat. but i get your anoyance coz ive felt it countless times.

May 30, 2007, 5:47 AM
I am so sorry that you seem to be experiencing so much drama in the chatroom. I joined the site two years ago but I have been spending very little time in the chatroom for the last year. The chatroom used to be a great place where I'd connect with cybersouls and talk to each other about things that mattered to us.

Having expressed my sympathy for your discomfort, can I suggest that you use the ignore option and/or create new chatrooms that are smaller and easier to make into your own intimate community?

The last thing I can say is, at least it sounds like chat isn't boring, which is often the other problem with such rooms.

Lots of love,

May 30, 2007, 5:54 AM
:flag3: I agree , I myself am not sure I want to come in to chat anymore. I had an episode the other nite with a Trans calling me unspeakable names because I was busy in pvt with someone and didn't answer him/her.I'm afraid I was caught in a bad mood by that point and tried to clear it up only making it worse and had to leave to avoid the constant mouth from that person. I know let him/her get to me and shouldn't have but frankly I sick to death of people who just pvt you and don't first read your profile. And your right about the topics in the room lately, definetly leaves something to be desired .Tho I not sure what any of us can do about the conversations in the chatroom at this point but voice our opinion here.There are indeed alot of good people I too can call friends and chatting with them without friction from others is getting harder and quite bothersome. But what exactly can we do? :(

May 30, 2007, 5:59 AM
:flag3: I agree , I myself am not sure I want to come in to chat anymore. I had an episode the other nite with a Trans calling me unspeakable names because I was busy in pvt with someone and didn't answer him/her.I'm afraid I was caught in a bad mood by that point and tried to clear it up only making it worse and had to leave to avoid the constant mouth from that person. I know let him/her get to me and shouldn't have but frankly I sick to death of people who just pvt you and don't first read your profile. And your right about the topics in the room lately, definetly leaves something to be desired .Tho I not sure what any of us can do about the conversations in the chatroom at this point but voice our opinion here.There are indeed alot of good people I too can call friends and chatting with them without friction from others is getting harder and quite bothersome. But what exactly can we do? :(

I'd like to reiterate that you should get to know all the functions available to you on Drew's site. You can put people on ignore if they are bothering you. You can report flagrant violations of the site rules. And you can create your own chatrooms with specific topic limitations. Mimi, for instance, used to have a chatroom just for people in LA who wanted to talk about political issues.


May 30, 2007, 11:30 AM
From what I can see, people tend to respond to the flamers, which only pours gas on the flames. You've heard the phrase 'sent to Coventry'? It describes the practice of taking NO notice of someone, just as if they weren't there. Apparently you can drive people mad this way, literally. In any case, if the flamers are getting literally no response, whatever they do or say, it's likely they'll soon find another swimming pool to pee in.

May 30, 2007, 12:01 PM
I have not had much time of late to chat and have been having internet connection problems anyway--I am pretty much prevented from chatting on here anyway---I am sorry to hear that we have had another round of "chatting gone bad" on here.

It seems to do that from time to time-I kind of liken it to a cold or something---hopefully the "cold" will not be so bad and only last a short time!!!!

May 30, 2007, 1:46 PM
I think that behavior is just a desperated try to get the attention on the chat, just to come into a conversation.
Surely it´s not always amusing, what some people say, but we are living in a free world to decide on our own if we want to share this kind of chat or if we wanna leave. And if these people notice, that they are disgusting by that behavior, there might be a slight chance that they will change it.


May 30, 2007, 2:12 PM
*hands out pickaxes and desoxyn tablets* Time to plow the road!

The curious teen
May 30, 2007, 6:34 PM
Okay Vitt, you got me. She's talking about my idiocy. Apaprantly people cant take a humorus joke. It all started With Marie, i cant really remember, and then i made the connection 'eat the oats from my hands' about a drunken experience with a donkey. Just one, as the name implies, Curious teen that's just finding his way. And i think my punishment should end seeing as it meant nobody would awnser a depserate cry from a boy and his senile boyfriend. I'm in the hospital with fucking staples. Punishment enough. As for my mouth, just go along with it cause i'm a crazyball mental person. So you kinda should excuse it. I try hard, meds costing well over 700 dollars a bottle with insurance and limited ablilities. For where i am, i'm lucky they havent put me to death. It's like in england where the loonies are allowed to steal and are just understood as they dont know any better. Case in point, i'm a nut that's been punished enough and has learned but cannot really change. So understand i'm in a difficult spot. In fact, i rest my case. SO think before you hate, should i really be hating someone whom does'nt really know any better? For that matter, what's wrong with a man having strong affection for animals, i ask you!

The curious teen
May 30, 2007, 6:42 PM
Vitt, i'm dreadfully sorry for any angst i may have caused. I'm tryin though. It aint easy but i'm trying to really get a hold of myself and be able to function normally. As for Zoophillia, saying it's disgusting or wrong is like saying faggots and lezzies are wrong and sick. I like men, i like horses, as far as i'm concerned, it's one of my civil liberties to live that way. That's why america's great. I can have my sexy men, and my sexy stallions. But that aside, i apologize to, and this list is only a few of them:
The curious couple,
and anybody whom i may offended with my shenanigans and/or truthfull wordings.
I know it wont exactly blow over, but i give my sincerest apologies. :) :flag3: :impleased :angel: :love1:

With love and serious regret to what has gone underway

The Curious Teen.
P.S, really, is zoophillia all that bad?

May 30, 2007, 9:06 PM
Okay Vitt, you got me. She's talking about my idiocy. Apaprantly people cant take a humorus joke. It all started With Marie, i cant really remember, and then i made the connection 'eat the oats from my hands' about a drunken experience with a donkey. Just one, as the name implies, Curious teen that's just finding his way. And i think my punishment should end seeing as it meant nobody would awnser a depserate cry from a boy and his senile boyfriend. I'm in the hospital with fucking staples. Punishment enough. As for my mouth, just go along with it cause i'm a crazyball mental person. So you kinda should excuse it. I try hard, meds costing well over 700 dollars a bottle with insurance and limited ablilities. For where i am, i'm lucky they havent put me to death. It's like in england where the loonies are allowed to steal and are just understood as they dont know any better. Case in point, i'm a nut that's been punished enough and has learned but cannot really change. So understand i'm in a difficult spot. In fact, i rest my case. SO think before you hate, should i really be hating someone whom does'nt really know any better? For that matter, what's wrong with a man having strong affection for animals, i ask you!The problem is you are here defending yourself so you DO know better. There are a lot of people here that have some sort of mental problems, some very extreme and they have far more class then you've been showing. Don't use your handicap as an excuse to be mean and nasty then expect people to accept you. They have a right to a peaceful chat.

The curious teen
May 30, 2007, 9:13 PM
The problem is you are here defending yourself so you DO know better. There are a lot of people here that have some sort of mental problems, some very extreme and they have far more class then you've been showing. Don't use your handicap as an excuse to be mean and nasty then expect people to accept you. They have a right to a peaceful chat.

I really dont. If i did, why the fuck would i be here? Being mentally handicapped limits my thinking ability and many other things as well. It's a viable excuse. and.... well, i'm just psycho. Really all you can do is just kinda go with the flow. I try. I fail, i try, i fail again, i keep tryin darlin.

May 30, 2007, 10:35 PM
i tpe too slow to chat effectively then again...

May 31, 2007, 6:07 AM
The problem is you are here defending yourself so you DO know better. There are a lot of people here that have some sort of mental problems, some very extreme and they have far more class then you've been showing. Don't use your handicap as an excuse to be mean and nasty then expect people to accept you. They have a right to a peaceful chat.

Arana - you speak my same sentiments about this idiocy. And for one to use a handicap as an excuse for their behavior is surely deplorable.
Me thinks TCT is trying yo emulate Brad Pitt playing the crazy guy in the movie "The 12 Monkeys". :eek: He uses all of the same words and phrases when lashing out. And if he is that deranged, why is he even allowed a computer? :2cents:
Luff ya

Dogwood :doggie:

May 31, 2007, 6:41 AM
*hands out pickaxes and desoxyn tablets* Time to plow the road!
LOL maybe I would have done some of that when I was younger....:)

May 31, 2007, 12:34 PM
I avoid the chat unless someone I know is in there and I need to talk to them.

I avoid the chat cause I get to many cyber requests..... when it says CLEARLY in my profile I DO NOT WANT CYBER. :)
yes I know I can ignore them but when you get so many, you start to get grumpy...... and people wonder why I sneak off to MSN chat and close bisexuals chat pretending I got booted *grins*


Lisa (va)
May 31, 2007, 1:53 PM
Weird? I know I am. Being weird isn't so bad. But seriously I've also noticed a bit of drama as of late, but I'm just weird enough to take it all with a grain of salt. I have found if someone is trying to cause trouble the simplest solution is just not to feed into it, It's just as easy to be kind as to enter into a word chatting match. Regardless of how anyone treats me (it's their perogative) I try to treat others with respect and as I wish to be treated. Other than that a perosn can simply ignore such individuals that tend to irritate them.


hugs n kisses

Jun 1, 2007, 12:00 AM
I tend toward biword's approach, myself. I try not to take these kinds of people too seriously, exactly because their goal is to stir up chaos. If I buy into their bullshit, they win. If I ignore them, then they no longer exist - and I win.

Easier said than done, unfortunately. It can be frustrating as hell when someone is acting the damn troll. I was in the chat room the night V posted this thread, and just from what little I observed.... well, it wasn't pretty.

