View Full Version : reincarnation

May 25, 2007, 8:26 PM
since we all have signed up for this web site it is pretty clear that we at least think about having sex with the same gender as we are. if reincarnation is possible would you like to come back as the opposite sex?

being a crossdresser i would very much like to be a women in the next life

May 25, 2007, 8:37 PM
I definitely want to be a lesbian next time around...

May 25, 2007, 8:57 PM
I think my current affinity for female compassion and wisdom comes from several past female lives. I still lust after certain men romantically - although the mechanics of the thing are quite messy. Certain days I really do feel more "female" - some guys don't get this because all they are looking for is temporary relief.

Johnny Reb
May 25, 2007, 10:48 PM
Can't speak for all...but if reincarnation is true, I would come back as a male, as I am now. I am perfectly comfortable with the fact that I am a male. My attraction to both men and women is a different matter from what gender I identify with.

May 25, 2007, 11:25 PM
Ditto to Johnny Reb. Though I like the idea of dressing up like a man somtimes, I wouldn't like that state all the time.


May 25, 2007, 11:35 PM
i agree with johnny and taylor. next time around i'll come back as a girl. i'm kinda fond of my pussy, and knowing me i'll still cross dress.


May 26, 2007, 12:01 AM
Even though sometimes it's a pain being a woman, I'd still rather be one then dealing with the things men do.

May 26, 2007, 12:32 AM
My stated desire to be reincarnated as a lesbian has very little to do with wanting to be a different person, or to possess different physical endowments. It's more a yearning for community, and a sense of belonging. While I've had a great many deep friendships with lesbian women throughout most of my adult life, and have been called a "lesbian trapped in a man's body" on many an occasion, there is always a point beyond which the physical differences become a problem, and understanding the reasons does nothing to alleviate the emotional pain. I have lived most of my life as the sexual equivalent of a man without a country, and I just want that last remaining wall to come down...

May 26, 2007, 7:30 AM
Jus wanna be reincarnated as me wiv height an amples.. no 1 shud hav 2 liv wiv my tidgies :bigrin:

May 26, 2007, 8:46 AM
I think my current affinity for female compassion and wisdom comes from several past female lives. I still lust after certain men romantically - although the mechanics of the thing are quite messy. Certain days I really do feel more "female" - some guys don't get this because all they are looking for is temporary relief.

Now that I'm here, I can only really guess why I would've selected male in this life - I would imagine that with the self-esteem problems I had growing up I would have probably run to the first 15 year old boy I saw and been pregnant at 16.

I've always been sort of jealous of how "easily" women can attract men .. but I suspect that it's one of those "grass is greener" type of things. For example, there is PMS to deal with (which Western society has demonized).

I'm also quite certain that I've probably had more opportunities in the business world as a man - unfortunate to say still in this day and age.

I guess the truth is that men aren't ALWAYS brave - we get tired of that stereotype just as much as women get tired of being put in the "housewife" box.

So sure - I sometimes romanticize about having a strong male protector. There are a lot of reasons - but most of the time I recognize them as a child desperately still looking for someone to say "you are loved" - it should be easy to tell myself that - and yet I keep coming back to old feelings. That's why I'm not really into "gay culture" (aka "bar scene") - it seems self-abusive to me. A one night stand can happen - but that's not who I am .. and that relationship isn't meaningful enough to do anything but what I can already accomplish with one hand.

Everybody has times like those I suppose. There are a whole range of emotions - it would be foolish to think that everyone only ever thinks or feels one way.

May 26, 2007, 9:35 PM
Hi, although I am somewhat of a crossdresser I think, realistically speaking, I'd probably like to be a man again if I was reincarnated. I mean, I've always been curious about being a woman but the idea of spending an entire lifetime does not appeal to me.

I don't want to make sweeping generalisations here but I generally find male life to be so much easier than what I imagine living as a female would be like. Seriously, blokes really don't have to worry too much about fashion and appearence - I mean some blokes really do go for the whole fashion thing but it really isn't my thing. One of the great things about being a bloke is that people don't really care too much about what you wear [I mean, most days I just wear a dark t-shirt and jeans] unlike quite a lot of modern women who seem to obsess over fashion and appearence. Yes, I know that it is a bit ironic coming from a crossdresser but from the clothing side of things, I think I'll stick with being male. Also, if I was reincarnated as a woman, crossdressing would be a hell of a lot more boring :bigrin:

Then there are all the other things, in general living as a female just seems way too complicated. I mean, the social side seems pretty hard as there is often a lot more gossip, bitching, complicated friendship groups etc.... than in male social groups/situations. Then there is the whole periods and pregnancy thing which I want to steer well clear of!

There is also the whole emotional side [again, this is another minefield so apologies in advance if I make any sweeping generalisations], I mean women seem to go through a lot more emotional issues than most men. There is the whole 'body image' thing, the fact that female bullying is often a lot more psychologically harmful [bullying by blokes is bad enough! I was mildly bullied in the early years of secondary school]. Also, I have seen many more women cry about stuff than men, I don't know whether this is a good or bad thing though [I'm not saying that I never cry, but its usually only in private over really serious issues on rare occasions]

I mean, I'm not saying that being a bloke is totally amazing but I think I prefer my masculine side for everyday life as living as a man is so much less complicated than living as a woman. However, there are some problems that face men as a group such as father's rights, misandry, and the portrayal of men in the media etc... [don't get me started on topics like this though.... :soapbox: lol]

Even though sometimes it's a pain being a woman, I'd still rather be one then dealing with the things men do.

Arana, out of pure curiosity, what sort of stuff are you talking about here? [in terms of what men have to deal with]

Izzfan :flag3:

[ps: Although I would like to be a man in any possible future lives, it would be interesting to see what gender I was in past lives. If reincarnation actually exists - I'm agnostic about spiritual stuff but a bit cynical]

[pps: Apologies if I have made sweeping generalisations about women, if its any consolation - I have probably made just as many generalisations about men in this post]

May 26, 2007, 10:03 PM
I've been both.

And everytime i choose one sex i say to myself "next time i'll be the other sex".. and then i do... and then i say "next time i'll be the other sex"

So next time i be a man, and i'll say "next time i'll be a be a woman" and so on and so on...

When will i ever learn and be born a intersexed person! :eek: Then i'll have completely different issues. ( i've read about the genetics and struggles of the intersexed person )

May 27, 2007, 4:51 AM
Given the choice, I'd totally choose male all over again, difficulties and all. I guess I'm just a really male person - I tend to like male activities, male personalities, and I like the male social role more than I think I would like the female one.

Maybe that's why I'm bi - I just like maleness so much that I can also find males attractive. There is something to be said for the right kind of woman, though. In any event, I love my gender and wouldn't have it any other way.

May 27, 2007, 5:34 AM
Not to be too raunchy, but if I came back and didn't have a penis, I'd die!!

May 27, 2007, 11:27 AM
First choice would be to not come back to earth as anything else, I'd rather go somewhre else.
If I had to choose though, I'd be a guy again most probably. I just don't think I could deal with periods. heh. Though a more effeminate guy.

The curious teen
May 27, 2007, 11:29 AM
If i could, i'd be transgendered. A tight, juicy pussy and a tremendous cock. I'd make all the boys jealous. Wait, i could give myself my own titty fuck!! I'd e fucking famous!!

May 27, 2007, 12:23 PM
For me it would be simple choice, that is if the choice were mine to make.
I would chose to return in my next life as a :eek: morphidite :tongue: . That way I could experience the pleasures of a man :male: and also those of a woman :female: .
:cool: Hmmmmmmmm. The thoughts of my cock in a pussy, a cock in my pussy, another in my ass, all while I pleasure, with my mouth, another's cock or pussy..... or both. :bigrin:

Dogwood :doggie:

May 27, 2007, 8:06 PM
I'd defintely stay as a woman. :female:

When I think of all the negatives and positives about being a man.
-That funny dangly thing that rules their lives, the dangly wobbly things beneath it that "kill" if touched even firmly.
-All that testosterone flowing around causing "macho'isms"
Erections at parties; at least we get wet in secret! :tong:
The genetic ability to scratch their bum without knowing - ditto fart!
Shaving every morning, not just once before summer.
Only having one orgasm before needing a nap to recover.
And the inability to give birth. God's greatest gift.

:female: Nup, I'll stay a woman. :female:

May 27, 2007, 10:34 PM
I wouldn't go back to earth as a human, I'd rather wander the universe.

"I hope the exit is joyful - and I hope never to come back."- Frida Kahlo