View Full Version : Oh damn it all to hell!

May 29, 2007, 10:58 AM
Didn't pass my piss test :eek: Back to square one. I know the product works, I just got tested earlier than I expected. Chalk this one up to carelessness. Back to square one. It really pisses me off- I mean I understand well the importance of safety, but my point(s) are as follows. I don't do it on the job. I think it's bullshit that what I do in my free time is regulated like I'm on someone's fucking clock. Not to sound defeatist, however. It won't be hard to find another, I've actually got a really good couple of prospects. I've been told I have a persecution complex, and I'm starting to wonder. The drive home I had all these thoughts raging through my head about being controlled by outside entities. About being bipolar and having to take my pills, about having my bodily fluids examined for signs of illegal behavior, about being a slave to the machine, about my family disapproving of my "lifestyle", the list goes on. Maybe it's all the punk and metal I listen to, or the supposed "American vlaues" I was inundated with in school, but since around the time I hit puberty I've possessed what I would call an extreme anti-control ideology. I don't see it ever ending, either. This is one of those days when it feels like the whole damn universe is trying to bend me to it's will. How long will I be able to keep up the fight? Does it really matter?

May 29, 2007, 12:13 PM
The path of least resistence is much easier in the long run.
Not to be taken in a bad way, it is simply the truth

May 29, 2007, 12:48 PM
I am very sorry to hear about the job, hon. That sucks in a bad way. But I am one who believes that everything happens for a reason. It'll all work out in the end for the better. I know, hard to see now, but it truly will.


May 29, 2007, 8:45 PM
golly thom ....

i am so sad and devastated to hear the news on this

what BS .. i dont blame u for being down on the values story or feeling persecuted... i hear it all the way

wish i was there to hug you dude .. this is bad news

hope ur attitude pours out a solution that makes u rise man

peace ~ andrew

May 29, 2007, 9:28 PM
You gotta know when to toke it, know when to hold it... know when to walk away....

(With apologies to "Maverick")


May 29, 2007, 9:44 PM
So sorry to hear that Azrael...as Anne said all things work in ways for a reason. Maybe you're meant for something better.

May 29, 2007, 11:17 PM
Not to come down on you, but you did bring it on yourself.

Almost every company out there is going with the "zero tolerance" drug policy.

Now they do make allowances for prescription drugs, which is why they ask you if you are taking any prescription meds and what they are. But if something should happen on the job, most companies will automatically do a drug test, which means no time to take whatever it is you take that is supposed to get the drug out of your system.
And if that happens, then you are screwed (not in a good way either) and you can pretty much kiss the job good by as well as any chances of getting unemployment or another decent job after that.

Fact of the matter is, if you are taking something that is illegal, it doesn't matter if you only do it on your "at home" time or not......it is still illegal. And if you want that to change, then you should work on changing the law.

In the mean time, just stay away from the stuff altogether. You will be much better off and it will greatly increase your chances of getting hired anywhere that you apply.

May 30, 2007, 1:15 AM
Sorry to hear that you didn't get the job.

I had a job interview last week and I was told that I was too over qualified for the one job.

The other job I was interviewed for a few weeks ago, I was almost sure that I was going to get hired for since I had an excellent interview, gave references, and sent thank you letters I didn't get that but I was told that I was a "finalist" (interesting word choice on their part).

May 30, 2007, 5:57 AM
Let me echo Arana and say, this may end up being a blessing in disguise. Whatever job is making you take piss tests sounds a little creepy and intrusive. There are better jobs out there; maybe this will force you to find them.

As a sappy personal comparison, I can tell you how crushed I was in the winter of 1990 when I was kicked out of college. I flunked one class and had withdrawn from a bunch of other ones, but my mother had died and I thought the college should have shown me more support. As it turns out, I ended up learning more during my years as a flunkee than I learned prior -- and I ended up going back and finishing with a 3.5 and doing great things with my life. I can't say I "thank" the dean yet, but I do feel happy about the end result of the whole process. Your situation may end up the same way. Now I am a professor and I tell struggling students the story all the time, as a way to cheer them up if they're failing.


May 30, 2007, 10:03 AM
Sorry you're having a tough time.

At the risk of pissing you off, so to speak. I can't figure out how you can be upset about this. Employers, myself included, have all sorts of reasons for not hiring people who piss test positive. The lawyers will love it when one of my employees does something that negatively impacts a customer or just a random person and then flunks a court ordered piss test. I don't care that you think it's justifiable because you do it on your own time for at least 3 reasons - 1. the stuff (whatever it is) has a half life...the effects don't just magically shut off when you clock in. 2. the fact that you use it at all shows an impairment of judgment. How do I know you won't use it after you're clocked in due to a "little slip" in your judgment? and 3. substance abuse impacts performance. No matter if you think your performance is good I'll always think your performance could be better if you weren't a user and I only want to hire people who can perform at their utmost. That's how I maximize my investment in my employees. It's all about money in vs. money out when you own a business.

So...sorry you're having a tough time but I don't think flunking a piss test warrants any sympathy at all. Don't mean to pontificate here but those are simply the facts from the employer side of the coin. Get clean, that'll help you more than anything.

May 30, 2007, 10:38 AM
Sorry to hear about your job. I think its terrible that they test people for doing stuff in their own time. I mean if someone came to work while high on something then that would be a different matter but firing you just for having traces of whatever you took in your own time is just wrong on so many moral levels. Seriously, if people want to relax with [soft] drugs in private then I think the government and corporations should have nothing to do with it and stop being so bloody intrusive.

I have to say that I agree with your ideas about being anti-control. I'm also pretty heavily anti-control. These days Governments are too obsessed with control, I mean in the UK they're planning to bring in identity cards, we have too many speed cameras, we have the most CCTV cameras in any European nation, we have terror laws that trample over privacy, our education system has been ruined by the national curriculum, they've banned smoking in pubs [one of these fascist blanket bans, they didn't even consider a sensible compromise], they've got congestion charging in London [enforced by satelleite tracking], many councils are planning to spy on people's bins in the name of 'envornmentalism', they're planning to put health warnings on alcoholic drinks, we have crap self-defence laws, the Governemnt is obsessed with political correctness (almost to the point of thought control).... I could carry on this list for a few pages but you get the idea.

Seriously with all the control in society and crap like that, is it any wonder that more people take drugs, smoke and "binge drink" [which in the eyes of the UK government is anything more than 2 pints] these days to get away from it all.

Also, these days society seems to be obsessed about conformity, I mean seriously there is hardly anything that is 'alternative' these days, everything has been assimilated into the mainstream [I wish I was actually around in the time when heavy metal was actually rebellious rather than respectable, the days when hippies actually seemed to stand for something etc..]

Good luck with finding another job, hopefully you'll find one that isn't run by corporate assholes who insist on testing you for stuff you do in private.

Izzfan :flag3:

May 30, 2007, 2:19 PM
So...sorry you're having a tough time but I don't think flunking a piss test warrants any sympathy at all. Don't mean to pontificate here but those are simply the facts from the employer side of the coin. Get clean, that'll help you more than anything.
Point take. Most of my employers have been percocet popping high-ball drinking scumfucks, but I see what you're getting.

May 30, 2007, 2:19 PM
So...sorry you're having a tough time but I don't think flunking a piss test warrants any sympathy at all. Don't mean to pontificate here but those are simply the facts from the employer side of the coin. Get clean, that'll help you more than anything.
Point taken. Most of my employers have been percocet popping high-ball drinking scumfucks, but I see what you're getting @. It's all good, though, I'm so past giving a shit it's ridiculous.

May 30, 2007, 3:49 PM
Az, sweetie, after all this time you should know I love ya like a brother, right? Which is why it pains me to see you having to learn this lesson the hard way. Others have said that maybe this is a blessing in disguise. If it helps you to realize that smoking weed limits your opportunities in life, then it is.

The thing is, as a business owner myself, I can understand their logic in not hiring you because of the test. They don't know you from Adam so they don't know when you smoke, if you'll smoke on the job, etc. When dealing with earnings, how can they possibly take the chance that you'll slip and accidentally cause damage that could cost them thousands?

As much as I love ya bro, I wouldn't hire you until you could prove that you're clean.

BTW, those herbal products don't work. As a certified herbalist working on my Master's, I should know.

And so you don't think I'm a hypocrite like the others you mentioned, neither hubby or I drink alcohol and the only drugs I take are my thyroid meds and my Celexa (newly prescribed last week for depression).

May 30, 2007, 3:58 PM
Az, sweetie, after all this time you should know I love ya like a brother, right? Which is why it pains me to see you having to learn this lesson the hard way. Others have said that maybe this is a blessing in disguise. If it helps you to realize that smoking weed limits your opportunities in life, then it is.

The thing is, as a business owner myself, I can understand their logic in not hiring you because of the test. They don't know you from Adam so they don't know when you smoke, if you'll smoke on the job, etc. When dealing with earnings, how can they possibly take the chance that you'll slip and accidentally cause damage that could cost them thousands?

As much as I love ya bro, I wouldn't hire you until you could prove that you're clean.

BTW, those herbal products don't work. As a certified herbalist working on my Master's, I should know.

And so you don't think I'm a hypocrite like the others you mentioned, neither hubby or I drink alcohol and the only drugs I take are my thyroid meds and my Celexa (newly prescribed last week for depression).

Actually, the product does work, I used it several times on probation. Yeah, you're probably right. Love ya too, darling.

May 30, 2007, 5:48 PM
golly thom ....

i am so sad and devastated to hear the news on this

what BS .. i dont blame u for being down on the values story or feeling persecuted... i hear it all the way

wish i was there to hug you dude .. this is bad news

hope ur attitude pours out a solution that makes u rise man

peace ~ andrew
It's complicated.....
Thanks, though *smiles weakly*

May 31, 2007, 6:48 AM
Is there any way you could re take the test again, and perhaps just stay clean?

Or look for a company that does AC work but doesn't test anyone?

May 31, 2007, 8:19 AM
well, you can safely disqualify that employer... NEXT! :cool: