View Full Version : Was this flirting or just being happy at an odd moment?? Psychic was real??

May 5, 2007, 1:53 AM
Hi! Well, on Thurs night at work.....

Im a cashier so I was at my till just doing the usual that cashiers do lol
I keep making eye contact with this new girl that works there who does random stuff (bagging purchases, putting baskets back where they belong and so on).... but every time we make a eye contact, we seem to hold it and smile too. The hold seems to be stuck till one of us is forced to look away. (me doing cashier duties and she going where she has to go.)

Anyway, at one moment later on that night I looked up as Im scanning/bagging a gentleman's groceries.... Im looking at the girl again and this time we really seem to hold eye contact (shes waiting for someone to come to customer service desk) and we smile, I keep looking as I bag the items.
THEN she turns away and me to... but all of a sudden this little happy laugh comes out of me!!!
Now normally I don't laugh "just cause". so it was weird :) The gentleman does turn to see what I had been looking at and why I had laughed... didn't say anything but had a assumed look on his face which I ignored lol
I quickly finish his purchases and he pays then Im thinking "what was THAT??" lol trying to figure out what I had laughed at.

I know we all can have burst of laugher for no reason but its a rarely for me..... I usually laugh if you just told me something funny of Im joining in with a group of people.

Heres where it gets a tad bit creepy:
Im re-reading an email I got 5 weeks ago........ from a psychic reading I bought online where psychis read from only your picture. Yes I know most are fakes but I was bored and wanted to have fun :)
Anyway she described my love life.... going into detaile about this woman.

Well, now that I compared this girl the psychic describe AND the one I had been smiling at on Thurs... they were the same in height, hair style/color... right down to the first letter of her name.
I nearly choked on the chocolate bar piece I had in my mouth (thank goodness chocolate melts lol)

Now I think about it its weird lol BUT im not taking the psychic seriously... I did think it was odd when I put them together :) The psychic's when I'll meet the girl and where was far off tho. But the girl herself was the same.

So what was a fun evening then thinking how odd it was to a creepy moment really has me thinking lol
I'll love to know her more tho......

*is gonna sit back and see what happens* Im curious... gonna see if shes on Facebook lol (Seriously.... EVERY time I look up someone on facebook 70% of the time they ARE on it!!!)


May 5, 2007, 2:22 AM
I have no opinion of the whole psychic thing, but I actually enjoyed this random thought from your mind, Tasha.

The moment you describe is one of the best there is, in my opinion. Just the boost of confidence and excitement you get from them. It's a little cliche and corny, but it's a classic for a reason!

May 5, 2007, 3:25 AM
at the very least it could be the power of suggestion