View Full Version : I envy my dogs! Really!

May 10, 2007, 12:48 PM
I was walking my dogs yesterday early evening and at one point I thought that -while they were probably searching/hunting for our meal of the day- they would walk by a $100 bill.

How cool is that?

I wonder where we (humans) lost the ability to be happy with food, shelter and love?

I of course know some of the answers, but I really would like to pick your brains, to get your opinions.

yoyo :cool:

May 10, 2007, 2:53 PM
In an nutshell Yoyo--it was when human kind developed "civilization."

There are still some tribal groups who live like our ancient ancestors did but they are few and far between and will one day be gone too...

May 10, 2007, 2:59 PM
Have you seen what food and shelter cost these days??? :eek: If I had someone to take care of me like dogs do then I'd overlook the $100s on the ground too.

May 11, 2007, 4:16 AM
the dollar bill probably had fleas on it...(You have to look at things from the "dog" perspective!). I would rather have something to eat than fleas!!!!



May 11, 2007, 4:24 AM
Dogs are awsome! They live to please their owners. When they know their place in the social structure all they want is there basic needs met, acceptance/love, food and water. I could be like that if I did not have the addition stresses of mortgage, utilities, etc!

May 11, 2007, 5:42 AM
i used to think that way too.... till it was pointed out to me that it's a good thing that i'm frustrated with where i'm at in life.... broke

i'm still trading time for money.... and i've been seriously undervaluing my time, anyone else feel that way too?

anyone ever ask a terminal patient how much his time is worth? did they ever say that their time was worth only what their job paid?

it's not that dogs have an ability to be complacent..... it's that we have the ability to not be complacent, we have the ability to dream beyond where we're currently at

and the proof of that is all around us.... there are many more now than have ever been people that are not having to be "alarmed" to wake up, or that hafta give up weekends from their families, or can't even take a threee week road trip to visit the folks that are too far away, etc.. etc..

oh... and yeah i do love dogs

May 11, 2007, 10:20 AM
Don't forget that dogs will have sex with who ever, where ever and when ever they want, doesn't matter what's going on around them or where they are. My dogs got together under the dining room table last Thanskgiving. A little ackward at first, but funny as he!! now that we look back at it!! :cutelaugh

May 11, 2007, 1:41 PM
.....we have the ability to not be complacent, we have the ability to dream beyond where we're currently at....

Eloquently put as always.
The fact, that you've used the word "ability" twice, I think points to the main difference between every and the human animal ....... they don't even have the ability to realize they exist, thus don't know any better.

Now, I would pick up that damn bill (I admit, I pick up even a penny) and it would make me happy, because I know it better.


May 11, 2007, 2:48 PM
....... they don't even have the ability to realize they exist, thus don't know any better.

Now, I would pick up that damn bill (I admit, I pick up even a penny) and it would make me happy, because I know it better.


To delve a little deeper, unless one knows that they are incarnate from that particular species, how would they truly know if they (dogs, cats, etc) don't realize existence or "know any better". Have not dogs been trained (as if we as humans have been trained throughout our lives) and have not articles been written where another animal, be it a dog or a primate, acted in a given situation, in an instinctive, protective or caring manner? And by doing so, does that not show intelligence by our "human standards"? :rolleyes:
Sentient beings have there own individual levels of intelligence, which is only scaled and categorized by our own level of intelligence (or lack thereof).

"200 years ago, people thought the earth was flat. And today people think we alone on this insignificant little spec in the universe." TommyLeeJones MIB

As far as picking up the penny on the street - I do that, too.
Because evry time I do, I look at that penny, and it say in English - "In GOD We Trust" . I smile :) and put that penny in my pocket. :)

just my two cents :2cents:

May 11, 2007, 9:49 PM
thanx for the compliment yoyo

i pick up money off the ground all the time too, just cuz i figure alot of work went into making it, it's purpose is to be good for anyone to use, and it should be respected a little more than just being on the ground..... 'specially seeing as how many people get hung up on it lol

and.... it is tempting sometimes to give up on our dreams and be worse off than the dog.... sigh

May 12, 2007, 3:28 AM
I envy dogs cause they can lick their own balls in public.

May 12, 2007, 2:12 PM
I don't know who said it first, but if dogs don't go to heaven, I want to go where they go.

Apr 9, 2015, 4:24 PM
Bump it up!

Apr 10, 2015, 9:21 AM
Some dogs are greedy. If the dog knew that the $100 bill could get them food, I wonder if they would connect it or not? Some dogs are picky eaters while other dogs wolf down any and all food to the point of vomiting...then eating that.