View Full Version : Photos can tell if your gay, lesbian or straight?

May 15, 2007, 2:34 PM
Can you really tell if someones a lesbian/gay/straight by looking at thier pic??

I was looking at a quiz on OKCupid where you had to guess if someone was gay/straight by just looking at thier photos. (Gaydar quiz) and while I guessed correct on most of time (wow... didn't know I was that good hehe)
I was just wondering if anyone else could tell by just looking at a photo ??

If you look at mine, what would you say??


May 15, 2007, 3:00 PM
Heyyy.. link, please ;)

Well.. about your pick I'd think you're str8..

What about mine?


May 15, 2007, 3:51 PM
Netai, str8 or gay or bi, makes no difference to me you look very hot.

May 15, 2007, 4:02 PM
Oh that wasn't my point but thank you dear! :bigrin:

May 15, 2007, 4:12 PM
I think every picture tells a story and a picture is worth a thousand words but I don't think looks (even in a photo unless manipulated or posed) tells a person's sexual preferance. Never judge a book by its cover nor a photo on face value alone.

Netai ~ Very nice, hun!

May 15, 2007, 5:45 PM
I took the test and only got like 40%. But I have very good IRL gaydar. I just can't tell just from pictures alone.

May 15, 2007, 5:50 PM
No way, not from the pics. When you see person in real, then you can see is it bi, gay, straight.

May 15, 2007, 5:52 PM
Not 2 sure bout jus pics tellin..easier if ya can c peeps interreact wiv each otha..study how they look at each otha, touch, smile... body language gives it away usually, but even then me made sum rite fools off me self gettin that wrong.. tee hee... worst wen me walked way cos me worked out they str8 an next thing they down sum otha cows throat!!! Now that dus make ya feel a rite fool! An worst if ya goes home onya own.... tf me has new Rog!!!

May 15, 2007, 6:13 PM
Hahah yes, I've been self studying body language and it gives away for pretty sure if you pay attention and have been studying this long enough..

I've bee reading many books and talked about these things with people knowing these thing better than me. Doing some searching myself :)

very interresting subject!

May 15, 2007, 6:22 PM
Sometimes they can.

If you know what to look for and how to read people.

I get pegged for being queer, gay or bisexual in pictures and it's even more obvious when people talk and interact with me.

Like these guys in my profile pictures you can obviously tell that they're gay....especially the hottie on the far left! :D ;) WOOOOF!!!!


May 15, 2007, 6:27 PM
äh Diamond, ok, you're right, you may see on pics like that you post is someone gay, bi or straight.
But if you just look ordinary pic, you know, see someone sitting in the bar can you be sure, or at least guessing is that person bi/gay or not.

May 15, 2007, 6:31 PM
Photos tell if you're :male: or :female: - within acceptable mores.
Unless there is an absolute flaunt, the Gaydar spirit doe not seep through.

At least in my experience.

May 15, 2007, 9:17 PM
I don't believe that photos tell the story, except where someone is really camping it up.

May 15, 2007, 11:42 PM
I tend towards the idea that unless someone is identified in a picture as being bi and its the truth that they are or they are doing something as biwords said, they are "camping it up"--you are unable to tell what they are in terms of sexuality.

I think you do have to see someone in action in person to get some idea but even then--how can you tell--I mean I have known some very effeminate men whom upon first meeting--could have sworn they were as gay as the day is long--but they were straight-or at least claimed to be and had a wife or girlfriend---and the other way is true--met some hyper-masculine "a man's man" types who were gayer than the day is long.

As far as what Netai said about body language providing some clues--well that sounds intriquing to me and would like to know more-I mean the FBI and other law enforcement agencies use such techniques as part of criminal profiling and the like--so it must have some validity.

Tell us more about that Netai.....inquiring minds want to know...

May 15, 2007, 11:51 PM
Can you really tell if someones a lesbian/gay/straight by looking at thier pic??

I was looking at a quiz on OKCupid where you had to guess if someone was gay/straight by just looking at thier photos. (Gaydar quiz) and while I guessed correct on most of time (wow... didn't know I was that good hehe)
I was just wondering if anyone else could tell by just looking at a photo ??

If you look at mine, what would you say??


I don't know, look at my pics and tell me what you think?? do we look gay, bi or what?? curious to find out this one..LOL

May 16, 2007, 12:43 AM
I don't know, look at my pics and tell me what you think?? do we look gay, bi or what?? curious to find out this one..LOL

I can't tell---ya just look like normal folks to me!!! (whatever the hell "normal" is!!!!)

:bigrin: :bigrin:

May 16, 2007, 1:19 AM
oh trust me, pictures can tell A LOT to people who are trained in or good at reading body language, reading facial expressions, or reading people in general.

I'm not sure if it's a skill that can be taught but if you know how to do it you can improve on it.

Gaydar and bidar are the same way.

For example I knew that family friends of mine are gay or there was something about them as a kid at 9-10 years old long before I even knew what being gay meant or what homosexuality is.

I was in a beard growing contest a few years ago where I was taking daily pictures of myself, and I'd post pictures of myself alone or with friends of mine and people knew that I wasn't heterosexual.

For example on one day, in one picture where I was with one of my best friends I was smiling and it was a real smile not a fake or forced one like I'd posted before and everyone knew that I was horny for my frined who is male.

On another day I posted a picture of me and another one of my best friends and people knew that he and I aren't heterosexual.

I've been together with him on the streets in our old town just talking and walking around, not even holding hands or anything as he's taken, and people will call us faggots.

I was not out in that contest but people did know and could easily tell that I'm not heterosexual based on my facial expression, body language, and my apperance.

I've even had heterosexual women be able to EASILY tell that I'm not heterosexual and it's not weird but these are people who I don't know that well or who I don't talk about sex at all with.