View Full Version : What happens when you accept the "remember me" option on this site?

Sep 26, 2005, 2:44 PM
Hi everyone!

First, as I'm not a techie, when I tried to log in on this site, I used not to press the "remember me" button, what it seems then to cause a lot of trouble with the normal use of this site.

When in other sites, you choose the "remember me" option, it makes that next time you go to that site, you don't even need to log in again (as the site remembers and recognizes your ISP, like the National Insurance Number of your computer, unique to it, unless you are accessing the site from another computer), or in some other cases, they ask you for your handle or user name, and it takes you directly inside the site (with no need to know your password), so anyone using that computer could see your messages and all kind of personal information you could have there. I'll say just for instance the cases of your account in amazon.com or your hotmail account work that way.

I'm worried about my privacy, as I'm not out and I don't want to have any problems with family/friends/colleagues.

Please Drew, can you clarify this point also?

Thank you very much in advance.


Sep 26, 2005, 3:22 PM
G'Day Ray, Personally I think you are worried over nothing and the chances of anyone working out who you are, would be about 1 billion to one and even then they would probably get it wrong. This whole site is about expressing who you are and what you are and not another closet to hide in, so if you want my advice....get in there and enjoy yourself and to hell with the wowsers......Just my :2cents: mate ;)

Cheers Chook :bigrin: