View Full Version : mind my own business

miller lite man
May 5, 2007, 10:41 PM
wow, did i get my butt kicked tonite ..not physicaly..but emotionally..
I've been trying to find the wife a bi lady ..on this site,and OKCupid... . I was SOO wrong to do that ..for when I was on, either site , there was NO action, no responses. However, within 10 minutes of her loggin' on to OKC, she had 4 IM's... 2 she deleted,and one she made friends with...
Bottom line is... i'l stay out of her sex life when she's trying to find a lady ,she's doing just fine without me buttin' in..
I was on (BIsexual.com and OKCupid)to benefit her, but it backfired on me. I do enjoy this site,tho. :) Comments?

May 5, 2007, 10:45 PM
wow, did i get my butt kicked tonite ..not physicaly..but emotionally..
I've been trying to find the wife a bi lady ..on this site,and OKCupid... . I was SOO wrong to do that ..for when I was on, either site , there was NO action, no responses. However, within 10 minutes of her loggin' on to OKC, she had 4 IM's... 2 she deleted,and one she made friends with...
Bottom line is... i'l stay out of her sex life when she's trying to find a lady ,she's doing just fine without me buttin' in..
I was on (BIsexual.com and OKCupid)to benefit her, but it backfired on me. I do enjoy this site,tho. :) Comments?

That seems to be the best way. Many have an automatic block to a man asking to join in because while YOU may not be a sleazy bastard looking to score free bi pussy for your "wife" . . .or doing it to get YOUR rocks off, many men ARE like this, like it or not.

But when a woman asks... they at least know that she had some input, or even that it could be her idea.


May 5, 2007, 11:08 PM

I only got ONE response on OkCupid but she's just looking for friends lol
Better than none I guess :)

But I have been liking it better than 2 other dating sites lol at least the people seem more REAL on OKCupid.


miller lite man
May 6, 2007, 1:44 AM
hey Tasha,(and others),thanks for understanding, and allowing me to lick my wounds. . my male pride was hurtin tonite,and i just needed to vent a bit.. it seems OKC has given her more results,when she was on,by herself than I did,so i'll just let her have fun by herself... she did have fun,too! :)

(it was comical tho .. she had guys IM' ing her..she said.. "I'M NOT LOOKIN' FOR GUYS.. .I'M LOOKIN FOR LADIES!" I just laughed,and helped how I could.)

May 6, 2007, 5:24 AM
heh I dont like doing all the bio's and profiles etc of signing up on places, have a couple of others out there, but no hits. On here we've have quite a few hits, but its always either someone who is uhhh how can I put this nicely... missing a couple cards from the deck or just doesnt fit what we want.

Rule of thumb, when you (the man) cant get the job done, send in the one who can... The women :) Calm down guys Im just picking!

May 6, 2007, 7:03 AM
LOL!! i hear ya loud an clear!! :cool:

seems like everytime i 'help' flex out with anything i get smacked hard with the principle that she can hold her own! geez! LOL!

May 6, 2007, 11:20 AM
I was a single bi lady on the dating sites for 3 yrs. I never used OKC (never heard of it), but I had lots of experiences with the other sites.

When a man approached me "for his wife" I always questioned if it was her idea or just him wanting to get his rocks off ;) Even if she came on afterwards to protest that she was interested, I never quite felt comfortable that she was in it for herself and not just fulfilling his fantasy.

May I *strongly* suggest that you guys take a step back - not because your sweetie can "hold her own" - but because bi women on dating sites are forever getting hit on by HNG's (horny net geeks) and they get sick and tired of any approach from a male.

I'm sure you guys are not HNG's (how could you be, married to such awesome women!) but it's sure hard to weed out the good guys!

May 6, 2007, 3:21 PM
I was a single bi lady on the dating sites for 3 yrs. I never used OKC (never heard of it), but I had lots of experiences with the other sites.

When a man approached me "for his wife" I always questioned if it was her idea or just him wanting to get his rocks off ;) Even if she came on afterwards to protest that she was interested, I never quite felt comfortable that she was in it for herself and not just fulfilling his fantasy.

May I *strongly* suggest that you guys take a step back - not because your sweetie can "hold her own" - but because bi women on dating sites are forever getting hit on by HNG's (horny net geeks) and they get sick and tired of any approach from a male.

I'm sure you guys are not HNG's (how could you be, married to such awesome women!) but it's sure hard to weed out the good guys!
agreed. It's hard to know if the woman is really wanting it or if it's just the man's fantasy.

May 6, 2007, 4:18 PM
following what country lover and arana have just said, and being a single guy, i've learned fast that even just trying to say hello or tell a couple i'm interested in them has been looked at as an attempt "horn in" like some of us who haven't grown up do... now, i let them come to me[ couples looking for a man] which is a rare thing, and i'm usually pleasantly surprised when i do get someone asking me to join them... which, again, is rare.

[ Quote] " When a man approached me "for his wife" I always questioned if it was her idea or just him wanting to get his rocks off Even if she came on afterwards to protest that she was interested, I never quite felt comfortable that she was in it for herself and not just fulfilling his fantasy." [Quote] (thanx hon i couldnt have said it any better)

< just know i'm gonna catch flak for this but gotta say it dept.>

.... when i've seen profiles saying "wife is bi, I AM STR8" etc, then screams " NO SINGLE MEN" it makes me wonder who is really secure in their sexuality and who has control issues to iron out..then i go back and very carefully reread that profile. many times you can tell by the way it's worded if it was written by the man or the woman. sometimes i think those couples could benefit from the link on bullying that is posted elsewhere here in the threads.

as some of you old timers may remember from one of my very earliest posts, i have a very bi fem roomie who actually helped me open back up from my clamshelled/turtled exisistance (sic)..watching her handle things like getting hit on constantly, by both single men and married men just having their own self interest in mind,[ i can only remember 3 couples who asked her to join them that were truly sincere and totally open about everything, they are now life long friends of hers] helped me set up a sort of screening process, as some of you have also described here.. i think we've all had to do it, some of us may be a lot more, uhm, circumspect and selective than others..

back to subject.. bottom line, if you're looking over someone's shoulder, and they seem to be doing fine on their own, why offer to help?? :2cents:

Rich :bibounce:

May 6, 2007, 10:50 PM
I do want to make it clear that I adore men, particularly bi men and I'm unfailingly friendly to any who approach me in a civil manner.

However, (especially straight) men who hit on me JUST because I'm a bi woman - they're not trying to see Sara as a person, they just see me as a piece of meat. I'm civil, but not the least bit receptive. Thankfully I've been able to cull them out fairly easily.

That's one reason I especially prefer bi men - it's been very rare that one has hit on me only as a sexual object.

May 7, 2007, 12:07 PM
wow, did i get my butt kicked tonite ..not physicaly..but emotionally..
I've been trying to find the wife a bi lady ..on this site,and OKCupid... . I was SOO wrong to do that ..for when I was on, either site , there was NO action, no responses. However, within 10 minutes of her loggin' on to OKC, she had 4 IM's... 2 she deleted,and one she made friends with...
Bottom line is... i'l stay out of her sex life when she's trying to find a lady ,she's doing just fine without me buttin' in..
I was on (BIsexual.com and OKCupid)to benefit her, but it backfired on me. I do enjoy this site,tho. :) Comments?
This is so sweet :) :female: