View Full Version : Fridge Poetry

Sep 25, 2005, 10:19 AM
What does everyone think of the Fridge Poetry feature I added (http://main.bisexual.com/index.php?do=funstuff&)?

I came across the Fridge Poetry program about a year ago, and loved it - I thought it was a brilliant bit of programming. So eventually I worked out a licensing deal with the author/programmer and I added the resulting custom programs to the site yesterday.

Have fun with it!

- Drew :paw:

Sep 25, 2005, 10:58 AM
Oh ooooooops - went and had a look - my PC froze!!! lol!!
Had to close down and then come back only to find I was also logged out but name was still showing (as it should have) that I was on line. Could it be because of any "pop-up blocker" or "firewall" settings I use?
It looks fun though!! lol!

Rupe, UK

Sep 25, 2005, 11:04 AM
Oh ooooooops - went and had a look - my PC froze!!! lol!!
Had to close down and then come back only to find I was also logged out but name was still showing (as it should have) that I was on line. Could it be because of any "pop-up blocker" or "firewall" settings I use?
It looks fun though!! lol!

Rupe, UK Hmmm, I and the programmer tested it in Firefox and IE6 without problems. I hope it doesn't have a bug. It does use some pretty powerful javascript and DHTML features.

The other thing is there is a lag when you try to exit, of 5 to 10 seconds, that may appear to be a frozen browser. That's because it has to save all the word positions when you exit - maybe that looks like a frozen browser until you get used to the lag

- Drew :paw:

ps. No, a popblocker and/or firewall should have no effect.

Sep 25, 2005, 11:11 AM
Thanks for the info Drew. I'll be more patient next look-see!

Rupe, UK

Sep 25, 2005, 11:17 AM
Now that I think of it, the lag when exitting (or hitting the Signature button) may be quite a bit longer on dial-up connection as info is being sent from your browser to the server.

- Drew :paw:

Sep 25, 2005, 12:08 PM
I love it. My wife got me a RT set of the erotic Poetry magnets and we have been having fun leaving naughty little messages to each other ever sense.
I think the on-line version is fun, great add on. good job. Thanks.
Lyon :flag1:

Sep 25, 2005, 12:34 PM
GREAT fun!!!

And thanks Drew - I just needed a little patience - still a fair time lag from pressing "return to fun page" but it gets there in the end! I use a broadband 2mb connection speed but keep it on a "dial-to-connect" option - maybe that's the prob. - who knows - it works!!

I can see me coming back to this time and again - can't use our 'fridge at home because of the age of the kids - but this cyber version is way coooool!

Ruper, UK.

Sep 25, 2005, 1:08 PM
well, kind of didnt make sense at first.. then i started seeing haiku's, free form and others there and wow! the creativity is tremendous.. yep it does have some time lag issues, but i'd really like to be able to see the whole thing without having to scroll left and right .. that gets aggravating. think i'll revisit it now and then to see what new things our fellow members have come up with.......

Sep 25, 2005, 3:55 PM
well, kind of didnt make sense at first.. then i started seeing haiku's, free form and others there and wow! the creativity is tremendous.. yep it does have some time lag issues, but i'd really like to be able to see the whole thing without having to scroll left and right .. that gets aggravating. think i'll revisit it now and then to see what new things our fellow members have come up with.......

NOW I see what you were talking about Rich. dur! What fun!

Arana :tong:

Sep 25, 2005, 6:36 PM
Cool stuff Drew, kinda like a stress reliever.... :bigrin:

Sep 26, 2005, 6:04 PM
my thanks to you drew

this is a new toy and excuse for me to spend even more time at this great site you have created
its not as if i didnt already spend enough time here (LOL)

but anyway! thank you again
m.in.heels&hose :cool:

Sep 26, 2005, 6:07 PM
This has been a lot of fun to play with. Thanks for putting it up Drew!!! I wish there were a way to keep some of the ones people have done. When I go in and see some that were left (and pretty good at that) I wonder about the ones I've missed. It would be neat to see some of the other's words of wisdom and jollies.

Arana :tong: