View Full Version : Should I or not apply a job to a sex shop??

May 14, 2007, 1:28 PM
Should I or not apply a job to a sex shop??

There is a sex shop close to my place (located in a safer area of town tho. NOT downtown).

My sister shops there so I know she could see me, so could her bf. lol
My sister in law knows of the store but I don;t think shes ever been iinside.

Deep down I think it'll be fun.. a thrill! lol Has anyone ever worked in a sex shop??

Plus Im on the quiet side so I'll get the job done when it comes to stocking and stuff like that. lol
I have never been inside myself so I know I have to go in first, look around before I even apply lol (trying to get the nerve to go in a sex store alone.)

Yes I have a job at safeway but..... its a huge store. Im thinking maybe I'll be happier working in smaller businesses/stores..... Easier on my bad back and all. Since your not chained to the desk, you can move about in a smaller store, fix up displays, return misplaced items to where they belong...etc

What do you think? :)


May 14, 2007, 1:36 PM
Why the hell not? A job's a job.

May 14, 2007, 1:36 PM
I would not see why the heck not Tasha--I am sure that the place has good security --most of those shops do with all kinds of cameras and alarms---just like with any job--do ya like the place, the people who run it and work there and do ya like what they sell???

You can get a discount on all kinds of great toys and stuff!!!!

Good luck and have fun if you do get a job there!!!

May 14, 2007, 2:04 PM
One of my friends works in a sex shop. When he first started working there, he thought it was really cool, now he's bored to death (but then he's easily bored). It's a job, much like any other job.

He does get hit on quite a bit (he's a gay guy). There are also a fair amount of lesbians who come in and shop. Sooooo, ya know.. you might be able to take care of your meeting eligible women in your area problem, Tasha ;) .

May 14, 2007, 2:09 PM
Only downside I can think of, and maybe it's wholly imaginary, is whether that would be a plus or minus on your CV thereafter. I just raise the question...

May 14, 2007, 2:14 PM
I don't see the harm in applying and trying it out. what's the worst that can happen? You discover that it just isn't right for you and you find something else? Who knows, you may end up loving it! My friend has been working in a sex shop for a few months now and she still really enjoys her job.

May 14, 2007, 2:17 PM
Only downside I can think of, and maybe it's wholly imaginary, is whether that would be a plus or minus on your CV thereafter. I just raise the question...

Tasha would not have to put that down particularly other than to say she was a clerk in a "retail store" and let it rest at that

May 14, 2007, 2:23 PM
One of my friends works in a sex shop. When he first started working there, he thought it was really cool, now he's bored to death (but then he's easily bored). It's a job, much like any other job.

He does get hit on quite a bit (he's a gay guy). There are also a fair amount of lesbians who come in and shop. Sooooo, ya know.. you might be able to take care of your meeting eligible women in your area problem, Tasha ;) .

lol true :)
I get bored easily to but I always find things to do... such as RE-Arranging something that didn't need to be in the first place lol OR maybe I'll read the back of something just to get knowledge on the item.

Could be fun. lol and I know theres security cams and all so I feel safe in places like that.


May 14, 2007, 2:26 PM
Tasha would not have to put that down particularly other than to say she was a clerk in a "retail store" and let it rest at that

True. But suppose a company wants to know for references?? They'll have to know the name but then, "clerk in a retail store" alone can say I have expereinces being a clerk in a store durning that time period... doesn't really matter WHERE as long as I had done a good job. :)

May 14, 2007, 2:26 PM
2 bloody late for gettin a job in a sex shop now Tash.me has new Rog!!!!

May 14, 2007, 3:18 PM
2 bloody late for gettin a job in a sex shop now Tash.me has new Rog!!!!

Ohhhh, forgot to mention that- my friend who works in the adult shop gets to give a 30% discount to his friends :bigrin: :tong: .

May 14, 2007, 3:20 PM
Should I or not apply a job to a sex shop??

My sister shops there so I know she could see me, so could her bf. lol

If your sister shops there, she should have no objection to seeing you working there.[/FONT]

My sister in law knows of the store but I don't think she's ever been iinside.

[FONT=Times New Roman]If she doesn't visit the store she is unlikely to see you, except for the odd chance of seeing you coming or going. If she does happen to visit while you are working, you can help her find something she might like. In any case it is really none of her business.

Deep down I think it'll be fun.. a thrill! lol Has anyone ever worked in a sex shop??

A good reason to take the job; not everbody gets to enjoy their job.

I have never been inside myself so I know I have to go in first, look around before I even apply lol (trying to get the nerve to go in a sex store alone.)

It is wise to look over any potential jobsite before accepting a job, and perhaps your sister would go with you for your first visit.

Yes I have a job at safeway but..... its a huge store. Im thinking maybe I'll be happier working in smaller businesses/stores..... Easier on my bad back and all. Since your not chained to the desk, you can move about in a smaller store, fix up displays, return misplaced items to where they belong...etc

You have listed several more good reasons: you'll be happier, feel better, have more freedom of movement. One caveat, however, the thirll may wear thin after a while, but in that case you can once again move on.


May 14, 2007, 3:24 PM
I see no good reason why you shouldn't hon. Go for it! Let us know what happens.

May 14, 2007, 3:28 PM
Go for it , If I could make the same money i am at now i would jump at the chance.

May 14, 2007, 3:34 PM
How about a "trial" run. If your schedule permits, keep the safeway job and work part time at the sex shop. If you like it, and it works out, the employer will know what kind of person you are, and you can go full time. If it isn't what you expected, no harm, no foul, and you have a chance to add to your moving fund.
Best of luck, whatever your choice. Be safe, have fun!! :bigrin:

May 15, 2007, 1:03 AM
Make sure you understand that this IS a job and you follow the rule of "You don't get your MEAT where you make your BREAD" ok?

May 15, 2007, 1:11 AM
Make sure you understand that this IS a job and you follow the rule of "You don't get your MEAT where you make your BREAD" ok?
Well put.

May 15, 2007, 1:37 AM
Make sure it's an OK place first.

At least check it out before you apply, make sure that they're hiring, that they'd want you to work there, and that you'd want to work there.

There's an adult bookstore near me that's really sordid and everyone that's closeted or on the down low has sex there.

I feel bad for the clerk that has to mop the floor. LMAO

May 15, 2007, 7:08 AM
I worked at a sex shop for a year in the early 80's and I quit when it reached the point and I told my wife..."Not tonight dear that's the last thing I want to look at." :eek: :eek: :eek:

May 15, 2007, 8:38 AM
K, Tasha, you asked for it :)

I worked for a Canadian Adult Video store (with toys) for over five years. This chain *used* to have stores in BC, but now (AFAIK) have only one in Toronto.

Good points:

You meet a lot of people.
You learn amazing amounts about sex, even sex that you might not have considered before.
The one job where it's professional to say the seven dirty words, and mean them.

Bad points:
You meet a lot of people who think that because you work there, you must do everything they've seen in the store. And you'll do it with them.
After being a walking (in my case) hard-on for the first three months, you become very desensitized to sex. After 5 years, *no* porn turns me on anymore.
Closing the store to masturbate. Go ahead and laugh, but it does happen... to men and women. Bring fresh panties.
The looks of the customers as you tell them that *this* toy is better than *that* toy, because of personal use.
I've had to deal with drunks. I've had to deal with men who think I need a blowjob from them. I've had to deal with hardcore lesbians who think that because I have a dick I have no clue what they do, and I could never understand them in a million years. I've been asked to dance at the local gay bar, on White Shower Tuesdays.

And you know what... other than the low pay that I was getting, I wouldn't give up any of that experience for anything in the world. If I hadn't dealt with the (pardon my language) assholes, I'd never met the lesbian who told me dirty jokes, because she recognized I would get it, or the gay guy whose attraction gave me better self-esteem. Or the celebrities.

I also wouldn't have been able to deal with Perp coming out to me.

For me, working there was fun.

As for my CV, I put the store's initials down. If they knew the initials, odds are they're cool with it. If they didn't, I'd just explain that it was a chain of video stores, and leave it at that. If they still questioned me, odds are I wouldn't want to work for a closed-minded individual like that.

Good luck... this is your decision, and PM me if you have any other questions about my experience.

May 15, 2007, 8:53 AM
I must concur with Carmudgeon.
It would be a very interesting job and you would learn a LOT about things those of us who haven't been there would never know about and knowlege is power. You would meet some "interesting" people.
You never know - you just might like it. :tong:

May 15, 2007, 9:36 AM
my only concern about working there would be if you get an employee discount and how much the discount is because i know i would be spending my whole paycheck there lol :bigrin:

May 15, 2007, 12:28 PM
If your working retail now, you're already dealing with a**h***s (anybody who's ever worked retail knows!). As for the CV question -- many adult businesses use very generic or undescriptive names as their *official* name -- use the name on the paycheck, not the name on the sign over the door!

So, if the place looks cool, go for it!

May 15, 2007, 1:46 PM
If I were you, I'd get tell my sister, get her to go there with you, tour the place, spend at least an hour there, seeing the clientle that come and go, get a feel for the atmosphere, then make your decision. Most shops are clean and reputable, but there are others that are nasty and just a meeting place for quick sex.

Good Luck Sweetie~

May 15, 2007, 1:51 PM

I am thinking I might be to serious to work for a sex shop?

When I talk about sex stuff, its usally to people I personally know and am open minded with. (Online chat is different lol... if you met me in real life you wouldn't be able to get anything sexual out of me till Im comfortable and have known you a bit)

If its a stranger asking me a sex question I reply in a serious way. Sometimes it comes across as if Im not to interested in sex lol I certainly don't just get turned on by things all of a sudden. It takes time. lol
But then, sometimes thats what they look for in people cause it means "less fooling around and more work to be done"

I mean, yes I know about the vibes and smaller friendlier looking toys but the only thing I have to say about the HUGE BIG THICK DIDLOS is "how scary" lol You can't say that in a sex shop can you? Especially if someone (who like someone above said, expects the workers to know all about each item) askes me about it and all I could say is "I dont know, Never used it and won't use it" lol
Would I be required to know everything?? I know people don't expect you to know EVERYTHING and they certainly don't expect you have tried everything either lol but still.
I know for the fact when someone talks about a scary looking toy Im like "ewww" hehe can't do that if you work there!!

Yes I know most sex stores have a "offical" name for things like paychecks and such cause when I bought some sex toys from a online store, they pointed out clearly that my credit card statement will show up as another name. Privacy reasons :) So just cause they call the store one thing doesn't mean it'll be the same on a paycheck and other offical infomation that requries a name.

I don't know yet hmmmm

May 15, 2007, 1:54 PM
If I were you, I'd get tell my sister, get her to go there with you, tour the place, spend at least an hour there, seeing the clientle that come and go, get a feel for the atmosphere, then make your decision. Most shops are clean and reputable, but there are others that are nasty and just a meeting place for quick sex.

Good Luck Sweetie~

Ya, my sister shops there... she likes the place and always buys her outfits from there. She has said she doesn't bother with the toys. But then added "I don't need them, cause I have (her bf's name)" lol
She did mention it was a nice place, otherwise she wouldn't bother shopping there.
I might talk to her :)


May 15, 2007, 2:03 PM

If its a stranger asking me a sex question I reply in a serious way. Sometimes it comes across as if Im not to interested in sex lol I certainly don't just get turned on by things all of a sudden. It takes time. lol ... the only thing I have to say about the HUGE BIG THICK DIDLOS is "how scary" lol You can't say that in a sex shop can you? Especially if someone (who like someone above said, expects the workers to know all about each item) askes me about it and all I could say is "I dont know, Never used it and won't use it" lol ... I know for the fact when someone talks about a scary looking toy Im like "ewww" hehe can't do that if you work there!! Tasha

Instead of "I don't know, never used it and won't use it" you could say "I've never used it myself, but a co-worker here says [and find out what she/he says so the answer is truthful, of course]". Your personal distaste for penises is just that -- personal -- and you wouldn't be compromising your honesty by not sharing it with the customers! Also, I don't think the customers are looking for a 'turned on' salesperson, but rather one who is professional and knowledgeable and who won't increase their own feelings of embarrassment, if any.

May 15, 2007, 2:11 PM
by turned on I meant what some of the other people above said lol

I agree.... or I could just ask a coworker if she/he has tried the item since I never had :)
Now the vibes *grins* the LayAspot (sp?) is one of my favs lol


May 15, 2007, 2:19 PM
I like daviecurious' idea of getting a part time job there while keeping your Safeway job. If you have the energy it would/could solve many of your questions/problems. I worked two jobs for a while and it isn't too bad once you get used to the schedule. Good luck with this.

PS: I personally don't think anything about the employees at the Adult Stores I shop in. I certainly don't think they spend their time wanking behind the counter or playing with all the toys. Also, I think the huge toys are really meant as joke items; bridal showers and such.

May 15, 2007, 4:30 PM
I used to work in an adult book store / cinema / sex shop the 24 hour type the pay was decent and I worked the late shift and got to know all the locals who hung out to cruise the video booths. I got to see some real interesting things though. but also had to deal with some real jerks actually made some decent money there because we had comission on toys and lingerie and employee discounts. all in all it was a positive experience. like anyplace it has its ups and downs no pun intended. but be careful make sure you know the stores policies and what they will do for you in case of a possible arrest like undercovers coming in and seizing questionable material. most of the adult shops are chain run and pretty savvy about what they can distribute locally and have lawyers ready to roll at the drop of a hat. I am not saying that there is a big chance that would happen to you. but make sure yo protect yourself in any scenario, not trying to scare you off just some advice from someone that was in the field. I would have to say it had some memorable occasions that were very enjoyable

May 15, 2007, 5:19 PM
When I talk about sex stuff, its usally to people I personally know and am open minded with. (Online chat is different lol... if you met me in real life you wouldn't be able to get anything sexual out of me till Im comfortable and have known you a bit)

If its a stranger asking me a sex question I reply in a serious way. Sometimes it comes across as if Im not to interested in sex lol I certainly don't just get turned on by things all of a sudden. It takes time. lol
But then, sometimes thats what they look for in people cause it means "less fooling around and more work to be done"

I mean, yes I know about the vibes and smaller friendlier looking toys but the only thing I have to say about the HUGE BIG THICK DIDLOS is "how scary" lol You can't say that in a sex shop can you? Especially if someone (who like someone above said, expects the workers to know all about each item) askes me about it and all I could say is "I dont know, Never used it and won't use it" lol
Would I be required to know everything?? I know people don't expect you to know EVERYTHING and they certainly don't expect you have tried everything either lol but still.
I know for the fact when someone talks about a scary looking toy Im like "ewww" hehe can't do that if you work there!!

Yes I know most sex stores have a "offical" name for things like paychecks and such cause when I bought some sex toys from a online store, they pointed out clearly that my credit card statement will show up as another name. Privacy reasons :) So just cause they call the store one thing doesn't mean it'll be the same on a paycheck and other offical infomation that requries a name.

I don't know yet hmmmm

You certainly can say "Ewww" or "How scary". Not only does everyone have their opinion on the items sold there, but there's no way I'm putting a 8" diameter butt plug up my ass. I'd sell one to a customer, but there's no way I'm using it. I also sold what was nicknamed "the baby arm", because it was ... well, let's just say it was the size of *my* arm at the time. I'd only sold one... to a married guy... who would put the dildo on the table as a conversation piece. No offense, but any woman who could take that in her is one that I would not like to sit beside, let alone do anything naked with.

Talking to a stranger about sex is surreal. Nothing wrong with being honest, but after a week or so, you'll be talking about stuff you'd never discuss with your girlfriend... not because it's not important, but that you'll realize that you'll prolly never see them again. Str8 guys especially... after about 30 minutes of working there, you'll see how well the sex education system of North America is NOT working. All guys play smart when it comes to the old "insert tab A into slot B" routine; very few understand what the dynamics are, nor have most been taught what the female perspective is.

For me, I got paid by a numbered company, but that's not what was on the store front. Only two people asked me about working there during later job interviews... one was cool with it, the other were so curious about what it was like working there, I'm glad *she* didn't give me the job.... that would have been scary. In reality, most people will accept, "It was a job", with a small shrug and a bit of a smile; most understand not wanting to be on the streets, hungry, and let's face it, a lot of people secretly want to know what's in the movies and books.

May 15, 2007, 5:43 PM
Hmm....don't think that much. Accept that job, and you will see do you like it or not.
It may be fun, terrible, whatever, but you don't know yet how it works. Just go there, work 7 days and find out yourself is that a job that you like.

May 16, 2007, 12:48 AM
If you're just there for the paycheck, then you should find a place to work that you at least might enjoy working at. No sense in being unhappy just to keep a job. Particularly if the new place is closer to home, even if the pay is the same.