View Full Version : Places you wouldn't think were racist....

May 6, 2007, 2:24 AM
Japan - If you are white/black/olive or appear to not be Japanese, you will not be allowed in many eateries or businesses.
Click here (http://www.debito.org/roguesgallery.html)

I get a kick outta that.

Man 1 - "Hi restaurant guy, I'm white/black/olive. Can I give you money to eat some of your food?"

Man 2 - "Nah dude. Simply go back in time and be born Japanese and I can take your money for food. But you being different....it disgusts others in my establishment, not to mention I'm really trying to protect my culture. You understand I hope."

Man 1 - "Nope, but I will respect your decision at this time. Hey can you answer me something? Do I really disgust you?"

Man 2 - "Of course you do. Now, I know you are very tolerant of others so I will not change my opinion of you. You don't mind."

Man 1 - "I guess. Say, how would it feel if you came to Canada and seen a 'no Japanese' sign in a eatery you wanted to go to?"

Man 2 - "I wouldn't like that. I'd be hurt and wish I had never come to such a racist country."

Man 1 - "You don't say."

That conversation is a conglomerate of conversations that one fella had over in Japan. He was white, and made some people very angry when he took pictures of their signage in front of their stores.

Japan of all places? I've been studying Japan for a handful of years now as I really want to go there,..I continue to discover I may not be wanted. All that old school mentalities still run thick.

Am I the only one that finds that weird?

May 6, 2007, 2:28 AM
not really. I don't know if I find it weird or grossly hypocritical.

I've encountered quite a few people and situations that were similar. They absolutely did not want to be judged or discriminated against because of their race or religion, but felt perfectly justified in doing so to others.

May 6, 2007, 2:32 AM
I have a buddy who says it like this.

"When you look under the skin, we're all pink and red. There is no difference."

I agree with him.

You to are right Jedi, we all have our little hang ups with folks at some point. Considering the situation that we're in, it is very hypocritical. That situation of course being we're all on the same rock.

May 6, 2007, 4:46 AM
I don't find it weird since the Japanese are like that and so is their culture.

They even treat fellow Japanese citizens who are korean and japanese people who don't look like the standard of in their minds of "what a japanese person should look like" very badly.

Also people who have certain ethnic or racial backgrounds can get treated badly in Japan.


When most Japanese hear other accounts of racism throughout the world it is met with shock and disgust. Japan feels they are in a unique situation due to the combination of a declining population and rapid migration to urban areas. Some think every year knowledge and skills unique to their culture are lost. The Japanese consensus is that any means needed to preserve their culture are legitimate, even if they may seem "racist" to outsiders. (taken from above link)

There's racism everywhere and it's in varying degrees and human beings have an "us vs them" mentality.

May 6, 2007, 4:53 AM
experienced that 1st hand back in '01.. was working a support contract for the marine corps, was staying in sendai and had to go to gotemba...which is literally driving from one end of the island to the other...

..talking to one of the friendlier hotel staff, i was warned about where to eat and shop because of exactly the thing you describe..

sad as it is in this day and age , yeah thats just the way they are and they don't see anything wrong with it..

May 6, 2007, 5:03 AM
Thats really odd. I dont seem to remember anything even remotely like that at all. But Im sure its happening. My uncle lived in Japan for 14 yrs as the col. at the AF base in okanowa (Spelling? Sorry tired lol) I went there on 2 occasions for vacation. A friend of mine, very white, almost albino white, blonde hair, was a model for many places there and food places and hotels too. We went out quite a bit and pretty much was asked where did I want to go Id point at a place and we went. Strange to find out how racist they are. Maybe we shouldnt buy their exports?

May 6, 2007, 5:38 AM
Strange to find out how racist they are. Maybe we shouldnt buy their exports?

yeah I don't buy any exports from the PRC since China is horrible with human rights.

I also would NEVER travel to Jamaica and many other carribean islands since they hate us queers.

May 6, 2007, 8:04 AM
at least it's great to note that they take their culture and values seriously :cool:

May 6, 2007, 8:15 AM
Speaking of: in the main chat room this a.m. a site member started raving about Jews, it was pretty sad really. Much worse, though, was that almost no one in the room called the member on it.

May 6, 2007, 8:38 AM
what can i say biwords? sometimes ya just gotta laugh at the absurd.... personally i think that's what it's there for lol!

i still love that line in 'Gettysburg' about how any man that judges by the group is a peewit...

and i just combine it with what my mom used to always tell me "if you want to be treated like an adult ya gotta act like one first!" lol :cool:

and a very wise man taught me that the best way to reach someone so they'll be open to being taught is to use humor.... 'course i'm not great at that, like he was.... sigh... we all have milestones

May 6, 2007, 4:08 PM
You can look at the act of racism as one of protection to a culture, you see it all the time. A family protecting its heritage, and hey...if you don't wanna marry a black guy thats fine, if you don't wanna date a french chick, thats cool. But I'm not so sure that painting yourself in a corner is a smart thing to do.

On that note, I think it is time to stop buying from China and Korea based on human rights. Its a good idea.

I will not force my kids to hang out with people they do not wish to be around, but they will know that we are all the same, and no one person is betten then another simply based on skin.


On this note, the most friendliest folks I have ever met come from Figi. Figians are simply a beautiful people. They look similar to someone from Pakistan, but when you hang out with them you can tell instantly who is from where.
If you have the chance to have a coffee, or make friends with a Fijian I highly recommend you do so. I really can't say enough, they are such a calm beautiful people. They honor people with their calm, resolve and so forth. Even the "North Americanized" ones have that same peace to them. (and oddly enough they are in civil unrest in their country.)

So yeah, go make friends with a Fijian.

May 6, 2007, 4:19 PM
Speaking of Japan,,,well they adore Finns.

For example 2 times World Champion Mika Häkkinen was, well still is considering as a god in Japan.
And when Kimi Räikkönen won Japanese G.P. 2005, whole crowd was celebrating that. I remember that day very well, unforgetable expirience.

Personally, i'm always welcomed in Japan, and always have great treatment over there, just cause i'm Finn. I don't know why is like that, but it's nice feeling.

May 6, 2007, 4:47 PM

If your a sports star in Japan, they love you a great deal. In my sport, they are treated like rock star royalty. As a fighter, if you are known, you are loved. Even if you lose, they are very loyal to you.

That must have been very cool for you to experience. :)

May 6, 2007, 5:53 PM
I also would NEVER travel to Jamaica and many other carribean islands since they hate us queers.

They can hate us all they want, we're heading to Aruba! lol

May 6, 2007, 6:09 PM

If your a sports star in Japan, they love you a great deal. In my sport, they are treated like rock star royalty. As a fighter, if you are known, you are loved. Even if you lose, they are very loyal to you.

That must have been very cool for you to experience. :)

Well yes, but Japanese simply adore Mika Häkkinen and now Kimi Räikkönen, but they also love me as a Finn. And i'm not racing in Japan, or neither i'm any sportist.

May 7, 2007, 1:12 AM
I also would NEVER travel to Jamaica and many other carribean islands since they hate us queers.

Well... I kinda have no choice being that I'm of Jamaican descent. There are worse places than JA.
