View Full Version : Are you an Uptight Asshole?

May 9, 2007, 3:19 AM
Stumbled across this and thought it was funny! hehehehee!! :tong:
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Tight Ass Early Detection (TAED) Test

Find out if you are an uptight asshole so you can begin early treatment. For each of the 30 statements below, decide if it is extremely accurate, very accurate, fairly accurate, a little accurate, or not accurate at all, about you.

For each extremely accurate statement, please give yourself a 4
For each very accurate statement, please give yourself a 3
For each fairly accurate statement, please give yourself a 2
For each slightly accurate statement, give yourself a 1
For each inaccurate statement give yourself a zero.

Then tally all your points and read your diagnosis on the bottom of the page.

1. You roll your eyes when people say things you disagree with.
2. You approach most debates with the beginning assumption that the one proved wrong should go and impale himself on a samurai sword.
3. You gloat under the guise of giving people unsolicited advice.
4. You call everybody smarter than you pretentious.
5. You call everybody less intelligent than you ignorant.
6. When someone says something and you’re jealous that you didn’t have the chance to say it first, you nitpick about some insignificant detail, or say, “well, it’s much more complicated than that.”
7. You harshly evaluate people who report to you and claim that you’re “preserving the standards of the profession.”
8. Every time you notice an error or weak point in a posting on a listserv, you flame the sender publicly.
9. You often allude to inside jokes between you and cool people, in front of people you consider less cool, just to make sure folks know you’re part of the in crowd.
10. When confronted by the fact that almost nobody likes you, you say you’re selective about who you associate with.
11. You promote yourself as a feminist and then undermine, badmouth, and sabotage women whenever you get a chance.
12. You condemn racists and then make every African American presenter at conferences, interviews, or workshops look stupid, “to make sure they don’t think they’re gonna get a free ride.”
13. You say that homophobia is an irrational prejudice, and then when someone confesses a homosexual experience to you, you make them feel like a perverted freak.
14. You proudly have “very few but very close friends,” with whom you mock all the people who try to get close to you.
15. You often say things like, “you don’t really know me,” or “I don’t really know you” to people, just when someone is starting to feel comfortable around you.
16. You bitch about Starbucks Coffee for its corporate monopoly and feel great about buying shag sweaters sewn by starving children in Ireland, Peru, or Indonesia.
17. You say that people who go to Hooters are pathetic trolls, then you masturbate to porn in the privacy of your own home.
18. You can’t express a thought without quoting an expert or someone famous.
19. You hate most people you meet and justify it by talking about what a horrible society you live in.
20. You see people wave or say hello and ignore them.
21. You act as though you’re selflessly helping humanity from bad ideas when you rip apart things that other people say or write.
22. You never give money to homeless people, and you rationalize your miserly attitude by quoting Thoreau, Nietzsche, or Emerson.
23. When you see someone with a youthful enthusiasm and creative approaches to their work, your first instinct is to crush their naivete and cut them down to size.
24. The thought of having an extended conversation (60+ minutes) with an auto mechanic, waitress, beautician, or garbage collector, makes you nervous.
25. When people refuse to bow to your self-appointed authority over all matters affecting the universe, you call them anti-intellectual and say they are the reason for the decline of Western civilization.
26. You condemn the fanaticism of religion and then treat your favorite expert like a messiah, upholding his or her latest book like it’s scripture.
27. You mock people for arriving at their beliefs by reflecting on personal experience (calling them “navel-gazers”) while you fail to mention that you’re really just bitter because you don’t have interesting experiences on which to base any beliefs.
28. You claim that your elitism and cantankerousness is the result of having high standards, and you dismiss being nice as a lack of rigor.
29. You like learning about the horrors committed against people in other parts of the world, and then when individuals tell you their problems, you admonish them for getting too personal.
30. You see yourself as an upstanding citizen, and yet you have a million reasons for why, when someone asks you for help, you can’t just stop, listen, and help them out.
31. BONUS: You have an unlisted phone number because the only people who would want to look you up are disgruntled enemies planning to prank call you.


To diagnose yourself, please add up all the points you received on the questionnaire.

45+ points: You’re not just an uptight asshole, you’re a twenty-megaton asshole. If you’re not already switching to a liquid diet, you should think about doing so soon. Only about one or two people in the world probably like you at this point, including members of your immediate family. With good reason, too. You are a shithead and a poser. Even I, the guy typing this up, don’t like you. Luckily I am a word processing specialist, so if you’re this much of a nitpicking, quibbling, high-strung piranha, you wouldn’t give me the time of day. The good news is you’re probably posed for a high-power career. The bad news is that the next time you have gas, you’re going to be in extreme pain because compound air molecules would have difficulty passing through that pinhole of a rectum you’ve got.

30-44: If you try to be a little nicer, you may be able to save yourself from the most deadly stages of uptightness, although your prospects are bleak. Stay at your current level of snobbery and self-righteousness and you may be able to enjoy yogurt, tomato soup and angel hair pasta fro the rest of your life. Bread products and large legumes will pose a problem. Go on a vacation somewhere, alone. Ask yourself: wouldn’t you hate traveling with an extra replica of yourself? That’s how the world feels when you’re around. This may help you lighten up and stop acting like a snide little snotrag.

16-29: There is still hope! Spend some time with your mother. Take a few days to read trashy books, the kind of stuff you’d find on sale at a highway rest stop. You’re getting a little uppity but if you can hire a leather dominatrix to loosen you up with a large, lubricated dildo, you may be able to relax and treat life with a sense of humor. If that fails, call 911 and ask the Fire Department to administer an emergency, high-power enema. Act now before you find yourself unable to look at a juicy beef sandwich without cringing.

Less than 15: Okay, you’re fairly nice. But don’t start thinking you’re perfect, you goody two-shoes. Somewhere you’re hiding a nasty viper’s heart. If you start thinking you’re oh-so-sweet, you’ll become full of shit when you least expect it. You may just be a backbiting, passive-aggressive punk, who would be an asshole with an ounce more confidence.

Zero: Everything they say about you is true. You are a gullible twit who knows nothing about the world. From now on, change your name to Doormat.

This diagnostic exam was developed by the United Nations Center for Lessening Educational Narcissism, Callousness, and Hubris, or UNCLENCH.

May 9, 2007, 3:24 AM
Find out if you are an uptight asshole...

I'm afraid, anything I'd say will be used against me.......

........so, respectfully, I'm taking the fifth! :)


May 9, 2007, 3:32 AM
I'm afraid, anything I'd say will be used against me.......

........so, respectfully, I'm taking the fifth! :)


the fifth? Well that'd make you a "less than 15":

Less than 15: Okay, you’re fairly nice. But don’t start thinking you’re perfect, you goody two-shoes. Somewhere you’re hiding a nasty viper’s heart. If you start thinking you’re oh-so-sweet, you’ll become full of shit when you least expect it. You may just be a backbiting, passive-aggressive punk, who would be an asshole with an ounce more confidence.



May 9, 2007, 3:43 AM
Good thing I didn't say "zero, zilch!" :tongue:


May 9, 2007, 3:44 AM
From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_troll:

"...a troll is someone who intentionally posts derogatory or otherwise inflammatory messages about sensitive topics in an established online community such as an online discussion forum to bait users into responding...

Trolls can be existing members of a community that rarely post and often contribute no useful information to the thread, but instead make argumentative posts in an attempt to discredit another person, concentrating almost exclusively on facts irrelevant to the point of the conversation, with the intent of provoking a reaction from others. The key element under attack by a troll is the forum or group's recognized and agreed upon power structure."

May 9, 2007, 3:48 AM
From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_troll:

"...a troll is someone who intentionally posts derogatory or otherwise inflammatory messages about sensitive topics in an established online community such as an online discussion forum to bait users into responding...

Trolls can be existing members of a community that rarely post and often contribute no useful information to the thread, but instead make argumentative posts in an attempt to discredit another person, concentrating almost exclusively on facts irrelevant to the point of the conversation, with the intent of provoking a reaction from others. The key element under attack by a troll is the forum or group's recognized and agreed upon power structure."

I thought it was a joke only :tongue:


May 9, 2007, 3:49 AM
From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_troll:

"...a troll is someone who intentionally posts derogatory or otherwise inflammatory messages about sensitive topics in an established online community such as an online discussion forum to bait users into responding...

Trolls can be existing members of a community that rarely post and often contribute no useful information to the thread, but instead make argumentative posts in an attempt to discredit another person, concentrating almost exclusively on facts irrelevant to the point of the conversation, with the intent of provoking a reaction from others. The key element under attack by a troll is the forum or group's recognized and agreed upon power structure."
It's humour....as a matter of fact, I found this test on THIS forum posted back in June of 2006 and as I couldn't reply to it there, I copied it here.

Are you calling me a troll???

May 9, 2007, 3:50 AM
Are you calling me a troll???

I'm calling you a thrill!!!

May 9, 2007, 3:51 AM
no fun tonite

going to sleep

May 9, 2007, 4:53 AM
yes. i am an uptight asshole

Long Duck Dong
May 9, 2007, 4:54 AM
am I a uptight asshole..... mmmm * thinks hard *...mmm nope... I am just a asshole..... lol

or is that wanker.....???

nope,........ asshole sounds better and rolls off the tongue better

May 9, 2007, 11:27 AM
I had to roll my eyes when I read this thread and I decided I needed to give you some unsolicited advice. I appreciate the enthusiasm but the naivete is overwhelming. Here goes: First, this issue is much more complicated than what you make it out to be, and I feel that I need to preserve the standards of our website. Now you may say that no one like me because of this, but I am simply being selective with my few close friends, right, Belle (that's an inside joke)? After all people here really don't know me. But I assure everyone that my elitism and cantankerousness is the result of having high standards. I have nothing against women, gays, and blacks (after all that would be an irrational fear), but we all know that women are way too emotional, gays are freaks, and blacks are getting a free ride (and I can quote some experts on this if you like). It is threads like this that make this site pathetic and I can refer to Thoreau, Nietzsche, and Emerson to back me up. It is great authors like these whose writings are like scripture that bring up peoples' morals not silly religions. It's hard when almost everyone is ignorant and those few people who can think are simply pretentious. If you don't believe me, then you are simply being anti-intellectual and are the reason for the decline of Western civilization. If you say that is not your personal experience, then you are simply a “navel-gazer.”

I have to go now, I am going to read about the atrocities going on in Indonesia and I am participating in a boycott demonstration against Starbucks and then heading to the store to buy some Irish, Puruvian, and/or Indonesian sweaters. (if you see me on the way, don't bother waving as I will ignore you and I certainly won't talk to you particularly if you are a auto mechanic, waitress, beautician, or garbage collector). Unfortunately, I'm sure I will run into some pathetic homeless people who irritate upstanding citizens like me (and I would never help them out but what can you expect from such a horrible society). Afterall, people are all pathetic trolls and just want to all go to Hooters.

Finally, don't try to call me to discuss this thread or your own pathetic problems as I have an unlisted phone number and do not like to discuss personal problems. Besides, I will probably be busy at home (and don't think I am masturbating!) If you don't like what I say, I think that you all should simply impale yourselves on samurai swords!

Bree the Uptight Asshole


This is a JOKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Don't anyone take this seriously....I just had a good time trying to put together something that has all these properties in it!!!

I am NONE of these and do not ascribe to any of the sentiments in this tirade...

May 9, 2007, 11:32 AM
me not unptite particlarly..cept wen havin 2 deal wiv sum rite arseholes... then me can b..jus a lil...

May 12, 2007, 4:21 AM
There are certainly many things Bree is......intelligent, beautiful, passionate, thoughtful just to name a few. One thing she is NOT is an UPTIGHT ASSHOLE..Her sense of humor is subtle.


P.S. I hear that the chicken wings are great at hooters.....I wont go because I would be jealous that I don't look likt the waitresses...Guess that is why I am the boss of the waitresses that work for ME.

May 12, 2007, 7:15 AM
card carrying asshole !
i'm like hmmm hmm hmm hmm hm mm?... zero
hmmhmm hm hmmhm mm mm? what a strange question i think i'll stretch the truth here...zero
...mm hmm hhm hmm hm hm~mm?.. well thats gotta be zero, these sure seem like loaded questions... i'm panning down figuring the lowest score wins and i don't need to prove anything.

{___:___}wow! lucky me i have 2 assholes ! :cool: