View Full Version : Watch when ya bring those kid pics to be developed!!

May 16, 2007, 6:29 PM
I picked up the June edition of a favorite photography magazine today--they had this feature story---read it and take heart--it is so easy to run afoul of the long arm of the law these days:


May 16, 2007, 7:44 PM
Thank goodies for digicams and being able to print photos at home.

May 16, 2007, 8:43 PM
Good thing they never got that picture of me in the kiddy pool in Grandpa's back yard when I was 3.

have said it before and I will say it again; Those who surrender essential liberties for temporary security deserve neither.
This whole kiddie porn thing has become a major witch hunt where ANYONE can become a victim of overzealous witch hunters, even when they have no interest in that sort of thing.

May 16, 2007, 11:18 PM
I'm glad they can't get hold of the old home movies and pictures of me in the bathtub my parents took when I was little. Or,maybe they can....never know these days with all the snooping Big Brother is doing. I only hope they've got very good vision insurance for the reconstructive eye surgery they'll need...

May 17, 2007, 2:11 AM
[QUOTE=12voltman59]I picked up the June edition of a favorite photography magazine today--they had this feature story---read it and take heart--it is so easy to run afoul of the long arm of the law these days:

As someone who has spent the past two years as a photo tech at a Walgreen's, I can say that arresting people for "kids in the bathtub pictures" is not the norm. I have developed hundreds of those, no questions asked. The legal definiton of pornography is grossly vague though so the decision is always up to the individual people involved as to whether to report someone to the police or not.

I would say though that if you are concerned and not able to print them out at home, simply go to a photo lab you don't regularly frequent after 6 o'clock, ask for 1 hour service or sooner, use an assumed name and phone number, and pay cash. It won't be until the next day that they can report you up the higher up's that make the decision, and by then you will already have your pictures and be safely gone.

May 17, 2007, 2:52 AM
How sick some people can be. What is wrong with taking pictures of your kind on the bath or where ever naked....Half of the world population would be in jail, with this sick mentality. This do gooders are the REALY sick, they only can see dirt everywhere becouse their mind is totaly corrupt.
It is soooo sad that that this "protectors" of morality have been given this possitions of power.
This religious bigots should be burn as in the Inquisition.

May 17, 2007, 5:18 AM
The article did not specify what those pictures showed to get the people in question busted----they might not have been the innocent bathtub pictures that everyone has--my mom has a couple of pages of pictures of me in the bathtub and the like and did the same of my sis ten years later when she was born--I bet everybody has those pics of them as kids and of their own kids---

What you have to do is today I would say--is to make sure that the genital areas--if visible at all are certainly not a primary part of the shot--maybe their little tushies--but not the front--and if you have some sort of photo editng software--if the pic is frontal--pixilate or otherwise blur the genital area--then there can be no question you meant for the photos to be "purient"

The other option someone mentioned-and they are not that expensive now--is to get a decent photo printer machine and do your own pics-the cost you can self process a great looking, long lasting picture at home comes out to the same rate they charge you at Walgreen's, Wal-Mart or Target and you can print out a nice pic in a minute or so.

It is something that you even have to think about censoring yourself in such a fashion these days---but such is the world we now live in---

May 17, 2007, 8:50 AM
I agree that it sounds like these cases were extreme. The developers involved got a little carried away, but if you thought that a child was being used for someone's sexual pleasure, wouldn't you do something about it? Just think about all of the threads we've had here about "don't put pics of your kids on your profile." There ARE sick people out there, unfortunately, and I'm sure that this mandated reporting system has saved many children from exploitation. :2cents:

meteast chick
May 17, 2007, 11:11 AM
OMG luscious liquid dripping onto her thigh? Sounds like the prosecutor was the sikko here! I guess that just goes to show you...I saw that pic and said "Oh what a cute little girl, looks like a gorgeous spring day and she's having fun", while some other person is off jacking off on it. I don't think there is one person on this site that doesn't have some sort of compromising pic, either showcasing them or possessed by them. Frankly yeah I had pics as a girl her age, in the tub WITH my brother and sister(EGAD), playing with colored soap(WHAT FILTH). I've taken tubby pics of my boys(OH LORD) in the tub naked(CALL THE POLICE)...BUT...NOT taken from my height. I always stoop down to my children's level to get a better pic, and so in those pics my kids really only are showing their chests and up. Who's saying that's porn? Frankly in those pics my 2 year WAS probably playing with himself, but I certainly wasn't taking of pic of THAT! LMAO! I'm always afraid of trying to develop the pic with my then 4 year old son on the toilet reading a magazine while his then 3 year old brother was on the little potty right next to it with another magazine upside down. I walked in to the bathroom to find them like that and ran to get my camera! I think if any retail employee thought that was porn, A) they have no sense of humor B)they don't have kids and C)they need to find a different job and get a life.

luv and kisses,

May 17, 2007, 12:42 PM
My dad took a bunch of pics of me in the tub when I was about 5 or 6 lol
Me being VERY goofy, naked, covered with bubbles (mmm bubble bath) just making silly faces.

Well, he has one of those on those picture frames that you put in the hallway lol Im always having to look at it when Im over and go "ugh!" lol

They are funny pics... my parents adore them.... they claim the bubbles is hiding the private parts anyway.... oh ya, why can I see my nippy?!?!?! hehe
Everyone thinks those pics are adorable and cute lol My sister is in one of 2 of those pics but shes just sitting in the tub not being silly.

I think these days naked kid pics dating from the 70s/80s were rarely a concern... people saw it thought "oh how cute".
Now with all the child porn out, you can't be sure anymore.

How do you know its just a picture of a moment you wanted to capture, you don't really think about them being naked and all, you're thinking "Awwww how adorable!!! I HAVE to take a picture!!" lol SO you can remember the moment.

babies... are ALWAYS getting pictures taken of them naked lol I mean seriously... naked in the tub, naked while playing, omg... naked while being changed....etc

I love bubble baths :) NO! I will not post those pics lol You will NEVER see them unless I personally know you and you happen to be at my parents place :) lol THEN I'll try to trick you into thinking its a cousin and not me *grins*
I just don't want that pic to be where all can see but theres no point aruging over it. Oh well.... at least its the better one of the batch. lol


May 17, 2007, 1:27 PM
Me mum and dad have baby pics of me and my bro an sis naked up in air an them blowin razzers on our lil botties. Pics exist of us being bathed naked, bits showing for all world to see. Ther are pics of uncs an aunties doin same wiv us, changin of the nappies, wipin of poopy botties and all the kinda stuff parents do wiv ther kids. Natural memory makin stuff and pukie stuff wich none of us wish wud eva c lite of day... but they do, an will again, every time ne of us go ova ther wiv new flame..out they will come an the fran chops will go bright red an me will scream an run off 2 loo so ashamed an embarrassed... how ya live that sorta stuff down??

Me mate has lil daughter who is 5 now, an me is er name-mummy an me adores the wee cow immensely. But wtf is Jo doin takin nakky pics of er babba??? She used ta moan jus like me bout the cringe makin pics er mum an dad dragged out for her newest luffer...an now?? Cow is bad as rest of em an takin pics wich poor wee Carrie gonna neva b able 2 live down!!! S'ok Cars babes..auntie Fran gonna save ya!!!

Is ther summat bout parenthood wich turns us inta tormentors of our children wen they grow up??? Jeez... me knows most of them pics is outa luff an peeps wanna keep the memory of ther babbas alive as babbas... but Christ not at the expense of dignity an peace of mind..an if yas mus take that kinda pic...for gods sake keep em 2 yaself!!!! Don ram em in fronta the faces we hopin 2 hav sum sorta relationship wiv...jeez...halfa them laff ther heads off an me neva heard end of it....

Giv us a break! :(

miller lite man
May 17, 2007, 6:51 PM
Thank goodies for digicams and being able to print photos at home.

May 17, 2007, 9:27 PM
Thank goodies for digicams and being able to print photos at home.
wich in ther own way me luffly yummie lil tidgie fluffer are far more dodgy an dangerous than goin down 2 chemist 2 getya film developed..... interestin conundrum... muah :tong: