View Full Version : Lost: Greatest show on television?

May 10, 2007, 11:01 PM
Unless you've been living under a rock, don't own a TV, you know about a show called "Lost".

This show is an amazing and mind numbing thing. Every week you think you have something figured and *BAM*..., you don't. But it continues you to keep the viewer interested. Love the show.

Lost is about a passenger plane that crashes on an island and the survivors cope with being there. They then start to disappear and the show unravels some very weird stories.

However, they just announced that Lost will be on air until 2010. I guess they don't leave the island for a while huh?

Strap in and enjoy, if you haven't seen Lost yet, I really would recommend it. Its not something for little kids, but adults like it.


May 10, 2007, 11:02 PM
PS. John Locke, Sawyer, Sun and Jin. 4 of my faves on the show.

May 10, 2007, 11:05 PM
Unless you've been living under a rock, don't own a TV, you know about a show called "Lost".

I guess I've been living under a rock. :rolleyes:

I confess.....I have never even heard of it. Well, til now.....

May 10, 2007, 11:34 PM
The only things i really like on the teleision these days would be adult swim on the cartoon network or some shows on comedy central such as Reno 911,but i tell you some show i absoltlly luv that arent on anymore and were only on BBC anyways Little Britain,League of gentlemen & The young ones Three of my all time favs

May 11, 2007, 12:20 AM
One of the greatest things about this show is how it keeps you guessing. Love that.

Adultswim,.....Brak is awesome, space ghost is cool,...and if you love adult swim you should recognize my AV. Cheers dude :)

May 11, 2007, 6:43 AM
:bigrin: hi all. i love that show,im lost in this season though cause of work so im going to buy it when it comes out on dvd.

May 11, 2007, 11:38 AM
Obviously you have not heard of Robot Chicken :bigrin:

May 11, 2007, 11:49 AM
<---another rock dweller.

I've heard of the show but have never seen it.

My personal TV preferences run more towards Heroes, House and Mythbusters.

May 11, 2007, 12:18 PM
and Mythbusters.
Hell yes.

May 11, 2007, 12:56 PM
I do like "Lost" but I have not kept up with it.

My current fave on the tube and, sniff, its down to its last four episodes is "The Sopranos" on HBO. While the show has had its ups and downs--all things considered--The Sopranos has been damn fine television--if you can call it true television since it comes from a non-traditional source like HBO.

Also on HBO was "Band of Brothers" a few years ago--and I am looking forward to seeing, most likely in 2008---a mini-series done by Tom Hanks and Spielberg based on a great non-fiction book, "The Flyboys" by James Bradley who also wrote "Flags of Our Fathers"

Other great television these days: the new version of Battlestar Gallactica---forget that is Sci-Fi--this is an incredibly well done show--far superior than its now dated and seemingly cheesy original version that ran back in the 1970s.

Another fave television show that goes into my list as a best ever: the early days of "Homicide: Life on the Street" that aired on NBC back in the mid-90s, but the same people that produced that show now do "The Wire" on HBO, which is another great program.

I am also a big fan of Bill Maher's "Real Time" on HBO--right now--the only shows I go out of my way to watch are The Sopranos and Bill Maher--other than those two--I have hardly even turned the tube on in ages.

I also like "The Shield" on FX---and also "Rescue Me" on that network as well.