View Full Version : Shyte I can't stand......,but tolerate

May 14, 2007, 12:45 AM
Fat people who bitch about losing weight but never stop eating.

Fat people who wear Golds Gym shirts. (that ones from my wife)

People who think lipping you off as they drive by makes them tough.

My Mom.

Pretending I can't smell that cantankerous odor coming from your side of the bus seat you disgusting pig. Holy Crap, at least open the window or blame it on the guy in front of you.

My boss trying to convince me that it is needed to deduct more money from my check to pay for the staff party.

People who pretend to not see homeless people. There human you goof, quit acting like your so much higher then someone else.

Hippys who tell me how bad eating normal food it cuz it will give you cancer, and then smoke a pack of cigs a day and drive a gasoline car to work.

Metallica's last 4 attempts at a career recovery.

Hypocrites that think we should shut the other 92% of society up and tell everyone else how to think and act. (can you figure that one out? I'm impressed if yes.)

People who waste good thread time making "pissed off" lists.

Feel free to add your own...lol.

May 14, 2007, 1:04 AM
People who only want the "good" parts of me and decide for me what that is.

My mother. (oh wait....I don't tolerate her anymore....)

People who try to tell other people what to think, feel and believe.

The song "Achey Breaky Heart".

Drivers who insist that I need to listen to the bass in their car stereo....and I am in the house.

People, who when losing an argument, start increasing the length of thier words.

People who simply repeat what they've heard without thinking about what they're saying.

Peanut Butter.


People who assume I am pissed off when I am not, and don't bother asking.

May 14, 2007, 1:11 AM
People who insist on me learning their language in my country because they want things here to be like the crappy place they left behind.

Drivers who would rather chat on the cel phone rather than pay attention to their driving.

SUV's that get 8-12 MPG.

Guys that tailgate you because 85mph on the Interstate isn't fast enough for them.

Da Doctor
May 14, 2007, 1:34 AM
People that put trash in recyling bins

Asshole drivers that pass you only to turn at the next light or off ramp.

May 14, 2007, 1:38 AM
Drivers that drive SO fast behind you... then get so close behind as if YOUR expected to speed up even tho you're going the speed limit or are a bit over it already and sure not gonna speed up lol

People you don;t know stand right behind you when your at the bank machine. No space!! (would be ok if you knew the person but Im talking about strangers) ugh! Had to stand on my toes to really block her view.

May 14, 2007, 2:00 AM
People who insist on me learning their language in my country because they want things here to be like the crappy place they left behind.

I see you have been to Miami.



May 14, 2007, 2:34 AM
Hey! What's wrong with peanut butter???? :bigrin:

My mother-in-law.

The price of gas. . . . and everything else.

People who get on the freeway going 40mph and wait to speed up to near the speed limit for a couple of miles. (while talking on their cell phones)

George W.


May 14, 2007, 2:37 AM
Hey! What's wrong with peanut butter???? :bigrin:

Wouldya like a list? hehehehee!! :bigrin:

I hate the stuff....an Sol luvs it....no kissies for him wiv peanut butter breath! :tong:

May 14, 2007, 2:46 AM
Wouldya like a list? hehehehee!! :bigrin:

I hate the stuff....an Sol luvs it....no kissies for him wiv peanut butter breath! :tong:

Peanut Butter = Death for me.
Allgeric... fatal allgery :( :( :(

May 14, 2007, 2:51 AM
People constantly using the word "gay" out of context (I'm hardly gay at all but it still bugs the crap out of me!) as well as calling everyone a "fag" and telling them to "go suck a dick".

Fat people ordering $20 worth of food for themself and then getting a diet coke since they're on a diet

People who blame videogames and movies and music for things like Columbind and Viginia Tech instead of taking responsibility for shitty parenting and not reaching out to others

and lastly... people who say electronic music "all sounds the same"! NO IT DOESN'T! In fact there are probably more sub-genres to it than mainstream rock and roll! [heh yeah I'm a techno junkie]

oops, and i read some other posts and me being from southern california i have to add in to the dislike of illegal people claiming that despite doing illegal things they are not criminals and demand the same rights as those who work hard and spend years achieving real, true citizenship. not to mention the politicians catering to these people and making sure everything here is also in spanish so those lazy bastards don't have to bother even learning our language. [more ranting: when i used to work at a fast food restaurant some fucker got indignant on me because my spanish wasn't as perfect as a native speaker and i wasn't fluent!!! :banghead: ]

May 14, 2007, 2:57 AM
Drivers that drive SO fast behind you... then get so close behind as if YOUR expected to speed up even tho you're going the speed limit or are a bit over it already and sure not gonna speed up lol

When I get tailgated, I tap the brakes a whole lot real fast. That usually gets them to back off ;) Sure they're pissed at me (that maneuver has even gotten me the finger a few times) but at least they leave me alone after that :)

May 14, 2007, 5:14 AM
my entire life lol

May 14, 2007, 6:16 AM
Metallica's last 4 attempts at a career recovery.

Yeah, And Justice For All was their last good album. Frankly I think they died with Cliff Burton (RIP). Got Slayer?

May 14, 2007, 6:52 AM
Fat people who bitch about losing weight but never stop eating.

Fat people who wear Golds Gym shirts. (that ones from my wife)

People who think lipping you off as they drive by makes them tough.

My Mom.

Pretending I can't smell that cantankerous odor coming from your side of the bus seat you disgusting pig. Holy Crap, at least open the window or blame it on the guy in front of you.

My boss trying to convince me that it is needed to deduct more money from my check to pay for the staff party.

People who pretend to not see homeless people. There human you goof, quit acting like your so much higher then someone else.

Hippys who tell me how bad eating normal food it cuz it will give you cancer, and then smoke a pack of cigs a day and drive a gasoline car to work.

Metallica's last 4 attempts at a career recovery.

Hypocrites that think we should shut the other 92% of society up and tell everyone else how to think and act. (can you figure that one out? I'm impressed if yes.)

People who waste good thread time making "pissed off" lists.

Feel free to add your own...lol.

I can't stand shallow people like the one who started this thread.

May 14, 2007, 7:33 AM
People who don't listen when you tell them your not interested. People who think holes in their cloths are cool. guys who wear jeans below their ass. People who think they can change you to their way of thinking. People who talk on cells while driving and don't get caught. Being unnecessarilly mean to overweight people. and of course Snobs. :2cents:

May 14, 2007, 8:03 AM
Advertising one's dislikes, as if anyone cares.

May 14, 2007, 8:09 AM
A person can advertise their dislikes with a little tact. Unless of course they don't think they are being tacky when referring to "fat people " in that case they are shallow.

May 14, 2007, 9:01 AM
I dislike:

People who put on emotional disguises, then get mad and attack you, because you can see right through them.


People who can't make up their mind on what they want, and blame other people for their indecisiveness/insecurities.



just to name a few :bigrin:

P.s. I have to tolerate this, but dislike the fact that Someone can get 10 years for breaking and entering an establishment, and someone else getting 5 yrs for breaking and entering someone's body. and even less time if its a child.

Just reading a DOC website :(

May 14, 2007, 11:55 AM
People who sound so ignorant by saying "i seen it" or "that there __" and so on. Grammar is important :-P

May 14, 2007, 12:35 PM
I dislike:




just to name a few :bigrin:

P.s. I have to tolerate this, but dislike the fact that Someone can get 10 years for breaking and entering an establishment, and someone else getting 5 yrs for breaking and entering someone's body. and even less time if its a child.

Just reading a DOC website :(

Throw in sardines an kidney...an u cud b me Ray..tee hee

Trouble wiv a society that puts property above people hun is that it is inevitable.... it will always act 2 protect an punish those who are a threat to property..spesh property of the elite an wealthy, fore it will act on behalf of its people...

May 14, 2007, 12:58 PM
finding hair in your food. nope can't even tolerate that one. liver and onions, nope can't tolerate that one either. people who pick thier noses at stop lights, and then examine the booger while waiting for the light to change. i always roll down the widow and ask them to share, love the looks on thier faces. okay them i can tolerate, guess i'm not as intolerant as i thought i was. kit

May 14, 2007, 1:09 PM
People who sound so ignorant by saying "i seen it" or "that there __" and so on. Grammar is important :-P
..and people who are sufficiently ignorant as to be critical of the everyday speech of the vast majority of human beings forgetting it is not how they speak, but whether they are understood....

Grammar has its place, but it is not a be all and end all, and the rules of grammar, if adhered to rigidly prevent evolution of a language..and a language which fails to evolve will in time wither and die...

I can and do write reasonably well in English, can and do attempt to adhere to the rules of grammar, but fran/bootgirlspeak has no rules expect those which a gaggle of silly girls puts upon it and is meant 2 convey a sense of fun... an ifya don like it babe stick up ya jumpa an like it!!

My own natural language is what many call a dialect of English, but which my father and others call 'lallands' or Scots. It has its own rules of grammar, words which confuddle even native speakers who live but a short way away, but those rules are not meant as a rigid rule, but as a general guide to assist more the non native speaker. For 3 centuries that language has been crushed and gradually replaced by what is referred to as standard English, and we have been made to feel ashamed of how we speak. So much of the vibrancy of native Scots has been lost, and we have throughout the time since the Act of Union in 1707 been considered less than decent because of our language and made to feel ashamed, and somehow less than we are because of it. I will not be made to feel ashamed of my langauge or my speech. My country has had centuries of it..and its time that it was put an end to.

I do not speak English as a native, though it is the language in which I have been taught to write, and at school speak, nor do very many people wherever they live. I refuse point blank to look down my nose, and speak so fukking condescendingly of those who speak their own language in their own way, the way of everyday speech of ordinary people, of which after all, the great mass of humanity is made up. Our language is part of our culture..it is surely not too hard another language akin to it, in their own manner.

I cant make you like it rissababynta, but will not allow you or anyone else to speak so disparagingly or contemptuously of any human being's speech simply because they do not adhere to the rules of grammar without comment... indeed, it is not they who are ignorant... your comment and criticism is cultural and linguistic fascism...

May 14, 2007, 2:07 PM
...and people who get so bent out of shape they have to practically write a book about how they feel...boo hoo :-(

May 14, 2007, 2:09 PM
Keep it civil, you two. I will stop this car.

May 14, 2007, 2:22 PM
...and people who get so bent out of shape they have to practically write a book about how they feel...boo hoo :-(
bent outa shape??? cheeky cow..tee hee... snogs!!!! lix!!! nibbles!!!

May 14, 2007, 2:23 PM
Keep it civil, you two. I will stop this car.
we kissin an makin up honest.. always did like fun in back seat...giggles :bigrin:

May 14, 2007, 2:49 PM
*shudders* lol

May 14, 2007, 2:56 PM
*shudders* lol
giggles..me that gud huh?? tee hee :bigrin:

May 14, 2007, 3:15 PM
It's taking my nerves when I'm nicer one when being in dealings with person in service profession. (buss drivers for example)

Why people are so superficial?

Why people think I've got no brains if I'm beautiful at their point of view?

Why everyone is competing with everyone about everything?

Can't stand people thinking it's okay for me to throw this trash to te grass because it's only one trash.

May 14, 2007, 6:08 PM
A person can advertise their dislikes with a little tact. Unless of course they don't think they are being tacky when referring to "fat people " in that case they are shallow.

I was a fat person GEL. So I'm not seeing your point here. Sorry if it offends you but a nearly 300lb man that bitched about his weight stopped bitching are started doing. I was the guy that moaned about his body and then finally changed it. And when I see fat people bitching about weight and never exercise or try to calm their eating, I see the old me.....and it ticks me off.

If that really makes me shallow, I'll meditate on it...., But I don't think it does.

May 14, 2007, 6:19 PM
If that really makes me shallow, I'll meditate on it...., But I don't think it does.
Umm, Nah.

May 14, 2007, 6:33 PM
Advertising one's dislikes, as if anyone cares.

Well, maybe not everyone cares....but I don't feel quite so alone when I know that others dislike some of the same things I do....

*wonders why some people only want to hear the good stuff*

May 14, 2007, 6:53 PM
Keep ya wheesht Wordsie.. we all luff a bloody gud moan!!!

May 14, 2007, 8:02 PM
Keep ya wheesht Wordsie.. we all luff a bloody gud moan!!!

Couldn't of said it better myself.

I also don't like Red lights, stop signs, and 3 way stops. Though they serve a purpose, and it is needed, they still make me wait. :)

Fire Lotus
May 14, 2007, 10:22 PM
I was a fat person GEL. So I'm not seeing your point here. Sorry if it offends you but a nearly 300lb man that bitched about his weight stopped bitching are started doing. I was the guy that moaned about his body and then finally changed it. And when I see fat people bitching about weight and never exercise or try to calm their eating, I see the old me.....and it ticks me off.

If that really makes me shallow, I'll meditate on it...., But I don't think it does.

That's great that you were able to pull it together and lose the weight.....

A person who is fat, is that way for possibly many reasons, medical and/or emotional. It's easy to say, "quit your bitchin' and just do it!".(Lose the weight) But if someone's an emotional eater, there is a vicious cycle there of the fat person wanting to, then working at it too........but then something makes them stressed or depressed, if the weight isn't coming off how they want it, or people calling them *fat*, or anything even non related to their weight. They go back to eating to soothe and comfort themselves.

As a former fat person, I would have thought you'd know this and have a little more sensitivity and compassion, not anger. Maybe you're not shallow, but it does sound like you still have some issues there with yourself. Continue with your meditating.....

May 14, 2007, 10:44 PM
Well, maybe not everyone cares....but I don't feel quite so alone when I know that others dislike some of the same things I do....

*wonders why some people only want to hear the good stuff*

Quite right, Flex (and Fran, and GEL)...I was just grumpy when I wrote that post...

May 14, 2007, 10:48 PM
Quite right, Flex (and Fran, and GEL)...I was just grumpy when I wrote that post...
Hehehee.....an which one ov the seven dwarves ya be now? :bigrin:

May 14, 2007, 11:02 PM
Emotional eating - I still do.

Thyroid problem - If you have been medically tested and prescribed the meds, sure.

As far as the sensitivity goes, the name of the thread is "Shyte I can't stand...but tolerate". I would say the more insensitive people are the ones calling me shallow. The thread name isn't "Stuff I hate and want to Die!!!"

I don't judge folks by how big they are or how they dress. For the record, I go out of my way to talk to larger people just because I know how "invisible" they can be in the public eye. Really.

And for the final record of all of this concerning big folks, I offer to train larger people for free just to help them out as many people look for excuses to not get fit, and money is usually the stopper. How many of them do you think have stuck it out with me even though they lose weight rapidly? None.

They gotta want to do it to get it done.

I love people, I just don't like senseless complaining.

May 14, 2007, 11:16 PM
Yeah, And Justice For All was their last good album. Frankly I think they died with Cliff Burton (RIP). Got Slayer?

Cliff Burton.......all you can say "wow" when you talk about that guy. Very talented man he was.

Other things that get my goat.

Waiting in line at the grocery store and having them close the check out just before you get there.

Gilligans Island reruns. I mean, come on. Cut it already. Makes a guy wanna buy a skipper hat and beat the s*** out of his tv.

the sacred night
May 14, 2007, 11:49 PM
..and people who are sufficiently ignorant as to be critical of the everyday speech of the vast majority of human beings forgetting it is not how they speak, but whether they are understood....

Grammar has its place, but it is not a be all and end all, and the rules of grammar, if adhered to rigidly prevent evolution of a language..and a language which fails to evolve will in time wither and die...

I can and do write reasonably well in English, can and do attempt to adhere to the rules of grammar, but fran/bootgirlspeak has no rules expect those which a gaggle of silly girls puts upon it and is meant 2 convey a sense of fun... an ifya don like it babe stick up ya jumpa an like it!!

My own natural language is what many call a dialect of English, but which my father and others call 'lallands' or Scots. It has its own rules of grammar, words which confuddle even native speakers who live but a short way away, but those rules are not meant as a rigid rule, but as a general guide to assist more the non native speaker. For 3 centuries that language has been crushed and gradually replaced by what is referred to as standard English, and we have been made to feel ashamed of how we speak. So much of the vibrancy of native Scots has been lost, and we have throughout the time since the Act of Union in 1707 been considered less than decent because of our language and made to feel ashamed, and somehow less than we are because of it. I will not be made to feel ashamed of my langauge or my speech. My country has had centuries of it..and its time that it was put an end to.

I do not speak English as a native, though it is the language in which I have been taught to write, and at school speak, nor do very many people wherever they live. I refuse point blank to look down my nose, and speak so fukking condescendingly of those who speak their own language in their own way, the way of everyday speech of ordinary people, of which after all, the great mass of humanity is made up. Our language is part of our culture..it is surely not too hard another language akin to it, in their own manner.

I cant make you like it rissababynta, but will not allow you or anyone else to speak so disparagingly or contemptuously of any human being's speech simply because they do not adhere to the rules of grammar without comment... indeed, it is not they who are ignorant... your comment and criticism is cultural and linguistic fascism...

I agree to a point. Grammar is there to help us write/speak in ways others will understand, for we will not understand each other if we do not have a standard way of speaking. The rules can be 'broken' somewhat and we still understand each other, so really the purpose of language is still served, but I would not consider it really *breaking* a rule so much as following a different rule for a different dialect. For example, when someone says "I seen it," it's easy for me to perceive that as an infraction, but really, that person is just speaking a different dialect, one in which that phrase is perfectly acceptable. Dialects are not inherently correct or incorrect, but rather it depends on the situation- you don't say "I seen it" in a job interview, for example, any more than you would speak French in one (presuming the job didn't actually have to do with speaking French and you are not in a French-speaking country). The different dialect, much like a different language, is a perfectly good and valid thing to use, just not appropriate for the present situation. Chatspeak, to use another example- perfectly acceptable here, not so acceptable in a doctoral dissertation. Each situation has its own rules, and which dialect to use is just one of them.

May 15, 2007, 12:02 AM
Hmmm,since you don't like mindless complaining, then why did you start this thread?


Hopefully this post was also grammatically correct..... :wiggle2:

Jeff,a fat person..... :bigrin:

May 15, 2007, 12:10 AM
Hmmm,since you don't like mindless complaining, then why did you start this thread? :rolleyes:

Jeff,a fat person..... :bigrin:

Jeff, I'm glad you caught that. That was a part of the joke in the first part of the thread. And for the last time, I don't hate fat people, but don't let that stop you guys from telling me I do.

May 15, 2007, 12:22 AM
You shouldn't encourage people to be fat. Fat people are immoral. Like that Jackie Gleason. He was fat, and he was bad. POW, RIGHT IN THE KISSER :bigrin: *DISCLAIMER* TONGUE IN FUCKIN' CHEEK YOU HUMORLESS PANTY WASTES!

May 15, 2007, 1:28 AM

May 15, 2007, 5:12 AM
I agree to a point. Grammar is there to help us write/speak in ways others will understand, for we will not understand each other if we do not have a standard way of speaking. The rules can be 'broken' somewhat and we still understand each other, so really the purpose of language is still served, but I would not consider it really *breaking* a rule so much as following a different rule for a different dialect. For example, when someone says "I seen it," it's easy for me to perceive that as an infraction, but really, that person is just speaking a different dialect, one in which that phrase is perfectly acceptable. Dialects are not inherently correct or incorrect, but rather it depends on the situation- you don't say "I seen it" in a job interview, for example, any more than you would speak French in one (presuming the job didn't actually have to do with speaking French and you are not in a French-speaking country). The different dialect, much like a different language, is a perfectly good and valid thing to use, just not appropriate for the present situation. Chatspeak, to use another example- perfectly acceptable here, not so acceptable in a doctoral dissertation. Each situation has its own rules, and which dialect to use is just one of them. I sit here on the concourse of a busy large station and hear all sorts of dialects and accents, not to say languages, and do understand and agree with so much of what you say SacredNight. I listen to variety and difference and have listened as people have misunderstood and had to have had to have clarified what another was tryin to say. Essentially the rules of grammar exist to help us all understand each other, as does the need to speak so as to actually make oneself understood. Not everyone understands the everyday speech of every other person and to ensurse misunderstandings do not occur in written form we have a standard written and oral form of language.

I do not demur from your point. What I do not like, is simply the snob value attached to language and its use, and the cultural contempt so many put upon it for those who do not use it in the standard form. I love English, love to read it, love to speak it properly, love to hear it sung. For all French is the language of love, I think English with its variety is the most expressive langauge on the planet to describe, often beautifully, everything. But my point is that it is that snob value which makes those of us who speak English in a not standard manner, or have a different dialect which stifles the growth of the language. While I do agree with your assertion regarding for instance dissertations, yet even here why is that?? Partly because of that linguistic and cultural fascism of which I spoke previously, and to a great degree because of snobbery.

American and British English are slowly seperating in some areas and because of american culture dominating the cultural life of the planet, for good or ill, in others are coming together. I have fun at this quite frequently, yet being serious sometimes even I cringe when I hear people use an Americanism to describe what we have a perfectly acceptable and I think better word for whatever it is here... so I am not immune to a little linguistic snobbery either...none of us are, but it is how languages evolve, by sharing and utilising words by fad or design.

In the end what the hell does it matter any of it?? As long as we communicate easily and efficiently, and do not end up with a misundertsanding which could be pretty unpleasant?

May 15, 2007, 5:40 AM
This does NOT fall under things I can't stand....sorta the opposite really! :tong:

Some of the dialects and accents have such a wonderful sound to them....some are rich and full of history...others are poetic....some are bold....some are downright sexy.....some just put things in such a way that the more modernized english just can't translate and still keep the emotion or the meaning....

Bide a wee ye bonnie hours o' sweet yestreen
Haud awa' the thocht that e'er I will forget
Land the wimplin wey unrowes afore my een
And the mindin' will be sweeter yet

Aye, the road was haudin' frae the lass that I will aye remember
Braw burn the bridges far behind me in the rain
The leaves were changin' tae the colours o' the glowing embers
My heart lay waiting for the spring tae come again

Hae we rin the gless or daur we dream of mair?
While as surely as the river meets the sea
When the eastlin's wind has blawn the forest bare
Will the pertin' a' the wider be

Could I leeze me on your lousome face again
Gin the traivel's turn should bring me tae your side
Fain would I nae langer steek my heart wi' pain
Or lay curse upon the ocean wide

May 15, 2007, 6:11 AM
Only thing I can't stand but tolerate are people who are anti gblt which is just
ridiculous because it's not like it's a choice that we just somehow made up to
say oh wait we're a new type of human and we want special treatment.

Ok yea I deal with it but I don't like it one bit because I don't expect anything
from anyone except the same respect that I'd give an individual because they
are human indeed.

One more thing to add then I'll quiet down co-workers who want to run off at
the mouth thinking that they're better than I just because I'm different well
what's to say they aren't the ones that are different and we're normal make
you wonder doesn't it.

Ok wow that was a fun rant, I also just wanted to say hi to everyone since I'm
kind of new here thanks for making a great community.
:rainbow: :bibounce: :bibounce: :rainbow: :rainbow: :bibounce: :bibounce: :rainbow:

May 15, 2007, 7:05 AM
I was a fat person GEL. So I'm not seeing your point here. Sorry if it offends you but a nearly 300lb man that bitched about his weight stopped bitching are started doing. I was the guy that moaned about his body and then finally changed it. And when I see fat people bitching about weight and never exercise or try to calm their eating, I see the old me.....and it ticks me off.

If that really makes me shallow, I'll meditate on it...., But I don't think it does.

Well obviously without knowing your previous weight struggles, Im sure if you were just reading that post I can easiliy come across as a tad cruel. Glad cleared it up, and no I don't consider you to be shallow now. Congrats on your weightloss, i know how it can be a significant change in ones life, wat to go.


May 15, 2007, 11:30 AM
"'A person who is fat, is that way for possibly many reasons, medical and/or emotional. It's easy to say, "quit your bitchin' and just do it!".(Lose the weight) But if someone's an emotional eater, there is a vicious cycle there of the fat person wanting to, then working at it too........but then something makes them stressed or depressed, if the weight isn't coming off how they want it, or people calling them *fat*, or anything even non related to their weight. They go back to eating to soothe and comfort themselves."

It's nice to have people acknowledging this. I am a little on the bigger side and it is all because I screwed up my metabolism with an eating disorder when I was younger. Now, because I am not a big eater, it is hard for me to lose weight unless I actual eat more than I do, which I can't bring myself to do. It really doesn't matter though because I look a lot better now than I did with an eating disorder. :)

May 15, 2007, 10:51 PM
I can't stand it when you gets the eggs home after you checked them in the supermarket, and they get broke.

I don't like waking up to screaming anything.

I can't stand it when you gotta go and someone is in the bathroom knitting or some sh**.

May 16, 2007, 1:10 AM
I DO like being able to vent and not having to apologize cuz someone thinks I'm aiming it at them! :tong:

I don't like getting back from grocery shopping and realizing that I forgot the ONE THING I went for in the first place.

Paper cuts.

Having an itch I can't reach.

When people try to use that "valley girl" accent as their 'normal' way of talking.

Canned laughter.

(They still show Gilligan's Island reruns???)

May 16, 2007, 1:34 AM
When people try to use that "valley girl" accent as their 'normal' way of talking.
(They still show Gilligan's Island reruns???)

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA :tong: Made me laugh cuz its sooooo true.

Apr 9, 2015, 4:28 PM
Bump it up!

Melody Dean
Apr 9, 2015, 5:31 PM
My next door neighbors, with whom I share a wall, who have two children, elementary school and preschool aged, got a keyboard. One of those big ones with the drumbeats and such on it. I think you can fill in the rest.

Also, people who don't pay attention to their surroundings. For example, if you are standing in the checkout line, it's most likely you will want your wallet, so you might want to get that out before the cashier tells you the total. Or when walking through a parking lot, don't walk down the middle of the aisle where the cars drive. That sort of thing.

Apr 9, 2015, 7:27 PM
People who put on the toilet paper roll in the underfeed position

women who shave their beave. Some people may like bare, but not me (well at least that spelling of bare. Don't let it be said that I'm not down for some fun with a hot bear :) )

Apr 9, 2015, 8:33 PM
My Mom.
People who pretend to not see homeless people. There human you goof, quit acting like your so much higher then someone else. ...if you ever spent anytime around the Dallas VA, the train statin by the VA or ride the train down town you would change your tune on that one...

Melody Dean
Apr 9, 2015, 10:18 PM
People who put on the toilet paper roll in the underfeed position
