View Full Version : What would you have done?

Sep 27, 2005, 8:27 AM
I had a girlfriend or rather an ex now that claimed that tattoos and piercings were forms of self-expression and also made a political statement. Later on, she decided to work at a company that didn't allow these things and got rid of the piercings and covered up the tattoos. She then wouldn't talk to me for four month straight either by not answering the phone or by saying "Sorry hun, I can't talk now my phone is running out of minutes. Love you bye!" The reason she worked at such a place she claimed was because of money which later she did express to me about how wonderful the money was. I did on the other hand find a women and a guy who are perfectly fine with me being bisexual where as she sort of made out to be something that didn't exist because I was all hers and no one elses. So what would you guys have done? Take into consideration she still wanted me to stay with her while she worked at Cider Point and didn't communicate with me and look over the fact that she had become a hypocrite.

Sep 27, 2005, 9:14 AM
Move on & be with someone that will love & support you.

Sep 27, 2005, 11:21 AM
Hello there agentkilljoy!
i would have to agree with amy, its important in the long run that you be with someone who is supportive of you rather than someone who would rather skirt around the subject than to "deal" with it and communicate with you about it
in a realationship, communication is more important than the sex is ( my opinion)
good luck with which ever you decide to be with! and we are here for you if you need someone to talk with !

thank you for my :2cents:
m.in.heels&hose :doggie:

Sep 27, 2005, 5:29 PM
Obviously she has some issues! Why stay with someone who doesn't want to actually be with you? If she's not even willing to try and understand then she's not worth your time. Move on and be happy somewhere else. There's lots of fishies in the sea who will understand and love you!
Good luck.
Mrs. F. :bibounce:

Sep 27, 2005, 5:39 PM
I've been on your friends side. Thankfully not to where it affected anyone other than myself, and it basically boils down to the need to be accepted. She likes the money and wants to be accepted by her peers. Unfortunately when you have someone else involved that you say you love, then you have to decide which is more important and communicate with them. I think you made the right choice for you and your situation. Everyone is different and until you're in their shoes, feel things the way they do, the opinions on these forums are merely opinions and choices....inevidibly you must do what you feel comfortable doing.
I wish you all the luck.

Arana :tong: