View Full Version : The Kennedy family in Neighbours

May 25, 2007, 9:08 AM
OK, so this is a crude schoolboyish question, but it's not one you can ask non-bisexuals: Please put the members of the Kennedy family in Neighbours in order of preference (i.e. which would you most like to bang?)

Just to remind you, they are: Karl Kennedy (father), Susan Kennedy (mother), Billy Kennedy (son), Libby Kennedy (daughter). There's also the older son Malcolm, but he wasn't in it as long.

For those of you who don't watch Neighbours, but who might know the actors: Karl is played by Alan Fletcher, Susan by Jackie Woodburne (who is, I believe, gay), Billy by Jesse Spencer (now in House), Libby by Kym Valentine, and Malcolm by Benjamin McNair.

I don't know anyone who hasn't fantasised about at least one of them!

May 25, 2007, 9:12 AM
Enough television for you. Go read a book.
Oh, and one more thing, I haven't :)