Sep 25, 2005, 6:16 AM
This is not to be confused with photographs of members!! lol!!

But anyway, on a more serious note - I have just received an e-mail from another site member and they had included, in full, a e-mail sent to them. This included photographs sent in private plus, of course, the other person's e-mail address. Being a rather naive internet user it had never occured to me that this may happen. To me this appears to be both the height of rudness and a severe break in trust.

This also brings me to the photographs that many of us have included in our profiles - it is, of course, possible for anyone to copy these and then to post them elsewhere - or to include them in e-mails.

So what is the answer? Do we ask Drew if it is possible to have e-mails sent just to an account such as "johnsmith@bi-sexuals.com? And does anyone know how those of us who do not want our photographs copied but still wish to post them on our profile can stop it happening - i.e. some sort of "copyright blocker". As some of you are well aware I'm not a "Techie" - so I have no idea on how to go about it but do still want people to see who they may end up chatting with. It makes me now wonder whether I should remove any that show a face which would be rather sad thing to have to do.

Anyway, folks, I just posted this to bring an awareness to those of you who are, like myself, of a rather more trusting nature.

Love from London, UK


Sep 25, 2005, 12:21 PM

There is no way possible to stop people from copying an image from a website. There are ways to make it difficult, but not to make it impossible.


Sep 25, 2005, 12:23 PM
I dont think anyone would steal pics of people unless they are hot men&woman froma scale of 1-10 talking a 8-10 in hotness. I think stealing peoples pics and reposting them is very rude. Thats pretty bad I think when someone has to steal a pick to pretned it them.

Amy :2cents:

Sep 25, 2005, 12:45 PM
Yeah, there isn't really a foolproof way to stop a person from a saving an image from the net. But that is definitely bad form for someone to pass on an email and/or image that someone sent. The assumption, in my opinion, is that it is a private exchange, unless it is specifically agreed that it is otherwise.

- Drew :paw:

Sep 25, 2005, 1:29 PM
thats totally bad form and yep it happens all the time.

when i finally, mostly publicly came out as bi several years back, i'd get all kinds of rude crude stuff like that from "site cruisers" [ mostly low grade sexual predators that seem to think they can't get caught online, 'cause it really, somehow, isnt a crime ] just looking for quick down and dirty sex.. complaints and reporting of many privacy policy violators to several of the managers of groups that i belong to resulted in policies of member only access to photgraphs and profiles.. and i have no idea how they did it but most of it stopped..

most of the time, i'd get IM's or icq messages or even a few emails at weird hours of the morning or at some times socially embarassing moments... [ a side note; i noticed that after i stopped running trillian as my chat manager, some of this also cleared up] ... these i'd handle[ then] by telling the moron i wasnt interested in playing with a guy who's got a big dick, a bar body and a little head in control.. that kept many of them from coming back..but it also prompted me to learn how to go into perpetual stealth mode and not broadcast to the world that "i'm out online someplace , lets play tag".. so it had an educational benefit as well. too, i also know, now, why women always complained about rude guys emailing them unwanted pictures. and ladies you have my sympathies and understanding..

i 've heard of other peoples pic's being stolen.. that truly has to suck.. and i wish i knew of a solution to the problem, but sorry, tech oriented i may be, but i'm not that deep into it..

and what's funny here is that just yesterday we had another thread started about posting pics on our membership profiles and that many of us were looking to change it to icons or anime oriented sketches to protect our privacy.. wish i could find that.. it would be worth tying these two topic together

as always, my two cents

Sep 25, 2005, 6:53 PM
The fact that someone would send another person's picture without their consent is very rude and nervy. I know a lot of sites have a blocker where you can't right click and save the picture or content. Is there some way you could incorporate that here Drew? I know it's not full proof but would be a deterrant. Heck, I can't get copy, paste and click on a link to work in chat but people can save other members photo's. What's wrong with that picture? lol

Arana :tong:

Sep 25, 2005, 6:55 PM
If I had known that my image could be copied from this site, I would have combed my hair...LOL...I just hope that if my pic is copied, that someone is not drawing funny mustaches or crossing my eyes or something like that. But I don't believe its possible to stop a copy from being made short of deleting my images... :2cents:

Sep 25, 2005, 6:57 PM
If I had known that my image could be copied from this site, I would have combed my hair...LOL...I just hope that if my pic is copied, that someone is not drawing funny mustaches or crossing my eyes or something like that. But I don't believe its possible to stop a copy from being made short of deleting my images... :2cents:

Awww, no...I kinda like you all mussed up. ;) :tongue:

Sep 29, 2005, 4:50 AM
[QUOTE=codybear3]If I had known that my image could be copied from this site, I would have combed my hair...QUOTE]

LOL!!!!! Codybear - thanks for that!!

BUt seriously my point of worry was more the fact that I'd been given somebody else's e-mail address without either their knowledge or consent (I know, I know, it's my own fault for giving this post a silly and mis-leading title). I was worried about pictures being shared without consent - but the thought that I may receive an e-mail from "out there" is rather upsetting.

Anyway Cody - I'm just off to brush my hair before putting up a new pic.!

Love and Peace

Rupe, UK

Sep 29, 2005, 5:48 AM
Just wanted to let you know that your hair looked great in your pics! I, for one, appreciate good grooming! LOL

Kate :tongue:

Sep 29, 2005, 7:32 AM
Well thankyou kindly Kate, lol!!!



Sep 29, 2005, 9:17 AM
I still dont understand why people are blacking, scratching, painting there faces to hide them. If your concerned about family, friends and co-workers seeing you maybe dont add your pic to your profile. To me I see alot of nice pics on here but there faces are blacked out...that recks a really nice pic if you ask me.

Sep 29, 2005, 11:03 AM
I still dont understand why people are blacking, scratching, painting there faces to hide them. If your concerned about family, friends and co-workers seeing you maybe dont add your pic to your profile. To me I see alot of nice pics on here but there faces are blacked out...that recks a really nice pic if you ask me.

hi amy,
i see that too but i can honestly say i can understand why a person would paint there face or scratch out the face as well,like allbimyself,arana and drew said there really is no fool proof way of stoping someone from copying an image or photo but it can be made difficult to do...yes it is rude and nervey for someone to steel anothers photo but maybe bye taking there face out,help the person posing a pic feel they have alittle more privacy and i feel it does not ruin the whole photo...but that is my opion.

Sep 29, 2005, 6:50 PM
Anyway Cody - I'm just off to brush my hair before putting up a new pic.!

Love and Peace

Rupe, UK[/QUOTE]

Yeah...Nothing like running a brush through the ol' mop-head...lol... :bigrin: :paw: