View Full Version : Should I or not be concerned about my sisters "sexy" pic?

May 9, 2007, 2:17 AM
Hi :)

Im a bit concerned with my sister. I do not think shes aware how dangerous the internet is.

I was not logged on myspace but browsing profiles anyway. I come to her page... click her pictures and one pic is a shocking trashy pic.
Shes half naked on the floor but what makes it trashy is the amount of beer bottles behind her and the cig in her hand.

Now, if I could see those without having to log on... then ANYONE can see them. The other pics are just her as every day pics and 2 are with my younger nephew.
We all know the bad rep myspace gets.

I warned her about it by senting her a message through Facebook that she needs to be careful what kind of pics shes posting online.
Myspace is fun but very dangerous at the same time. And I don't know... her "trashy" pic really hit a bad vibe in me. :(

Her other pics were fine... just her being her fun self. The trashy one, while could be sexy if the beer bottles weren't in the background looking out of place.... its almost as if shes asking for trouble even tho I know the pic is old probably.

Im kinda worried shes not going to read my concerned message on Facebook about it where I explained the dangers of pics and myspace. Since she does tend to get all cross and not read all or carefully understand messages and doesn;t like it.

Now, what also bothers me is she can only access the internet when shes visiting my parents SOOOOOOOO if someone really wanted to, they could easily get the IP address right? from her pics and such and track her down??
But then they would just be tracked to my parents house which could put them and my 5 year old nephew in danger.

I shouldn't get worried about that pic...... Everyone posts a pic like that don't they?? I think its bothering me cause last night I had a dream I was in mourning cause my sister had just been killed... we (me, parents bunch of people in the dream) were talking about her death.
It was a very heavy feeling... the kind you get when someone you loved dies... and I woke up and my eyes were so watery!
I found the pic today (Tuesday) after lunch and cause of my dream, I guess thats why it hit the bad vibe :( Somethings wrong?

I don't think she will remove it cause my mom told her DO NOT put any pics of our 5 year old nephew on Facebook...... I had some too but I took mine down
after she asked us to cause I respect her wishes.... my sister still has batches up and posted a new one recently.

Should I do anything else or just leave it alone?? She's 26 afterall.. Im 28 :)
Maybe ive just been reading to much into the myspace dangers stuff. Since you hear another BAD news about myspace every day.

I don't even have much pics on my own myspace page.... just 3. I trust Facebook and have more pics of me on there.

What are your thoughts?
PS. I know on myspace my sister doesn't have real friends on her friends list... mostly just music groups she accepted as a friend cause they requested.

Long Duck Dong
May 9, 2007, 5:13 AM
tash, freedom of expression, hun

its so easy to call out for freedom of express, then seek to change it in others

you need to talk to your sister and not do it online....don't post your concerns on her web page..... thats seriously asking to create a issue

it makes it look like you are checking up on her and telling the world that she is not able to act within the quidelines that her family feel that she needs to follow.... and that is like saying to the world that she is immature and childish.....

talk to her about the pics of the nephew.... if she refuses to remove them, then contact the web master of the site and let them know that you are a concerned family relation and she has been asked to remove the pics and has refused, can they act on your behalf....

some matters need to be handled with care....others take a direct voice, then action.....

May 9, 2007, 12:05 PM
tash, freedom of expression, hun

its so easy to call out for freedom of express, then seek to change it in others

you need to talk to your sister and not do it online....don't post your concerns on her web page..... thats seriously asking to create a issue

it makes it look like you are checking up on her and telling the world that she is not able to act within the quidelines that her family feel that she needs to follow.... and that is like saying to the world that she is immature and childish.....

talk to her about the pics of the nephew.... if she refuses to remove them, then contact the web master of the site and let them know that you are a concerned family relation and she has been asked to remove the pics and has refused, can they act on your behalf....

some matters need to be handled with care....others take a direct voice, then action.....

I did not post my concerns on her Facebook or Myspace page comments page... I sent her a message through Facebook that only SHE can read unless someone is reading over her shoulder.

I sent her a message cause although shes only 10 mins away, I hardly ever get to see her in person as shes always making excuses when I want to get together so our only way of communication is text message or sending personal messages through Facebook.

Shes not a computer person so I don't think she realizes the dangers of the internet so I was just trying to let her know. and that how some pics can make sickos come right to your door.... since she uses my parents computer, it would take them to thier door since she doesn't have a comp.

Hope that was more clear.

May 9, 2007, 8:48 PM
hmmm. I will have to do some *ahem* Investigation on this so called trashy pic :cool:

the sacred night
May 9, 2007, 10:34 PM
tash, freedom of expression, hun

its so easy to call out for freedom of express, then seek to change it in others

you need to talk to your sister and not do it online....don't post your concerns on her web page..... thats seriously asking to create a issue

it makes it look like you are checking up on her and telling the world that she is not able to act within the quidelines that her family feel that she needs to follow.... and that is like saying to the world that she is immature and childish.....

talk to her about the pics of the nephew.... if she refuses to remove them, then contact the web master of the site and let them know that you are a concerned family relation and she has been asked to remove the pics and has refused, can they act on your behalf....

some matters need to be handled with care....others take a direct voice, then action.....

I don't think Tasha was concerned about how it would make the family look so much as her sister's safety. I have a younger sister as well and I know how protective one can get! My little sis was grounded recently for posting her real address and real name and everything on MySpace, but then my sister is 17, not 26.

meteast chick
May 9, 2007, 10:34 PM
I wouldn't worry so much about it. I have some obviously risque pics, both on my prof here and mostly funny pics on my myspace. I was warned not to post pics of my kids, and I didn't at first. Now I have an album with them that is set to private, while the rest of my pics aren't. Frankly, to tell her she could get hunted down and killed for a scandalous pic is kinda like telling someone wearing a mini skirt that she was asking to be raped. I realized not quite so bad, but on the same line imho. It's fine to address your concerns with her, and maybe I'm naive in my assumptions, but I suppose I haven't seen this pic so I wouldn't be able to say it's that bad or not. If it was THAT bad, she'd get kicked out I think! Like you said, you most likely overreacted because of that dream. That can happen.

luv and kisses,

May 9, 2007, 10:52 PM
I've been on the internet for about 13 years. In that time, I've made a lot of beloved long term friends. I've also met some real sleaze bags, including one who is now serving time in the Federal pen as a pedophile - I caught him and turned him in to the FBI.

Your sister is very naive. She's also an adult. If she wants to put risque pictures of herself on a public site, that's her business - and her risk. However, putting up pictures of a minor child is a whole 'nother ballgame. Truly there are some really nasty characters out there who steal those pictures for porn use.

99.99% of the internet is used by ordinary folks. It's the .01% who keep it a lawless frontier where anything can and does go on. I strongly recommend that those minor child pictures are removed ASAP. Speak to your sister, and ...since it is your parents computer, you may need to bring them into it also. She needs to respect their wishes.

Freedom of expression is fine - go to the public library instead of endangering your family's privacy.

May 9, 2007, 11:50 PM
I don't think Tasha was concerned about how it would make the family look so much as her sister's safety. I have a younger sister as well and I know how protective one can get! My little sis was grounded recently for posting her real address and real name and everything on MySpace, but then my sister is 17, not 26.

Yep :) Im just looking out for my sister in safely :)
Since shes not aware of how bad myspace is... and Im simply playing the big sister role :) Shes 26 but she doesn't think like it all the time.... in her mind a dangerous thing could seem as a OK thing and not be aware how dangerous it really is.


May 10, 2007, 12:03 AM
I've been on the internet for about 13 years. In that time, I've made a lot of beloved long term friends. I've also met some real sleaze bags, including one who is now serving time in the Federal pen as a pedophile - I caught him and turned him in to the FBI.

Your sister is very naive. She's also an adult. If she wants to put risque pictures of herself on a public site, that's her business - and her risk. However, putting up pictures of a minor child is a whole 'nother ballgame. Truly there are some really nasty characters out there who steal those pictures for porn use.

99.99% of the internet is used by ordinary folks. It's the .01% who keep it a lawless frontier where anything can and does go on. I strongly recommend that those minor child pictures are removed ASAP. Speak to your sister, and ...since it is your parents computer, you may need to bring them into it also. She needs to respect their wishes.

Freedom of expression is fine - go to the public library instead of endangering your family's privacy.

Yep. One reason my parents want the youngest nephew pics removed from her facebook is cause of her exs... One is a very bad guy and he thinks hes the father. (really... no one knows lol She slept with exs when she got pregnant but the guy who thinks hes the father isn't. (they look nothing alike... he looks more like another ex) Anyway..... She got a lot of death treats from so called friends when Pregnant sooooooooo
This may be the main concern why my parents don't want his pic on the site or anywhere. They are rasing him... they adopted him too (my sister asked them to since she CAN'T raise a kid) so in a way, hes my parents son and they don;t want his pic online.
Mom keeps asking "Did She take them off ??" and Im like "umm no but she hasn't been on the site......." and mom then gives me the 10 min rant "well, next time you see her on.. tell her she BETTER remove them.... "

The nephew thats in her myspace pics is another one but hes older about 13 so he may or may not know his pics are on there. My oldest nephew is on myspace and he has NONE of his pics on there. or at least no face visible shots.

So thats what Im concerned.. the children's safely :)
Since anyone can see where those boys live cause of her location is there... and you know how many sicko creeps there are. ewwww


May 10, 2007, 12:06 AM
I don't believe in posting pics with other people in them without permission :) I think everyone has the right if they want thier pics online or not.
IF its a recent pic of me with someone in it who DOESN'T want me to put it online. I crop out thier face so just mine shows.

As for minors.... Yes its your choice but my sister's posting against our mother's wishs and theres very good reasons why my mom doesn't want them up cause of my sister's troubled past.

Safely reasons.