View Full Version : I am mostly done with the chat room!!!!

May 20, 2007, 3:45 PM
Hi Y'all, Well i really don't know how to put this. But i am mostly done with going into the chatroom. As y'all know for the last two years and two months ive had a running battle with the room booting. Well the other night when i couldnt respond to Ladyd,when she said hi,i have decided to take a break from the room. Ive decided the frustration just inst worth it. I will be in and out of the room occasinally. But for the most part im done with it. It makes me sad that its cumm to this,but i more or less can't take it anymore.. I know ive allways said im really stubborn,but this thing i guess has gottten the best of me. I will miss everyone ,ive enjoyed the fun times weve had.. But i just cant take it as well as i could. Well when i do occasinally cumm in,maybe ill see a lot of y'all . Just be sure and keep on having fun!!! Love to the whole gang.... :bipride:

May 20, 2007, 4:07 PM

Trust me hun, after all these yrs I knew you were having compter problems!!
Not for one minute did I think its because you didnt want to say hello!! :eek:
You know my friend, just how busy I get at work and how busy my life is in general.......thus I am not in here alot. My plate runneth over!

I know you get frustrated over your computer.....Don't leave here!!
I know how much fun this room can be. Just like you do!! This is a second home to you.

So stay!.....LOL.....Don't make me travel to Texas and kick your Cowboy Ass :tong:

Oh hun....me as far as your idenity theft.....Call your bank, credit card companies or whomever elese you have to and let them know what happened.
If you need some help with this, email me and I can help you ok.....


Ladyd! :)

May 20, 2007, 4:51 PM
I guess everyone hits a wall sooner or later. Quite honestly hon, I don't know how you've made it this long. I would have tossed my computer off my balcony long ago if I had your booting troubles. So kudos for being as patient as you have been.

You will be missed. You're in my thoughts. Keeping my fingers crossed for you on the whole identity theft thing as well. You still have my cell number so just call whenever you feel like it. Hopefully you'll be back sooner than you think.

Muuuuuuuuuuuuuuah darlin

May 20, 2007, 4:54 PM
I don't chat on here that much anymore.

meteast chick
May 20, 2007, 6:11 PM
Tex, the room booting is not doing that to me, but the business of my life is keeping me from chat.

I'm sorry to see you go but hopeful I'll catch you in chat occasionally.

Take care,
luv and kisses,

miller lite man
May 20, 2007, 6:40 PM
I seldom cum to the chatroom. Mainly cuz I get booted after about 5 minutes, plus I don't really click with anyone. Not many local ladies,or ladies within driving distance of us (SE South Dakota). I originally came to this site to find a lady for the wife. We've had some success in finding a lady,and we're always willing / happy to meet more. We're basically cuntent with this site. However, I'm basically done with the chat room,as well. Anyone wishing to contact me, feel free to do so..mrc57107@aol.com Or better yet.. mrse57107@aol.com That's the wife's e-mail address. :)

May 20, 2007, 7:07 PM
Hi Y'all, Well i really don't know how to put this. But i am mostly done with going into the chatroom. As y'all know for the last two years and two months ive had a running battle with the room booting. Well the other night when i couldnt respond to Ladyd,when she said hi,i have decided to take a break from the room. Ive decided the frustration just inst worth it. I will be in and out of the room occasinally. But for the most part im done with it. It makes me sad that its cumm to this,but i more or less can't take it anymore.. I know ive allways said im really stubborn,but this thing i guess has gottten the best of me. I will miss everyone ,ive enjoyed the fun times weve had.. But i just cant take it as well as i could. Well when i do occasinally cumm in,maybe ill see a lot of y'all . Just be sure and keep on having fun!!! Love to the whole gang.... :bipride:
Ya big jessie... me gets me cast off on Monday start practisin wiv cleave an u tell me ya had enuff of chat..don u effin dare ya luffly lummox ya..expect 2 c ya ther as usual... :tong:

May 20, 2007, 7:37 PM
My Dear Tex,

Oh I know that we all have had bad times with our computers....God knows I have. I shall miss you immensely, and look for you when ever I can.


May 21, 2007, 5:48 PM
Hi Y'all,Thanks for all the kind words. Ladyd i will still cumm back in the room from time to time. And i know you knew i was having trouble,lol... What else is new,lol. And dear Fran, you will still get your chances at me with the ole clever,just not as often,lol. :) ..And Belle ill miss you to,thanks.. And as far as the idenity theft buisness the bank reimbursed all of the money we had stolen,bless there hearts..They have an email addy and home address and the person's name,but the Sherrif said more than likely it is all bogus,sigh.. Well at least we got our money back,lol. Oh buy the way they got us for $ 500.21cents, :eek: .Well ill be seein y'all, take care....

May 21, 2007, 5:58 PM
I Will Miss You :) I to dont go in to Chat that much any more... I enjoy doing the thread's :bigrin: :female:

May 21, 2007, 7:50 PM
*slinks up to tex* remember that offer I made you? *giggles* it expires in 3 weeks.

May 21, 2007, 9:11 PM
I don't bother with the chats anymore... I perfer the threads as well like someone else said lol

Threads are more fun lol

May 21, 2007, 11:28 PM
Well Tex--you were a trooper--as I always said--you were the king of getting booted--I am pretty much done with chatting for now myseld--I am blocked all the time now by a firewall or proxy server---

Plus-it is summer and I won't be on much for now anyway--I do hope to see ya on again later Tex--take care buddy...

May 22, 2007, 11:44 PM
hey dear tex, miss ya alot, and hope that without so much booting by not been in chat so much helps. i know im never around anymore but i have reasons.

i hope you and i can have a catch up sometime it has been too long dear friend,
anyways i hope you do stay and i really hope you are well

Much much Love


May 23, 2007, 8:35 AM
Hi Y'all,Thanks for all the kind words. Ladyd i will still cumm back in the room from time to time. And i know you knew i was having trouble,lol... What else is new,lol. And dear Fran, you will still get your chances at me with the ole clever,just not as often,lol. :) ..And Belle ill miss you to,thanks.. And as far as the idenity theft buisness the bank reimbursed all of the money we had stolen,bless there hearts..They have an email addy and home address and the person's name,but the Sherrif said more than likely it is all bogus,sigh.. Well at least we got our money back,lol. Oh buy the way they got us for $ 500.21cents, :eek: .Well ill be seein y'all, take care....Jus as well ya luffly arsehole ya!!! Widn wanna havta cum lookin for ya..that wud make me rite agity..an cleave wud havta make it nasty an painful then!!!!!

An spell is name rite will ya.... "clever" is wot I am, "cleaver" is wot e is, an "cleave" is is name!!! tee hee :tong:

May 23, 2007, 5:21 PM


I miss you too pal.

ur ever luvin

May 24, 2007, 9:03 PM
the chat room has never worked for me, it always gives me an error message!

"Could not connect to main.bisexual.com:8080.

Possible reasons include:

- The chat server system at main.bisexual.com is temporarily unavailable.

- Your computer is behind a firewall or proxy server. Please ensure that your firewall permits outgoing TCP connections to main.bisexual.com on port 8080.'

May 24, 2007, 10:16 PM
I, for one, will miss you in the chat room. I know that it isn't perfect but no one there expects it to be. THe bouncing in and out is something that we all just deal with. I hope that at sometime you will return and we can PM!!!
