View Full Version : Funny thoughts you though of doing but you know you could never do it....

May 14, 2007, 1:19 AM
Im sure we all had moments we REALLY WANT to do something but then decided we could never carry it out lol Either cause you're chicken, or it could get you in serious trouble or its just not you (but its fine to think it lol)

So whats yours??

--- I thought how cool it would be to star in a lesbian porn movie.. MY choice of girls too lol But ya, I chickend. Its not me lol

May 14, 2007, 1:26 AM
Once thought about being filthy rich, but noticed I didn't have the money.

May 14, 2007, 1:29 AM
I used to case banks just for fun. It may not seem like it, but underneath this sweet exterior lurks the heart of a criminal mastermind. If only I had the nerve. (so sayeth the Cowardly Lion ;)

May 14, 2007, 1:35 AM
I used to case banks just for fun. It may not seem like it, but underneath this sweet exterior lurks the heart of a criminal mastermind. If only I had the nerve. (so sayeth the Cowardly Lion ;)
**hides wallet**

really? :tong:

May 14, 2007, 1:40 AM
I used to case banks just for fun. It may not seem like it, but underneath this sweet exterior lurks the heart of a criminal mastermind. If only I had the nerve. (so sayeth the Cowardly Lion ;)

*writes a note to never invite Herbwoman over and hides all her money* BACK OFF!!! Im saving for Ontario so pick on someone else lol

May 14, 2007, 1:42 AM
Once thought about being filthy rich, but noticed I didn't have the money.
That's probably cuz Herbie cased ya! hehehehee!! :bigrin:

May 14, 2007, 1:44 AM
That's probably cuz Herbie cased ya! hehehehee!! :bigrin:

You know Flex, I think we all have thoughts when we are in the bank lol especially if we see a teller counting out a large sum of money and go "ummm I want that." lol


A is for flower
May 14, 2007, 1:55 AM
ahhh i work at a bank, im going to watch out for people like you! :tong: i want to have an affair with a woman behind my boyfriend's back. which might happen. any takers? lol

May 14, 2007, 1:58 AM
ahhh i work at a bank, im going to watch out for people like you! :tong: i want to have an affair with a woman behind my boyfriend's back. which might happen. any takers? lol

Your profile says you only want bi-girls... Im a lesbian :tongue:
AND I will not help you cheat on your bf :)

A is for flower
May 14, 2007, 2:09 AM
hahaha it is true, no really wouldn't be able to cheat on him. i'll just live vicariously through the internet. bi girls would understand where im coming from.

May 14, 2007, 3:00 AM
I know what I'm about to say is going to make me sound very violent and demented and evil, but I think it's interesting!...

Sometimes I wonder if I could get away with hijacking a car, or just stealing a random person's iPod or something. The other night someone asked me to take a picture of her and her friends and I wondered if I could get away with just taking off with the camera. Plus I wonder what would happen if I just went up to a random person and kicked them in the face, would they retaliate? call the police? I don't even know what I would do in some of these situations.

And don't worry, I never intend on going through with any of this, but I still wonder if I could get away with being a criminal.

May 14, 2007, 3:05 AM
I know what I'm about to say is going to make me sound very violent and demented and evil, but I think it's interesting!...

Sometimes I wonder if I could get away with hijacking a car, or just stealing a random person's iPod or something. The other night someone asked me to take a picture of her and her friends and I wondered if I could get away with just taking off with the camera. Plus I wonder what would happen if I just went up to a random person and kicked them in the face, would they retaliate? call the police? I don't even know what I would do in some of these situations.

And don't worry, I never intend on going through with any of this, but I still wonder if I could get away with being a criminal.
I think we all have thoughts that we think that if anyone else ever knew, they'd think we were nuts...or demented....lol! :tong:

May 14, 2007, 3:28 AM
I think we all have thoughts that we think that if anyone else ever knew, they'd think we were nuts...or demented....lol! :tong:

Ummmm chopping pepperoni or hotdogs to bite size pieces (stir fry dish I make) when REALLY pissed off at a guy.... um ya...... lol Although its kinda fun anything is fun when you know you would never do it but take your anger out on something harmless hehe Never piss me off!! lol (Very hard tho get me angry tho lol)

May 14, 2007, 3:47 AM
When I was younger I wanted to be a bottom slut and have a woman with small hands "rape" me (like do a "rape" scene) with a strapon after a romantic dinner, and have a woman put her fist in me (as long as she didn't have icky long nails and was wearing a latex glove), or take the real thing from a guy (fist and cock) but I'm not wired for all of that, and I can't relax either.

At least I reached my goal of putting a certain toy into myself and putting it on at full speed! ;)

I find that external stuff works a lot better though and that I prefer using vibrators externally.

I also once thought about doing bear porn like oral sex and jack off porn with other men, solo videos, leather gay porn videos, gay BDSM porn as a Top/Dom, gay cop porn, hetero porn, and bi porn with men who are my type but I don't plan on doing any of that.

May 14, 2007, 11:49 AM
Stripping. There's a strip club on US-1 that the girls are really nice and the manager is cool.

One NYE, a friend and I ended up there... there was NO ONE else in the club. Okay, the bartender, 3 other customers and 2 (later 4) strippers...And one of those strippers went down on me... I nearly ended up stripping that night myself, and for three months, I did some serious research on it.

I couldn't do it right now because I worry my parents would find out too much.

Could I still do it... maybe.


May 14, 2007, 11:58 AM
I used to case banks just for fun. It may not seem like it, but underneath this sweet exterior lurks the heart of a criminal mastermind. If only I had the nerve. (so sayeth the Cowardly Lion ;)

Funny you should say that, a friend of mine had a bank-robber boyfriend and was herself briefly charged with being an accessory to murder after the fact. A very nice woman, incidentally. I once came close to meeting the boyfriend, who was convicted of murder and later committed suicide in prison. He had a short if undeniably exciting life.

May 14, 2007, 12:01 PM
...in terms of funny thoughts I wouldn't carry out, hmmn....chucking the whole business of making a living for a few years and going to art school instead....

May 14, 2007, 12:10 PM
Why not a deaf lesbian porn movie.. you could do the signing... that could be very funny for those who could read sign language... make up your own dialogue, and comment on the action

May 14, 2007, 12:24 PM
**hides wallet**

really? :tong:

No, no no dears, I don't want to be a pickpocket or petty theif. I want the thrill of outsmarting the security systems and getting into the safe where all the *REAL* money is. You guys can relax now :tong:

May 14, 2007, 12:34 PM
Why not a deaf lesbian porn movie.. you could do the signing... that could be very funny for those who could read sign language... make up your own dialogue, and comment on the action

I actually had a real converstation about that with a deaf friend :) we had been up late and she was fussy about the channels on TV being ads for phone sex.I had said "well, what do you expect TV has after midnight?" I thought it would be fun if we could make a porn movie BUT making fun of how porn is done and doing it the "right way" lol

We had so much fun talking about it but then realize we COULD probably get sued by successful porn industries :( So we backed out.

I don't sign as good as a deaf person tho... I talk more than sign. But she understood me ONLY cause she had been reading my lips.

May 14, 2007, 12:34 PM
hi kit here: this is something i always wanted to do and never thought i would, up until a couple of months ago. i love to go out in public dressed on top as your average 46 yr old grandmother. however underneath i'm either commando, or i've got on raist's underwear. and noone knows but us. for me it's a turn on. seams kinda tame compared to robbing banks, but i'm actually getting to live a long time fantasy. as long as it's legal and noone gets hurt i say go for it. the only things you'll regret are the things you never tried. kit

May 14, 2007, 12:52 PM
We had so much fun talking about it but then realize we COULD probably get sued by successful porn industries :( So we backed out.

Why would you get sued? Hollywood gets spoofed all the time. Any one of the Austin Powers movies is an example of that. Team America: World Police is another example.

You guys could *so* do it. Just need to find the right people.

May 14, 2007, 1:20 PM
Why would you get sued? Hollywood gets spoofed all the time. Any one of the Austin Powers movies is an example of that. Team America: World Police is another example.

You guys could *so* do it. Just need to find the right people.

True, she did mention having seen a spoof porn of a disney movie refused to say which but I know theres spoofs of all kinds of movies in porn.

It would be fun :) but it wouldn;t be a spoof... it would be like making fun of the porn industry and showing the right way its done :)

I dared myself to sent an application to a sex shop in town lol BUT I know my sister shops there so Im not sure lol My sister in law knows of the place too but I don't think shes been in it.

Could be fun... I know more about sex toys than my friends/family think I do lol I am very sexual educationed in my mind. :) Learning more things every day.....

May 15, 2007, 2:31 AM
No, no no dears, I don't want to be a pickpocket or petty theif. I want the thrill of outsmarting the security systems and getting into the safe where all the *REAL* money is. You guys can relax now :tong:
Tashie......Herbie the Vampire Bunny thinks we only have monopoly money! :tong:

But seriously.....or as serious as I can be at the moment (LOL)...I like movies where they do that stuff!

National Treasure has some of that....along with history and all kinds of kewl things! :tong:

May 15, 2007, 2:37 AM
True, she did mention having seen a spoof porn of a disney movie refused to say which but I know theres spoofs of all kinds of movies in porn.

It would be fun :) but it wouldn;t be a spoof... it would be like making fun of the porn industry and showing the right way its done :)

I just thought of something!!! hahahahaa!!!! You and Herbie could combine talents and do a Musical Porn movie starring deaf zombies!! :bigrin: :bigrin:

May 15, 2007, 3:03 AM
I just thought of something!!! hahahahaa!!!! You and Herbie could combine talents and do a Musical Porn movie starring deaf zombies!! :bigrin: :bigrin:

Didn't Michael Jackson's Thiller do the musical zombies already? :) What a ripoff lol

May 15, 2007, 7:32 AM
I have often thought about disappearing , changing my name , total identity, moving to another country, but then my face would end up on a milk carton. Cant do that to the family, but it sounds exciting.

Apr 8, 2015, 4:52 PM
Bump it up!