View Full Version : How do you Express yourself?

Sep 26, 2005, 11:36 PM
I saw this and it touched me because it reminded me of someone very dear to me. I wondered if everyone remembers to tell their friends and loved ones how much they care about them and how they go about it......I've done various things for friends from making cards for no reason other than to say hi, leaving easter baskets at their desks with bunny prints and chocolate raisins trailing it, having a candle lit, hot bath, complete with music, ready for hubby when he got home late from work, etc........SO WHAT DO YOU DO???

True Friend

A girl asked a guy if he thought she was pretty, He said...no.

She asked him if he would want to be with her forever... and he said no.

She then asked him if she were to leave would he cry, and once again he replied with a no.

She had heard enough. As she walked away, tears streaming down her face the boy grabbed her arm and said....

You're not pretty you're beautiful. I don't want to be with you forever. I NEED to be with you forever. And I wouldn't cry if you walked away...I'd die...

I like you because of who you are to me....A true friend

Sep 26, 2005, 11:48 PM

that was really sweet.

:love: :smirlove2 :wiggle2: :bounce: :shades: :bowdown: :love87:

rayosytruenos :flag3:

Sep 26, 2005, 11:53 PM
Thank you arana
this is sooo like you to post something like this, yes i have done "little somethings" for friends and my wife too
from a cup of coffee in the morning for someone who had a lot on their minds to a bubble bath very similar to what you had done for your tired hubby
and it makes me feel good to know that i did a little something for some body just to make them feel a little bit better

thank you again
hugs and kisses
m.in.heels&hose :bibounce:

Sep 27, 2005, 12:11 AM
Hi Arana,Once again you have brought up a fine question. I have done several things for my wife. Ive sent her roses on uexpected ocasions.Sometimes just to brighten her day.And other things yu mentioned. But since ive been in their family ive learned to tell them all i love them alot more. Whenever i and her part for the day we say i love you. My family does this to,but not anything like hers. If anything i have become even more caring around her. Ienjoyed this post very much. Thanks Tex.

Sep 27, 2005, 1:32 AM
I love this post! What a sweet story but what a powerful reminder that words can speak volumes! We should never, ever be forgetful that our words can impact another. I find that I never want my words to ever cause someone else to feel pain and I constantly remind myself that my words could very possibly be the last things that someone might hear. So, with that in mind, I try to remember to say "I love you" as often as possible and to never find myself going to bed angry at anyone.

Thanks for this thought provoking post!


PS...I love you all!!

Sep 27, 2005, 3:17 AM
please pardon me , i'm being a little maudlin as i write this, but, well, if ya read anything on here, you know i love to share;

it's a touch in passing, a kiss goodnight when they're in bed before me, a light peck on the cheek goodbye/goodmorning as i get up before the alarm in the dark wee hours to earn a living, while my lover sleeps in innocence.

it's supporting those around you when they are at their weakest, or deep in self doubt, or do the dumbest things..coming home after another draining day, really enjoying a meal they've cooked, telling them how wonderful it is, then doing the clearing, the cleaning and the putting away while they relax on the sofa afterwards. without complaint. then making desert for two.

it's not being angry when they total the car in the fog.. but leaving work, making sure they are ok, via cellphone, as you drive to them, and wondering how they survived without a scratch as you see the wreckage laying on the deck of the rollback.

it's coming in off the road after a 20 days of hell business trip, being dead ass broke.. and scraping the money together to send them to south carolina to see their son graduate from high school, plus enough for 4 days more..

it's taking a broken spirit, one that has almost given up, helping them find meaningful employment, listening to the surprise and wonder in their voice as they describe how well the interview went, then watching them bloom beyond their own expectations into the person you know they are.

and what do you get in return?

a person who lights up when you walk in the door..looks high and low for the best bargains in town, to make our dollar buys just a little more.. someone who gets upset with you when you do dumb ass things, too... who introduces you to their family and says, this isnt another fling.

who holds your hand while you come out of your shell...is bi herself and teaches you, as well.. they teach you ways to be inventive.. to turn a ho hum sunday into a walk in the park, by the falls. to let little things slide instead of being petty and agruing over it, and at night, having them roll over, and hug you in their sleep.

and when they are gone, even just for a little while, the silence is deafening, then you think of them, and smile.

Sep 27, 2005, 9:17 AM
I have heard that one before...and its really good. Its been a while since I have heard it...Ty. It made my day

Dec 4, 2006, 12:35 AM

Dec 4, 2006, 12:53 AM
When I first met hubby he was stuck in a rut. He's learning to be more spontaneous now and I encourage that as much as I can.

With that in mind, the last thing I did was go to the grocery store, buy a roasted Rosemary chicken (the same kind he bought for our very first in-person date), potato salad, brie, crackers, an apple pie and a bottle of sparkling cider, packed it up and took him for a romantic picnic in the park by the river near where we live.

We kiss goodbye every time one of us leaves the house and say 'I love you" whenever we hang up with each other on the phone. We take care of each other.

No one in all the world understands me the way he does.

Lisa (va)
Dec 4, 2006, 1:34 AM
A very wise, loving and kind man once told me a story, in fact a lot of stories, and I love him for turning me into a little puppy.

Everyday I will wake up and make sure my husband has his coffee and breakfast before he goes to work, and he never leaves the house without a hug and kiss and 'have a wonderful day'.

And when he returns I stop what ever I am doing and greet him with a big smile, hug and kiss.

We do the candlelight bathes also, but that is really more for me than him, I tend to be a bit mushy sometimes.

One of the reasons I miss work, other than my patients, is the message board I started, putting some nice thought for all to read in hope at least one person has a fond memory or just a smile.


hugs n kisses

Long Duck Dong
Dec 4, 2006, 3:51 AM
lol i express myself in the means needed to make my opinion known to those that hear it

my door is never closed, my phone is ready 24 / 7.... and nothing worries me
you can be in need of a coffee or on the run from the cops for being a mass murderer.... i will never turn you away

one day i had a friend turn up on the doorstep at 4 am with a bottle of whiskey, a piece of wood, and a loaf of bread..... and it kinda confused me...lol til he said " you have never turned us lot away... we have hit you, broken stuff, stole money, abused ya. etc... and you still welcome us back.... why ??? "
I replied " i have beaten people into the ground, been behind bars, been down and out, dead broke, in hospital, drunk in the streets etc... and 99% of those times.. no fk'er gave me the time of day... so now i carry scars, emotional wounds and all you buggers...anyhows come inside, and i will put the jug on for a coffee

when we sat down, he pulled outa bottle of ale, a loaf of bread and a piece of wood... and the wish that all year round.. I never lack for the warmth of a fire, a full stomach or a ale to wash away the days troubles

my friends have crapped on me over the years but its got to the point where they realised I was the only bastard that cared... and so my fridge is now never empty, i always have a bottle of whiskey... the fire place is never cold...and I have some of the most loyal, respectful..... and forgiven friends in the world and in turn i enjoy the blessings they share with me

Dec 4, 2006, 3:40 PM
I write. Poetry, songs, short stories, journal etc. writing is the ultimate form of creating for me and I can express feelings of love for people, but also any other emotion, feeling, philosophy, or idea I have. I posted a song on this site a while back in the forums about how I felt going through my teens as a Bisexual and not really knowing what I was feeling or how to deal with it.

Also, I really love that story on the original post :bigrin:

Dec 4, 2006, 5:26 PM
This is something that I actually have a little bit of a problem with because I have no money for gifts most of the time, and also because I can get too depressed to always be cheerful.

I've had to rely on my friends to pull me through so many circumstances that I wonder why they don't consider me a deadbeat by now. However, for some reason they're still there for me. :bigrin:

All I can do in return is really keep my ear open for them. I'm the big listener of my group, and supposedly I give good advice. My phone is always available, and I encourage everyone to call and talk if they need to.

I'm just thankful I can do anything for them at all... most times I don't even think it's my advice that I give: that I'm borrowing it from some higher power in order to have anything to pay my good friends back with for all of thier support.